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Engineering Meeting Details

  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 98411
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 98411
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
  • Engineering Vidyo Room / Air Mozilla / MTV Alien Nation / TOR Finch / SFO Warfield / PDX Hair of the Dog
  • join #planning for back channel

Need To Know

(Release and system issues that may impact engineering this week.)

Notices/Schedule (lmandel)

Next Merge: August 5, 2024 Next Release: August 6, 2024
Central: 130 Aurora: 54 Beta: 129 Release: 128

<Read Only>

  • Planning to ship 33.0.1 for some graphics and stability issues
  • beta 2 ships today
  • beta 3 desktop go to build is Thursday
  • beta 4 mobile go to build is Monday

Build Changes (gps)

(Build changes of which engineers should be aware.)

RelEng (catlee)

(Repo, test, and other information for engineers from the release engineering team.)

Upcoming Outages/Upgrades

(System outages/upgrades and tree closures that impact engineering.)

Quality Programs

(An opportunity to hear about status with the various quality programs that do not have a formal team structure.)

OrangeFactor (ryanvm)

<Read Only>

  • Past week's OrangeFactor: 4.41 (last week: 4.15).
  • No significant changes from prior weeks.
  • 27 intermittent failures fixed in the last week - List - Thanks!.

CritSmash (dbolter)

MemShrink (njn)

Stability (kairo)

Team Stand-ups

(In <2 mins, what did your team accomplish last week, on what is your team working on this week, and on what, if anything, is your team blocked? No questions during the stand-ups. All questions should be asked during the roundtable.)

A*Team (jgriffin)

<Read Only>

  • A-Team Q4 Goals finalized, please let jgriffin know if you need something not on this list. Also see our backlog and ongoing tasks in Trello.

Newsgroup and blog posts

Accessibility (dbolter)

B2G Services (dougt)

Cloud Services (mmayo)

Desktop Platform (bsmedberg)

Developer Tools (prouget)

DOM (jst/overholt)

Electrolysis (e10s) (blassey)

  • Please help dogfood e10s in Nightly!
  • 26% of Nightly browser sessions are using e10s.
  • We plan to enable e10s by default for Nightly users in just a couple weeks, so please test your add-ons and feature areas now to avoid surprises.

Firefox Desktop (gavin)

Firefox Mobile (snorp/blassey/mfinkle)

Work In Progress

  • Hot items at the moment
    • Privacy Coach add-on
    • Second Screen bug 1079769
    • Tablet Refresh

You can find more on upcoming feature plans in the[roadmap]

Landings from the past week

Nightly (130)
  • ship the reporter to nightly users ( Bug 1024807 )
  • Content view sometimes blank on load ( 1030523 Bug 1030523 )
  • Implement crash reporting in Java to allow for detection of early-stage crashes ( Bug 1043457 )
  • Determine default Accept-Language header from user elections, not displayed locale ( Bug 1045053 )
  • crash in java.lang.IllegalStateException: Callback has already been executed for type=MediaPlayer:$, guid={$} at org.mozilla.gecko.EventDispatcher$GeckoEventCallback.sendResponse( ( Bug 1055562 )
  • Scrolling on Bing locked when toolbar reappears over search field ( Bug 1055883 )
  • crash in java.lang.AssertionError: null at org.mozilla.gecko.Assert.isTrue( ( Bug 1064263 )
  • [roku] remove the 'beta' label from the Roku channel 2 days before Fx 33 hits 'release' ( Bug 1068575 )
  • files deleted from Firefox download manager are still listed in Android download manager ( Bug 1070086 )
  • also add files downloaded in private browsing to Android download manager ( Bug 1070488 )
  • crash in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid value for param: totalBytes at ( Bug 1071116 )
  • No way to directly open in Fennec from the Share overlay ( Bug 1073010 )
  • Log spew "No valid manifest directive." when uninstalling an add-on ( Bug 1079451 )
  • add 'stop tab mirroring' one level higher in the menu ( Bug 1079761 )
  • Can't visit any pages in guest sessions ( Bug 1082224 )
  • Regression: Android MP4/MP3 video/audio playback broken ( Bug 1082550 )
  • Remove max-width & max-height from input[type=checkbox] in content.css ( Bug 1082757 )
  • Stumbler: list of scanned wifis needs proper size limit ( Bug 1084423 )

GFX (milan)

  • 33 problem tracked in bug [1083071]

JS (naveed)

Layout (jet/dbaron)

Notable Landings:

Media (mreavy)

<Read Only>

  • Hello/loop updated in Beta/34 and Aurora/35 to match fixes in Nightly. Lots and lots of testing/verification.
  • Mac audio issue when changing input/output devices while in-call or during getUserMedia (lost a fix in refactor). Hope to get the fix uplifted to beta to undo the regression.

Necko (dougt/jduell)

  • We now throw errors for partial loads (bug 237623): some pushback now that it's hit release.
    • for now we're hoping the small # of websites will fix themselves.
  • bug 1069724: we no longer force a new TCP connection for every resource on a page when you shift-reload.
  • bug 1008091: the B2G emulator is causing us all kinds of headaches landing code.

Performance (vladan)

Seceng (dougt)

Shumway (tschneidereit)

WebAPI (overholt)


(Comments and questions that arise during the course of the meeting or otherwise do not have a section.)

<Read only beyond this point>

Friends of the Tree

Mailing List Threads

(Threads that are likely to be of interest to engineering from various mailing lists.)

Good Reads

(Links to blog posts, books, videos, etc. that you think will be of interest to others.)

irc #planning Log From This Meeting