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Audience and Vision (Mark and Ryan)

  • What is the core mission statement or elevator pitch? What is the primary utility? How are we trying to differentiate ourselves?
  • What is the target demographic? Who are we focusing on? Skill level, age, goals (e.g., If someone just wants to learn to code, do they belong at webmaker?) Where will the these users come from? New engagement or from other sites?
  • Are the tools for learning and lightweight making or for consumer-grade production? Do we have to support both? CAN we support both?
  • Are we trying to support people from novice to advanced? If so, how can we do that? How can we provide learning pathways for webmaking skills that are not covered by our tools?

Roadmap and Product Scope (Erin and Chris)

  • What's in and what's out? What are we explicitly not doing? What are we de-prioritizing? What is webmaker not for (e.g., hosting, business solutions, advanced programming, etc.)?
  • Where does mobile fit into this, if at all? Hackable games? Thimble.js? What do we want to pilot in 2013?
  • Are we primarily building a self-directed and peer supported experience online or an experience meant for face to face events? How do the two things complement each other? How do we each into the other? Should we be prioritizing different features to support self-directed learning and peer-support?
  • Metrics: What are our measures of success? What methods can we use to see how we're doing? What are we tracking now? What do we want to track?

Participation (Gunner and Chris)

  • How do potential contributors or participants figure out where they fit into webmaker? What are the access points/on ramps? What is the value proposition? How do we incent, encourage, and reward them? What does the architecture of participation look like?
  • How does this become a Big Tent? How are partners plugging in/extending webmaker?
  • Localization, WTF? How much do we value localization? Where is it on the priority list?

Stuff We Ship Ops (David)

  • What is our QA strategy for the products we are shipping for MozFest and beyond?
  • Bug tracking, WTF?