Optimization Test results template

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Insert Test Name


Qualifying the Opportunity: State why we are conducting this test and use any data / research that help informed the opportunity.


Insert Hypothesis here

Experiment Information

Please fill out the following information.

  • Team Conducting Test
  • Page / Experience that was tested: insert link here
  • Date of the Test: insert date range here
  • Sample Size
  • Testing Platform Used: Optimizely or Google Content Experiments
  • Link to Test: insert link here

Variations Tested

Insert Screencaps or Link to the Tested Variations

Summary of Results

Hypothesis is TRUE or FALSE.

Summarize the findings within 2-4 sentences.

Experiment Data

Variations Visitors Conversions Conversion Rate % Improvement Confidence Winner
Variation 1
Variation X

Key Learnings

What did we learn as a result of taking this test. Insert at least 3 things.

Action Taken as a Result of the Experiment

Now that you have completed the test, what were the next steps taken?