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Over the past two years, Popcorn.js has grown from a small experiment at Seneca College, Ontario, to a mature javascript library in use by app developers, news organizations, media companies, archives, libraries and educators.

Mozilla has long supported the ecosystem of open source video software and standards. Through Popcorn, Popcorn Maker and other initiatives, we hope to strengthen the open web platform and make web video a much more powerful medium.

To further these goals—and to identify shared priorities and overlapping development efforts—we would like to convene Popcorn users, developers, and contributor institutions to meet and collaboratively chart future directions for the project.


We encourage you to have a look at the popcornjs.org site, the popcorn.js source code, and the Butter SDK. Additionally, try the development version of Popcorn Maker at http://dev.butyr.org.

This meeting is to collaboratively chart a future for Popcorn.js and our shared interests in web video. Please bring your constructive ideas for how we can work more closely together on projects, improve tools and documentation, and continue to innovate around web media.

Thursday, September 27th Schedule

Mozilla SF headquarters - 2 Harrison St, 7th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105

9:30am - Welcome and casual breakfast
10:00am - Introductions
10:30am - Update on Popcorn.js and Popcorn Maker
10:45am - Demos of Popcorn-enabled applications by meeting participants
12:00pm - Lunch (provided)
1:00pm - Special interest breakout sessions - see https://wiki.mozilla.org/Popcorn/Stakeholder
4:00pm - Discussion: how can Popcorn evolve to meet our needs?
7:00pm - Dinner and drinks TBD (provided)

Friday, September 28th Schedule

Mozilla SF headquarters - 2 Harrison St, 7th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105

9:30am - Breakfast
10:00am - Popcorn 1.5 triage and documentation
10:00am - Continued Community discussion
12:00pm - Lunch
Afternoon - Sprint on code, plan a new software project, contribute to documentation or help us refine plans - work on something that matters to you!


We will facilitate small group sessions on the afternoon of the 27th. These are interest-based and hopefully result in specific outcomes.

Feel free to suggest sessions here.

Common Space Mezzanine Room Rockit Room Parkside Room Paramount Room
Models for Community Governance (1pm) Creator's control (2pm) Popcorn on the Living Room Screen (1pm)
Popcorn 2.0 features and API (3pm) YouTube APIs huddle (3pm IN COMMONS) Tools for Authoring and Making (3pm IN COMMONS)

Participating institutions

Adobe, Big Blue Button, Bocoup, Broadcasting Board of Governors, FRONTLINE, HapYak, Internet Archive, ITVS, Kaltura, Khan Academy, Mozilla, MX, NPR, Ocupop, PBS Newshour, PCF, RAMP, RCDB, Reddit, Wikimedia, YouTube, Zeega


PopScript Roadmap: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/PopScript2