
Mozilla has participated in the Outreachy program since January 2013. The goal of the program is to increase participation from under-represented groups in free and open source software. It is a project of the Software Freedom Conservancy.

Mozilla hosts approximately 20 participants across two cohorts (summer and winter) each year. Mozilla employees work 1:1 with participants for three months. The program expressly invites women (both cis and trans), trans men, and genderqueer people to apply. It also expressly invites applications from residents and nationals of the United States of any gender who are Black/African American, Hispanic/Latin@, Native American/American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. Anyone who faces under-representation, systemic bias, or discrimination in the technology industry of their country is invited to apply.


Current Round

Round 22 (May-August 2021) is the current round.

Participant Application Process

First, please review the Outreachy Eligibility and Application Information page to learn more about eligibility for Outreachy.

Steps for applicants to Mozilla:

  1. Confirm your eligibility on the outreachy site
  2. Look at the Mozilla projects available on the Outreachy site, consider your options, and if you have questions communicate with the project mentors. Of course, you are welcome to apply for non-Mozilla projects you find on the site as well! You can communicate with other applicants, mentors, and coordinators in #outreachy on chat.mozilla.org.
  3. Begin by contributing to the project. Most projects will describe how to make your first contribution. As you make contributions, record them in the Outreachy site. Codetribute may help you find good tasks to work on. For many applicants, this is the most valuable part of the experience!
  4. Once you have made a few contributions, begin to write your application. Ask the mentors to review the application before you submit it.

Participant Expectations

You will be working full-time on your project for three months. You will meet with your mentor(s) frequently and participate in the open-source development process -- writing code, reviewing code, testing, and so on. You will be expected to write a blog entry each week.

Mentor / Project Applications

Mentors submit projects that they are willing to mentor. Here's what you need to know:

  • The participant will be working full-time, spending 40 hours a week on their project for three months. Participants will work remotely from home. Your project must be something the participant can do remotely and complete within those months. You will need to meet at least weekly with your participant, and be available for questions, code review, and so on throughout the internship.
  • You will be heavily involved in the selection process for your mentee which will involve interviewing, reviewing code check-ins / bug reports / trial work.
  • During the application process, applicants will be expected to make contributions, so make sure you have established a system for new contributors to get involved and have enough good starter tasks for them.
  • Speak with your manager to check it’s OK for you to submit a project proposal. Each participating organization will need to provide budget for the participant costs of $6500. The Mozilla coordinators can help connect you with that budget.
  • To maximize the number of applicants to your project, submit it as early in the process as possible.
  • More FAQ's on the Outreachy Site


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Past Outreachy/OPW Rounds