NSS/Generating a coverage report

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Install dependencies

Clang's coverage sanitizers (sancov) will be used to generate coverage reports.

Make sure to have the latest available LLVM installed, along with tools like clang, clang++, and sancov.

NOTE: You need to run Linux as long as sancov isn't supported on macOS. (Windows with clang-cl might just work.)

Generate a symbolized report

Run the following command inside your NSS working copy to build NSS and then generate a coverage report for the SSL GTest suite.

$ mach coverage ssl_gtests

After a while the command will finish and point to a ssl_gtest.symcov file.

Browse coverage report

First, download LLVM's coverage report server.

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/master/tools/sancov/coverage-report-server.py

Finally, from inside the NSS checkout, launch the HTTP server and pass it the ssl_gtest.symcov file generated above.

$ python3 coverage-report-server.py --symcov /tmp/tmp1D6wyt/ssl_gtest.symcov --srcpath .