Mozilla Community Action Week Overview 2009

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Brief Overview

CTAW will be one of our largest campaigns of 2009 and will be our first foray into mission-orientated-marketing. Guided by the principles outlined in the Mozilla Manifesto, we have a responsibility to encourage our users and community to think bigger than themselves to help others have access to, and enjoy a better and fun experience on the Web. CTAW will fuel and build upon our existing Mozilla culture of individuals who share, give, engage, create and collaborate in large numbers.

CTAW will provide a platform to tell our story - illustrating to current and potential Firefox users why we are different, remind our existing community of our common values and provide tangible examples to others of Mozilla's mission.

We want to champion our community to take an active role in exposing other people to the Web, and helping them enjoy an improved Web experience. The overarching theme is in line with one of our guiding principles - " The Internet should enrich the lives of individual human beings." (See - Unpinning Theme of CTAW)

The CTAW site will be at the center of our campaign -- an inspiring Web destination/community board connecting individuals and organizations in need of technology-related help with our passionate community of volunteers.


To inspire millions of people who identify as a Firefox user to take action, and 'act' for the public good


  • Create a set of real life activities, which articulate & emphasize Mozilla's mission
  • Champion the Web as a ‘wonderful thing’, encourage an improved experience and help people enjoy it
  • Further inspire community participation and precipitate "doing good" participation on an ongoing basis

Outcome of CTAW in Numbers

- Baseline: 15,000 donated hours and 11,000+ volunteers (1.3 hrs pp)

What is Mozilla CTAW?

Unpinning Theme of CTAW

Taking a guiding principle from the Mozilla Manifesto, we will inspire Mozilla community members and Firefox users to go out into their schools, community centers, libraries, towns, cities and the world -- and help people enjoy and benefit from this wonderful thing we call the Web!

"The Internet should enrich the lives of individual human beings."

The Internet does enrich our lives in so many ways, but to what extent depends on a number of factors, and levels. Rather like peeling away the layers of an onion, one's experience of the web is contingent on a series of steps relating to forms of access, and education -- each affecting the other. This includes everything from what type of hardware one has, (and if one has it), to software, web connectivity access, and level of skill. We would like to be able to make this connection in our volunteers mind's, that each community action they take, is part of a process of helping that person or group move towards better access to, and have better knowledge of using the web.

We will denote each layer as: Hardware, Software, Connectivity, Skills, stretching outward to the outermost layer of the 'Open Web'. By centering volunteer activity around these sub-areas for Community Take Action, we will give people very clear buckets on how they can help, and by suggesting a wide range of activities to get involved with regardless of skill level -- everyone can get involved. For example, suggesting simple things to do such as installing Firefox, while still leaving activity open to more depth and creativity at the edges.

Incite technology-related action that will help people:

         o use the Web
         o have access to the Web
         o and, a better Web experience overall

View image illustrating the layers of CTAW

Why is CTAW Important?

Surpassing 250M Firefox users is a significant milestone. As part of our mission, we have a responsibility to encourage our users and community to think bigger than them selves and help others have access to, and a better, and fun experience of the web.

CTAW is our first mission driven campaign, to inspire millions of people who identify as a Firefox user to take action, and 'act' for the public good. CTAW will fuel and build upon our exiting Mozilla culture of individuals who share, give, engage, create and collaborate in large numbers.

We hope to spur our community in realizing the job of Mozilla is not complete, 20% worldwide browser market share is only the beginning - we must continue striving for openness by educating, and helping others along the way. We will provide hundreds of examples of the power of community and collaboration for good.

In the true spirit of Mozilla, this campaign is an experiment (our first mission driven campaign) , we don't yet know how well it will work -- if it does really fly, we would definitely look to refine and hold again next year.

User Case Studies

One to One

Jane is a Firefox user, she learns about the Community Take Action Week through the Firefox start page and decides to get involved. She goes to the CTAW mini-site, and submits her profile as a volunteer, saying she's willing to help tutor someone about how to use the web.

Ken is still trying to figure out this internet thing. He used a computer in his job for office productivity (like Excel, Word) and he has a computer at home that is connected to the internet, he's just never really sure what to do. A friend of Ken's tells him about CTAW and helps him sign up (he's tired of having to explain the same things over and over again!), As he signs up he sees that Jane lives in his area and is willing to tutor someone. He contacts Jane through the portal and they meet for an afternoon for the session.

Group to Group

Rob works in a school, which has no computers and isn't connected to the internet. He knows what needs to be done (get some refurbished computers, connect to the internet) but he can't do it alone. He finds out about CTAW through spreadfirefox. He posts the project on CTAW.

Melissa is an active user of the internet. She knows quite a lot about technology, and works for a software company. She reads about CTAW through her favorite blog and decides to get involved. As she browses the projects, she sees Rob's post, and decides to volunteer. She convinces her colleagues to participate as well. The group uses the CTAW site to refine the plan with Rob and recruit more volunteers. The portal provides a forum for them to get insights from others who have participated in similar projects around the world and are willing to share their experience. On CTAW, they all gather at the school to install the computers.

One to Group

Chris is an evangelist at Mozilla. He learns about CTAW at the marketing work week. He's very excited about it and decides to hold a workshop about staying safe on the web. He announces the free workshop on the portal. It turns out that he'll be in India at the time of CTAW, so he decides to hold the workshop there.

Priya is a campus rep in India. She finds out about CTAW through Jay. She posts fliers around campus to spread the word. On CTAW, many students attend.



Mozilla will build and provide a hosted mini-site acting as the gateway for all CTAW participants to engage.

Localization: We hope to support all major languages (up to 10)

CTAW Offering

We ideally would like to match skills with needs. However, not all partners will be able to provide this service. In this case, community members will simply highlight their own campaign projects, perhaps asking for support, and generally publishing their CTAW venture.

Needs and skills will be with regard to technology and the Web e.g. helping someone install Thunderbird, giving a short talk at a local community center on how to stay safe online, or working with a local school to install open source software on all their machines.

The campaign is liberal on the needs/skills; but there should be a loose tie-in with technology and the Web. We will offer advice on the scope of the types of activities people should consider.

The matching should not involve financial donations, the bulk of pledges are to be in the currency of *time* (hours pledged). However, cases of hardware / software donations will be allowed.

NB: this does not *only* have to be about Mozilla and our projects. It should convey a wide variety of areas.

Project Timeline

Key Dates:

  • CTA Date – in early June
  • CTA Launch: 30 days prior