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Fennec (Firefox for Android) 16.0 Beta 2 Test Plan


See the Feature Release Tracking wiki for a general overview of this release. Found below are a subset of all high-priority items

Feature Owner Status Tests
Send Tab to Device Andreea On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Google Play Review Solicitation Nicolae On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Reading List & Reading Mode Nicolae On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Android Helper Applications Kevin On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Platform ARMv6 Support All On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References


QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Smoketests Softvision Every Beta

Light verification tests (or smoketests) will be first run when the builds are ready. Tests are available on Mozilla Moztrap under the 16.0 smoketest suite. In any case of failure in any Smoketest, blockers need to be raised ASAP before proceeding to the BFTs.

Assigned Device Completed Results
Aaron Train Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.1.1, ARMv7) September 4th, 2012 PASS
Aaron Train Asus Transformer Prime TF201 (Android 4.0.4, ARMv7) September 4th, 2012 PASS
Aaron Train Samsung Galaxy Gio S5660 (Android 2.3.4, ARMv6) September 5th, 2012 PASS
Adrian Tamas HTC Desire (Android 2.2, ARMv7) September 4th, 2012 PASS
Adrian Tamas Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (Android 4.0.4, ARMv7) September 4th, 2012 PASS
Paul Feher Samsung Galaxy Tab (Android 3.1, ARMv7) September 4th, 2012 PASS
Paul Feher HTC Desire Z (Android 2.3.3, ARMv7) September 4th, 2012 PASS
Andreea Pod Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.1.1, ARMv7) September 4th, 2012 PASS
Andreea Pod LG Optimus One P500 (Android 2.2, ARMv6) September 4th, 2012 PASS
James Willcox HTC Wildfire (Android 2.3, ARMv6) September 5th, 2012 PASS

Detailed Smoketest results

Android Permissions Testing

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Verification Softvision Every Beta
Assigned Device Completed Results
Aaron Train Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" (Android 4.0.4, ARMv7) September 4th, 2012 PASS
Aaron Train HTC Nexus One (Android 2.3.4, ARMv7) September 5th, 2012 PASS

Detailed Android Permissions Testing Results Verify permissions between what is currently on the store and with this beta build candidate. Details: Android Permissions

L10N (Localization) Spot Checks

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Spot Check Verification SoftVision Every Beta

Light testing on featured locales to ensure strings fit the space allotted and there are no entity errors from missing or corrupt localizations.

Assigned Device Completed Results
Aaron Train Sony Xperia Play (Android 2.3.4, ARMv7) September 4th, 2012 PASS
Nicolae Cristian Samsung Galaxy Note (Android 4.0.4, ARMv7) September 5th, 2012 PASS
Aaron Train Samsung Galaxy Gio (Android 2.3.4, ARMv6) September 5th, 2012 PASS

Detailed L10N matrix

Branch Bug Fix Verifications

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Verification Softvision Every Beta

[Shipped] Reader Mode and Reader List

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
696921 Implement Reader Mode for phone UI -- RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
760554 Reader Mode: Support multi-page articles P3 RESOLVED
780664 replaceBrs() in Readability.js does not add first block to a <p> P4 RESOLVED
782423 Intro paragraph missing from pages P4 RESOLVED
782698 Make an awesome error page for Reader Mode P3 NEW
784653 Don't offer reader mode on forum/comment-like pages (Bugzilla, Hacker News, etc) P4 NEW
785549 Possible problems if byline contains <'s or >'s P3 RESOLVED
787260 Embedded quote elements on articles appear in about:reader text P4 NEW
792366 Reader Mode loses section headings, makes content less understandable P3 RESOLVED
793920 Move android reader mode to a shared place in toolkit -- RESOLVED
794480 Reader Mode not displaying whole article P3 RESOLVED
794958 Use whitelist element and attribute filtering for reader mode P5 RESOLVED
795906 contenteditable areas are not displayed in Reader Mode -- RESOLVED
800165 Reader mode shows items that have display: none on the original page (like in Firefox support articles) P2 RESOLVED
800305 Reader Mode is offered for website with almost all content not displayable in reader mode P4 RESOLVED
809724 First paragraph of NYTimes article in reader mode is at the end of the document P3 RESOLVED
847844 Reader Mode: shouldnt have reader mode capability P4 RESOLVED
857990 Save/Restore scroll position for an article in Reader Mode -- RESOLVED
878196 Some dates in reader mode show up as ? P4 RESOLVED
880913 JavaScript Warnings from Readability.js and JSDOMParser.js when loading many web pages -- RESOLVED
907079 The forward button is displayed after opening and closing the reader mode settings menu P5 RESOLVED
923806 Reader Mode should support h-entry (microformats2) P5 NEW
957912 Images don't load when using Reader Mode on local pages with images P5 NEW
958735 JavaScript Warning: "in strict mode code, functions may be declared only at top level or immediately within another function" {file: "chrome://browser/content/Readability.js" line: 436 -- RESOLVED
968648 JavaScript Warning: "ReferenceError: reference to undefined property next.tagName" -- RESOLVED
996604 JavaScript Warning: "ReferenceError: reference to undefined property siblingNode.className" {file: "chrome://browser/content/Readability.js" line: 617} -- RESOLVED
996605 JavaScript Warning: "ReferenceError: reference to undefined property this.html[(intermediate value)]" {file: "chrome://browser/content/JSDOMParser.js" line: 642} -- RESOLVED
997134 Google search results displayed as JSON blobs in reader mode P3 RESOLVED
997479 Reader mode fails to parse Tarsnap price cut correctly -- RESOLVED
997504 Reader mode removes links from a page with no paragraphs P4 RESOLVED
1046112 Reader mode icon is displayed on page P4 RESOLVED
1102450 [meta] Readability algorithm improvements -- NEW
1107097 Don't try to parse error pages P5 RESOLVED
1110658 Unable to open the reader-mode toolbar -- RESOLVED
1111142 Move Android-specific logic out of aboutReader.js -- RESOLVED
1112911 Byline missing author and using incorrect date -- RESOLVED
1113795 Show something useful when a user visits about:reader without a URL parameter P5 NEW
1117258 Implement CSS styling for desktop about:reader content -- RESOLVED
1120518 Improved fonts for desktop reader mode -- RESOLVED
1120735 Implement desktop reader mode controls -- VERIFIED
1124275 Reader mode button appears for bugzilla pages -- RESOLVED
1125711 First paragraph missing from parsed article P3 VERIFIED
1125839 Merge WebKit (iOS) CSS changes back into aboutReader.css -- RESOLVED
1126967 [reader mode] [UX] improve the loading transition P4 RESOLVED
1127627 ReaderMode.jsm should have an xhr timeout P5 RESOLVED
1127778 Switching to reader mode changes paragraph display order P3 RESOLVED
1127795 <br> tags break readerMode display on desktop -- RESOLVED
1128709 Reader mode shouldn't trigger for youtube videos -- RESOLVED
1128711 Reader mode triggering on contenteditable -- RESOLVED
1128718 Protocol relative resources broken in reader mode -- RESOLVED
1128724 "Print" reader mode theme name is confusing -- VERIFIED
1128757 Reader mode button appears but redirects out when there is a fragment in the URL -- RESOLVED
1128916 Inline article images are not aligned properly in reader mode on desktop P2 RESOLVED
1129029 Telemetry probes for reader mode performance P2 RESOLVED
1131393 The Reader Mode view of Bugzilla seems to pick out arbitrary comments P3 RESOLVED
1131464 Reader mode icon does not show up for the "Things I will never work with" articles -- RESOLVED
1132307 Use <button> elements instead of <a> elements in reader mode toolbar -- VERIFIED
1132547 Move "reader.has_used_toolbar" logic to Android's Reader.js -- RESOLVED
1132656 Reader mode toolbar overlaps content if window becomes too narrow. P2 VERIFIED
1132659 Refine active/selected/hover state for Light/Dark/Sepia controls P5 RESOLVED
1132665 Hook up reading list buttons for desktop reader mode -- RESOLVED
1132844 Fix ReaderMode.jsm to work with jsloader.reuseGlobal -- RESOLVED
1132925 Don't set preferences in AboutReader.jsm (so that it can run in the child process) -- RESOLVED
1133485 [ReadingList] Open the Reading List sidebar when the button in the location bar is used to add the current page to Reading List P2 VERIFIED
1133489 Hook up "Open ReadingList" button in desktop ReaderMode -- VERIFIED
1134100 Reader Mode immediately exits when loading a URL with non-ASCII characters -- RESOLVED
1134363 Tab title changes while reader view is loading P5 RESOLVED
1134441 Replace font size controls with +/- buttons -- VERIFIED
1134443 Update Readability.js from shared library on github -- RESOLVED
1134446 Automatically open the ReadingList sidebar the first time ReaderMode is used P3 VERIFIED
1134810 Reader mode offered on feed views P4 RESOLVED
1134818 Reader mode offered on index/home pages rather than articles P4 RESOLVED
1134932 Error removing message listener in about:reader unload handler P1 RESOLVED
1134940 Remove Reader_foo function names from method declarations in AboutReader.jsm -- RESOLVED
1134965 Reader Mode icon appears while viewing my Gmail inbox P3 RESOLVED
1135009 Printing in reader mode cuts off on the left (sidebar overlays text) P4 VERIFIED
1135029 [UX] [ReadingList] detail Reader View -- RESOLVED
1135197 Reader mode fails to parse an article when a html anchor is in the URL -- RESOLVED
1135355 Reader mode should use Project Chameleon's colors P5 RESOLVED
1135364 close <meta> tag in aboutReader.html -- RESOLVED
1135553 Reader Mode's "Type controls" popup is not dismissed when clicking in the page's left or right margins, only in text -- RESOLVED
1135554 Intermittent browser_readerMode.js | application crashed [@ jemalloc_crash] -- RESOLVED
1135587 Reader Mode sidebar is invisible in high contrast Windows themes P2 RESOLVED
1135593 The Reader Mode controls sidebar is affected by page zoom actions P3 VERIFIED
1135915 Polish the shadow and corners of the reader view panel P5 VERIFIED
1136163 Content can set location.href to about:reader? urls and check for items in the reading list -- RESOLVED
1136217 [ReaderMode][UX] Identify a list of critical RM parsing and style changes changes -- RESOLVED
1136245 Hovering font style popup controls shows a text cursor -- RESOLVED
1136261 Reading mode toolbar on Desktop shouldn't float on top of content. -- RESOLVED
1136265 Reading mode desktop images shouldn't be upscaled beyond their _originalWidth, even if they take more than half of the screen. P5 RESOLVED
1136692 Reader Mode does not completely disable all active content (XSS) -- RESOLVED
1136704 The Reader Mode button styling is inconsistent with the Developer Edition theme -- RESOLVED
1136716 Discrepancy between the tooltip displayed for the two Reader Mode close buttons -- VERIFIED
1137210 Use normal pointer cursor when hovering over items in the reader view font panel -- RESOLVED
1137211 Font panel in reading view should disappear when clicking on the margins P3 VERIFIED
1137217 Bottom corners of font panel in reader view should be rounded -- RESOLVED
1137237 [UX] Improve typography in reader view on Windows P3 NEW
1137241 Focus ring of toolbar buttons in reader view show up on click (on Windows) -- RESOLVED
1137258 Reader View hides various paragraphs and headlines in an article P3 VERIFIED
1138628 Don't try to find article in reader mode cache on desktop until we actually store articles in cache P2 RESOLVED
1139026 Use different text highlight color in dark theme P3 VERIFIED
1139165 Optimize Reader View for Popular, Tech and Design Websites P2 RESOLVED
1139174 Use Georgia and Helvetica/Arial as Reader View Fonts until Fira and Charis land P2 RESOLVED
1139678 <Regression> Fx-Team-Non-PGO - Tp5 Optimized caused by background readability parsing P1 RESOLVED
1139950 Reader mode icon clashes with Dark Theme -- RESOLVED
1139967 toggling from reader view back to standard render view refreshes page P3 RESOLVED
1140045 Fix regressions caused by enabling desktop reader view toolbar button P2 RESOLVED
1140172 Use a single worker for background readability parsing P1 RESOLVED
1140572 Expose HTML Headings for a Quick Table of Contents for All Users -- RESOLVED
1140967 Detect <code> blocks and add syntax highlighting, line numbers, etc P5 NEW
1141401 Robustness improvements for JSDOMParser -- RESOLVED
1141591 Make the book icon appear sooner on pages where reader view is available -- RESOLVED
1141618 Put reader worker logging behind a pref P5 RESOLVED
1141782 Use PageMetadata.jsm in ReaderMode P5 RESOLVED
1141803 ReaderWorker logs unconditionally -- RESOLVED
1141901 "Reader view" on Youtube displays only the video description -- RESOLVED
1142183 ~8MiB AWSY regression due to enabling desktop reader on nightly -- RESOLVED
1142265 [UX] investigate always showing the reader view button in the URL bar -- RESOLVED
1142298 Fix reader view font/color control glitches -- VERIFIED
1142307 Slightly tricky to dismiss the type controls doorhanger -- RESOLVED
1142312 Unexpected reader view output when viewing random Yahoo article P3 RESOLVED
1142319 Viewing article in reader view adds history item -- RESOLVED
1142499 Reloading a pinned tab while Reader View is active leads to a highlighted favicon P5 RESOLVED
1143296 TypeError: doc.documentElement is undefined in Readability.js Task -- RESOLVED
1143508 JSDOMParser memory usage optimizations -- RESOLVED
1143708 Page should not be loaded in Reader Mode after the pref was disabled -- RESOLVED
1143725 First few paragraphs missing from parsed article P3 RESOLVED
1143844 Be smarter about whether or not to show the reader toolbar button -- VERIFIED
1144351 "JSDOMParser error" spew is missing line breaks -- RESOLVED
1144355 "doc.documentElement is undefined" in reader task -- RESOLVED
1144407 Incorrect byline if there are multiple .byline elements on a page P3 NEW
1144441 topCandidate code in Readability.js does silly loop manipulations which leave half the elements -- RESOLVED
1144444 Iterative flag removal will miss elements that got nuked from the parsed DOM the first round -- RESOLVED
1144749 Use accel-(opt/alt)-r as the reader mode keyboard shortcut P3 VERIFIED
1144822 hide the visually-hidden class of elements in reader view P2 VERIFIED
1145798 [breakdown] reader view mockup and spec related work -- RESOLVED
1145809 reader view footer area -- VERIFIED
1145813 reader view footer area button for adding/removing articles from reading list -- RESOLVED
1146358 The attempt of adding a page to Reading List from Reader View fails and causes an error -- VERIFIED
1146373 Images in reader view are sometimes too small -- VERIFIED
1146666 reader view available for direct load but not via homepage of @medium -- VERIFIED
1147113 Filter the article properties in ReaderParent.jsm instead of ReadingList.jsm -- RESOLVED
1147122 Restore reader view error message if about:reader fails when user clicks reader button -- VERIFIED
1147487 21% Linux tsvgr_opacity regression on fx-team PGO (v.39) on March 21, 2015 from push d6f1397b3563 -- RESOLVED
1147568 Thumbnail for reading list links looks weird, and like a sprite map P3 RESOLVED
1147571 Inconsistent thumbnail generation depending on whether you're in reader mode -- RESOLVED
1147584 Reader mode strips all the text contained between anchor tags in this document -- RESOLVED
1147597 Privileged URLs processed by about:reader -- VERIFIED
1147626 [meta] Refine isProbablyReaderable algorithm P3 NEW
1148052 Improve the transition of the type control menu P4 RESOLVED
1148098 Enable Reader Mode for Firefox 38+ -- VERIFIED
1148189 Block images sometimes lack bottom margin P5 VERIFIED
1148216 Reader mode button doesn't match UI when using the Aurora/DeveloperEdition -- RESOLVED
1148840 Some Gawker/Kinja articles are improperly parsed by Readability -- RESOLVED
1149057 Reader View not working with SUMO Articles P3 NEW
1149418 reader view not working on Wikipedia -- RESOLVED
1149641 Readability strips out too many images on P3 NEW
1149837 Style Reader View Metadata Cards P3 NEW
1149859 isProbablyReaderable too aggressive, many valid sites fail to qualify -- RESOLVED
1149988 Add to reading list icon in reader view sidebar lacks context and is heavy compared to other icons -- RESOLVED
1150229 Page fails to load in Reader View on entering Reader View, works on 2nd attempt -- VERIFIED
1150265 Readability drops images from NASA article P3 NEW
1150276 Ship Fira and Charis SIL with Reader View for know character supported locales P3 RESOLVED
1150476 Unordered lists are displayed as ordered lists -- RESOLVED
1150656 [meta] Performance regressions with Reader Mode / Reading List P1 RESOLVED
1150695 Move isProbablyReaderable function to Readability.js -- RESOLVED
1150862 Make about:reader un-linkable from content -- VERIFIED
1150980 method for users to report when reader view fails to render a page -- RESOLVED
1151087 Failed to load article from page when viewing Bing search results in reader mode P3 RESOLVED
1151092 Changing Zoom level causes the reader view icons to resize -- RESOLVED
1151150 Readability should strip bgcolor, align and similar style-influencing attributes from tables P3 RESOLVED
1151200 User should be able to set margins widths in Reader mode -- VERIFIED
1151415 [Linux] Focus rings are displayed in Reader View for the buttons available in the font panel P3 RESOLVED
1151685 Reader view failing to parse document currently loaded in tab, but not document fetched with XHR P3 RESOLVED
1151732 The font panel from Reader View should disappear when clicking the Pocket sidebar button P5 RESOLVED
1151734 The font panel from Reader View should disappear when clicking an empty area from inside the Reading List sidebar P4 RESOLVED
1151735 The font panel from Reader View should disappear when selecting text from the page P4 RESOLVED
1151737 The font panel from Reader View should disappear when clicking the add/remove Reading List buttons P4 RESOLVED
1151793 The "Delete this article" button in footer of reader view cropped with narrow windows P5 RESOLVED
1151795 The Reading List remove button from Reader View's footer is not adapting to high-contrast themes P4 RESOLVED
1152022 Tracking: ensure github version of Readability/JSDOMParser make it into mozilla-central and aurora/beta every week -- RESOLVED
1152121 decodeURIComponent can throw an exception while trying to get original URL P5 RESOLVED
1152219 Raise (remove?) the MAX_ELEMS_TO_PARSE limit -- RESOLVED
1152412 Reading list items that are images get stuck in "loading" state -- VERIFIED
1152817 Reader View fails on article pages of the German Heise Online IT news site -- RESOLVED
1153024 Reader mode does not automatically combine multi-page articles P3 NEW
1153026 Reader mode can fail to load article when URL has parameters -- RESOLVED
1153371 Create shared place for readability content CSS styles P3 RESOLVED
1153384 Reader Mode no longer triggers on many pages, including ones that worked earlier -- RESOLVED
1153398 Tabs in reader mode forget their title after a restart -- RESOLVED
1153485 Create shared place for desktop/Android AboutReaderListener logic -- RESOLVED
1153775 Add same spacing to the right side of Reader View than to the left P5 RESOLVED
1154028 Make sure reader view UI styles don't accidentally get applied to readability content P3 VERIFIED
1154063 Error in parsing value for 'border'. Declaration dropped." {file: "chrome://global/skin/aboutReader.css" line: 332 column: 14 source: " border: 1px 1px 0 1px solid #b5b5b5;" -- RESOLVED
1154295 Reader Mode should not leave text/plain things in unstyled <pre> tags, so that the font isn't horrible P3 VERIFIED
1154297 Autoscroll for Reader Mode P5 NEW
1154299 In-page placeholder for Reader Mode (in-article bookmark, resume-reading marker) -- RESOLVED
1154474 Add logging/metrics for "unreaderable" pages -- RESOLVED
1154487 Allow users to provide basic feedback or ratings on extracted pages -- RESOLVED
1154538 Rendering issues when toggling Reading List sidebar and using Tree Style Tab add-on -- RESOLVED
1154781 missing article headers in reader view -- RESOLVED
1155517 Change Reader View to have a "Save Page to Pocket" button instead of "Add To Reader List" P2 VERIFIED
1155536 [breakdown] Tune Reader View style to better match Pocket's reader view -- RESOLVED
1155692 Week 16 / April 17 - -Uplift github version of Readability/JSDOMParser into mozilla-central and aurora/beta -- RESOLVED
1157123 The bottom border of the Serif button displays an escaping pixel at its left side P5 RESOLVED
1157197 Please enable reader view for 38.0.5 -- VERIFIED
1157682 Should ignore query string / hashes for checking for "home page" -- VERIFIED
1158071 NoScript interferes with Reader View mode -- RESOLVED
1158184 Week 17 / April 24 - -Uplift github version of Readability/JSDOMParser into mozilla-central and aurora/beta -- RESOLVED
1158228 Week 18 / May 1 - -Uplift github version of Readability/JSDOMParser into mozilla-central and aurora/beta -- RESOLVED
1158322 Sidebar affects a page while printing -- VERIFIED
1158884 Pocket logic breaks reader view on Android -- VERIFIED
1159684 Unable to zoom in/out via Sidebar -> Type controls buttons -- RESOLVED
1160162 JavaScript error: 'TypeError: win.gBrowser is undefined' when entering customization mode -- RESOLVED
1160556 Unrestored Reader View tabs display the about:reader path rather than a title -- RESOLVED
1160577 Error message is no longer shown when a page isn't readable -- VERIFIED
1160775 Reader view button does not appear during automated tests for readerModeArticle.html -- RESOLVED
1160848 Add shortcuts to scroll to next/previous paragraphs in Reader Mode P5 NEW
1161057 Type controls panel vanishes when zooming out at the bottom of an article P3 RESOLVED
1161934 AngularJS site shows data garbage before page P3 NEW
1162117 Intermittent parse issues in Nightly -- RESOLVED
1162741 HTTP/2 spec shows only the appendix in reader mode P3 NEW
1162750 Reader View tour tool tip cannot be dismissed by clicking outside the door hanger -- RESOLVED
1162917 Week 19 / May 8 - -Uplift github version of Readability/JSDOMParser into mozilla-central and aurora/beta -- RESOLVED
1163519 ReaderParent.jsm:95:12 throws an error in the Browser Console when clicking the "Enter Reader View" button from the Location Bar -- VERIFIED
1163523 Clicking the body of a page displayed in Reader View places a focus ring on it -- RESOLVED
1163534 AboutReader.jsm:248:0 throws an error in the console when closing an about:reader tab -- RESOLVED
1163589 Some pages don`t render correctly after exiting Reader View -- RESOLVED
1163715 Reader View: Increase the contrast/hierarchy of the h1 headers P3 NEW
1164426 Build blocklist of sites where we do not want to offer reader mode into toolkit isProbablyReaderable invocation -- VERIFIED
1165592 Identity block is misleading in reader mode P3 NEW
1165670 Reader Mode first-time notification is too aggressive. (Covers up page-content, steals keyboard focus, appears on pages where it's not useful, & must be manually clicked to be dismissed) -- RESOLVED
1166364 JavaScript Error: "TelemetryStopwatch: key "READER_MODE_SERIALIZE_DOM_MS" was already initialized -- RESOLVED
1166365 Speak the article (speech synthesis in reader mode) -- RESOLVED
1166648 Type controls panel is not closed when page is added to Pocket via Sidebar icon -- RESOLVED
1166651 Pocket button from Reader View sidebar controls has no tooltip -- RESOLVED
1166687 Reader Mode produces different results on NY Times blog article based on real DOM vs. loading page via XHR (likely because of script-based changes to 'real' page if loaded first?) P5 NEW
1166729 Favicon for reader mode articles not always retrieved/shown successfully in Private Browsing Window P3 RESOLVED
1166829 Reader mode does not work for local pages P5 VERIFIED
1167273 Intermittent browser_readerMode.js | Uncaught exception - at :0 - Error: operation not possible on dead CPOW -- RESOLVED
1167568 Reader View displays only the first part of specific articles from P3 RESOLVED
1167569 Missing gallery photos and text from specific page P3 RESOLVED
1167573 Reader View shows different content on Firefox for Android page in Google Play -- RESOLVED
1167662 Enter Reader View button not displayed on P3 RESOLVED
1168101 Reader View icon is shown on some Youtube pages -- RESOLVED
1170896 hot key for reader mode -- RESOLVED
1170955 Reader Mode: Give visited links a different colour P2 VERIFIED
1171894 Reader View icon is shown for several trailers -- RESOLVED
1172009 "Enter Reader View" loads an empty, errorless page on file:/// -- RESOLVED
1172049 Reader mode does not respect sans/serif font family setting -- RESOLVED
1172436 Improve readability option - no keyboard shortcut / no permanently enabled option -- RESOLVED
1173132 "Failed to load article from page" on -- RESOLVED
1173138 Reader View should include <iframe> and perhaps other embedd tags P3 NEW
1173548 Reader View picks wrong direction for some RTL pages P2 RESOLVED
1173823 Reader View ignores <base href="..."> P2 RESOLVED
1174851 Intermittent browser_readerMode_hidden_nodes.js | Test timed out -- RESOLVED
1176827 Character encoding in Reader Mode is broken if page content without specified encoding is loaded off network with XHR (rather than using 'guessed' character encoding for existing document) - affects reloads, bookmarks, undo close tab, etc. P3 NEW
1176851 Reader mode offered on -- RESOLVED
1176921 Bookmark changes the Reader View Character Encoding -- RESOLVED
1177360 Amazon pages offer Reader Mode, produce either random review content or Amazon Prime / shipping offers - should work better or not be offered P3 RESOLVED
1177619 Reader mode isn't offered on Blogger/Blogspot based blogs P3 RESOLVED
1178167 Undo Closed Tab loads pages with the incorrect encoding in Reader View -- RESOLVED
1179222 Shouldn't offer reader mode for P5 RESOLVED
1179404 Capture Telemetry Data of the Firefox Reader View -- RESOLVED
1180127 Wrong anchor link when switch to Reader View -- RESOLVED
1180900 Stack Exchange pages seem to show only the question or one answer in Reader View P3 NEW
1182433 Reader View ignores the HTML tag <base>, so links having a relative path are prefixed with current path (in address bar) rather than the path specified in the <base> tag. -- RESOLVED
1182778 Passive script execution on about:reader via SVG animations (affects: Firefox, NoScript, CSP; impact: spoofing, phishing) -- RESOLVED
1184056 Reader mode check for meta-refresh should not be case-sensitive -- RESOLVED
1184132 Reader Mode fails to display local files -- RESOLVED
1184134 about:reader fails silently without giving a hint of what's wrong -- RESOLVED
1184362 cropped math formula image not readable in dark reader theme -- RESOLVED
1184370 Customize color scheme of reader view -- RESOLVED
1184950 Disabling Reader Mode reloads the page -- VERIFIED
1185918 Bookmarking a page in Reader Mode links to Reader Mode instead of the URL shown in the URL-Bar P2 NEW
1187696 Reader View sidebar (and perhaps the settings panel?) is too "bright" in dark mode P3 VERIFIED
1188223 Reader font type overflow in Japanese -- RESOLVED
1188380 Sharing a page in Reader Mode does not work (share plane inactive) P3 RESOLVED
1188382 Drag/drop from the location bar / identity icon when in Reader mode doesn't provide the original URL P3 RESOLVED
1189154 Game guides formatted with extremely narrow column view in Reader View -- RESOLVED
1189488 Reader view should remember position when restoring page -- RESOLVED
1189491 Reader view doesn't take anchors into account P3 RESOLVED
1190816 [Reader] Fonts with closed aperatures are suboptimal in legibility -- RESOLVED
1191022 Switching to and from reader mode should not trigger a visible reload P4 RESOLVED
1193199 Reader mode wastes a lot of screen real estate -- RESOLVED
1194318 [Reader Mode] Manage code samples highlightening -- RESOLVED
1195072 Pocket button does not remove from Reader View while browser.pocket.enabled=false -- RESOLVED
1195312 SF gate article prompts for reader but fails to load article -- RESOLVED
1195976 URL spoofing in reader mode -- VERIFIED
1196675 Reader mode ignores typefaces selected in Preferences P5 RESOLVED
1197163 Ellipsis missing from string -- RESOLVED
1198731 Reader mode skips <h1> headers P3 RESOLVED
1198789 provide option for reader view to be fullscreen P5 NEW
1199651 span class comment not displayed in reader mode P3 NEW
1199961 Arabic text should be text-align right in Reader Mode -- RESOLVED
1200927 Intermittent browser_readerMode.js | Condition didn't pass | Reader mode button is present on a reader-able page | Info panel should be anchored at the reader mode button | Should have detected the first article -- RESOLVED
1203841 Intermittent browser_bug1124271_readerModePinnedTab.js | Uncaught exception - at chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/head.js:624 - Error: Timed out while waiting for a 'load'' event -- RESOLVED
1204818 Move readerized content into a sandboxed iframe P3 NEW
1204900 Extend life of reader mode telemetry probes -- RESOLVED
1208783 Incorrect attribution of article in reader view -- RESOLVED
1209202 Reader view spacing off on Windows in Nightly -- RESOLVED
1211018 [rfe] Reader should use hyphenation by default P5 NEW
1213602 Reader View on does not show content of the page P3 RESOLVED
1217007 using reader mode on can omit leading paragraphs/sections P3 RESOLVED
1218221 Reader View missing introduction text in some article P3 NEW
1218224 Reader View bottom margin too big for <li> elements P2 VERIFIED
1218226 Reader View incorrectly translates in-page anchor links -- RESOLVED
1218228 Reader View conversion loses h1 header elements -- RESOLVED
1218232 Reader View should style <code> blocks differently from the rest of text so they stand out more/less P3 VERIFIED
1218242 Reader View eliminates article code's comments if they have "comment" in a class -- RESOLVED
1222716 Reader Mode doesn't filter out CSS-hidden elements that don't have obvious 'hidden' classes (e.g. anchor links in the virtualbox download page) P3 RESOLVED
1222792 Refresh loop on pinned website that was in Reader View, after Firefox restart -- RESOLVED
1222813 Reader View: Poor Scrolling on Final Page -- RESOLVED
1225448 Reader View reloads page infinitely when you navigate through history IF url contains escaped characters -- VERIFIED
1230050 "Rating is available…" and "This feature is not available right now.…" text appear for Reader Mode on YouTube videos -- RESOLVED
1232445 Reader Mode: lack of RTL support -- RESOLVED
1232794 Request to have an accelerator key to toggle "reader view" on and off -- RESOLVED
1240035 Page from is misparsed and everything gets stuck in an <a> tag P2 RESOLVED
1242302 option to switch to reader view should pop up on plain text content -- RESOLVED
1242674 Reader Mode icon does not appear on pages when it should do P3 NEW
1248103 Create a dark theme for reading mode -- RESOLVED
1248970 page incorrectly displayed in reader mode -- RESOLVED
1249000 Using "load in sidebar" with bookmarks to about:reader URLs (pages in Reader mode) don't actually load in the sidebar P5 RESOLVED
1249116 Saving as PDF in Reader mode creates grey boxes P5 RESOLVED
1249433 Remove reading list code from reader view -- RESOLVED
1253177 Pocket button at bottom of Reader Mode UI is missing an accessibility label -- RESOLVED
1254036 Reader mode not proposed for site -- RESOLVED
1254065 No reader view when open link in new Tab -- RESOLVED
1254231 Add telemetry probes to measure "Speak the article" P5 RESOLVED
1254232 Narrate reads the period at the end of a paragraph, and spells out the next word -- VERIFIED
1254234 The speed slider in narrate could be more useful -- RESOLVED
1254526 Narrate stops when it gets to a figure inside the article -- VERIFIED
1255255 [Narrate] voice-select is not toggle P5 NEW
1255261 [Narrate] Don't skip to next section by stop and start P5 VERIFIED
1255274 [Narrate] Start and Stop titles are swapped after start narrate -- RESOLVED
1255280 [Narrate] narrate-control obstructs a page while using narration -- RESOLVED
1255704 [e10s][Narrate] tab-icon-sound is not displayed in e10s window -- RESOLVED
1255733 [Narrate] narrate-control is closed automatically if cannot narrate in the last scrolled page P5 NEW
1255978 Reader View displays list of other articles when used on article on P2 RESOLVED
1255988 [Narrate] Focus behavior of narrate-control is different in e10s and non-e10s window -- RESOLVED
1257953 Modelessify the narrate popup -- VERIFIED
1258765 [Linux] Reader Mode intro popup (about "Reader View") steals focus from Firefox window, which prevents user from scrolling article with keyboard P5 RESOLVED
1259027 Firefox doesn't always offer the reader mode icon for some articles that load content dynamically after the DOM has loaded P3 RESOLVED
1259368 Improve Reader Mode for dyslexics P5 NEW
1259763 Reader mode omits opening paragraph on CNN articles P3 RESOLVED
1260069 URLs copied in reader mode / view prepend about:reader?url= -- RESOLVED
1260136 reader mode icon is not shown (and forcing reader mode doesn't work) on P3 RESOLVED
1260276 Reader mode messes with tab history when I navigate to article in reader mode (on facebook articles) -- VERIFIED
1261540 Reader mode not offered on some pages (e.g. WHATWG specs) because of 'home page' URL filtering on the Firefox side P5 NEW
1262006 Speech synthesis: Tooltip for Play button is 'Stop' and for Stop button 'Start' -- VERIFIED
1263394 After entering/exiting reader mode, "Back" button returns me to reader mode instead of to previous page in my history -- VERIFIED
1263396 When inside of reader mode for a Medium article: after you've gone Back & Forward, subsequent "Back" clicks will just refresh the page -- RESOLVED
1263628 Articles from are not added to "Reading List" folder from Bookmarks -- RESOLVED
1263833 reader mode on many samlib's pages can't open book -- RESOLVED
1264805 [Fennec] Disabling Reader Mode reloads the page -- RESOLVED
1265304 Display estimated reading time in Reader Mode P5 VERIFIED
1265866 Links within a document are broken in reader mode -- VERIFIED
1266372 Reader view button in urlbar and back button in reader view work differently on facebook articles -- VERIFIED
1266714 In reader view "Back" button in "Narrate" playback control does not seek back to URL of the website P5 NEW
1268597 Disable the screensaver when Narrate is running P5 NEW
1269521 User should be able to set line height in Reader mode -- VERIFIED
1270110 [Linux] Speech synthesis: The narration can't be started anymore after you click any button from Narrate panel P5 VERIFIED
1271742 Rename currentLineHeight to currentContentWidth in AboutReader.jsm -- RESOLVED
1272550 Do not show up focus ring in Reader Controls P3 RESOLVED
1272584 Reader View working in exactly the opposite way from how it should on site -- RESOLVED
1280758 Readability strips out links for previous/next page on P3 NEW
1280888 Relative links in about:reader documents (to #foo) should scroll to the anchor in the document instead of linking to the original page in a new tab P2 RESOLVED
1281536 Un-expire or remove reader mode histogram probes P1 RESOLVED
1284715 Reader Mode Icon Not Triggering Reliably and Next/Prev Links Missed -- RESOLVED
1285226 [Linux] [Narrate] The English (en-GB) voice appears four times in the list P3 NEW
1285543 Different Yahoo News article title and content is displayed when using Reader Mode P2 VERIFIED
1285545 When printed, pages from National Geographic show a much larger logo instead of the normal one in Reader Mode -- RESOLVED
1285852 [Narrate] Narrate reads all apostrophes as "amp number 39" -- RESOLVED
1286221 [meta] [QX cluster] consider improvements to reader mode -- NEW
1286837 Make links to #ids in the same page (footnotes for example) not quit the "reader mode" -- RESOLVED
1290173 Introduce word (and sentence?) tracking in Narrate -- VERIFIED
1291674 The page is auto-scrolled to the narrated paragraph while scrolling through the article P3 NEW
1291683 [Narrate] Clicking play/stop multiple times will make narrator panel close when reading will jump to the next page -- RESOLVED
1291701 [Narrator] Dead play button when narrator reaches the end of the article while toggling play/stop -- RESOLVED
1291837 [Narrate] Cannot seek to first item in article -- VERIFIED
1291839 [Narrate] Changing speech rate does restart paragraph -- VERIFIED
1292536 Desktop Reader View side bar on non-widescreen screens limits visibility over the text -- VERIFIED
1294711 Text to speech narrator don't start from where that was stopped P3 RESOLVED
1294745 Reader Mode Narrate - Stop/Play button skips remainder of paragraph P3 RESOLVED
1294761 Reader Mode Narrate - insert pauses between paragraphs P3 NEW
1294765 Reader Mode Narrate - Language/Country names next to voices don't reflect the language they speak if the article is in English / some other language P5 RESOLVED
1294961 [testday-20160812] Firefox narrator button - Inconsistent BACK Button behaviour -- RESOLVED
1294962 narration does not mute on clicking speaker icon -- RESOLVED
1294974 narrator does not start from the stoping point -- RESOLVED
1294976 narrator not resuming from the exact stop point -- RESOLVED
1294981 backward button in narrator is not working properly -- RESOLVED
1294982 A bug related to narrator when i change speed rate . each time i changed speed of narrator i need to restart the narrator. i am testing firefox 49 beta 3 on windows 10 version 1607 anniversary update -- RESOLVED
1295066 - reader mode failing on an article. shows only code. -- RESOLVED
1295304 Reader Mode should support read: prefix P4 NEW
1297673 Error requesting favicon URL for about:reader content: favicon not found for uri ReaderParent.jsm:66 P4 NEW
1298436 Narrate sometimes repeats the last paragraph over and over again -- RESOLVED
1300010 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode.js | Timed out while polling clipboard for pasted data - P4 RESOLVED
1300697 Reader View missed first few paragraphs on New York Times website -- RESOLVED
1301181 Reader mode sometimes doesn't work on P3 NEW
1301338 Plain text files are rendered with a monospace font instead of the selected font in reader view -- RESOLVED
1301704 Intermittent browser/base/content/test/general/browser_bug1124271_readerModePinnedTab.js | Condition didn't pass. -- RESOLVED
1304120 Firefox reader showing comments P4 REOPENED
1304154 Add a download mode to Reader View P5 NEW
1304155 Add a send by email mode to Reader View P5 NEW
1304854 "Failed to load article from page" on P4 RESOLVED
1306677 Narrator bug on Reader View. -- RESOLVED
1306872 Reader Mode omits to display first paragraph on Engadget articles P3 NEW
1307002 Narrate word tracking flicks back to previous words / off to the left -- VERIFIED
1307962 Narrate voice dropdown cannot be collapsed -- RESOLVED
1308030 Add telemetry probes for Narrate -- RESOLVED
1309499 [meta] Tests for High-profile Websites -- NEW
1310073 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1310074 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1310075 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1310448 Intermittent toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_narrate.js | Uncaught exception - TypeError: voiceOption is null P2 REOPENED
1311874 Add an option to switch into reader mode automatically P3 RESOLVED
1312023 [Reader Mode] "Failed to load article from page" on -- RESOLVED
1312305 Reader mode not enabled for File:// protocol -- RESOLVED
1313301 Optimize `isProbablyReaderable` method P3 NEW
1314570 Sort out the readability/jsdomparser eslint situation P2 NEW
1315490 2.33 - 3.82% tps (linux64, windows8-64) regression on push ef3d294a1cf6 (Wed Nov 2 2016) P1 RESOLVED
1316794 Reader Mode narrate: inserts pauses at line breaks in HTML content P3 VERIFIED
1316828 Allow finer control over narration speed -- VERIFIED
1317930 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1318015 optimize too-long-to-parse check slightly by avoiding getElementsByTagName("*").length P2 NEW
1318605 Do language detection for cases where we don't obtain a dir attribute -- VERIFIED
1319067 Make the printing media section respect the font size -- RESOLVED
1319183 Reader View resizes this SVG as wide as possible. P4 RESOLVED
1320231 Missing paragraph from -- RESOLVED
1321477 Find a new way or enable LanguageDetector to do language detection on Fennec P3 NEW
1321862 Use synth word length in Narrate word highlight -- RESOLVED
1321954 Reader Mode blows up smileys on both Desktop and Phone -- RESOLVED
1322194 Reader View pop-up adds clutter -- RESOLVED
1322327 Reader mode doesn't show single image in div if it's not a descendant of a figure -- VERIFIED
1322674 Reader mode doesn't display a table column properly P3 RESOLVED
1322936 reader view looses start of text -- RESOLVED
1323331 Refactor AboutReader to remove the promise based language resolution supplied to NarrateControls. P5 NEW
1323415 Use plural form for reader mode article reading time strings -- VERIFIED
1323861 Reader Mode displays "Failed to load article from page" on all Breitbart articles -- RESOLVED
1324222 Move Reader mode to a system add-on -- RESOLVED
1324630 [meta] Readability algorithm improvements for top websites -- NEW
1324868 Fix Narrate telemetry to record initializations -- RESOLVED
1325999 Reader mode does not display full content (MS Word generated HTML with <table>s for a comment/footnote column) P3 NEW
1326928 Reader mode creates a mess if I reload the page -- RESOLVED
1326977 Reader mode of specific page redirects to original page and shows blank page if go back -- RESOLVED
1327091 Reader mode creates additional Narrate button -- RESOLVED
1327882 Reader mode fails to load article -- RESOLVED
1327883 Reader mode fails to load specific article from page -- RESOLVED
1327884 Reader view Tour tooltip disappears if hash/pushState/iframe location changes -- RESOLVED
1328248 Reader mode only selects partial article for items in the news section of P3 NEW
1329358 [Meta] Omissions from Reader View -- UNCONFIRMED
1330931 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1331015 Reader Mode does not respect vertical writing mode P3 NEW
1331052 Reader Mode loads wrong article on web page with lazy loaded pagination P5 UNCONFIRMED
1331336 Use `let` after our iOS runtime support it P4 NEW
1331941 Feature request: highlighting P5 RESOLVED
1331981 Reader mode displays "Failed to load article from page" when reloading this page P4 RESOLVED
1332236 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1333491 Reader view inserts extra * sign not found in the original text -- RESOLVED
1334610 "Failed to load article from page" when trying to use reader mode on P3 RESOLVED
1334699 Intermittent toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_narrate.js | first paragraph being spoken - "Moby Dick - Chapter 1. Loomings" == "" - P5 RESOLVED
1335073 The fake DOM API in JSDOMParser.js should implement node.remove() P3 NEW
1335268 Reader View do not detect language of webpage properly. P3 RESOLVED
1337302 Reading mode links extend over complete text passages P3 RESOLVED
1337475 Anchor links in Project Gutenberg books don't work P2 NEW
1338465 Tests for P4 NEW
1338468 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1338475 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1340799 Add an automated test for clicking hash links in reader mode scrolling to the anchor (rather than exiting reader mode) -- RESOLVED
1342348 In reader mode links are not underlined and blue colored -- RESOLVED
1342355 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1342912 Some images are not visible in light background mode -- RESOLVED
1343205 Overlapping text in reader mode's option window in localized (zh-TW) Firefox P4 NEW
1344211 Reader view shortcut not listed in menu P2 RESOLVED
1344284 Reader mode menu item not always visible P3 NEW
1344311 In reader mode, ERT is not translated in the specific build language. -- RESOLVED
1344352 Reader button sometimes doesn't appear after back to article page -- RESOLVED
1344431 Regression Firefox displays reader button in location bar even if it's unavailable (sometimes) -- RESOLVED
1345441 Regression Reader button in location bar flashes when I open reader view P4 REOPENED
1345797 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1346147 Should remove comments on pages P4 NEW
1346148 Tests for P4 NEW
1346153 Tests for P4 NEW
1346155 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1346717 Tests for -- RESOLVED
1347472 Tests for WordPress blogs -- RESOLVED
1350197 [e10s] Reader button is missing after moving tab to new window (see comment 9) P2 RESOLVED
1350528 Dark side bar for reader mode P5 RESOLVED
1350685 Firefox Reader Starts At Wrong Point -- RESOLVED
1351846 Intermittent browser_readerMode.js, browser_readerMode_hidden_nodes.js | Test timed out - P3 RESOLVED
1352501 Remove Reader Mode feature promotion panel P1 VERIFIED
1353083 "Failed to load article from page" on article P3 RESOLVED
1355164 Lazily loaded / srcset-using images are dropped on P2 NEW
1355738 very short <pre> sections are skipped in reader mode P3 NEW
1358110 Youtube/vimeo/dailymotion iframe allowances should be removed or tightened P4 NEW
1358248 Address bar spoof in reader mode -- VERIFIED
1359672 Reader mode breaks ("Failed to load article from page") on P3 RESOLVED
1360290 Reader Mode and text tables -- RESOLVED
1364056 Reader view is broken some of the time due to attempting to use dead 'document' references to get a URL -- RESOLVED
1364623 Reading mode isn't working anymore on websites that worked before -- RESOLVED
1364995 "Failed to load article from page" on -- RESOLVED
1365065 [reader mode] a lot of pages "failed to load the page" in latest nightly -- RESOLVED
1368062 prevent screensaver when in reader mode P4 RESOLVED
1368552 "Failed to load article from page" on P3 RESOLVED
1369203 Some content (list with many links and an image) from photon newsletter blogpost gets lost in reader mode P3 NEW
1369327 Making reader view users uniform when 'privacy.resistFingerprinting' is true P1 RESOLVED
1369997 Reader View does not display h1 and h2 elements -- RESOLVED
1371876 Preserve strike-through text-decoration in reader mode (and potentially other semantics-related style properties) P4 NEW
1372903 Text appears centered in reader view. -- RESOLVED
1374259 Reader View failes to load article on website of the swiss paper -- RESOLVED
1375756 Intermittent toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_narrate_disable.js | Test timed out - P4 RESOLVED
1378684 Show replacement character when refresh in reader mode -- RESOLVED
1378693 Revert bug 1355056 changes in Reader mode code P3 VERIFIED
1379496 the reader view exit button on the side bar doesn't work on wiki -- RESOLVED
1381544 Extend narrate telemetry probes -- RESOLVED
1390081 Footnotes missing in Reader Mode P3 NEW
1391313 Should preserve text-transform and/or small-caps styling in reader mode P3 NEW
1393075 Firefox crashes while hovering over with NVDA -- RESOLVED
1393675 Incorrect title recongnition in reader mode P3 NEW
1393892 Reader mode prompt for bugzilla query P4 NEW
1394941 "Failed to load article from page" on P2 RESOLVED
1395467 image missing in Reading View P3 NEW
1395824 Enable Table Borders in Reader View P3 RESOLVED
1396565 ReaderMode parent validates URL protocols only after XHR requests are made P1 RESOLVED
1397182 Extend reader mode telemetry probes that will expire in 58 -- RESOLVED
1398719 Content can't be loaded on P3 NEW
1399616 WordPress emoji are enormous in Reader View P3 RESOLVED
1401087 "Failed to load article from page" when entering reader mode on pages P3 RESOLVED
1403149 Table Header Omitted in Reader Mode P3 NEW
1404528 Automatically Enable Reader View on All Sites That Support It -- RESOLVED
1404609 Background in reading mode is not black -- RESOLVED
1404611 Reader View Dark Theme Text is invisible -- RESOLVED
1405809 Reader Mode's Narrate Function crashes when you advance to the next paragraph. -- RESOLVED
1406339 Reader Mode should ignore invisible elements -- RESOLVED
1406360 [Mac]: Narrate animations consume too much CPU power P3 RESOLVED
1407013 Lazy loading of images not working in reader view -- RESOLVED
1408765 Reader View removes <h1> headings P3 RESOLVED
1409605 Missing images in Reader View P3 NEW
1410656 Reader View has issues with small codeblock elements on P3 NEW
1410797 Move reader view to a built-in system webextension -- RESOLVED
1412857 Add a switch to remove links in Reader Mode P5 RESOLVED
1416561 Update Readability.js from git (commit c3ff1a2d2c94c1db257b2c9aa88a4b8fbeb221c5 ) -- RESOLVED
1417837 de-scope the style sheets in aboutReader.html P1 RESOLVED
1419824 Only comments display on P3 NEW
1419979 Reader mode displays wrong author name on P3 NEW
1420714 favicon.path is undefined when clicking reader-mode-button -- VERIFIED
1421757 Update Readability.js from git (fixes for, title processing, class cleanups) -- RESOLVED
1422519 Images etc. requested in reader mode should include the original page host/uri in their Referer or Origin header P3 NEW
1422680 simplify aboutReader.css font-size classes using CSS variables P3 RESOLVED
1424032 Reader View chooses <title> tag over title displayed on webpage (in <h1> or other in-page content) P3 NEW
1424036 Reader View omits dates and bylines on some articles (palm springs life, ) P3 NEW
1425270 Update Readability.js from git (fixes for class cleanups, modal handling) commit fa9d8bda48ee574bcffbc19d68b4ca39e1f9036a -- RESOLVED
1425541 [a11y] Make reader state easily to retrieve programmatically -- RESOLVED
1426775 Saving reader mode pages as "Web page, html" omits all useful text P3 NEW
1427002 Failed to load article from page on a specific page on Sparknotes (with very little text) P3 RESOLVED
1427570 Reader View show only a section of the text on P3 NEW
1427672 Reading mode not enabled for (some?) tumblr pages P3 NEW
1428551 [Narrate][Windows] Reader mode text-to-speech UI is not shown for Czech-language articles (no voice for that language?) -- RESOLVED
1429442 Buttons in "type control" popup in reader mode should have tooltips or at least text for accessibility. P2 RESOLVED
1430493 In reader view, latex formulas/equations are doubled (should remove items that have inline style="display: none") P3 RESOLVED
1433920 Try to do a better job dealing with <pre> or <code> text to avoid it wrapping as much P3 NEW
1437332 Narrator audio continues with LastPass installed when Reader Mode is exited -- VERIFIED
1437838 Narrate module should listen to keydown event instead of keypress event -- RESOLVED
1438308 Pressing AltGr+R on Windows enters Reader View (Ctrl+Alt+R) -- RESOLVED
1439385 Reader View is incomplete page, starts half-way down content. P3 NEW
1440606 Toggle Reader Mode - Keyboard shortcuts not working -- RESOLVED
1440632 Reader View icon is not constantly visible while scrolling up and down on some sites P3 RESOLVED
1441268 Pages served over HTTPS are not marked as secure in reader view -- RESOLVED
1441555 Reader View: it brings up another sections content! -- RESOLVED
1441772 ESC key doesn't exit reader view. -- RESOLVED
1441934 Reader View on google blog does not show all the paragraphs P3 NEW
1444082 Sync reader mode to github tip ( 8525c6af36d3badbe27c4672a6f2dd99ddb4097f ) -- RESOLVED
1444568 Reader mode (readability) should have a dark/black sidebar when the theme is set to dark mode -- RESOLVED
1444762 Reader view removes some of the actual content in some entries at 'Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy' P3 NEW
1444982 reader view changes author byline on CNET News P3 NEW
1445351 AboutReaderListener should detect same-document location changes directly without a round trip to the chrome process (remove Reader:PushState message) P3 NEW
1446563 Intermittent toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_narrate.js | Uncaught exception - - timed out after 50 tries. P5 RESOLVED
1447142 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_readingTime.js | Test timed out - P5 RESOLVED
1447384 CSP is blocking bits of about:reader -- RESOLVED
1449680 Reader mode does not work in -- RESOLVED
1450924 Remove use of innerHTML in reader mode's Narrate code entirely P3 RESOLVED
1453467 Reader Mode can use different favicon from our choice for the webpage due to the favicon service returning apple-touch-icon but the tab never using that P3 NEW
1453810 Some articles at offer Reader Mode (and the "Simplify Page" checkbox), while others do not P3 NEW
1455043 Reader View does not execute javascript on refresh P5 NEW
1456336 [narrate] Allow the user to control where the text to speech in reader mode starts P5 NEW
1457334 No Reader View of Twitter -- RESOLVED
1460659 CSP blocks bookmarklets in reader view -- RESOLVED
1464858 Visually hidden content with display: none; in reader mode - .sr-only .visually-hidden P3 RESOLVED
1466044 Formula is not correctly displayed under reader view mode P3 NEW
1467160 reader mode show cookies information in P3 NEW
1467402 Reader mode, SVG and use elements P3 UNCONFIRMED
1467616 Full-width reader mode with small fonts -- RESOLVED
1467742 Update reader mode to github tip (rev bf64b58d909d716770a2dd650d78286097ba797b ) -- RESOLVED
1469995 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_bug1124271_readerModePinnedTab.js | Uncaught exception - at chrome://mochitests/content/browser/toolkit/components/reader/test/head.js:37 - Error: Timed out while waiting for a 'load' event P5 RESOLVED
1470085 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_bug1124271_readerModePinnedTab.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::ipc::GeckoChildProcessHost::PerformAsyncLaunchInternal | After application terminated with exit code 1 P5 RESOLVED
1470229 Reader mode strips aria-label P1 VERIFIED
1470491 MathJax rendered incorrectly in Reader View -- RESOLVED
1471565 The page is displayed incorrectly in the "read mode" P3 RESOLVED
1472205 Reader mode do not display images of some publications of medium P3 NEW
1472486 After saving a reader mode page to disk as "web page, complete", the result doesn't show content due to CSP and inline CSS P3 RESOLVED
1472749 reader view of article elides much of the text (sync from github 7d03bec52d0a0c4b22d044e06af84abb15a9f02b ) P1 VERIFIED
1474407 Replace firefox-dev in alert_emails of histograms READER_MODE_PARSE_RESULT READER_MODE_DOWNLOAD_RESULT P3 NEW
1474565 Keep html lang attribute in Reader Mode P3 RESOLVED
1478548 duplicate mathjax on reader view in wikipedia -- RESOLVED
1478866 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_bug1453818_samesite_cookie.js | Test timed out - P5 RESOLVED
1480373 [Linux] - Narrator does not highlight/underline individual word in read paragraphs -- RESOLVED
1480415 NVDA Screen Reader doesn't read the Reader View button on hover P1 VERIFIED
1480459 Some buttons from the "Type Controls" panel are not being focused after recently being spammed -- RESOLVED
1480934 Saving Reader View page yields blank page P1 VERIFIED
1484016 Reader view retrieves comments, not article, from New York Times P3 NEW
1484413 Minimize the amount of reader mode code loaded for readerable checking P1 RESOLVED
1485268 When privacy.resistFingerprinting = true, Reader mode shouldn't parse on load -- RESOLVED
1485932 Support navigation of narration on raw text files P5 UNCONFIRMED
1486309 No reader mode offered for SIYE fanfiction site P3 RESOLVED
1486315 Replace promiseWaitForCondition with TestUtils.waitForCondition in reader mode tests P5 RESOLVED
1487044 Sync reader mode to github tip ( 3be1aaa01c078c25b67ed8dfd1c9aa8f9963490b ) -- RESOLVED
1487362 Reading mode should also visualize which words are read P5 NEW
1488113 Reader mode button doesn't re-appear after refresing a page on P3 NEW
1497056 Justify text in reader view P3 RESOLVED
1498020 Automatically open Reader Mode as dark if dark theme is enabled -- RESOLVED
1516877 Update Readability.js / JSDOMParser.js from git (commit 15d411a8652ca35f553a2465a5bdc994be90a813) P1 RESOLVED
1522365 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_bug1124271_readerModePinnedTab.js | Uncaught exception - undefined - timed out after 50 tries. P5 RESOLVED
1522783 Fix "Failed to load article from page" on by importing readability from github c0c097c930c8e17969a9ecc143792daf799b215d P3 RESOLVED
1526662 Feature Request - Reading mode which highlights a line at a time -- RESOLVED
1531712 Update readability.js etc. from git (commit 9009f64f9ce8b7d593c1ef90864843f72e193cba ) P3 RESOLVED
1532137 [Feature Request] Adaptive color of the sidebar in reader view -- RESOLVED
1532277 Reader mode omits seemingly-random small parts of large manual page P5 NEW
1532821 Extend narrate telemetry probes, again P3 RESOLVED
1534136 Intermittent toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_narrate.js | popup is hidden after scroll - false == true - P5 RESOLVED
1534943 Reader mode font size CSS changes should be copied from toolkit to android P1 RESOLVED
1535433 Allow hiding the left panel with the type controls, narrate and save to pocket when in reader view. P5 NEW
1536620 ctrl + 0 does not return zoom to default size P3 VERIFIED
1544065 reader mode's voice select widget doesn't open if clicking the name of the selected voice P1 VERIFIED
1544594 Reader View should not inline New York Time Glossary spans P3 NEW
1545146 Infinite scroll article website distills the wrong article in Reader Mode P3 NEW
1545453 Font Awesome icons should not be visible in Reader View P3 RESOLVED
1545967 Reader mode href treatment -- RESOLVED
1546213 reader view's default view does not have sufficient color contrast for links P3 RESOLVED
1546724 Add RTL support for the Reader View panel P3 RESOLVED
1547408 Parse Node Limit preference broken in Reader Mode P5 NEW
1549096 Make Firefox's narration in Reader Mode better in Linux -- UNCONFIRMED
1550017 firefox cant save web pages as html only when enabling reader mode. -- RESOLVED
1550836 Redesign the Reader Mode to match the photon design -- RESOLVED
1551894 Reader mode shows wrong page content -- RESOLVED
1553313 reader mode misses first half or more of Quanta Magazine article P3 NEW
1554661 No documentation for Firefox Reader View support P3 UNCONFIRMED
1555415 Reader view hides important <h2> description heading on P3 NEW
1557256 accel + Mouse scroll still uses full page zoom (instead of font size changes) in Reader mode P1 VERIFIED
1560199 Add keyboard shortcuts to improve the accessibility of Reader Mode -- RESOLVED
1564884 Reader mode support ofr text-align:justify and hyphenation -- UNCONFIRMED
1565931 Ensure consumers are aware readability.js is not itself a DOM sanitizer -- RESOLVED
1567934 Delay initialization of web speech / narrate code in reader mode until narrate panel is opened P3 NEW
1570473 Intermittent toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_voiceselect.js | application crashed [@ js::GCMarker::processMarkStackTop(js::SliceBudget&)] after application terminated with exit code 1 P3 RESOLVED
1571736 Reader view drops parts of the page P3 UNCONFIRMED
1573402 Pressing Back on premium content requires you to log in again -- RESOLVED
1573698 reader mode not offered for P3 NEW
1574283 No orphans in reader view -- UNCONFIRMED
1576512 Sticky Reader Mode: Links opened in reading mode should also try to open in reader mode -- NEW
1578454 FF69 limits the maximum zoom level in Reader Mode P1 VERIFIED
1578740 [Feature Request] Enable estimated reading time for regular mode -- NEW
1579514 Max font size in reader mode has decreased -- RESOLVED
1579543 Reader mode does not follow system dark mode P3 RESOLVED
1580987 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_with_anchor.js | scrollTop (0) should be within 1 CSS pixel of offsetTop (2878) - 2878 <= 1 - P5 RESOLVED
1583837 The maximum zoom level in Reader Mode is still too small/low P1 VERIFIED
1585608 Add prefers-reduced-motion media queries to turn off narrate transitions in reader mode P3 RESOLVED
1585610 Stop using a <button> element for font-size-sample in reader mode P3 NEW
1585907 Announce when Reader View is available for screen reader users -- RESOLVED
1586139 Fix reader mode browser chrome tests so they pass with fission enabled P1 RESOLVED
1587720 Firefox preview read mode renders blank page -- RESOLVED
1589007 Don't offer Reader Mode when in Slack P3 RESOLVED
1591316 Wide tables can cause horizontal scroll in reader mode P3 VERIFIED
1591469 [Fission] Port AboutReaderChild.jsm to JSWindowActors P1 RESOLVED
1593456 [Linux] Reader view: scrollbar is light grey for dark theme, should be darker P5 NEW
1593900 Reader View available screen reader announcement is too verbose P1 RESOLVED
1594828 Reader mode should change to dark theme automatically like Safari -- RESOLVED
1598338 In Reader View, strikethrough text does not appear with a line through it P5 NEW
1598581 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode.js | Test timed out - P5 RESOLVED
1599426 Page partially rendered in reader mode P3 UNCONFIRMED
1601135 Can we please add higher contrast "dark" mode? -- NEW
1601838 Content omitted in reader mode on P3 NEW
1603063 A Reuters Investigate page should offer reader mode and work correctly P3 NEW
1603449 Sync layout flush at the end of page load due to poor interaction between reader mode and add-ons P3 NEW
1603905 Reader Mode does not display entire ebook from gutenberg P5 NEW
1605590 Initial section of hidden in reader mode P3 NEW
1605620 Allow configuring the content width in Reader Mode -- NEW
1605903 Add rotN (ie rot13) as an option to repair content obfuscated by anti-reader mode measures P3 NEW
1606456 multi-column display for reader view -- UNCONFIRMED
1606952 Add buttons to change color/fonts/... to the reader mode sidebar -- UNCONFIRMED
1607042 readability switches entire text to RTL when title contains some RTL text -- UNCONFIRMED
1609742 Embedded content (Twitter, Youtube, etc.) is removed from the Firefox reader view -- UNCONFIRMED
1611402 Read page/text selection aloud outside of a reader view -- NEW
1611656 Should offer reader mode in Google Docs P5 UNCONFIRMED
1612723 Keyboard shortcut for toggle reader view (F9) doesn't work P1 VERIFIED
1614107 Tooltip for toggle reader view now shows as Ctrl+Alt+F9 which does work, but previously the shortcut only required F9 -- VERIFIED
1614213 Word highlighting can sometimes not be in sync with the narration P3 NEW
1616125 Images duplicated in Reader View for all New York Times articles because we keep `visibility: hidden` images in the DOM and strip the styles P3 RESOLVED
1616338 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_with_anchor.js | leaked 1 window(s) until shutdown [url = about:reader?] P5 RESOLVED
1616805 Re-enable toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_with_anchor.js for Fission P3 RESOLVED
1618969 Update Readability/Readability-readerable/JSOMParser from git (commit dc34dfd8fa6d5c17801efbc2e115dc368b7117c8) -- RESOLVED
1620797 Firefox Narrator omits first word of paragraph when reading at high speed -- RESOLVED
1621479 typo in reader mode CSS class preservation list -- RESOLVED
1623267 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_hidden_nodes.js | Test timed out - P5 RESOLVED
1623397 Reader View Cuts Content on P3 UNCONFIRMED
1624141 Reader mode dark/light theme sync option -- RESOLVED
1625689 Reader view - remove edit links on Wikipedia -- UNCONFIRMED
1626037 Suggestion - Add way to force reading mode in all websites and preventing the paywall -- UNCONFIRMED
1626071 'about:reader?url=' location does not work for 'file:' urls - why ? -- RESOLVED
1627580 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_bug1124271_readerModePinnedTab.js | Uncaught exception - undefined - timed out after 50 tries. P5 RESOLVED
1627881 Enable Reader View of Google Translate pages -- UNCONFIRMED
1629030 [Reader View] Changing the line height while the page is scrolled down hides the dropdown P5 VERIFIED
1632132 Dark theme - screen reader - previous/next buttons appear disabled due to color scheme picked P1 RESOLVED
1632637 Improve way that reader mode notifications are passed to pocket/addons/newtab P3 NEW
1633076 reader mode page saved as html only, produces only a horizontal line, no text. -- RESOLVED
1634656 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode.js | Uncaught exception - at chrome://mochitests/content/browser/toolkit/components/reader/test/head.js:40 - Error: Timed out while waiting for a 'load' event P5 RESOLVED
1635345 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode.js | Uncaught exception - undefined - timed out after 50 tries. P5 RESOLVED
1635353 Reader mode omits text on ncurses manpage style documents when deeply nested nodes have a lot of text P5 NEW
1636150 Reader mode not working for articles with large async additions of readable content P3 NEW
1636567 Intermittent Windows 10 fission browser-chrome PROCESS-CRASH | Main app process exited normally | application crashed [None] after run of toolkit/components/reader/test/ P5 RESOLVED
1636861 Add feature to Firefox Reader to align text on one half of the screen -- UNCONFIRMED
1637089 Use canvas font metrics to get localized text font samples in the reader mode serif / sans-serif buttons P3 NEW
1637295 Narrate voice dropdown control bottom border causes it to shift up 0.5/1px when opened P1 RESOLVED
1637297 Add a transition to the reader mode toolbar's height when moving from non-scrolled to scrolled mode -- RESOLVED
1637434 Reader mode -> dark theme: text selection color is too bright -- UNCONFIRMED
1637498 Don't hardcode Pocket in Reader Mode string -- RESOLVED
1637652 Reader mode semitransparent overlay is distracting P1 VERIFIED
1637761 Horizontal reader toolbar reduces valuable vertical screen space -- RESOLVED
1637843 Numbers in Reader View Type controls popover are not meaningful P3 NEW
1637846 Reader view doorhanger uses 'active' colour for focused dropdown buttons; should match hover colour instead P3 RESOLVED
1637847 Active focus color for dark mode buttons in reader view popover is too light P3 RESOLVED
1637993 Buttons in reader view "type controls" popover are sensitive to user input even when user input is not available P5 RESOLVED
1638056 Merge narrate.css into aboutReader.css -- NEW
1638223 Clicking on the reader mode toolbar buttons closes and immediately reopens the menus P3 VERIFIED
1640410 "Active" text2speech paragraph in reader mode overlays "narrate" dropdown P1 RESOLVED
1640417 Improve visual styling of font dropdown in reader mode P1 RESOLVED
1640438 [RTL] Mirror the line height buttons on the type controls popup -- RESOLVED
1640490 Reader mode shows wrong content on some pages because it always re-fetches the article from the original URL P1 RESOLVED
1640505 Should be able to distinguish focus and hover styling in reader mode dropdowns P5 NEW
1640508 Reader mode popups disappear when doing touchpad scroll on page -- RESOLVED
1640519 Reader mode toolbar controls get lighter if user hovers away from popover P5 NEW
1641042 Scrolling with the narrate popup removes `dropdown-open` class from the toolbar when it shouldn't (listen popup doesn't close when clicking listen icon the second time after scrolling) -- RESOLVED
1641266 Reader mode controls never fade out if reduce motion is enabled P5 NEW
1642166 Vertically align the Reader control hover labels P3 RESOLVED
1642348 Reader view UI lacks the reset option -- NEW
1642369 Perma (tier2) LeakSanitizer | leak at mozilla::dom::WeakWorkerRef::Create, mozilla::dom::PerformanceStorageWorker::Create, mozilla::dom::WorkerPrivate::EnsurePerformanceStorage, mozilla::dom::workerinternals:: -- RESOLVED
1642510 Cannot switch between reader mode popups with one click P5 RESOLVED
1643952 Reuse the article promise when going back and forwards in history between reader mode -- NEW
1645607 Toggling reader mode on and off whilst viewing a plain text file changes the font to proportional P3 VERIFIED
1645617 Reader Mode does not work with local files (file://) -- RESOLVED
1646084 The maximum width in reader mode is way too small -- UNCONFIRMED
1646091 - Reader Mode omits words from NYT "interactive" article text that correspond to sidebar notes ("tooltips") P3 NEW
1646284 Reader Mode -Increase size for type controls value indicators -- NEW
1646388 - subtitle / header text is not displayed in "reader view" mode P5 NEW
1648473 Switching to reader view has unexpected effects on the state of a web page -- RESOLVED
1649666 Reader view is hard to read, due to fixed-position elements P3 REOPENED
1650922 Reader mode content appears after reader mode toolbar in accessibility tree P1 VERIFIED
1651109 Narrate popup overlaps the content being narrated P3 NEW
1651728 Reader mode toolbar is saved with the document P3 NEW
1651922 Reader mode availability can be hit or miss due to paint event timing -- RESOLVED
1652818 Implement Intl.Locale in narrate component -- RESOLVED
1653483 Reader mode - keep Reader controls active while tab-focused/navigated if page scrolled down P3 VERIFIED
1653501 [macOS]Fission breaks Reader Mode on Wikipedia articles -- RESOLVED
1653529 Reader mode no longer works on Mediapart P3 NEW
1654425 hyperlinks are not legible in Firefox Reader View when Windows10 Night Light function is enabled -- NEW
1655402 Reader mode toolbar black residual bar near focussed buttons P3 VERIFIED
1656576 Reader mode displays the wrong text for Best Buy recycling info site (completely different text from what's visible in normal mode) -- RESOLVED
1658185 Improve the UI of Reader mode -- NEW
1658211 Reader View now contains a non-scrolling popup! -- RESOLVED
1659193 Reader mode scrolling to hash/reference/ids is unreliable (was: Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_with_anchor.js | scrollTop (0) should be within 1 CSS pixel of offsetTop (2894) - 2894 <= 1 - got 2894, expected 1 (operator <=) P3 RESOLVED
1662950 Reader mode presents the site cookie policy instead of the actual content -- NEW
1663415 reader mode can't process code properly in html -- RESOLVED
1663582 Reader Mode can't convert 2-column page to 1-column page P3 NEW
1664982 When Session History is moved to the parent so should parts of Reader Mode -- NEW
1667145 Update Readability from git (commit d5eea06a0095b3138dbd1f6233f656d690200509 ) P1 RESOLVED
1667347 Reader mode is not available on -- RESOLVED
1669112 Clicking on reader mode buttons closes and immediately reopens the menus -- RESOLVED
1672661 Reader mode is confused by paywall banner. Needs refresh. P3 NEW
1677909 Site info for reader view says "this page is stored on your computer" -- RESOLVED
1678850 Reader Mode does not display text from above the TOC P3 UNCONFIRMED
1678857 turning off/disconnecting blutooth speaker causes reader view Ttext-to-speach to not work till full restart of firefox -- RESOLVED
1679287 ui.systemUsesDarkTheme should have automatically consequences on the reader view -- RESOLVED
1679800 Fix and enable toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode.js for Fission P2 RESOLVED
1680604 Tooltips for the Close and Pocket buttons are not showing up in reader mode P1 VERIFIED
1681916 Reader mode icon doesn't appear when clicking through to articles on aljazeera P3 NEW
1683018 Recognize reader view mode URLs vs standard URLs for bookmarking and bookmark detection -- RESOLVED
1683021 Provide a some settings in about:config to allow setting custom font families for Sans and Serif in reader view mode -- UNCONFIRMED
1683445 Firefox Nightly News posts aren't becoming reader mode eligible. -- RESOLVED
1684208 Text cut off on web page using <font> tags -- RESOLVED
1684339 Reader mode loses some section headings P3 VERIFIED
1685571 Update readability to v0.4 from node/git -- RESOLVED
1687960 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_localfile_readerMode.js | Reader mode button is present on about:reader - P5 RESOLVED
1688186 Reader View mode breaks the sound on Linux using a Realtek ALC898 chip -- RESOLVED
1690417 Tooltip appears under Reader mode menu P5 RESOLVED
1690505 Pocket fonts in reader view -- UNCONFIRMED
1691173 Reader view shows wrong text P3 UNCONFIRMED
1692655 SameSite cookie bypass when using history navigation via a window reference to reload reader mode page containing a meta redirect P2 VERIFIED
1692709 Option to keep the site's font when going into reader mode -- UNCONFIRMED
1694691 Add option to print as a PDF in Reader Mode -- UNCONFIRMED
1695199 [Reader mode] Visited links in dark mode aren't contrasted enough still -- VERIFIED
1695334 Reader View should respect dark theme -- RESOLVED
1696657 Reader view icon is stretched out -- RESOLVED
1696698 Remove unnecessary and confusing reader.parse-on-load.force-enabled pref P5 RESOLVED
1697878 Nested lists in Reader Mode shouldn't all use numbers P3 VERIFIED
1698135 Move some of `AboutReaderChild`'s readerable detection into platform -- NEW
1701079 Make Reader View background a bit darker -- UNCONFIRMED
1701081 Too many voices listed in Reader View Listen mode P3 NEW
1701291 - reader button is not shown, but manually forcing reader mode or refreshing works (isProbablyReaderable fails to detect an article initially) P5 NEW
1702869 Give Reader mode some proton treatment P3 RESOLVED
1703314 reader view works for the URL mentioned below, but I did manage to spot one line that is not displayed P3 NEW
1704137 Firefox reader mode not available on an article on a website -- RESOLVED
1705931 Reduce memory usage by unloading ReaderWorker.js and cld-worker.js chrome workers after a period of inactivity P3 NEW
1706297 reader mode, in menu add an option to select the background colour -- RESOLVED
1709154 Reader Mode TTS treats entire article as a single paragraph due to useless div wrapper P3 NEW
1709771 Reader view not available on simple page -- UNCONFIRMED
1713248 Reader mode tooltip is `undefined` -- RESOLVED
1714605 Intermittent LeakSanitizer | leak at mozilla::dom::WeakWorkerRef::Create, mozilla::dom::PerformanceStorageWorker::Create, mozilla::dom::WorkerPrivate::EnsurePerformanceStorage, mozilla::dom::workerinternals:: P5 RESOLVED
1718750 Reader Mode - Missing image after clicking on back and forward button P3 NEW
1720877 Simplified Format fails to load the article (PDF) in print preview -- VERIFIED
1720903 Article Mode button and F9 doesn't work on but shown and eligible to be shown based on article button P3 NEW
1721585 The tooltip for the Reader mode icon in the url bar sometimes displays "undefined" P1 VERIFIED
1723295 Changes to the selected Reader mode theme should propagate across existing reader mode tabs everywhere -- UNCONFIRMED
1723319 reader view mode prevents other applications from using speech-dispatcher -- UNCONFIRMED
1726524 Screen reader (narrate) in reader view doesn't work if privacy.resistFingerprinting is enabled P1 RESOLVED
1727829 Consider to not initialize AboutReaderChild actor for initial about:blank documents when pagehide fires P2 RESOLVED
1732182 In FF 92.0 "Reader Mode" fails for local html pages. -- RESOLVED
1736641 Part of page text missing in reader view P3 UNCONFIRMED
1736729 Intermittent toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_voiceselect.js | Test timed out - P5 RESOLVED
1743669 reader version of articles loses all article contents P3 UNCONFIRMED
1745158 After exiting (x) Reader view and pressing the back-arrow you return again in "Reader view" P2 VERIFIED
1745251 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_bug1453818_samesite_cookie.js | Test timed out - P5 RESOLVED
1745673 Save To Pocket button should act as a toggle -- VERIFIED
1746258 Reader view - Listen feature - mute tab button doesn't mute speech -- RESOLVED
1748655 [meta] MSU Capstone Spring 2022 - Improving Reader Mode in Firefox -- NEW
1749038 As a user of Firefox ReaderMode I would like a keyboard command to toggle narrate P3 VERIFIED
1750220 about:READER brings up a broken page by itself or with any URL -- RESOLVED
1750735 Narrate telemetry tries to record 'null' language voice selection telemetry P3 RESOLVED
1753117 Add pref for UI changes to Reader Mode P3 RESOLVED
1754524 Update Readability to 0.4.2 from node/git -- RESOLVED
1754994 Reader View hides footnotes on -- RESOLVED
1756305 Reader View doesn't apply appropriate `lang` attribute to the title P3 RESOLVED
1759362 Intermittent toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_narrate.js | Test timed out - | Found a tab after previous test timed out: about:reader?url=http%3A P5 RESOLVED
1759907 Change width for Reader mode color-scheme-buttons -- RESOLVED
1760033 Migrate to Fluent P3 RESOLVED
1760602 Land tests for reader mode samesite cookie redirect issue P3 RESOLVED
1760866 Intermittent TV-fis toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_download.js | The toolbar is hidden - false == true - got false, expected true (operator ==) P5 RESOLVED
1761135 markdown files not detected as readerable P3 VERIFIED
1761136 markdown files not detected as readerable -- RESOLVED
1761245 [RTL] Reader Mode displays two identical themes with different text -- RESOLVED
1762721 Reader mode hides image figcaption descriptions on -- RESOLVED
1764182 Almost permafailing toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_download.js | A promise chain failed to handle a rejection: JSWindowActorParent.sendQuery: JSWindowActorParent cannot send at the moment - stack: aboutReaderCb@DownloadLegacy.jsm:438:19 P5 RESOLVED
1764221 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_pocket.js | A promise chain failed to handle a rejection: JSWindowActorParent.sendQuery: JSWindowActorParent cannot send at the moment - stack: aboutReaderCb@resource://gre/modules/DownloadLe P5 RESOLVED
1764310 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_pocket.js | application terminated with exit code 1 P5 RESOLVED
1766244 Reader mode auto dark vs light theme mode doesn't always stay in automatic mode / doesn't follow future system theme changes -- RESOLVED
1766326 Feature request: Remember when Reader Mode is set per-site. -- RESOLVED
1766462 Reader view: allow to close reader view with escape key -- UNCONFIRMED
1767529 Firefox Reader View cuts off blog post -- RESOLVED
1767846 Enable MSU reader mode improvements in Nightly P3 RESOLVED
1770013 Add full support for HCM in reader mode -- RESOLVED
1770613 reader view works for the URL mentioned below, except for some lines that are not displayed. Perhaps because of an embedded JavaScript -- RESOLVED
1771963 Intermittent TV toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_refresh.js | Test timed out - P5 RESOLVED
1772982 Negative margins on blockquotes following unstyled text in reader mode lead to ugly overlapping text P3 NEW
1773323 Remove dead article caching code from ReaderMode.jsm P3 RESOLVED
1775338 Various improvements to reader mode color pallete to match Proton -- RESOLVED
1776032 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/tests/browser_readerMode_refresh.js | single tracking bug P3 REOPENED
1776033 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_bug1453818_samesite_cookie.js | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1776050 Intermittent toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_narrate.js | single tracking bug P3 REOPENED
1776535 As a user of Firefox ReaderMode I would like a keyboard command to skip narrate backward and forward P3 VERIFIED
1777113 Reader mode ignores web appearance selection when Increase Contrast is active P2 VERIFIED
1778320 Failed to load simplified page in Print Preview P3 VERIFIED
1780350 Reader mode forgets scroll position when following link and navigating back P3 RESOLVED
1788925 Convert browser/actors/AboutReader* JSM modules to ESMs P3 RESOLVED
1789588 Reader mode re-downloads images from articles rendered into reader mode P3 UNCONFIRMED
1790726 Reader Mode don't work on pulse P3 UNCONFIRMED
1791225 Can't exit Reader Mode on local files after clearing history P5 NEW
1792623 Firefox Reader View omits examples on P3 NEW
1792760 Zoom control keyboard shortcuts for reader mode do not fully match normal zoom control keyboard shortcuts P3 NEW
1793928 Zooming in Reader View with CTRL+Mouse also scrolls the page P3 NEW
1793943 Reader View does not show bookmarked page when enabled P3 RESOLVED
1794077 Reuse reader view scroll position when returning to the original page (rather than restoring scroll position for the original page from history) -- NEW
1794454 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_with_anchor.js | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1794642 Need a way to know there is a keyboard shortcut for the Listen button in Reader View -- RESOLVED
1795292 TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_narrate.js | Test timed out - when Gecko 107 switches to Beta on 2022-10-17 -- VERIFIED
1795295 TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_bug1453818_samesite_cookie.js | Test timed out - when Gecko 107 switches to Beta on 2022-10-17 -- RESOLVED
1795317 Use formatRange() and selectRange() for formatting reading time, when available P3 RESOLVED
1798092 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode.js | single tracking bug P5 REOPENED
1799239 Duplicate photos on NYTimes website in Reader mode -- RESOLVED
1800549 Disable Reader View on Brave Search -- RESOLVED
1800650 Reader Mode links have low contrast with Color Scheme Dark -- VERIFIED
1803192 Reader Mode is incomplete until reload -- RESOLVED
1807610 Listen TTS Missing Pause/Play in Reader Mode -- NEW
1808253 Changing Reading Mode narrator speed restarts reading the current paragraph -- RESOLVED
1810070 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_pocket.js | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1811692 The reader mode icon still appears on the urlbar when navigating from a reader-mode-able page to a chrome:// page P3 NEW
1817265 Reader mode should use loadURI instead of fixupAndLoadURIString when going back to the original URL P3 NEW
1817554 In reader mode>listen mode, the text follower is in the wrong place after a link. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1818689 Reader Mode effect not operational -- RESOLVED
1822746 Support built-in read aloud (TTS) feature -- NEW
1823396 Allow narration in about:reader when resistFingerprinting is on -- RESOLVED
1823763 Convert toolkit/components/reader to ES modules P3 RESOLVED
1824589 Convert toolkit/components/narrate to ES modules P1 RESOLVED
1825431 Reader mode shortcut is not keyboard-layout-portable on Linux P3 NEW
1826957 Trying to enable Reader mode the second time won't work on P3 NEW
1828226 Reader View next sentence and next paragraph/block shortcut -- UNCONFIRMED
1830016 Disable reader mode when a pdf is displayed P1 ASSIGNED
1834944 Resetting zoom to "Actual Size" is broken in reader mode and pdf mode P3 NEW
1836956 - Images are not loading with "Reading mode" active P3 NEW
1837721 Remove unused reader.has_used_toolbar pref P1 RESOLVED
1839632 Synchronous Reflow because of isNodeVisible P3 NEW
1841879 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_cached.js | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1841880 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_cached.js | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1841910 Intermittent [tier 2] toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_colorSchemePref.js | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1842166 Reader mode should not be triggereable on PDF files -- NEW
1845349 Is Reader Mode supposed to load favicon from Places? P3 NEW
1845726 Toronto Star articles no longer work in Reader Mode -- RESOLVED
1847223 The page is not displayed correctly with Reader Mode enabled on P3 RESOLVED
1847357 Readability mode doesn't load lazy-loading HTML5 videos and embedded YouTube videos from WordPress blog posts -- RESOLVED
1847459 Use the Mimic3 text-to-speech TTS engine for Reader mode and accessibility on Linux, instead of eSpeak -- UNCONFIRMED
1847925 HTML elements with class="menu" are not displayed/visible while in reader mode P3 NEW
1849282 Add ability to read images ALT text to reader mode "Listen" text to speech tool -- UNCONFIRMED
1851327 Reader view font type controls (Sans/Serif) do not follow Firefox settings P3 NEW
1852366 "Dark mode images" (lower-brightness, higher contrast) photos in reader view's dark mode P1 VERIFIED
1854371 - Pressing F9 is staying at the current view instead of Reader's View -- RESOLVED
1854531 Temporarily disable one Tier 2 a11y_checks for Reader Mode P3 RESOLVED
1854532 Investigate urlbar-input-container that is failing Tier 2 a11y_checks for Reader Mode P3 RESOLVED
1854812 isProbablyReaderable should detect non-JSON-LD valid schema RDFa lite structured data -- UNCONFIRMED
1860543 - In reader view all the formulas on the page disappear P5 NEW
1863650 Add support for custom color schemes to Reader Mode -- UNCONFIRMED
1866483 Continuous reader view -- UNCONFIRMED
1866731 - Reader view is broken -- RESOLVED
1866910 In reader view, certain pages will lose accented characters when switching tabs or reloading P3 NEW
1868809 reader-mode cuts of too much content on -- UNCONFIRMED
1869817 - Reader view icon is missing P5 NEW
1870886 Update reader mode to readability 0.5.0 -- RESOLVED
1871140 Vendor Readability Library P1 RESOLVED
1872521 Reader View shows text from wrong article on Los Angeles Blade P3 UNCONFIRMED
1873309 Reader mode doesn't load page over file:// protocol via back or forward button P3 NEW
1874981 [Meta] Reader View Comfort Settings -- NEW
1874983 Allow adjusting the spacing following paragraphs -- RESOLVED
1874984 Add letter and word spacing controls -- RESOLVED
1874985 Font picker for Reader View -- NEW
1875129 Investigate adjusting the threshold which determines if the reader mode button appears on a page P2 NEW
1875256 Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_readerMode_with_anchor.js (finished) | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1875522 Use updatebot to vendor Readability library P2 ASSIGNED
1876098 SVG in Reader Mode P3 UNCONFIRMED
1876422 Set Auto as the default color scheme -- RESOLVED
1876426 Implement Advanced Layout options in Reader View as an accordion -- RESOLVED
1876429 Implement submenu for custom font selection -- RESOLVED
1876432 Add support for custom themes as its own menu in Reader View -- RESOLVED
1877803 Add telemetry to the reader view text/font options -- NEW
1878015 - "X" characater is rendered incorrectly when "Reader" view is enabled -- RESOLVED
1878918 Offer simplified language version of content in Reader View -- NEW
1879684 Intermittent TV toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_narrate_toggle.js | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1880219 Inconsistent parsing of editorial featured header images in's articles P5 UNCONFIRMED
1880654 Create slider reusable component for Reader menu P1 RESOLVED
1880656 Add font weight controls in Reader menu -- RESOLVED
1880658 Add text alignment controls in Reader menu -- RESOLVED
1880661 Create color input reusable component for Reader menu P1 RESOLVED
1881799 Reader mode doesn't show the actual article -- RESOLVED
1881909 reader-mode cuts of too much content on -- RESOLVED
1882296 - 'Reader view" cuts the first paragraphs when enabled P3 NEW
1884156 Intermittent toolkit/components/reader/test/browser_bug1780350_readerModeSaveScroll.js | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1886668 Move icon-address-edit.svg icon into toolkit/themes-shared/icons P3 RESOLVED
1888170 Hide reset button until user makes changes in color themes menu P5 ASSIGNED
1888173 Standardize colors used in aboutReader.css with design tokens P5 NEW
1889079 Intermittent toolkit/components/narrate/test/browser_word_highlight.js | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1890310 Certain text missing in reader view. P3 NEW
1890614 Migrate content width and line spacing controls to use moz-slider P1 RESOLVED
1891568 Add unit tests for functionality of text and layout controls -- RESOLVED
1892046 The reader mode does not set a first party domain P1 RESOLVED
1893183 Make order of layout menu text align buttons consistent in RTL P1 RESOLVED
1893751 Intermittent Assertion failure: false (mManagedPHandlerServiceChild.EnsureRemoved(static_cast<PHandlerServiceChild*>(aListener))), at /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/ipc/ipdl/PContentChild.cpp:8000 | single tracking bug P5 RESOLVED
1893849 No Reader View on P3 UNCONFIRMED
1894763 Get all reader view prefs using a try-catch block -- RESOLVED
1894784 Move the reader view menu toolbar into its own Lit component P5 NEW
1895947 Text align buttons in reader view should also align images P2 RESOLVED
1895964 Redesign read aloud menu to match new theme and layout menus -- RESOLVED
1896072 Firefox Toggle Reader View does not work on homepages of websites P3 UNCONFIRMED
1896719 move zoom-out.svg into toolkit/themes/shared/icons -- RESOLVED
1899366 Flip prefs to enable new text and layout + theme menus by default P1 RESOLVED
1900498 Color choices missing from Reader Mode -- RESOLVED
1900947 wrong order of font size buttons in new reader mode settings P1 VERIFIED
1902423 Add labels to Read aloud menu to improve screenreader support P1 RESOLVED
1902693 Create a pref to run reader mode with debug mode turned on P3 NEW
1903156 Remove duplicate code from older menus once the new menus land P3 NEW
1904684 Fix HCM styling for Text menu P1 NEW
1905060 Focus outlines (highlights) are cut off on some buttons in the reader mode control popup when using keyboard navigation P3 RESOLVED
1905097 The zoom buttons do not get re-enabled after clicking "Restore defaults" link -- VERIFIED
1905168 Reader View buttons become transparent when text overlaps them, button accessibility is inconsistent -- NEW
1905184 The reader view menus should not close so easily when scrolling while hovering them -- NEW
1905193 The Font and Font weight drop-down options do not have a hover effect P3 NEW
1905214 "Read Aloud" in reader activates on reopening last closed window with keyboard shortcut P3 UNCONFIRMED
1905290 Content width slider has no effect after half if the window is displayed on half of the screen P3 NEW
1905291 Grey out light/regular font weight if it does not work with the current font face P3 NEW
1907276 [meta] Reader View Comfort - QA tracking bug -- NEW
1907280 The reader view panels should close when tapping ESC key P1 NEW
1907348 The text layout should change in real time when moving the sliders with the cursor P3 NEW
1907827 Opening Text and Layout drop-downs using keyboard navigation will show incorrect background color -- NEW

996 Total; 270 Open (27.11%); 610 Resolved (61.24%); 116 Verified (11.65%);

Potential Follow-On Bug Fixes for Fx15 Features

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
784144 Facebook 'request desktop site' doesn't work -- RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Key Features: Top Issues

BETA: List of new features with corresponding blocker status with status on legacy features.


Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
771774 crash with eglMakeCurrent failed (EGL error 3000) and abort message: "OpenGL-accelerated layers are a hard requirement on this platform [...]" on Vivante GPUs (e.g. in Rockchip rk29board, imapx200 and Vimicro chipsets) -- RESOLVED
778175 Startup crash on devices incompatible with OpenGL ES 2.0 (e.g. HTC Wildfire) -- RESOLVED
790139 crash in FT2FontEntry::CreateFontEntry when visiting any site in CM10 -- VERIFIED

3 Total; 0 Open (0%); 2 Resolved (66.67%); 1 Verified (33.33%);


Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
746976 Tapping on the download notification does not open the Download Manager -- RESOLVED
790897 Find in page can cause tabs to be switched instead of searching for the text -- VERIFIED
794204 Add Yandex to default list of search plugins to mobile -- VERIFIED

3 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (33.33%); 2 Verified (66.67%);

Google Play Feedback Solicitation

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
790920 Pop-up form validation is still displayed on screen after going back to the previous page -- RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Add Search Engine

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
790898 Match desktop in restrictions for "Add Search Engine" option -- RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Reader Mode

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
790880 Reader Mode failed to add a page to Reading List P1 RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);