
< QA‎ | Fennec‎ | 14‎ | Beta

Native Fennec 14 Beta 5 Test Plan


QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Smoketests Kevin Every Beta

Lite verification tests (or smoketests) will be first run when the builds are ready. Tests are available on litmus under the Fennec Phone 14 Test Suite, and Fennec Tablet 14 Test Suite. In any case of failure in any Smoketest, blockers need to be raised ASAP before proceeding to the BFTs.

Assigned Device Completed Results
Kevin Galaxy SII 4.0.3 June 1st, 2012 PASS
Kevin HTC G2 2.3.6 June 1st, 2012 PASS
Aaron Samsung Galaxy Note (Android 2.3.4) June 1st, 2012 PASS
Aaron Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.0.3) June 1st, 2012 PASS

Detailed Smoketest results