Platform/Partner Relations/Tracked Bugs

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Platform Partner Relations - Tracked Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Rank Assigned to Whiteboard
561491 Dromaeo DOM Events (Prototype) and DOM Event (jQuery) tests don't seem to trace well JavaScript Engine RESOLVED 50 [platform-rel-jQuery]
605590 Obtain symbols for AMD drivers Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-AMD]
614163 Slow property access on dromaeo's "jQuery -attr(class) x 100" benchmark JavaScript Engine RESOLVED 45 [platform-rel-jQuery]
652991 SVG path fill rendering can break after window.history.pushState SVG RESOLVED No cf_rank u459114 [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
731634 using <select> inside div triggers jQuery's .hoverOut() event DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling NEW 35 [platform-rel-jQuery]
776137 Video and Sound (Youtube) asynchronous if AirPlay is enabled Audio/Video: cubeb RESOLVED No cf_rank Matthew Gregan [:kinetik] [platform-rel-Youtube]
800671 Background image disappears when using opacity Web Painting RESOLVED No cf_rank jquery-ui [platform-rel-jQuery]
801176 Support canvas 2D API from workers (with transferables for bg image rendering/processing, etc.) Graphics: Canvas2D REOPENED 10 [tech-p1][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
876846 jQuery $("#foo") is 3x slower in Gecko+SpiderMonkey than in Blink+V8 JavaScript Engine RESOLVED 38 [platform-rel-jQuery]
910490 Broken right-to-left writing in the new GMail plain text compose interface Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Dennis Schubert [:denschub] [country-il] [rtl] [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail] [sitewait]
922272 Handle jQuery polymorphic selector argument better JavaScript Engine: JIT RESOLVED 37 [platform-rel-jQuery]
935216 Implement Client-Hints HTTP header Networking: HTTP UNCONFIRMED No cf_rank [necko-would-take][platform-rel-Shopify]
944127 [Meta] jQuery $("<div>") DOM element append test is 1.3x slower than Chrome DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED 36 Olli Pettay [:smaug][] [platform-rel-jQuery]
951793 Add support for 'overscroll-behavior' Panning and Zooming RESOLVED No cf_rank Botond Ballo [:botond] [gfx-noted][platform-rel-Facebook]
971528 Support stereo capture in gUM WebRTC: Audio/Video RESOLVED 45 Alex Chronopoulos [:achronop] [platform-rel-Facebook]
975444 - Firefox Android doesn't receive the tier1 sent to Chrome Android Knowledge Base NEW No cf_rank [testday-20140221][serversniff][sitewait][platform-rel-Google]
975582 order of jQuery.fadeIn & sibling removal resets scrollLeft XUL NEW 90 [platform-rel-jQuery]
994019 Google Ngrams mislabels years around 1965 when Firefox is in the Europe/London timezone Site Reports VERIFIED No cf_rank Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [contactready][platform-rel-Google]
1008869 Firefox Nighlty hangs when too much RAM is used (eg. Tumblr Archive) Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Tumblr]
1041285 Google docs spreadsheet text shows briefly and then disappears. Web Painting RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1057085 Playing music on Soundcloud causes massive CPU load with tab in foreground General RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Soundcloud]
1062849 Implement AudioWorklets for Web Audio API Web Audio RESOLVED 15 Karl Tomlinson (:karlt) [DevRel:P2] [games:p3][platform-rel-Games]
1073463 Firefox stops loading older postings on Facebook-sites' "Posts to Page" (element nesting limit reached due to bug) Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [country-all] [sitewait][platform-rel-Facebook]
1083896 no jQuery 'mousemove' events in events popup Inspector RESOLVED 28 Mike Ratcliffe [:miker] [:mratcliffe] [:mikeratcliffe] [remy][platform-rel-jQuery]
1095359 Thumbnails are wrongly displayed on Ebay mobile site Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [country-all] [css] [sitewait][platform-rel-eBay]
1097376 Poor performance in Ember app Discourse JavaScript Engine NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS]
1106100 Figure out why jQuery's Data.accepts is ending up with MGetPropertyCache, not MGetDOMProperty for .nodeType JavaScript Engine: JIT NEW 75 [platform-rel-jQuery]
1107515 Add megamorphic getprop/setprop stubs JavaScript Engine: JIT RESOLVED No cf_rank Jan de Mooij [:jandem] [platform-rel-Facebook][platform-rel-ReactJS][platform-rel-Ember]
1127588 Frequent "Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally" error in GMail DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED No cf_rank Edgar Chen [:edgar] (Parental leave until Oct. 09.) [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail]
1129569 SVG linearGradients rendering broken in iframes Untriaged RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1129956 SVG opacity gradient masks not working with large viewBoxes SVG RESOLVED 70 u459114 [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1133864 identify Ember workloads for perf needs JavaScript Engine RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS]
1147061 Expose fetch Response.body and Request.body as streams DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED No cf_rank Valentin Gosu [:valentin] (he/him) {{ FYI: OOO 14 June - 4 August }} [platform-rel-Facebook]
1148819 "Yandex Elements" add-on does not work with e10s Extension Compatibility RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-yandex]
1150768 WebGL conformance 1.0.2 / 1.0.3: regression on textures/copy-tex-image-2d-formats.html fails on Intel HD 3000 on Windows 7 / 10 Graphics: CanvasWebGL NEW No cf_rank webgl-conformance, gfx-noted [platform-rel-Intel]
1154339 JS microbenchmark with JQuery proxy is much slower when inner callback function uses tabs instead of spaces for indentation JavaScript Engine RESOLVED No cf_rank Jan de Mooij [:jandem] [platform-rel-jQuery]
1163152 Firefox takes up all CPU usage when multiple windows open (especially google docs) General RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1163300 [video perf] Poor YouTube 4K/60fps video performance Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube]
1163440 random graphics corruption "screen turns black" Graphics: Layers RESOLVED No cf_rank Bas Schouten (:bas.schouten) gfx-noted [platform-rel-Windows][platform-rel-Microsoft]
1164136 synthetic font styles (oblique, fake-bold) do not work consistently in HTML5 canvas element for all styles and font backends Layout: Text and Fonts RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1166637 Content sandboxing blocks Nvidia shader cache Security: Process Sandboxing RESOLVED No cf_rank sb+
1169485 Extend new MP3 demuxing code to support MSE Audio/Video: Playback NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Pandora]
1169931 Google image results are low resolution in Firefox, high resolution in Chrome Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [contactready][platform-rel-Google]
1172205 Amazon preloads resources with <object> tags causing the throbber to blink heavily shortly after page load Site Reports VERIFIED No cf_rank Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [country-all] [js][content perf][sitewait][platform-rel-Amazon]
1173377 Video are not shown in full screen at one screen while clicking around withe the mouse on a second screen Plug-ins RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube]
1173545 Enable canvas CSS/SVG filters by default Graphics: Canvas2D RESOLVED No cf_rank Markus Stange [:mstange] [parity-blink][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1184569 Firefox janks hard when loading a Google Docs presentation JavaScript Engine RESOLVED 5 [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSlides]
1185109 yahoo search leaks destination url Search RESOLVED 5 [platform-rel-Yahoo!]
1187037 Entering of text in Outlook webmail broken Layout: Form Controls RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Outlook]
1188831 Memory leak with youtube/deezer due to WARP on Windows Server 2012 Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank Bas Schouten (:bas.schouten) [MemShrink:P2][gfx-noted] [platform-rel-Youtube][platform-rel-Deezer]
1190815 SVG icons blurry in YouTube's new player SVG RESOLVED 50 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1192933 Fennec never given "Use the App" button if user has Google Docs installed Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [country-all][sitewait][clientsniff][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1193614 YouTube 60fps VP9 Doesn't Play Smoothly Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube]
1194214 [HTML5] Several side effects using the context menu options on Youtube Audio/Video: Playback NEW 55 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1194440 Gmail compose view keeps scrolling up as you type Site Reports RESOLVED 3 [sitewait] [country-us] [js] [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail]
1194625 opening big video and tagging people on Facebook hangs Firefox's network connection Audio/Video: Playback UNCONFIRMED 59 [platform-rel-Facebook]
1194891 Don't clear media cache when closing a private browsing window (or else e.g. soundcloud will have blips or pauses) Audio/Video: Playback VERIFIED No cf_rank JW Wang [:jwwang] [:jw_wang] [platform-rel-Soundcloud]
1196923 Colon is not accepted as a character of FontFace family parameter CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1196924 Creating a FontFace in the main document can not be added to the document of an iframe DOM: CSS Object Model RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1197654 Background image scrolling is jumpy when APZ and e10s are enabled on OS X Site Reports RESOLVED 3 [gfx-noted][apz-evangelism][no framework] [sitewait] [platform-rel-Amazon]
1197804 Black blocks appear on the page after playing video on Facebook Graphics RESOLVED 76 gfx-noted [platform-rel-Facebook]
1199415 Can't view the number of videos in the tooltip when hovering the name of a channel in YouTube due to text-overflow: ellipsis Site Reports RESOLVED 45 Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [sitewait] [css] [platform-rel-Youtube] rank 45
1203111 webkitAudioContext is not defined on BBC gunfire effects generator Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [sitewait][platform-rel-BBC]
1204424 Previous tabs are killed when choosing to open external link from Facebook chat General RESOLVED 90 Max Liu [:maliu] [platform-rel-Facebook]
1204912 4k on YouTube janks on Nvidia Fermi hardware Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 25 [platform-rel-Youtube][platform-rel-nVidia]
1205110 frequent crashes when visiting profiles, often with high purple buffer value General RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Linkedin]
1205573 Google Spreadsheets adds extra newline to cells when cutting text and tabbing between cells DOM: Editor RESOLVED 10 [parity-Chrome][parity-Edge][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets]
1208801 share page via gmail leads to hung window General RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail]
1209273 implement the 'color-adjust' CSS property to allow pages to opt in to printing background colors and images (-webkit-print-color-adjust) CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED No cf_rank Tobias Schneider [:tobytailor] [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1215531 Capturing some windows in WebRTC doesn't work properly on an Intel HD 2500 machine WebRTC: Audio/Video RESOLVED 25 [platform-rel-Intel]
1217253 Text repainted every time the caret blinks in Google Docs Layout RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1217344 SVG and jQuery .draggable() SVG RESOLVED 25 [platform-rel-jQuery]
1217438 Firefox 41 with media.autoplay.enabled false doesn't play YouTube embeds Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 80 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1221309 tab audio indicator visible on GMail and GCal Tabbed Browser RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail]
1223328 [XP] Artifacts present when changing youtube video quality Graphics RESOLVED 70 gfx-noted [platform-rel-Youtube]
1224315 YouTube "theater mode" button changes state but doesn't resize the video, if you click it immediately when the video appears Site Reports RESOLVED 5 Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Youtube] [sitewait] [js] rank 5
1225201 Page down scrolls too far when extra toolbar appears on Layout RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-NYTimes]
1229302 twitter card title and description are truncated in firefox on Linux Site Reports RESOLVED 5 [2016-GBT-Y] [js] [css] [sitewait] [platform-rel-Twitter]
1229375 Hardware acceleration is broken in Windows 10 with AMD R9 Series GPUs Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank Markus Stange [:mstange] [gfx-noted][2016-GBT-Y][platform-rel-AMD]
1230566 Panning action is glitchy on Pinterest Toolbar RESOLVED 15 [platform-rel-Pinterest]
1230678 youtube shows black line 720p & 1080p videos in normal view mode Audio/Video: Playback VERIFIED 30 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1231565 Allow storing alternate data (ex: JS Bytecode) in the HTTP cache Networking: Cache RESOLVED 3 Valentin Gosu [:valentin] (he/him) {{ FYI: OOO 14 June - 4 August }} DevAdvocacy-Facebook [platform-rel-Facebook]
1231946 Unnecessary repaints with invisible (opacity:0) HTML controls over flash video (if you disable their will-change hackaround) Graphics: Layers RESOLVED 50 [gfx-noted][platform-rel-Amazon][platform-rel-Twitch]
1232960 Nvidia Tegra drivers have different numbering sequence than desktop drivers Widget: Gtk UNCONFIRMED No cf_rank gfx-noted [platform-rel-nVidia]
1233006 On-screen keyboard is not displayed for google docs when tapping to focus text in the doc Widget: Win32 NEW 25 [see comment 16 for STR][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs][tpi:+]
1233073 [Linux] Youtube videos have a short flicker while going into fullscreen Audio/Video: Playback VERIFIED 20 Xidorn Quan [:xidorn] UTC+10 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1233359 Glitches after opening images in facebook Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames NEW 92 [platform-rel-Facebook]
1233585 [e10s] Youtube triggers content paints because of the display port Layout NEW 25 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1234024 Copy/Paste values between two sheets (tabs) in Google sheets Site Reports RESOLVED 20 [country-all][sitewait][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets]
1234075 "An error occurred. Please try again later." Displayed When Opening Multiple Tabs of HTML5 YouTube Videos Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 12 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1234933 Popup bubble continuously blinks on/off, if you hover the few pixels above Twitter's retweets/likes profile-photos on a Tweet Layout NEW 7 [platform-rel-Twitter]
1236016 Sync transaction during scrolling on soundcloud Graphics: Layers RESOLVED No cf_rank gfx-noted [platform-rel-Soundcloud]
1237058 CrossCompartmentWrapper handling is slow on Google Spreadsheet JavaScript Engine RESOLVED No cf_rank Jon Coppeard (:jonco) [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets]
1237195 In Google Docs, Option+Shift+5 inserts 'fi' character instead of formatting selected text as strikethrough DOM: Editor RESOLVED 40 [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1237530 Going to youtube causes firefox to stop responding since upgrade to 43.0.4 Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube]
1239510 [meta] Add native support for 10/12 bits YUV image Graphics: Layers NEW No cf_rank [gfx-noted][platform-rel-Vimeo]
1241091 [meta] Poor performance on JS frameworks benchmark JavaScript Engine NEW No cf_rank ,DevAdvocacy, DevAdvocacy-React, DevAdvocacy-Angular [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS][platform-rel-ReactJS]
1242768 Intel crash in D3D10::CResourceCopy::ResourceCopyRegionGPU Graphics RESOLVED 11 [gfx-noted] [platform-rel-Intel]
1242861 Google Inbox slow and cpu intensive JavaScript Engine RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google]
1243014 [e10s] DOM fullscreen transition sometimes finishes before the video on Youtube changes its size, and that ruins the point of transition General NEW 19 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1243304 Brightcove videos on don't work in Firefox for Android and Firefox OS Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [video] [m3u8] [brightcove][platform-rel-Brightcove] [contactready]
1243383 Color of controls in the YouTube HTML5 player with Firefox in high-contrast mode Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube][contactready]
1243385 Bad repainting while scrolling on Site Reports RESOLVED 49 Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [apz-evangelism][gfx-noted] [platform-rel-Youtube][sitewait]
1243659 Dragging rows in Netflix DVD queue is very laggy Layout NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Netflix]
1244515 Graphics stop updating after heavy usage with Intel graphics chips Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [gfx-noted] [platform-rel-Intel]
1244792 Gmail composition textbox "checkerboards" during scrolling Site Reports RESOLVED 8 [gfx-noted] [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail] [sitewait]
1245279 [meta] Various tests in Speedometer seem to spend quite a bit time in jS JavaScript Engine NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS]
1246724 Streaming video playback stutters for YouTube HTML5 playback Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube]
1249038 In Facebook Event "[Invite|...]" button, the "..." part is a bit too tall (unless we spoof a Chrome user agent string) Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Facebook]
1249069 Input stops working in gmail from time to time. DOM: Editor RESOLVED No cf_rank btpp-follow-up-2016-03-10 [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1249080 Graphical Glitches Sometimes Appear Throughout The Entirety of the UI And Some Web Pages (NVIDIA GPU - GTX 980) Graphics UNCONFIRMED No cf_rank gfx-noted [platform-rel-nVidia]
1249136 Crashes in mozilla::layers::D3D9SurfaceImage::~D3D9SurfaceImage correlated to AMD Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank gfx-noted [platform-rel-AMD]
1250674 Don't print header/footer if larger than user defined margins Printing: Output RESOLVED No cf_rank Tobias Schneider [:tobytailor] [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1250770 With HTTPS Everywhere installed, YouTube HTML5 embedded video control buttons are missing (& so are all SVG <use> elements on any page that HTTPS Everywhere redirects) General RESOLVED 85 Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] [platform-rel-Youtube]
1251819 "Default apps" cannot set Firefox as default correctly if the Windows user is a local account but Settings app is signing in with a Microsoft account Site Reports RESOLVED 1 Desigan Chinniah [:cyberdees] [:dees] [London - GMT] [contactready][platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Edge][platform-rel-Windows]
1252012 YouTube is very slow when different tab has console open (STR: comment 11) Console RESOLVED 65 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1252156 in web app mail editor doesn't always show consecutive spaces, also highlighting and backspace bugs DOM: Editor RESOLVED 10 [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Outlook]
1253394 jquery performance increases if the page is displayed in a iframe Layout UNCONFIRMED 10 [platform-rel-jQuery]
1254463 Visual glitches in menus with intel drivers Graphics RESOLVED 60 gfx-noted [platform-rel-Intel]
1255929 Google Sheets eventually consumes all available memory if you leave it open in a tab General RESOLVED 12 [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets]
1256648 Google logo overlaps when scrolling Site Reports RESOLVED 80 Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [gfx-noted] [apz-evangelism] [country-all] [sitewait] [css][platform-rel-Google]
1257312 Full Page Zoom isn't initially honored in Gmail Compose pop-out windows General RESOLVED 9 [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail]
1257375 no video acceleration with wireless display on Windows 10 Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank Milan Sreckovic [:milan] (needinfo for best results) [gfx-noted][platform-rel-AMD]
1257446 [TSF] Candidate window is overlapped on composition string when using Google Japanese IME on gmail compose window Widget: Win32 RESOLVED No cf_rank Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail]
1257816 Click event happens on old element after I release mouse (mouseup) over another element on Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-yandex][notcontactready]
1257917 firefox youtube html5 rewind and HW acceleration Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube]
1258702 Msn logo is misplaced on Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-MSN]
1259212 Use AMD's CreateDecoder() extension to detect maximum playback decode capabilities for MediaSource.isTypeSupported() Audio/Video: Playback NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-AMD][webvr]
1259311 twitter takes much longer to load new tweets in firefox compared to chrome Layout RESOLVED 3 [platform-rel-Twitter]
1260040 Black rectangles on Intel GPUs Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Intel][gfx-noted]
1260258 Intermittent graphics artifacting during normal browser usage Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank gfx-noted [platform-rel-Intel]
1261709 Google Docs forms editor misplaces menu if touch is enabled Site Reports RESOLVED 25 [sitewait] [country-all][platform-rel-Google][platform-relGoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleForms]
1262963 Allow CSSOM access to cross-origin stylesheets (for testing only) DOM: CSS Object Model RESOLVED 50 Jet Villegas (inactive) btpp-fixlater [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Edge]
1263705 Youtube playback is crashing on the Mac [@ mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::UnbindFromDocument ] Disability Access APIs RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube]
1263809 Gpu Temps/Coreclock/MemClock heavly Increase when I watch any youtube live stream normal videos are fine Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 18 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1265416 [Widevine] Amazon videos are not always opening using the Widevine CDM plugin Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 20 [platform-rel-Amazon][platform-rel-AmazonVideo]
1265553 Yahoo Music is slow/choppy when e10s is enabled Layout RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Yahoo!]
1266313 Netflix video is not resumed correctly Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Netflix]
1266547 Can not move cursor by touch in Facebook's comment response field Site Reports RESOLVED 22 [sitewait] [country-all] [facebook] [css] [platform-rel-Facebook]
1266708 youtube slidebar isn't working properly. It goes ups and down autometically. Keyboard Navigation NEW 42 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1267068 Graphics corruption on Windows 10 with Intel HD Graphics 520 / 530 Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [gfx-noted] [platform-rel-Intel]
1267225 Pinterest Share Extension doesn't find all images Browser NEW 22 [platform-rel-Pinterest][sitewait]
1267445 Sideways two-finger scrolling in a split google sheets is twitchy. Site Reports RESOLVED 6 [sitewait] [js] [country-all] tpi:+ [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets]
1267590 [Widevine] Reload is not properly done on Amazon videos in non-e10s Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 19 [platform-rel-Amazon][platform-rel-AmazonVideo]
1267667 Choppy video on youtube Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 25 betabreakers-fx46 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1267997 crash in UMDevice::SetShaderResources Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank Bas Schouten (:bas.schouten) [gfx-noted]
1268140 Momentum scrolling interrupted on YouTube user pages Panning and Zooming RESOLVED 25 [gfx-noted] [platform-rel-Youtube]
1268200 gmail can cause multiple show events for the same target Disability Access APIs RESOLVED 6 [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail]
1268490 Firefox 46 no longer play YouTube videos Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 15 Chris Pearce [:cpearce (Not reading bugmail)] [platform-rel-Youtube]
1269386 Google Play Music doesn't allow enabling HTML5 Audio in Firefox Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [country-all][sitewait][platform-rel-Google]
1269525 Amazon MEDIA_ERR_DECODE during Widevine playback Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 8 [platform-rel-Amazon][platform-rel-AmazonVideo]
1269932 Netflix Widevine video playback fails when spoofing Chrome UA: TypeError: window.cancelIdleCallback is not a function Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Netflix]
1270259 [e10s] Input latency in Facebook Messenger/Chat while also animating window DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling RESOLVED 20 [platform-rel-Facebook]
1270884 jQuery delegated events are not shown in the markup view Inspector NEW 15 [todo-mr][platform-rel-jQuery][t5]
1271004 Dragging a file from Firefox's open file dialog to the Windows desktop doesn't work Widget: Win32 NEW 75 tpi:+ [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Windows]
1272138 Repeating graphics corruption in ASUS Zenbook with Intel HD Graphics 5500 & Nvidia GeForce GT 940M Graphics: Layers RESOLVED No cf_rank gfx-noted [platform-rel-Intel]
1272174 Lots of repainting and checkerboarding on Layout NEW 8 [platform-rel-Twitter]
1272430 Styled textareas have inconsistent box sizing and rendering across platforms Layout: Form Controls NEW No cf_rank
1272623 After pasting text to Gmail open in FF the text you change with right click - spelling suggestions changes formatting. DOM: Editor RESOLVED 2 Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) btpp-followup-2016-05-27 [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail]
1272919 Video shows the frame that was on screen when I switched from youtube to a different tab for a fraction of a second Audio/Video: Playback VERIFIED 99 u480271 [platform-rel-Youtube]
1273303 style sheet additions (etc.) should check that rules might apply to the current document CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED 51 Jet Villegas (inactive) [platform-rel-Facebook]
1273902 Add VP9 hardware decoding support for Nvidia Pascal GPU family & Maxwell GM206 GPU Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-nVidia]
1273946 [e10s]Browser window goes transparent across all tabs after watching Youtube videos Web Painting RESOLVED 27 [gfx-noted] [platform-rel-Youtube]
1275196 html5 youtube player: vertical scrollbar width obscures quality settings text Layout RESOLVED 28 Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [platform-rel-Youtube][sitewait] [css] [webkit-scrollbar]
1275524 AMD Drivers 16.5.x & 16.6.x produce black content (driver version 16.6.2 fixes the problem) Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [gfx-noted][platform-rel-AMD]
1276057 [Widevine] Netflix error F7701: EME_CREATE_MEDIAKEYS_SYSTEMACCESS_FAILED Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Netflix]
1277620 Closing Outlook Web App new email notification instead opens email DOM: Events NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Outlook]
1278554 CanvasRenderingContext2D::DrawImage takes lots of time when scrolling Google Spreadsheet Graphics: Canvas2D NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets]
1278600 Amazon won't play video Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 7 [platform-rel-Amazon]
1278744 Firefox unresponsive whenever Google video ads display on a site General RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][ele:1a]
1278903 Google Sheets modal dialog buttons misplaced/invisible Layout RESOLVED No cf_rank [country-all] [needsdiagnosis][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1279086 Allow painting for tab switch when content process is running JS JavaScript Engine RESOLVED No cf_rank Bill McCloskey [inactive unless it's an emergency] (:billm) [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1279202 Google Docs confirmation dialog when sharing doesn't show buttons Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames RESOLVED No cf_rank Matt Woodrow (:mattwoodrow) [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1280112 Opening a link from Facebook Messenger chat head crashes Firefox (Android N) General RESOLVED 4 Sebastian Kaspari (:sebastian; :pocmo) [platform-rel-Facebook][MobileAS]
1280534 Outlook Web Access in Nightly will not let me select text in emails because cancelBubble is not on Event DOM: Events RESOLVED No cf_rank Nika Layzell [:nika] (ni? for response) [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Outlook]
1283188 Support Outlook as a mailto handler Browser RESOLVED 60 Maurya Talisetti [good first bug][platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Outlook]
1284044 - Scrolling only works at second attempt Toolbar RESOLVED 80 [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1284398 [wfh] Firefox Android Nightly doesn't open Google Hangout links properly General RESOLVED 50 [sitewait] [country-all] [google][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleHangouts]
1285171 Text selected when dragging notes in Google Keep Layout NEW 4 [platform-rel-Google]
1285781 Mobile twitter web site hits localStorage cap and breaks silently Site Reports RESOLVED 50 [needsdiagnosis][platform-rel-Twitter]
1286928 Twitter composer broken: "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected ',' or ']' after array element at line 1 column 229377 of the JSON data" JavaScript: Standard Library RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Twitter]
1287076 Black arrow on google images is rendered as black rectangle Site Reports RESOLVED 75 Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [google] [css] [sitewait][platform-rel-Google]
1288472 Messed up "Find my Phone" layout on Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [country-all] [sitewait] [css][platform-rel-Google]
1288734 Google Maps printouts do not print all pages/directions. First and last page blank. Site Reports VERIFIED 18 Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleMaps]
1292374 Add support for full hardware acceleration in VP9 Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank Joe Olivas [platform-rel-nVidia][platform-rel-Intel][platform-rel-AMD]
1293056 Pandora Streaming Radio site does't work without Flash (but they currently don't support that) Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Pandora][contactready]
1293529 twitter card images often appear as blank white space Graphics: ImageLib RESOLVED 6 [gfx-noted][platform-rel-Twitter]
1294490 Implement WebP image support Graphics: ImageLib VERIFIED No cf_rank Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] (he/him) [platform-rel-Amazon][platform-rel-AmazonMusic][webcompat:p1][gfx-noted]
1294903 Regression in Firefox 50: crashes in COIDTable::ThreadCleanup with reasons EXCEPTION_{ACCESS_VIOLATION_{EXEC,READ,WRITE},PRIV_INSTRUCTION,ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION} Widget: Win32 RESOLVED 2 (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz [platform-rel-Microsoft][tbird topcrash]
1295048 Youtube share mouse over misplacement Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube]
1295311 cut and paste cells from google sheet into gmail DOM: Editor RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets]
1295667 Black video problems when playing Facebook live streaming Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 2 Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya] [platform-rel-Facebook]
1296453 ~10% Failure rate on Amazon Prime (EME) Video probably due to OOM Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya] [platform-rel-Amazon][platform-rel-AmazonVideo]
1296721 Support for push notifications in Facebook Site Reports RESOLVED 100 Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [platform-rel-Facebook]
1299765 Frame from the last played movie is shown in the new one on YouTube when using YouTube Search Site Reports VERIFIED 13 Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [platform-rel-Youtube][sitewait]
1300235 Very high CPU usage and jank, after moving mouse cursor over YouTube video player or thumbnails Site Reports RESOLVED 33 Dennis Schubert [:denschub] [platform-rel-Youtube] [workaround is in comment #17]
1300633 Users report Netflix stopped working after Firefox 48 as CDM won't get installed Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Netflix]
1301050 Android VideoView makes browser unusable when loading videos from (all sites using the Brightcove player?) Audio/Video RESOLVED No cf_rank James Willcox (:snorp) ( (he/him) [platform-rel-Brightcove]
1301372 images in conversation view are broken links Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Twitter]
1301518 Opus 255 channel mapping family not playable Web Audio VERIFIED 15 Paul Adenot (:padenot) [platform-rel-Facebook]
1301952 Google Maps embed: some parts are missing when css filter is applied CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED No cf_rank [bugday-20160912][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleMaps]
1302842 Facebook edit suggestion pages have overlapped layout Layout RESOLVED 65 [platform-rel-Facebook]
1302957 Vimeo video content not playable without Fullscreen API support Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [needscontact][platform-rel-Vimeo]
1303011 [10.12] Graphical issues when restoring a minimized window with a playing HTML5 video Widget: Cocoa NEW 50 tpi:+ [platform-rel-Apple]
1303361 [ADBE 4186772] 64-bit Flash audio is not playing on Tidal Plug-ins RESOLVED No cf_rank sb- [platform-rel-Tidal] [ADBE 4186772]
1303531 Firefox 48.0.2 crashes with Trusteer Rapport 3.5.1609.100 (MessagePump, ProcessNextNativeEvent signatures) General RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-IBM][platform-rel-Trusteer]
1304810 Microsoft Dynamics CRM notes appear to be blank due to #0000 rgba hex parsing Site Reports RESOLVED 49 [sitewait][platform-rel-Microsoft]
1305028 - The vertical scrollbar displayed for the main pane is partially overlapped by the video itself Site Reports RESOLVED 50 Dennis Schubert [:denschub] [platform-rel-Youtube][platform-rel-Google] [sitewait] [css] [js]
1306001 New FF version 49.0.1 is unable to print calendars in OWA Office 365. Works in all other browsers Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Outlook]
1306413 No more audio calls possible on Facebook Site Reports RESOLVED 3 [platform-rel-Facebook][sitewait]
1306900 media.block-play-until-visible restarts Youtube video after changing tabs Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube]
1307418 Firefox Uninstalls After Windows Update Site Reports RESOLVED 51 [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Windows]
1308917 Video chat via facebook enters in an infinite loop after unplugging the microphone WebRTC RESOLVED 15 Paul Adenot (:padenot) [platform-rel-Facebook]
1309381 New spatial audio on Facebook demo has crazy slow mouse movement relative to Chrome. Graphics NEW 10 [platform-rel-Facebook]
1309463 Widevine not installing Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [platform-rel-Netflix]
1309534 Glitches when zoom in .jpg files from Wikipedia Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Wikipedia]
1310600 Spike in crashes with Nvidia driver DLLs in Firefox 50 Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-nVidia][gfx-noted]
1312111 Using PayPal to buy an item on eBay, kicks the user back to the eBay login page General RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Paypal]
1312414 Audio freezes when watching Twitch (HTML5) Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Twitch]
1312490 location.href returns URL of domain on error pages DOM: Core & HTML UNCONFIRMED 52 [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Edge]
1312595 Figure out why D3D11 DXVA is slower than D3D9 DXVA for some users Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-AMD]
1312646 [e10s] The document is not loading from application cache if it was returned as a redirect location to the previous request from server Networking: Cache RESOLVED No cf_rank Honza Bambas (:mayhemer) [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Outlook][necko-active]
1313129 Gmail compose textbox scrolls unnecessarily after paste Panning and Zooming RESOLVED No cf_rank [gfx-noted][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail]
1313305 360 degree videos on Facebook do not play Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED 10 [platform-rel-Facebook]
1313664 White flashes displayed on Pinterest while scrolling using END and HOME keys Web Painting RESOLVED 14 [platform-rel-Pinterest]
1313707 BBC website for Aberfan disaster much slower/jankier in Firefox than in Chrome due to slow image painting Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [gfx-noted][platform-rel-BBC][platform-rel-BBCNews]
1314458 YouTube video playback is jittering/micro-stuttering Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya] [platform-rel-Youtube]
1315065 Outlook On the Web (OWA) Backspace not working when indenting DOM: Editor RESOLVED No cf_rank Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Outlook]
1316236 graphic glitch on after upload image CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED No cf_rank Xidorn Quan [:xidorn] UTC+10 [sitewait] [css] [platform-rel-Imgur]
1316387 Firefox menu items are too tall when Windows display scaling is > 100% (after recent Insider Preview update) Widget: Win32 RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Windows]
1317161 Using Google Maps crashes Plugin Container, repeatedly Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleMaps]
1317322 Pasting image from clipboard fails in some cases DOM: Editor RESOLVED 9 Nika Layzell [:nika] (ni? for response) [platform-rel-Facebook]
1317984 Regression on 2016-10-11 broke Farmville 2 Facebook Flash game from being displayed on the page. Graphics: Layers RESOLVED 8 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] [platform-rel-Zynga][gfx-noted]
1317995 Firefox 50 64-bit Stable channel is unable to play Farmville 2 Facebook Flash game. Plug-ins RESOLVED 9 [platform-rel-Zynga]
1318312 Selecting an element inside an element with contenteditable="true" does not focus the contenteditable element DOM: Editor RESOLVED 15 Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) [webcompat][platform-rel-Facebook]
1318769 Emoji no longer appearing on and, on Android General RESOLVED No cf_rank Lee Salzman [:lsalzman] webcompat [platform-rel-Twitter]
1320421 We fail to properly detect a scroll target in split Google Docs spreadsheet when scrolling horizontally DOM: Events RESOLVED 7 Stephen A Pohl [:spohl] [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets]
1320562 Firefox 50 crashes with Trusteer (MessagePump, ProcessNextNativeEvent signatures) General RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-IBM][platform-rel-Trusteer]
1321246 Opus in MP4, not taking into account Discard padding Audio/Video: Playback NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Vimeo]
1321251 Screen artifacts while playing videos on youtube/twitch Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Twitch][platform-rel-Youtube][gfx-noted]
1321623 Implement setBaseAndExtent DOM: Selection RESOLVED No cf_rank Mats Palmgren (inactive) [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1321827 Screen flashing on the MacBook Pro late 2016 (Intel Iris Graphics 540 or 550) Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [gfx-noted][platform-rel-Intel]
1322127 Cannot paste PrintScreens in Outlook Web App 2013 DOM: Serializers UNCONFIRMED 15 [platform-rel-Microsoft][platform-rel-Outlook]
1322529 ebay item description page is not mobile friendly Site Reports RESOLVED 15 [platform-rel-eBay]
1322843 bbc iplayer Web page does not display properly. Layout: Floats VERIFIED 5 Xidorn Quan [:xidorn] UTC+10 [platform-rel-BBC]
1324080 Scrolling on Google Sheets causes offset cell selection Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets][sitewait]
1324231 [e10s] Google Maps becomes extremely slow Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleMaps][gfx-noted]
1324317 Google sheets cell height often doubles in size unexpectedly Site Reports VERIFIED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets][sitewait]
1324381 Hulu is not able to played on Firefox Nightly 53.0a1 Audio/Video: Playback VERIFIED No cf_rank Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya] [platform-rel-Hulu]
1324649 Background color change does not follow the cursor quickly enough on GMail JavaScript Engine RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail]
1324875 OOM when uploading large video to YouTube DOM: Service Workers RESOLVED No cf_rank [MemShrink:P1][platform-rel-Youtube]
1325864 Firefox don't plays after hibernate mode Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Yandex]
1325980 Intel driver 15.45 produces GFX assert error Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank Oriol Brufau [:Oriol] [platform-rel-Intel]
1326032 Impossible to login, app unusable JavaScript Engine RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Deezer]
1327013 Dropbox: Shortcut "f" for switching top frame to DOM fullscreen doesn't work [can't call reuestFullscreen() from secure iframe via window.parent.postMessage()] Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Dropbox]
1327558 Dropbox: Keyboard scrolling doesn't work in Firefox Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Dropbox]
1328103 Potential graphics leak in NVIDIA Quadro 2000M with updated drivers Graphics NEW No cf_rank [gfx-noted][platform-rel-nVidia]
1329834 YouTube embed doesn't playback on Nightly on MacBook 12" Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube]
1330826 Worker blocks on the main thread on XHR/fetch requests DOM: Networking NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Facebook][necko-triaged]
1331631 CTRL+R and CTRL+F don't work on Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [sitewait][platform-rel-Twitter]
1331638 broken if dom.webnotifications.enabled=false (due to faulty feature detection) Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Adam Stevenson [:adamopenweb] [platform-rel-Twitter]
1331680 Consider not doing sync IPC for document.cookie getter/setter Networking: Cookies RESOLVED No cf_rank Amy Chung [:Amy] [necko-active][platform-rel-Linkedin][necko-quantum]
1331737 Google Docs "Some fonts could not be loaded. Try reloading." warnings about "Varela Round--Menu" font Graphics: Text RESOLVED No cf_rank Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] [gfx-noted][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1331752 Support {Ctrl,Cmd}-Shift-v for pasting unformatted text DOM: Editor RESOLVED No cf_rank
1332951 [EME] On Linux MediaKeySystemAccess should check whether sandboxing works before advertising keySystems Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Hulu]
1334503 After upgrading to version 51.0.1 a lot of conathst.exe processes are created in Win XP sp3 causing crashes including system crash (memory limit?) Extension Compatibility RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Symantec][platform-rel-Norton]
1334594 Using the OS X Hiragana IME, moving the cursor mid-composition causes a compositionend to be fired but the user cannot keep typing until pressing enter. Widget: Cocoa VERIFIED No cf_rank Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1335098 "media could not be played" error after hitting play/pause a lot of times in Twitter video player Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank drichards [platform-rel-Twitter]
1335149 Slow drawing on this canvas example Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank Jeff Muizelaar [:jrmuizel] [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets][gfx-noted]
1335263 Audio Element emits 'timeupdate' past the track's duration when using Media Source Extensions Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [need info reporter 2017-02-01][platform-rel-Amazon][platform-rel-AmazonMusic]
1335900 Enabling service worker slows down time-to-interactive on by 600ms DOM: Service Workers RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Dropbox]
1336060 Display corruption with hardware acceleration enabled (intel gfx on windows) Graphics UNCONFIRMED No cf_rank [gfx-noted][platform-rel-Intel]
1336484 Don't throttle timeouts in background tabs that are playing audio DOM: Core & HTML VERIFIED No cf_rank (no longer active) [platform-rel-Facebook]
1337226 Apple iCloud Keynote shows "Your browser isn't fully supported" Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [needscontact]
1337330 Style Editor is broken on Style Editor RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Deezer]
1337395 An animation on "transform" in a big page is slow Web Painting RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Deezer]
1338128 scrolling doesn't work, landscape <-> portrait cuts off image Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [webcompat]
1338309 Gmail complains that cookies are disabled in e10s windows Networking: Cookies RESOLVED No cf_rank Amy Chung [:Amy] [necko-next][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail]
1338802 CrossCompartmentWrapper handling is slow on Google Spreadsheet JavaScript Engine RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSheets]
1339971 embedded Youtube player on shifts the video toward the bottom Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow [sitewait] [css] [platform-rel-Youtube]
1340018 Google Play Music volume control doesn't stick on reopening browser DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google]
1340545 Vimeo's recommended titles are clipped Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Adam Stevenson [:adamopenweb] [css] [sitewait] [platform-rel-Vimeo]
1340832 slowing page loading and browser performance down when watching streams Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Twitch]
1341391 minor screen tearing when scrolling on FF54 Graphics NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Twitter]
1341882 Slow performance at drawing rectangles on Google Slides Graphics NEW No cf_rank [gfx-noted][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleSlides]
1342220 Janky Twitter thread-dismissing animation Layout RESOLVED No cf_rank Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] [platform-rel-Twitter]
1343538 Overpainting on Google docs Web Painting NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs]
1344481 amazon instant video plays audio, but video freezes on windows Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Amazon][platform-rel-AmazonVideo]
1345489 Introduce a new column for protocol version Netmonitor VERIFIED No cf_rank Vangelis Katsikaros [netmonitor-reserve] [platform-rel-AmazonMusic] [platform-rel-Amazon]
1346335 Is "new" LinkedIn incompatible with "new" Firefox? (Gecko Profiler overhead) JavaScript Engine: JIT RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Linkedin]
1346365 Tab switching on GMail is slow due to texture allocation on Mac Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [gfx-noted][platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail]
1346620 Netflix has never worked on Firefox: "The WidevineCdm plugin has crashed." Audio/Video: GMP VERIFIED 25 Chris Pearce [:cpearce (Not reading bugmail)] [platform-rel-Netflix]
1346815 Cisco Webex does not work on firefox version 52. Error - Use a different browser to join the meeting. Install Firefox version 51 or earlier. Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Cisco]
1347827 Move the "persist logs" option to the netmonitor panel directly to make it more discoverable Netmonitor RESOLVED No cf_rank Michael Hoffmann [platform-rel-Zalando]
1347833 Wrap long request parameter values in the netmonitor sidebar Netmonitor RESOLVED No cf_rank Abhinav Koppula [platform-rel-Zalando]
1347905 POST request parameters are not displayed in a structured way like GET parameters are Netmonitor RESOLVED No cf_rank Locke Chen [platform-rel-Zalando]
1348326 BBC video/audio fails to load after focusing the video’s tab Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank Alastor Wu [:alwu] [platform-rel-BBC][platform-rel-BBCNews]
1348405 Implement Long Animation Frame API DOM: Performance NEW No cf_rank [platform-rel-Facebook] [webpagetest]
1349696 80ms rasterizes scrolling new linkedin profile page Graphics RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Linkedin][gfx-noted]
1349711 amazon magazine subscription search fails Site Reports VERIFIED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Amazon][sitewait]
1352078 Odd sliding of potential new LinkedIn connections (doesn't happen in Chrome) Layout RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Linkedin]
1352934 Background suspended Netflix cannot resume Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank Tzuhao Kuo [:kaku] [platform-rel-Netflix]
1354043 Chat window on Facebook takes long to open on initial click DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Facebook]
1354943 Overpainting on Youtube channel page when scrolling down Web Painting RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Youtube]
1355514 Rework Tab Restoration/Preservation code General RESOLVED No cf_rank [MobileCore]
1357621 search results page sync reflows are super expensive in Gecko Layout RESOLVED No cf_rank Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] [platform-rel-Amazon][platform-rel-AmazonShopping]
1359058 For some videos in IMDb, if you skip to a time via the progress bar, you'll get 'Sorry, an error has occurred while attempting video playback. Please try again later' Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya] [platform-rel-Amazon][platform-rel-IMDb]
1361736 new polymer does not always load content in FF55 Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank Andreas Farre [:farre]|pto Jul 8 -> Aug 2 [platform-rel-Youtube][sitewait]
1362440 [MSE] WebM segments with Tags elements not properly handled. Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED No cf_rank Alastor Wu [:alwu] [platform-rel-Youtube]
1362969 MediaCodecDataDecoder::Flush() hangs when playing Youtube video on Android 4.2.2 Audio/Video RESOLVED No cf_rank John Lin [:jhlin][:jolin] [platform-rel-Youtube]
1363234 Video keeps playing after navigating back on new polymer Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Youtube][sitewait]
1367128 Crash in OOM | large | mozalloc_abort | mozalloc_handle_oom | moz_xrealloc | nsTArray_base<T>::EnsureCapacity<T> | nsTArray_Impl<T>::AppendElement<T> | mp4_demuxer::MoofParser::RebuildFragmentedIndex Audio/Video: Playback VERIFIED No cf_rank Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya] [platform-rel-Twitch]
1375827 "Touch-enabled" display density (AKA display mode) is not available in Gmail DOM: Events RESOLVED No cf_rank [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-Gmail]
1426644 [Twitch] The last names inside the “Viewer list” are not completely visible Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [sitewait][platform-rel-Twitch]
1426646 [Twitch] The scrollbars inside the "Dashboard - Live" page overlap the content Site Reports RESOLVED No cf_rank [sitewait][platform-rel-Twitch]
1441238 [tracking protection 2.0] inconsistent UI state: TP pref not matching long-press reload option Browser RESOLVED No cf_rank

316 Total; 46 Open (14.56%); 251 Resolved (79.43%); 19 Verified (6.01%);

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);