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Engineering Meeting Details

  • Tuesday 2014-07-15 - 11:00 am Pacific Standard Time
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 98411
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 98411
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
  • Engineering Vidyo Room / Air Mozilla / MTV Warp Core / TOR Finch / SFO Warfield / PDX Hair of the Dog
  • join #planning for back channel

Need To Know

(Release and system issues that may impact engineering this week.)

Notices/Schedule (lsblakk/sylvestre)

Next Merge: August 5, 2024 Next Release: August 6, 2024
Central: 130 Aurora: 54 Beta: 129 Release: 128
  • build of beta 10 & RC
  • Tile + newtab page probably disabled
  • Decrease of the top crash thanks to the disabling of ggc

Build Changes (gps)

(Build changes of which engineers should be aware.)

RelEng (catlee)

(Repo, test, and other information for engineers from the release engineering team.)

Upcoming Outages/Upgrades

(System outages/upgrades and tree closures that impact engineering.)

Quality Programs

(An opportunity to hear about status with the various quality programs that do not have a formal team structure.)

OrangeFactor (ryanvm)

<Read Only>

  • Past week's OrangeFactor: 9.26 (Previous Week: 7.65).
  • #2/#3: bug 1036031/bug 1036036 - Intermittent mochitest-bc docShell leaks.
  • No progress on serviceworker bugs brought up last week (and a couple new ones filed on other platforms since). Will begin the process of disabling the tests.
  • 29 intermittent failures fixed in the last week - List - Thanks!.

CritSmash (dbolter)

MemShrink (njn)

  • No update.

Stability (kairo/bsmedberg)

<Read Only>

  • Overall numbers are late in coming in today (you might still see errors), but significantly improving, esp. for 31 beta (on aurora, bad older builds still overshadow the improved situation of current builds).
  • Thanks for everyone who helped getting 31 into shape (backing out gfx blacklisting changes, disabling GGC, blocklisting crashing adware DLLs, etc.) so we now seem to look decent for release.

Team Stand-ups

(In <2 mins, what did your team accomplish last week, on what is your team working on this week, and on what, if anything, is your team blocked? No questions during the stand-ups. All questions should be asked during the roundtable.)

Accessibility (dbolter)

App Tools (prouget)

B2G Services (dougt)

Cloud Services (mmayo)

Developer Tools (robcee)

DOM (jst/overholt)

Electrolysis (e10s) (blassey)

  • bug 1034321 - Printing a remote tab no longer hangs the browser
  • and other fixes

Firefox Desktop (gavin)

Firefox Platform (bsmedberg)

  • Plan to ship the update hotfix tomorrow - users currently on Firefox 10-28 except for ESR24 will be automatically updated if possible, or shown a SUMO prompt if there are problems.

Firefox Mobile (mfinkle/blassey)

Work In Progress

You can find more on upcoming feature plans in the[roadmap]

Landings from the past week

Nightly (130)
  • Delay snippets initialization until delayed startup. (Bug 964511)
  • Cleanup the "combined" bookmarks and history view (Bug 1024289)
  • Closed private tabs appears in recent tabs panel (Bug 1030757)
  • [Android L Preview] - Crash on startup - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "issetugid" referenced by ""... (Bug 1030899)
  • Kindle Fire: activity and fragment transitions are obtrusive and uncomfortable (Bug 1031872)
  • TwoWayView crashes in Android L (Bug 1034167)
  • [regression] Remote tabs panel disappears on device rotation (Bug 1034384)
  • Regression: Sync promo mangled with active tab list in the tab tray (Bug 1034607)
  • Fail to launch webapp with TypeError: navigator.mozApps is undefined (Bug 1035867)

Firefox OS Communications (scravag)

Firefox OS Devices/Porting (ericchou)

<Read Only>

  • Device porting (Gonk team)
  • Bluetooth (members: Shawn Huang, Ben Tian, Jamin Liu, Jocelyn Liu)
    • Team worked on WebBluetooth API and moving Bluedroid out-of-process. Both are on track.
    • There are still 2 PTS cert blockers opened because of a system message issue. Jamin is cooperating with Henry from RIL team to solve them.
  • Media Playback (members: Bruce Sun, Blake Wu, Star Cheng)
    • bug 941302 - PlatformDecoderModule for FirefoxOS/B2G (2.1 feat+)
      • Still under review. Blake also tested his implementation to see if MSE was working on B2G and filed a few bugs.
    • bug 904177 - Integrate MediaCodec into gecko for media playback (2.1 feat+)
      • All patches are ready to go.
    • bug 1026167 - [Clock] Phone calls can be interrupted by clock alarms
      • Spent some time on discussing with Gaia, QA, UX and partner.
      • Star provided a solution which modifies Android HAL for partner to disable the notification sound when the alarm goes off.
  • Device Storage & Stability (members: Alphan Chen)
    • bug 1029533 - MTP boilerplate
      • The patch was r+'ed and it worked on Flame, but it was backed out because of an emulator toolchain problem. Dave is working on it.
      • Even after applying Dave's patch, MTP on Flame didn't seem to work on Windows 7. Alphan is taking a look.
    • bug 1036861 - [MTP] The file size is incorrect (0 bytes)
      • Eric provided a patch which was based on the on for bug 1029533. It got r+ and we're still waiting bug 1029533 being fixed.

Firefox OS Media Apps (hema)

Firefox OS Media Recording (cjku)

<Read Only>

  • bug 1033121 - Race in nsTimerEvent destructor
  • bug 1016184 - [Touch Caret] Enable touch caret on B2G
  • bug 1035045 - [LayerScope] Send packets to the layerscope viewer by using google protocol buffer
  • bug 1023190 - There is a horizontal line when drawing background image on flame 1.4 blocker
  • bug 987529 - Implement Vsync dispatch pipeline

Firefox OS Performance (mlee)

Firefox OS Productivity (doliver)

Firefox OS Telephony/WIFI/NFC (kenhkchang)

<Read Only>

  • bug 1034522 - B2G Emulator: Add console command - sim status .
  • bug 1023695 - [B2G][SMS] Introduce sms-deleted event to provide the awareness of change in MobileMessageDB for multiple apps interested in SMS.
  • bug 813893 - B2G RIL: support UMTS CBS Message
  • bug 1012549 - Support import PKCS#12 in wifi
  • bug 979888 - B2G NFC: support UICC-based card-emulation as per Mifare.
  • bug 979891 - B2G NFC: NFC Daemon shall support HCI Event EVT-TRANSACTION handling.
  • bug 1030002 - [B2G][RIL] Use webidl attribute, CheckPermissions, for checking mobileconnection/mobilenetwork permission.
  • bug 1022490 - [dolphin][flame][perf] improve the performance of exporting Contacts to USIM card.
  • bug 843452 - B2G RIL: use ipdl as IPC in MozMobileConnection.
  • bug 1003711 - [RTSP] Build Darwin Streaming Server on B2G emulator
  • bug 1032111 - [RTSP] Basic RTSP test case on ICS emulator
  • bug 1035074 - [system-message-api] SystemMessageManager makes JS Error: "this._dispatchers is null"
  • bug 935843 - B2G RIL: Parse EF_IMG from SIM
  • bug 824145 - B2G STK: Support for STK icon display
  • bug 1029721 - CDMA call waiting call is not logged in call history

Firefox OS Systems - Front End (gwagner)

Firefox OS Systems - Platform (timdream)

GFX (milan)

  • Firefox OS:
    • ~ 5 blocker bugs for 2.0 (Gecko 32), mostly related to the change of homescreen type and increased memory usage; there is also a nasty race/lock/gralloc one that shows up with Flames configured to low memory setup.
    • 2.1 (Gecko 34) features lined up, see feature list for details.
  • Desktop:
    • OMTC Windows aiming to ride the 34 train, tracked in bug 1036457
    • Some E10S related prep work going on
    • Started conversations about helping with media source extensions bug 1038527

Identity (jedp)

JS (naveed)

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  • Compiler (JIT)
    • bug 1037871: Landed patch to enable Latin1 strings (performance and memory gains)
  • Garbage Collection
    • B2G Hazard build landed. Currently hidden. It is running and green.
  • Front End and Other
    • n/a

Layout (jet/dbaron)

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Media (mreavy)

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  • OpenH264 for WebRTC nearing completion
    • Sandboxing should land soon
    • API changes about done
    • download/update work up for review with some more fixes coming
  • Screensharing (bug 983504 nearing completion
    • Initially Desktop Screen and Window sharing only (app sharing later)
    • Access via whitelist in 33, open up more after that along with UI improvements and more sec work
  • Expect to land webrtc audio fixes for Macs (especially MacBookPros that have the speaker right under the microphone - Doh!)
  • Plan to fix Mac driver/OS long-echo-when-changing-output-devices bug
  • Loop may go to Aurora in 33

Necko (dougt/jduell)

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  • HTTP/2 spec continues to be fiddled with: we'd like that to stop and finalize. IETF meeting in Toronto next week, with 3 necko folks attending, hopefully we can focus on getting the spec done for good.

Performance (vladan)

  • Metrics team is doing a Telemetry dashboard visual redesign. Let me know if you're a frequent user of the dashboard and you'd like to be consulted on use-cases, visual design
  • New Talos tests: tp5-scroll test of scroll performance on real webpages bug 1006551, WebGL test bug 1020663
    • Thanks to Avi's and others efforts, Talos is now reliable. Please don't ignore the regression emails! Do let us know if you encounter a false regression, we want to fix noisy tests

Seceng (grobinson)

Shumway (tschneidereit)

WebAPI (overholt)


(Comments and questions that arise during the course of the meeting or otherwise do not have a section.)

  • (clouserw) about:apps targeting Firefox 33. Who should I be working with?

<Read only beyond this point>

Friends of the Tree

Mailing List Threads

(Threads that are likely to be of interest to engineering from various mailing lists.)

Good Reads

(Links to blog posts, books, videos, etc. that you think will be of interest to others.)

irc #planning Log From This Meeting

11:06 overholt: clouserw, maybe it'd be neat to have a marketplace update every once in a while at this meeting
11:10 dveditz: cpeterson: jedp isn't here anymore... maybe take the Identity section out of the template or find a new owner?
11:11 cpeterson: dveditz: thanks. do you have a owner in mind? :)
11:12 dveditz: no, I don't know what's up there these days
11:12 dveditz: maybe replace Identity with FxA?
11:13 cpeterson: ok
11:14 overholt: cpeterson, I wanted to quickly mention some DOM and WebAPI Q3 goals but I added them to the wiki after we started
11:14 cpeterson: overholt: we can come back to you next
11:14 overholt: cpeterson, perfect, thanks
11:18 lmandel: clouserw: Speak with Marco Mucci and Jenn Chaulk.
11:18 clouserw: thanks
11:18 lmandel: clouserw: bsmedberg also suggested that you speak with madhava.
11:18 clouserw: yep, will do. thanks
11:18 bsmedberg: clouserw: FWIW, my impression is that the app support in Firefox is half-baked and isn't ready for release
11:19 clouserw: bsmedberg: we have to ride the trains though
11:19 bsmedberg: but that was from a survey of the status a quarter ago
11:19 clouserw: right
11:19 dveditz: fx33 ends this week
11:19 dveditz: -end
11:19 clouserw: it's much improved