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2024-06-27 - mccr8

June 26 Nightlies

  • Nothing of interest.
  • I came across another signature that isn't demangling properly.

2024-06-25 - pbone

June 20 Nightlies

  • Nothing of interest.

2024-06-20 - mccr8

June 19 Nightlies

  • Nothing of interest.

2024-05-31 - mccr8

May 29 Nightlies

  • Filed: bug 1900134 - Crash in [@ IPCError-content | GPUProcessKill].

2024-05-30 - sefeng

May 28 Nightlies

  • Nothing to file

2024-05-23 - mccr8

May 22 Nightlies

  • bug 1898397 - Commented, moved to Graphics.
  • Filed: bug 1898639 - Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::MediaKeySession::CompleteGenerateRequest].

2024-05-20 - gsvelto

May 17th Nightlies

  • Filed bug 1897635 - Crash in [@ nsXPTCVariant::IsIndirect]
  • Filed bug 1897636 - Crash in [@ IPCError-browser | GPUProcessKill]
  • Filed bug 1897743 - Crash in [@ nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetOuterWindow]
  • Filed bug 1897745 - Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::ScaleDataSourceSurface]


  • Filed bug 1897744 - Crash in [@ IPC::Channel::ChannelImpl::SetOtherPid]
  • Filed bug 1897747 - Crash in [@ @0x0 | mozilla::gl::GLLibraryEGL::fQueryString]

2024-05-16 - mccr8

May 15 Nightlies

  • Filed: bug 1897329 - Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::Document::GetFonts] from nsRefreshDriver

2024-05-13 - gsvelto

May 10th Nightlies

  • Adjusted the signatures in bug 1776143 - Crash in [@ RtlpWaitOnCriticalSection | RtlpEnterCriticalSectionContended | RtlEnterCriticalSection | sctp_inpcb_free | sctp_close]
  • Adjusted the signatures in bug 1826257 - Crash in [@ | mozilla::image::SurfaceFilter::AdvanceRow]
  • Adjusted the signatures in bug 1873619 - Crash in [@ boot.oat@0x3844a0]
  • Filed bug 1896442 - Crash in [@ protector64.dll | <unknown in ntdll.pdb>]
  • Filed bug 1896447 - Crash in [@ mozilla::ipc::PortLink::SendMessage | IPC_Message_Name=PContent::Msg_GetFilesResponse]
  • All of the above is either fallout from signature changes due to bug 1895527 or low-volume stuff that appeared on nightly, there are appear to be no regressions specific to this build

2024-05-10 - mccr8

May 8 and 9 Nightlies

  • Nothing of interest.

2024-05-06 - gsvelto

May 3rd Nightlies

  • Filed bug 1895174 - Crash in [@ mozilla::mscom::ProcessRuntime::InitInsideApartment] in the Utility process
  • Filed bug 1895175 - Crash in [@ _dispatch_client_callout3]

2024-04-25 - mccr8

April 24th Nightlies

  • Nothing of interest.

2024-04-15 - mccr8

April 14th Nightlies

  • Nothing of interest.

2024-04-05 - mccr8

April 4th Nightlies

  • I did Thursday instead of Wednesday because on the latter there was a very high volume crash.
  • Filed: bug 1890074 - Crash in [@ HandleGLibMessage]
  • Filed: bug 1890077 - Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::CanvasRenderingContext2D::EnsureWritablePath].