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MozCamp Planning Committee

MozCamp planning is a join effort between the Contributor Engagement team and non-paid community leaders. Community leaders are invitated to join the Planning Committee based on their role within the community and nominations from other key leaders in the region. A special effort is made to recruit Planning Committee members from various countries, so as to represent potentially diverse perspectives and opinions coming together to create the most collaborative event possible. The composition of the Planning Committee is 80% non-paid staff and 20% paid staff and is made up of approximately 10-12 individuals.

For more information on the MozCamp Planning Committee, please email: mozcamp at mozilla dot com

Contributor Engagement Team

MozCamps are driven by the Contributor Engagement Team as an tool by which Mozilla can achieve several aspects of the 'Grow Mozilla' initiative (, including:

  • Matching current contributors with opportunities to get involved
  • Mentoring and nurturing active contributors
  • Providing leadership opportunities for core contributors