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Revision History

This section describes the modifications that have been made to this wiki page. A new row has been completed each time the content of this document is updated (small corrections for typographical errors do not need to be recorded). The description of the modification contains the differences from the prior version, in terms of what sections were updated and to what extent.

Date Version Author Description
14/09/2016 1.0 Brindusa Tot Created first draft
13/11/2017 1.1 Emil Ghitta Updates



Detail the purpose of this document. For example:

  • The test scope, focus areas and objectives
  • The test responsibilities
  • The test strategy for the levels and types of test for this release
  • The entry and exit criteria
  • The basis of the test estimates
  • Any risks, issues, assumptions and test dependencies
  • The test schedule and major milestones
  • The test deliverables


This wiki details the testing that will be performed by the project team for the Date Time Input Types project. It defines the overall testing requirements and provides an integrated view of the project test activities. Its purpose is to document:

  • What will be tested
  • How testing will be performed


Manager: Wesley Huang (irc: wesley_huang)
Engineering Contacts: Jessica Jong (irc: jessica), Scott Wu(irc: scottwu)
UX Designers: Morpheus Chen (irc: Morpheus), Tina Hsieh (irc: Tina_Hsieh)
Visual Designer: Helen Huang (irc: hhuang)
TDC QA Contact: Cynthia Tang (irc: cynthiatang)

Engineering Team - Nightly Testing:
Rares Bologa (irc: RaresB) - PM for QA team
Brindusa Tot (irc: brindusat) - leading QA efforts
Roxana Leitan (irc: RoxanaLeitan) - QA

Testing summary

Scope of Testing

In Scope

Date/Time Picker project enables the feature on Desktop where HTML input fields should contain a date or time or allow users to select a week in a year.

The Date/Time Picker project:
- aims to provide 5 basic input/pickers: date, month, time, date time, and week
- it's designed to meet the following HTML standard criteria including "Preset Value", "Preset List", "Step", and "Max/Min"
- takes care of localization and accessibility (Cursor Only, Cursor+Keyboard, or Keyboard only).

Out of Scope

RTL currently is not in the scope.
At the time being - only the Gregorian calendar is considered.

Requirements for testing


Full testing will be performed on the following OSes:

  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Ubuntu

Test Strategy

Test Objectives

This section details the progression test objectives that will be covered. Please note that this is at a high level. For large projects, a suite of test cases would be created which would reference directly back to this master. This could be documented in bullet form or in a table similar to the one below.

Ref Function Test Objective Evaluation Criteria Test Type Owners
1 Date picker The date picker is properly displayed Default input field displays yyyy-mm-dd (varies based on locale) Manual Eng Team
2 Date picker functionality The date can be properly selected User can properly pick between years/months/days Manual Eng Team
3 Month/year picker The month/year picker is properly displayed Default input field displays yyyy-mm (varies based on locale) Manual Eng Team
4 Month/year picker functionality The month/year picker is properly selected User can pick month first then year, vice versa Manual Eng Team
5 Time picker The time picker is properly displayed Default input field displays --:-- -- (varies based on locale) Manual Eng Team
6 Time picker functionality The time picker is properly displayed User can pick 3 columns in any order: hour, minute, AM/PM Manual Eng Team
7 Week picker The week picker is properly displayed Default input field displays Week --, yyyy (varies based on locale) Manual Eng Team
8 Week picker functionality The week can be properly selected User can pick months/years and the highlight in input box will move to picked segment and change value simultaneously Manual Eng Team
9 DateTime-local picker DateTime local picker is properly displayed Default input field displays yyyy-mm-dd, -- : -- -- (varies according to date and time picker) Manual Eng Team
10 DateTime-local picker functionality DateTime local picker can be properly selected User can pick the date that will automatically trigger the time picker and vice versa Manual Eng Team
11 Localization Date/Time pickers are properly displayed on locale builds User can pick between pickers on locale builds Manual Eng Team
12 Accessibility Date/Time pickers are visible and usable from accessibility point of view Testing for accessibility includes:

- Cursor only
- Cursor + Keyboard
- Keyboard-only
- testing using High Contrast themes
- Screen reader

Manual Eng Team


This section should contain links for builds with the feature -

  • Links for Nightly builds - available since 10.26.2016 - link
  • Links for Beta builds

Test Execution Schedule

Eng team will follow up the milestone given by the developers team: Milestone link

The following table identifies the anticipated testing period available for test execution.

Project phase Start Date End Date
Start project 2016.09.12
Study documentation/specs received from developers 2016.09.12 2016.09.15
QA - Test plan creation 2016.09.12 2016.09.15
QA - Test cases/Env preparation 2016.09.12 2016.10.01
QA - Nightly Testing 2016.11.10 2017.09.13
QA - Beta Testing 2017.09.14 2017.10.27
Release Date 2017.11.14

Testing Tools

Detail the tools to be used for testing, for example see the following table:

Process Tool
Test plan creation Mozilla wiki
Test case creation TestRail
Test case execution TestRail
Bugs management Bugzilla




Basic input field [LANDED] Nightly 52: first landed, disabled by default
Pop-up picker [LANDED] Nightly 52: first landed, de-scoped
Input field with STEP (displaying warning message when out of range) [LANDED] Nightly 53: first landed,disabled by default
Input field with Min/Max (displaying warning message when out of range) [LANDED] Nightly 53: first landed, disabled by default
Input field with keyboard navigation [LANDED] Nightly 52: first landed, disabled by default


Basic input field [LANDED] Nightly 53: first landed, disabled by default
Pop-up picker [LANDED] Nightly 52: first landed, disabled by default
Input field with STEP (displaying warning message when out of range) [LANDED] Nightly 53: first landed,disabled by default
Input field with Min/Max (displaying warning message when out of range) [LANDED] Nightly 53: first landed, disabled by default
Input field with keyboard navigation [LANDED] Nightly 53: first landed, disabled by default

Risk Assessment and Coverage

ID Description / Threat Description Magnitude Probability Priority Impact Score
RAC-1 User Experience 3-High 3-High 3-High 27
RAC-2 High contrast 3-High 3-High 3-High 27
RAC-3 Localization 3-High 2-Possible 3-High 18
RAC-4 Screen reader for picker and input box 3-High 2-Possible 3-High 18
RAC-5 Input box in multiple frames 3-High 2-Possible 2-Medium 12
RAC-6 RTL 1- Low 2-Possible 2-Medium 4


  • Magnitude: 1- Low , 2-Moderate, 3-High
  • Probability: 1-Unlikely, 2-Possible, 3-Almost Certain
  • Priority: 1 - Low, 2-Medium, 3-High

Impact Score Breakdown:

  • An impact value of 1, 2, 3, 4 would describe an area which although should be covered there aren't expected any discoveries of critical issues.
  • An impact value of 6, 8, 9, 12 would describe an area in which we expect to find issues but those issues are not expected to be critical.
  • An impact value of 18 or 27 would describe an area on which it is likely to find issues and those issues to be critical or blockers.


 - UX specifications - link
 - Roadmap wiki page - link
 - demo presentation - link
 - webpage sample - link
 - QA Kick-off etherpad link


Test Areas

Test Areas Covered Details
Private Window yes
Multi-Process Enabled yes
Multi-process Disabled No
Theme (high contrast) yes
Mouse-only operation yes
Keyboard-only operation yes
Display (HiDPI) yes
Interraction (scroll, zoom) yes
Usable with a screen reader yes e.g. with NVDA
Usability and/or discoverability testing yes Is this feature user friendly
RTL build testing yes
Help/support interface required No Make sure link to support/help page exist and is easy reachable.
Support documents planned(written) Make sure support documents are written and are correct.
Feature upgrades/downgrades data as expected No
Does sync work across upgrades No
Requires install testing No separate feature/application installation needed (not only Firefox)
Affects first-run or onboarding NA Florin/Lawrence are investigating if there is a dedicated QA for this, or we should test? Should be an yes/no and if is yes should add in detail column the team/person assigned.
Does this affect partner builds? Partner build testing yes/no options, add comment with details about who will lead testing
Enterprise Raise up the topic to developers to see if they are expecting to work different on ESR builds
Enterprise administration No
Network proxies/autoconfig No
ESR behavior changes No
Locked preferences No
Data Monitoring
Temporary or permanent telemetry monitoring No List of error conditions to monitor
Telemetry correctness testing No
Server integration testing No
Offline and server failure testing No
Load testing No
Add-ons If add-ons are available for testing feature, or is current feature will affect some add-ons, then API testing should be done for the add-on.
Addon API required? No
Comprehensive API testing No
Permissions No
Testing with existing/popular addons No
Security Security is in charge of Matt Wobensmith. We should contact his team to see if security testing is necessary for current feature.
3rd-party security review No
Privilege escalation testing No
Fuzzing No
Web Compatibility depends on the feature
Testing against target sites
Survey of many sites for compatibility No
Interoperability depends on the feature
Common protocol/data format with other software: specification available. Interop testing with other common clients or servers. No
Coordinated testing/interop across the Firefoxes: Desktop, Android, iOS No
Interaction of this feature with other browser features No

Test suite

Full Test suite - can be found on TestRails at  link or in the PDF doc 

Bug Work

Meta: Bug 888320 - [meta] (datetime) implement all time and date related input types

Logged bugs ( blocking 888320 )

Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status Target milestone
446510 -- Layout: Form Controls Implement date/time input types on Mobile RESOLVED ---
769352 -- DOM: Core & HTML DOM/content implementation for <input type=date> RESOLVED mozilla20
773205 -- General Implement layout (UI) for date/time input types on Desktop RESOLVED ---
777279 -- DOM: Core & HTML Mounir Lamouri (:mounir) DOM/content implemententation for <input type='time'> RESOLVED mozilla21
825294 -- DOM: Core & HTML jordandev678 Implement framework for using date/time input types on Desktop RESOLVED mozilla50
888316 P3 DOM: Core & HTML [meta] DOM/content implementation for <input type="week"> RESOLVED ---
888324 P3 DOM: Core & HTML [meta] DOM/content implemententation for <input type="month"> RESOLVED ---
888328 -- DOM: Core & HTML implement <input type="datetime"> RESOLVED ---
888331 -- DOM: Core & HTML DOM/content implemententation for <input type="datetime-local"> RESOLVED ---
1069609 P3 Layout: Form Controls [UX] Provide specs for desktop layout of date/time inputs RESOLVED ---
1280654 P3 JavaScript: Internationalization API [meta] Expose a set of CLDR data via custom APIs for date/time format UI NEW ---
1283381 -- Layout: Form Controls [meta] Implement UI for date time input types NEW ---
1283382 P3 Layout: Form Controls Implement UI for <input type="month"> NEW ---
1286182 P1 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Implement the layout for <input type=date> RESOLVED mozilla53
1288591 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Implement the layout for <input type=time> RESOLVED mozilla52
1289272 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Consider changing the implementation of step attribute for input type=date RESOLVED mozilla50
1301295 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimeInput] Increment/decrement values based on step when using arrow keys NEW ---
1301304 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimeInput] dispatch keyboard events to picker when picker is opened by keyboard NEW ---
1301306 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] blur/focus events triggered when moving through inner text boxes RESOLVED mozilla52
1301308 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimeInput] autocomplete/list support on input element NEW ---
1301310 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] picker gets hidden/shown when clicking through inner text boxes RESOLVED mozilla55
1301312 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] localization for <input type=time> input box RESOLVED mozilla55
1306215 P3 Layout: Form Controls Implement the layout for <input type=month> RESOLVED ---
1306216 P3 Layout: Form Controls Implement the layout for <input type=week> NEW ---
1306217 P3 Layout: Form Controls Implement the layout for <input type=datetime-local> RESOLVED ---
1309457 -- Layout: Form Controls Style the hover state for <input type=time> RESOLVED ---
1310587 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] make background of reset button in input box transparent RESOLVED mozilla52
1310831 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimeInput] Allow to copy and paste the value of the time field NEW ---
1314542 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] input field cleared unexpectedly when using up/down keys RESOLVED mozilla52
1314544 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] browser keyboard shortcut does not work when focus is on input box RESOLVED mozilla53
1320225 P1 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] Integration of input type=date input box with picker RESOLVED mozilla53
1320227 P3 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] localization for <input type=date> input box RESOLVED mozilla55
1323674 -- Layout: Form Controls [meta] defects in date time input types NEW ---
1332266 -- UI Widgets [DateTimePicker] Use Intl.getFirstDayOfWeek to show correct start of week based on current locale RESOLVED ---
1337234 P1 DOM: Core & HTML Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Add new webAPIs for XBL in child to get calendar terms RESOLVED ---
1344642 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Redefine date/time input related preferences RESOLVED mozilla55
1346085 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] (l10n) RTL support for <input type=time> input box RESOLVED mozilla55
1347069 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] (l10n) 12/24hr format for <input type=time> based on locale RESOLVED mozilla55
1348052 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Ian Moody [:Kwan] (UTC+1) vertical scroll buttons on the datetime picker are opposed to the natural behavior of scrolling buttons VERIFIED mozilla55
1349106 P1 Internationalization Zibi Braniecki [:zbraniecki][:gandalf] LocaleService::GetAppLocalesAsBCP47() always returns ["en-US"] if called from content side RESOLVED ---
1418061 P3 Layout: Form Controls Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] In the new FF57 date input widget with pt locale days of the week appear as segunda, terça, quarta,... These are too long and appear superimposed and scroll bars show up. VERIFIED mozilla70
1420126 P2 DOM: Core & HTML input:date value not changing on manual input and pressing return RESOLVED ---
1425218 P3 Layout: Form Controls <input type=time> uses AM/PM on a system with a 24h locale RESOLVED mozilla67
1446342 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Input type="date" not working if the other form elements has name="document" RESOLVED mozilla61
1498787 -- General Rob Wu [:robwu] input type="datetime", type="datetime-local" and type="time" does not allow changing of seconds, even if the "step" attribute is set RESOLVED Firefox 64
1502390 P3 DOM: Core & HTML input date not respecting min max in same behaviour as chrome RESOLVED ---
1532923 P3 Layout: Form Controls use mozIOSPreferences API to identify the correct skeleton/pattern for the time picker NEW ---
1583623 P3 DOM: Core & HTML InvalidStateError is thrown when trying to set valueAsNumber of an input with type="datetime-local" on Google Maps RESOLVED ---
1634308 -- DOM: Forms input date does not display using dateformat specified in the OS UNCONFIRMED ---
1809038 -- DOM: Forms Date picker for <input type=date> does not scroll with input element NEW ---
1891318 -- Layout: Form Controls <input type=time> uses AM/PM on a system with a 24h locale, even with intl.regional_prefs.use_os_locales = true RESOLVED ---

51 Total; 12 Open (23.53%); 37 Resolved (72.55%); 2 Verified (3.92%);

Meta: Bug 1323674 -[meta] defects in date time input types

Logged bugs ( blocking 1323674 )

Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status Target milestone
559762 -- Disability Access APIs make <input type="date"> and other date controls accessible RESOLVED ---
1310823 -- Layout: Form Controls [DateTimeInput] Select placeholder text on focus VERIFIED ---
1311857 P2 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) <input type="time"> inner components overflow (quite a bit) & stomp on later content, if it's given a small width RESOLVED mozilla55
1317581 P3 Themes Jared Wein [:jaws] (please needinfo? me) [DateTimePicker] Picker should support high contrast mode on Windows RESOLVED mozilla63
1318317 -- UI Widgets Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimePicker] Delete button appears before time values are entered in the input field VERIFIED mozilla54
1318324 P3 UI Widgets [DateTimePicker] Input values should be overridden after focus is changed to another segment or outside input then re-edited. VERIFIED ---
1318339 P3 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] When action on Delete button an " | " is displayed over it VERIFIED mozilla55
1318609 P3 UI Widgets [DateTimePicker] Pressing up/down arrows should increase/decrease minutes value by the step value set RESOLVED ---
1320108 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] Delete button is not visible in High contrast mode RESOLVED ---
1320115 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] Typing new digits when highlight is on the AM/PM segment isn't replacing second digit from minutes RESOLVED ---
1320127 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] Focus is not applied when clicking on input box RESOLVED ---
1320138 -- UI Widgets [DateTimePicker] Highlight state for segments is not working before time values are entered in the input field RESOLVED ---
1320309 -- Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] Hover state is not applied when hover with mouse over input field RESOLVED ---
1322135 P1 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimePicker] Hour segment is not focused after deleting the time set before RESOLVED ---
1322147 P5 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] No error message when click outside the input box NEW ---
1323109 -- UI Widgets Scott Wu [:scottwu] [DateTimePicker] Date time picker popup does not open near input box VERIFIED mozilla53
1331608 -- UI Widgets Sebastian Hengst [:aryx] (needinfo me if it's about an intermittent or backout) [DateTimePicker] months appear twice or not at all in month picker due to daylight savings time (e.g. March, October) VERIFIED mozilla54
1332242 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] Date time picker popup is not aligned to the left below the input box NEW ---
1334038 -- UI Widgets Scott Wu [:scottwu] <input type=date> seems to show selection pop up even when tab is changed VERIFIED mozilla54
1337378 P1 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu [:scottwu] [DateTimePicker] No indicator for today in date picker VERIFIED mozilla56
1337830 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] Home/End keys change year values in the input box VERIFIED mozilla55
1338129 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] The segments (date/month/year) are not highlighted in the input box NEW ---
1338203 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimeInput] End key does not select the last date for the displayed month NEW ---
1339054 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimeInput] "3" key should validate day segment as "03" for month February NEW ---
1339380 -- Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) <input type=date> should close selection popup when input loses focus RESOLVED 84 Branch
1340097 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] The values choosed with date picker are changed in the input box before picker is collapsed NEW ---
1340098 -- Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker]The picker is automatically collapsed after date is selected RESOLVED ---
1341190 -- UI Widgets Scott Wu [:scottwu] Date picker panel and email input validation popup close immediately after opening VERIFIED mozilla54
1344624 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] (l10n) Numbers in numeric field should be formatted based on locale. VERIFIED mozilla55
1347621 -- Layout: Form Controls <input date> month dropdown and <input time> scroll arrows go the wrong way RESOLVED ---
1348052 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Ian Moody [:Kwan] (UTC+1) vertical scroll buttons on the datetime picker are opposed to the natural behavior of scrolling buttons VERIFIED mozilla55
1350849 -- Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] The Preset Value is not displayed after reloading the page RESOLVED ---
1366620 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Reversed "Day, Month, Year" Hebrew text in <input type=date> VERIFIED mozilla55
1370086 P1 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu [:scottwu] Date picker mixes different calendars when using with Persian (fa) locale RESOLVED mozilla56
1370858 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) <input type=date> datepicker doesn't fire change event RESOLVED mozilla56
1370859 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Magnus Melin [:mkmelin] <input type="date"> datepicker doesn't follow system "First day of week" RESOLVED mozilla67
1370889 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] High Contrast mode: The segments for time input are not highlighted NEW ---
1371111 P2 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Clicking input[type=date] padding does not open the chooser RESOLVED mozilla57
1371121 P1 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Date chooser breaks when clicking between input in iframe VERIFIED mozilla56
1372109 -- Layout: Form Controls [DateTimeInput] RTL : The right/left arrows don't work for some segments RESOLVED ---
1372369 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) I can enter 31/02/2017 (pt-br) as a date VERIFIED mozilla56
1374621 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] Time input box with Preset step : Page Up/Down and Home/End keys are not disabled RESOLVED ---
1374967 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] Consider also @step when deciding to show or hide second/millisecond field VERIFIED mozilla56
1380285 P3 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] The first error state appear only after click outside the input box NEW ---
1381421 P1 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu [:scottwu] [DateTimePicker] Handle dates earlier than 0001-01-01 and later than 275760-09-13 correctly RESOLVED mozilla57
1382175 P1 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu [:scottwu] [DateTimePicker] Fix time picker step and min/max regressions RESOLVED mozilla56
1386642 P1 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu [:scottwu] [DateTimePicker] Date picker displays wrong calendar if an invalid date is entered (e.g. 02-31) RESOLVED ---
1386973 -- Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] Month cannot be selected from the month/year calendar if the date entered in the input box is invalid RESOLVED ---
1387056 -- Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] Default start date is 'today's date" if web author doesn't set start date RESOLVED ---
1387121 P2 Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] After reset the zoom level, the picker position is not reset NEW ---
1390794 P1 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Date picker closed immediately after it's opened RESOLVED mozilla57
1391411 P3 DOM: Core & HTML <input type="date"> picker doesn't follow system dd / mm / yyyy order RESOLVED ---
1397114 P2 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu date input month year section will not show correct pick while fast scrolling VERIFIED mozilla58
1400998 -- Layout: Form Controls Incorrect event firing for html <input type="date"> datepicker RESOLVED ---
1406859 P2 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimePicker] Picker does not show if clicking on the second date input on the same page VERIFIED mozilla58
1409731 P3 Layout: Form Controls Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] Time values cannot be changed with arrow keys while using "NVDA" screen reader VERIFIED mozilla59
1446722 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Mirko Brodesser (:mbrodesser-Igalia) Onchange-event not triggered when resetting non-focused date-input-field (same for time-input-field) RESOLVED mozilla68
1450173 P3 Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) input with date/time type doesn't center its contents, with "text-align:center" RESOLVED mozilla70
1450219 P3 Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Datetimebox may lose focus when the value changes. RESOLVED mozilla65
1461509 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Firefox allowing a read only date/time input field to be erased RESOLVED mozilla70
1464592 P3 DOM: Core & HTML LC_TIME ignored for html5 input fields (type=time,date) RESOLVED ---
1478654 P3 Layout: Form Controls Disabled date input has a clear button RESOLVED ---
1479708 P3 UI Widgets François Freitag Required date input still has a clear button RESOLVED mozilla70
1494255 P3 Layout: Form Controls Arshad Kazmi [:arshadkazmi42] Date input: disabled CSS: Only the slashes show in the correct style RESOLVED mozilla65
1501987 P3 Layout: Form Controls Date input offers to pick dates outside of min and max attributes RESOLVED ---
1517432 P3 Layout: Form Controls date-field does not handle pressing the date separator key NEW ---
1521212 -- Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) date and time inputs with value and styled visibility:hidden still show (x) to clear RESOLVED mozilla66
1521884 -- Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) <input type="time"> keyboard input broken RESOLVED mozilla66
1529205 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Geoff Lankow (:darktrojan) DateTimePickerParent shouldn't rely on gBrowser and gBrowser.popupAnchor RESOLVED mozilla69
1561787 P3 Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) readonly date input shows active clear x RESOLVED mozilla70
1567191 P3 Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Datetime input attribute value changes is not correct RESOLVED mozilla70
1569596 -- DOM: Core & HTML Input Type Date Doesn't Fire Change Event When A date is Selected from the Popup that Matches Current Date RESOLVED ---
1571533 P3 Layout: Form Controls datetimebox.js should look more at defaultPrevented RESOLVED ---
1608046 P3 Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Accessibility issue - Not able to access/open the native date picker's popup through keyboard VERIFIED 84 Branch
1612202 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Date and time inputs inside shadow DOM do not update their value or fire input events reliably RESOLVED mozilla74
1613280 P3 DOM: Forms Szobonya Csaba It's possible to type a date that exceeds the value of the max attribute (input type date min max) RESOLVED 124 Branch
1643390 -- sv-SE / Swedish Luna Jernberg Input type=date placeholder text is not localized in Swedish RESOLVED ---
1646304 -- Layout: Form Controls input[type=date] with value NOT in format yyyy-mm-dd UNCONFIRMED ---
1676068 P3 Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Consider making datetime picker popup fully keyboard accessible RESOLVED 109 Branch
1696866 -- Layout: Form Controls time picker broken NEW ---
1705310 -- Internationalization Displayed time typed HTML input doesn't respect system locale RESOLVED ---
1719007 -- Layout: Form Controls <input type=time> does not fire "input" event during input RESOLVED ---
1719010 -- Layout: Form Controls <input type=time> does not expose partial values during input RESOLVED ---
1719011 -- DOM: Forms Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) <input type=time> does not warn user when submitting with partial value (Chrome does) VERIFIED 91 Branch
1726107 -- UI Widgets Fix and re-enable the time picker UI NEW ---
1726546 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) datetime-local min attribute misused VERIFIED 93 Branch
1728366 -- UI Widgets Ruben Calvo <input type=date min=".."> popup allows you to browse out-of-range months, even though you can't select any days on them RESOLVED 93 Branch
1729342 -- DOM: Core & HTML Sean Feng [:sefeng] Probably use delegatesFocus for <input type=date/time/datetime-local> widget, rather than MozBlurInnerTextBox / MozFocusInnerTextBox RESOLVED 94 Branch
1730175 -- Layout: Form Controls James Teh [:Jamie] Date input accessible value not resetting after clearing RESOLVED 94 Branch
1730437 -- Layout: Form Controls Clear button in date/time inputs is not keyboard accessible RESOLVED ---
1749427 -- DOM: Forms Decreasing value of input type time and max defined with JavaScript stepDown does not yield the expected value NEW ---
1756211 -- Layout: Form Controls av Time input using 24h does not change AM/PM RESOLVED 106 Branch
1761296 -- Layout: Form Controls monthpicker for <input type="date/datetime-local"> should have selected month and year vertically aligned even if items restricted with min and max attributes RESOLVED ---
1797383 -- Theme Input type=date and datetime-local shadow-root controls to provide visual hover state indication NEW ---
1797669 P3 Themes [Win][HCM] Datepicker from Input type=date and datetime-local to provide semantic HCM styles NEW ---
1801910 -- Layout: Form Controls Decide if readonly date and datetime-local inputs need to have a Calendar button to show a datepicker NEW ---
1801911 -- Layout: Form Controls Decide if time inputs need to have a Reset button to clear their value NEW ---
1801917 -- Layout: Form Controls Decide if a user can arrow to a Calendar button within date and datetime-local inputs NEW ---
1801930 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Use Escape to close month-year panel only and keep the datepicker open VERIFIED 110 Branch
1801983 -- Layout: Form Controls Decide if the increment size for PageUp and PageDown keypresses needs to be adjusted for datepicker Spinners NEW ---
1802201 -- Layout: Form Controls Make timepicker panel accessible NEW ---
1802205 -- Layout: Form Controls Selection indication is removed from spinbuttons of the timepicker when arrow keys are used NEW ---
1803614 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Investigate the datepicker panel's focus behavior for a shadow DOM that contains two inputs RESOLVED ---
1804459 -- Layout: Form Controls [meta] Datepicker - QA bug tracking NEW ---
1804462 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Keyboard Navigation focus border is not properly displayed inside Datepickers VERIFIED 111 Branch
1804466 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Navigating through Datepicker using keyboard after a date has already been selected will loose keyboard focus when reaching a different month RESOLVED 111 Branch
1804663 -- Layout: Form Controls Datepicker shows the wrong order for the datetime-local input in AR builds NEW ---
1804669 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Users can delete the Calendar button with Backspace VERIFIED 110 Branch
1804674 -- Disability Access Orca and Voice Over screen readers do not read out loud the Datepicker fields correctly NEW ---
1804679 -- Disability Access mm/dd/yyyy from date input field incorrectly read out loud by screen reader NVDA RESOLVED ---
1804698 -- Keyboard Navigation Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Space bar scrolls down when used in the month/year spin selection buttons VERIFIED 110 Branch
1804699 -- Disability Access Morgan Reschenberg [:morgan] [MacOS] Unable to reach and navigate between Datepicker controls using Voice Over commands VERIFIED 113 Branch
1804866 -- Disability Access The Months and Years spinners from Datepickers are not being read by NVDA on Hover RESOLVED ---
1804869 -- Keyboard Navigation Ctrl + Home and Ctrl + End don't select the first day/last of the current month inside Datepicker Dialog Example RESOLVED ---
1804879 -- Layout: Form Controls The Calendar can no longer be openened by clicking the Datepicker fields RESOLVED ---
1805208 -- Widget: Gtk input type=date calendar popup fails to display with Linux/Wayland when positioned at the edge of the screen RESOLVED ---
1806587 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Decide if pressing Backspace on the Calendar button should reset the date and datetime-local inputs VERIFIED 111 Branch
1806645 -- Disability Access Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] PgUp/PgDn not working properly in the datepicker for date and datetime-local inputs VERIFIED 111 Branch
1806823 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] [AR] Selecting Next/Previous Month Arrows in a Calendar will not allow the user to reach the Days/Weeks Selector using Tab in AR builds VERIFIED 111 Branch
1807006 P3 Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] prefers-reduced-motion not respected in input type date VERIFIED 110 Branch
1815184 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Esc key dismisses the datepicker if no interaction is done on the month-year panel VERIFIED 111 Branch
1817785 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Unable to change the month in the Datepicker panel if there already is a date set VERIFIED 115 Branch
1818940 -- DOM: Core & HTML <input type="date"> datepicker doesn't follow system "First day of week" UNCONFIRMED ---
1854293 -- Layout: Form Controls HTML date picker pop-up doesn't work from non-chrome parent process pages NEW ---

124 Total; 27 Open (21.77%); 64 Resolved (51.61%); 33 Verified (26.61%);

Bug Verification (blocking 888320 )

Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status Target milestone
446510 -- Layout: Form Controls Implement date/time input types on Mobile RESOLVED ---
769352 -- DOM: Core & HTML DOM/content implementation for <input type=date> RESOLVED mozilla20
777279 -- DOM: Core & HTML Mounir Lamouri (:mounir) DOM/content implemententation for <input type='time'> RESOLVED mozilla21
825294 -- DOM: Core & HTML jordandev678 Implement framework for using date/time input types on Desktop RESOLVED mozilla50
888316 P3 DOM: Core & HTML [meta] DOM/content implementation for <input type="week"> RESOLVED ---
888324 P3 DOM: Core & HTML [meta] DOM/content implemententation for <input type="month"> RESOLVED ---
888331 -- DOM: Core & HTML DOM/content implemententation for <input type="datetime-local"> RESOLVED ---
1069609 P3 Layout: Form Controls [UX] Provide specs for desktop layout of date/time inputs RESOLVED ---
1286182 P1 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Implement the layout for <input type=date> RESOLVED mozilla53
1288591 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Implement the layout for <input type=time> RESOLVED mozilla52
1289272 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Consider changing the implementation of step attribute for input type=date RESOLVED mozilla50
1301306 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] blur/focus events triggered when moving through inner text boxes RESOLVED mozilla52
1301310 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] picker gets hidden/shown when clicking through inner text boxes RESOLVED mozilla55
1301312 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] localization for <input type=time> input box RESOLVED mozilla55
1310587 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] make background of reset button in input box transparent RESOLVED mozilla52
1314542 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] input field cleared unexpectedly when using up/down keys RESOLVED mozilla52
1314544 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] browser keyboard shortcut does not work when focus is on input box RESOLVED mozilla53
1320225 P1 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] Integration of input type=date input box with picker RESOLVED mozilla53
1320227 P3 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] localization for <input type=date> input box RESOLVED mozilla55
1337234 P1 DOM: Core & HTML Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Add new webAPIs for XBL in child to get calendar terms RESOLVED ---
1344642 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Redefine date/time input related preferences RESOLVED mozilla55
1346085 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] (l10n) RTL support for <input type=time> input box RESOLVED mozilla55
1347069 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] (l10n) 12/24hr format for <input type=time> based on locale RESOLVED mozilla55
1348052 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Ian Moody [:Kwan] (UTC+1) vertical scroll buttons on the datetime picker are opposed to the natural behavior of scrolling buttons VERIFIED mozilla55
1349106 P1 Internationalization Zibi Braniecki [:zbraniecki][:gandalf] LocaleService::GetAppLocalesAsBCP47() always returns ["en-US"] if called from content side RESOLVED ---
1418061 P3 Layout: Form Controls Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] In the new FF57 date input widget with pt locale days of the week appear as segunda, terça, quarta,... These are too long and appear superimposed and scroll bars show up. VERIFIED mozilla70
1425218 P3 Layout: Form Controls <input type=time> uses AM/PM on a system with a 24h locale RESOLVED mozilla67
1446342 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Input type="date" not working if the other form elements has name="document" RESOLVED mozilla61
1498787 -- General Rob Wu [:robwu] input type="datetime", type="datetime-local" and type="time" does not allow changing of seconds, even if the "step" attribute is set RESOLVED Firefox 64

29 Total; 0 Open (0%); 27 Resolved (93.1%); 2 Verified (6.9%);

Bug Verification (blocking 1323674 )

Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status Target milestone
1310823 -- Layout: Form Controls [DateTimeInput] Select placeholder text on focus VERIFIED ---
1311857 P2 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) <input type="time"> inner components overflow (quite a bit) & stomp on later content, if it's given a small width RESOLVED mozilla55
1317581 P3 Themes Jared Wein [:jaws] (please needinfo? me) [DateTimePicker] Picker should support high contrast mode on Windows RESOLVED mozilla63
1318317 -- UI Widgets Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimePicker] Delete button appears before time values are entered in the input field VERIFIED mozilla54
1318324 P3 UI Widgets [DateTimePicker] Input values should be overridden after focus is changed to another segment or outside input then re-edited. VERIFIED ---
1318339 P3 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] When action on Delete button an " | " is displayed over it VERIFIED mozilla55
1323109 -- UI Widgets Scott Wu [:scottwu] [DateTimePicker] Date time picker popup does not open near input box VERIFIED mozilla53
1331608 -- UI Widgets Sebastian Hengst [:aryx] (needinfo me if it's about an intermittent or backout) [DateTimePicker] months appear twice or not at all in month picker due to daylight savings time (e.g. March, October) VERIFIED mozilla54
1334038 -- UI Widgets Scott Wu [:scottwu] <input type=date> seems to show selection pop up even when tab is changed VERIFIED mozilla54
1337378 P1 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu [:scottwu] [DateTimePicker] No indicator for today in date picker VERIFIED mozilla56
1337830 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] Home/End keys change year values in the input box VERIFIED mozilla55
1339380 -- Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) <input type=date> should close selection popup when input loses focus RESOLVED 84 Branch
1341190 -- UI Widgets Scott Wu [:scottwu] Date picker panel and email input validation popup close immediately after opening VERIFIED mozilla54
1344624 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] (l10n) Numbers in numeric field should be formatted based on locale. VERIFIED mozilla55
1348052 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Ian Moody [:Kwan] (UTC+1) vertical scroll buttons on the datetime picker are opposed to the natural behavior of scrolling buttons VERIFIED mozilla55
1366620 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Reversed "Day, Month, Year" Hebrew text in <input type=date> VERIFIED mozilla55
1370086 P1 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu [:scottwu] Date picker mixes different calendars when using with Persian (fa) locale RESOLVED mozilla56
1370858 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) <input type=date> datepicker doesn't fire change event RESOLVED mozilla56
1370859 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Magnus Melin [:mkmelin] <input type="date"> datepicker doesn't follow system "First day of week" RESOLVED mozilla67
1371111 P2 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Clicking input[type=date] padding does not open the chooser RESOLVED mozilla57
1371121 P1 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Date chooser breaks when clicking between input in iframe VERIFIED mozilla56
1372369 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) I can enter 31/02/2017 (pt-br) as a date VERIFIED mozilla56
1374967 -- Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimeInput] Consider also @step when deciding to show or hide second/millisecond field VERIFIED mozilla56
1381421 P1 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu [:scottwu] [DateTimePicker] Handle dates earlier than 0001-01-01 and later than 275760-09-13 correctly RESOLVED mozilla57
1382175 P1 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu [:scottwu] [DateTimePicker] Fix time picker step and min/max regressions RESOLVED mozilla56
1386642 P1 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu [:scottwu] [DateTimePicker] Date picker displays wrong calendar if an invalid date is entered (e.g. 02-31) RESOLVED ---
1386973 -- Layout: Form Controls [DateTimePicker] Month cannot be selected from the month/year calendar if the date entered in the input box is invalid RESOLVED ---
1390794 P1 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) Date picker closed immediately after it's opened RESOLVED mozilla57
1397114 P2 Layout: Form Controls Scott Wu date input month year section will not show correct pick while fast scrolling VERIFIED mozilla58
1406859 P2 Layout: Form Controls Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) [DateTimePicker] Picker does not show if clicking on the second date input on the same page VERIFIED mozilla58
1409731 P3 Layout: Form Controls Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] Time values cannot be changed with arrow keys while using "NVDA" screen reader VERIFIED mozilla59
1446722 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Mirko Brodesser (:mbrodesser-Igalia) Onchange-event not triggered when resetting non-focused date-input-field (same for time-input-field) RESOLVED mozilla68
1450173 P3 Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) input with date/time type doesn't center its contents, with "text-align:center" RESOLVED mozilla70
1450219 P3 Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Datetimebox may lose focus when the value changes. RESOLVED mozilla65
1461509 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Firefox allowing a read only date/time input field to be erased RESOLVED mozilla70
1479708 P3 UI Widgets François Freitag Required date input still has a clear button RESOLVED mozilla70
1494255 P3 Layout: Form Controls Arshad Kazmi [:arshadkazmi42] Date input: disabled CSS: Only the slashes show in the correct style RESOLVED mozilla65
1521212 -- Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) date and time inputs with value and styled visibility:hidden still show (x) to clear RESOLVED mozilla66
1521884 -- Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) <input type="time"> keyboard input broken RESOLVED mozilla66
1529205 P3 DOM: Core & HTML Geoff Lankow (:darktrojan) DateTimePickerParent shouldn't rely on gBrowser and gBrowser.popupAnchor RESOLVED mozilla69
1561787 P3 Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) readonly date input shows active clear x RESOLVED mozilla70
1567191 P3 Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Datetime input attribute value changes is not correct RESOLVED mozilla70
1608046 P3 Layout: Form Controls Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Accessibility issue - Not able to access/open the native date picker's popup through keyboard VERIFIED 84 Branch
1612202 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) Date and time inputs inside shadow DOM do not update their value or fire input events reliably RESOLVED mozilla74
1613280 P3 DOM: Forms Szobonya Csaba It's possible to type a date that exceeds the value of the max attribute (input type date min max) RESOLVED 124 Branch
1643390 -- sv-SE / Swedish Luna Jernberg Input type=date placeholder text is not localized in Swedish RESOLVED ---
1676068 P3 Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Consider making datetime picker popup fully keyboard accessible RESOLVED 109 Branch
1719011 -- DOM: Forms Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) <input type=time> does not warn user when submitting with partial value (Chrome does) VERIFIED 91 Branch
1726546 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) datetime-local min attribute misused VERIFIED 93 Branch
1728366 -- UI Widgets Ruben Calvo <input type=date min=".."> popup allows you to browse out-of-range months, even though you can't select any days on them RESOLVED 93 Branch
1729342 -- DOM: Core & HTML Sean Feng [:sefeng] Probably use delegatesFocus for <input type=date/time/datetime-local> widget, rather than MozBlurInnerTextBox / MozFocusInnerTextBox RESOLVED 94 Branch
1730175 -- Layout: Form Controls James Teh [:Jamie] Date input accessible value not resetting after clearing RESOLVED 94 Branch
1756211 -- Layout: Form Controls av Time input using 24h does not change AM/PM RESOLVED 106 Branch
1801930 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Use Escape to close month-year panel only and keep the datepicker open VERIFIED 110 Branch
1804462 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Keyboard Navigation focus border is not properly displayed inside Datepickers VERIFIED 111 Branch
1804466 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Navigating through Datepicker using keyboard after a date has already been selected will loose keyboard focus when reaching a different month RESOLVED 111 Branch
1804669 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Users can delete the Calendar button with Backspace VERIFIED 110 Branch
1804698 -- Keyboard Navigation Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Space bar scrolls down when used in the month/year spin selection buttons VERIFIED 110 Branch
1804699 -- Disability Access Morgan Reschenberg [:morgan] [MacOS] Unable to reach and navigate between Datepicker controls using Voice Over commands VERIFIED 113 Branch
1806587 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Decide if pressing Backspace on the Calendar button should reset the date and datetime-local inputs VERIFIED 111 Branch
1806645 -- Disability Access Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] PgUp/PgDn not working properly in the datepicker for date and datetime-local inputs VERIFIED 111 Branch
1806823 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] [AR] Selecting Next/Previous Month Arrows in a Calendar will not allow the user to reach the Days/Weeks Selector using Tab in AR builds VERIFIED 111 Branch
1807006 P3 Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] prefers-reduced-motion not respected in input type date VERIFIED 110 Branch
1815184 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Esc key dismisses the datepicker if no interaction is done on the month-year panel VERIFIED 111 Branch
1817785 -- Layout: Form Controls Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] Unable to change the month in the Datepicker panel if there already is a date set VERIFIED 115 Branch

65 Total; 0 Open (0%); 32 Resolved (49.23%); 33 Verified (50.77%);

Sign off


Check list

  • All test cases should be executed
  • All blockers, criticals must be fixed and verified or have an agreed-upon timeline for being fixed (as determined by engineering/RelMan/QA)


Nightly testing

Time Input Box

List of OSes that will be covered by testing

Date Input Box and Date Picker

List of OSes that will be covered by testing

Beta Testing


Exit Criteria Status Notes/Details
Testing Prerequisites (specs, use cases) [DONE]
Testing Infrastructure setup N/A
Test Plan Creation 09.12.2016 09.14.2016
Test Cases Creation [DONE]
Full Functional Tests Execution [DONE]
Time Input Box Functional Tests Execution [DONE]
Date Input Box/Picker Functional Tests Execution [DONE]
Automation Coverage
Performance Testing
All Defects Logged [DONE]
Critical/Blockers Fixed and Verified [DONE]
QA Signoff - Nightly Release [DONE] Email sent on 2017.09.13
QA Aurora - Full Testing n/a n/a
QA Signoff - Aurora Release n/a n/a
QA Signoff - Beta Release [DONE] Email sent on 2017.10.17