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MozillaBuild2 is the grand MSYS2-based rebuild of MozillaBuild. Stay tuned!

This documentation is a WIP.

Currently there are two sections, For MozillaBuild Devs and for MozillaBuild users.

For MozillaBuild Devs

Installing msys2 on a Windows system requires the dev to change the home path in /etc/passwd to reflect the Windows home path. The reason is because ssh uses that homepath to look for the config file. (Previously, msys didn't have the /etc/passwd file, so this wasn't a problem.)

i.e. (based on a Windows 7/Vista/8 setting)

   <username>:unused:1000:513:U-<machinename>\user,<some gid>:/home/<username>:/bin/bash
   <username>:unused:1000:513:U-<machinename>\user,<some gid>:/c/Users/<username>:/bin/bash

NB: There might be two instances, especially if your machine joined a domain.

For MozillaBuild Users

(currently empty as MozillaBuild2 is a WIP)