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«Fennec 17 Beta 4 | Fennec 17 Beta 5 | Fennec 17 Beta 6 »

Fennec (Firefox for Android) 17.0 Beta 5 Test Plan


See the Feature Release Tracking wiki for a general overview of this release. Found below are a subset of all high-priority items

Feature Owner Status Tests
Accessibility (a11y) On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Menu Optimisation On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Reading List & Reading Mode On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Media: Software Decoder On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Media: Hardware Decoder On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Web Apps Support On track QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References


QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Smoketests Softvision Every Beta

Light verification tests (or smoketests) will be first run when the builds are ready. Tests are available on Mozilla Moztrap under the 17.0 smoketest suite. In any case of failure in any Smoketest, blockers need to be raised ASAP before proceeding to the BFTs.

Assigned Device Completed Results
Paul Feher Acer A500 (Android 3.2.1) November 7th, 2012 PASS
Ioana Chiorean LG Slider (Android 2.3.4, ARMv6) November 7th, 2012 PASS
Catalin Suciu Samsung Galaxy Note (Android 4.0.4) November 7th, 2012 PASS

Detailed Smoketest results

BFTs and Exploratory Testing

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
BFTs Softvision Alternating

Basic Functional Tests are a more comprehensive set of Mozilla Moztrap manually covered tests that cover functional testing of features that have landed.

Assigned Device Completed Results
Nicolae Cristian Samsung Galaxy S2 (Android 4.0.3, ARMv7) November 8th, 2012 PASS
Andreea Pod Asus EEE Transformer (Android 4.0.3) November 8th, 2012 PASS
Paul Feher Acer A500 (Android 3.2.1) November 8th, 2012 PASS
Cătălin Suciu Samsung Galaxy Note (Android 4.0.4) November 8th, 2012 PASS

Detailed BFT results

Android Permissions Testing

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Verification Softvision Every Beta
Assigned Device Completed Results
Ioana Chiorean LG Slider (Android 2.3.4, ARMv6) November 7th, 2012 PASS
Paul Feher Acer A500 (Android 3.2.1) November 7th, 2012 PASS
Ioana Chiorean Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.1) November 7th, 2012 PASS
Andreea Pod Asus EEE Transformer (Android 4.0.3) November 8th, 2012 PASS

Detailed Android Permissions Testing Results
Verify permissions between what is currently on the store and with this beta build candidate.
Details: Android Permissions

L10N (Localization) Spot Checks

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Spot Check Verification SoftVision Every Beta

Light testing on featured locales to ensure strings fit the space allotted and there are no entity errors from missing or corrupt localizations.

Assigned Device Completed Results
Ioana Chiorean Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.0.4, ARMv7) November 7st, 2012 PASS da de es-ES fi fr it nl

Detailed L10N matrix

Branch Bug Fix Verifications

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Verification Softvision Every Beta

AppThwack Automation

QA Task Person/Group How often?
Runs against ARMv6 and ARMv7 Aaron Alternating

Automated installation, uninstallation, and Android Monkeyrunner tests against uploaded ARM6 and ARMv7 builds; primarily useful for detecting startup crashes, incompatibilities, install-times and UI oddities

Assigned Build Completed Results
Aaron Train November 8th, 2012 PASS

Detailed AppThwack Results


FN 17: Making Things Easy

GA Release: November 20, 2012

[Shipped]ARMv6 Support

Expands our mobile TAM (total addressable market). Extends our list of supported devices to include those with a lower minimum system requirement of 800 Mhz & 512 MB RAM.

[Shipped] Accessibility (a11y)

  • TalkBack, SoundBack, KickBack; Quick Navigation; Explore by Touch support thru to Jelly Bean
Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
773749 [AccessFu] In Jelly Bean, double-tapping to activate an item does not work in web content -- RESOLVED
777560 Add Jelly Bean accessibility support -- RESOLVED
779448 Add contentDescription to the "go" image button (the right-pointing arrow) -- VERIFIED
781987 Talkback stopped speaking content in ICS explore by touch -- RESOLVED
784748 Talkback speaks TextSwitcher's contents when tabs ImageButton is already properly labelled -- RESOLVED
786240 java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAccessibility$ -- VERIFIED

6 Total; 0 Open (0%); 4 Resolved (66.67%); 2 Verified (33.33%);

[In Progress --> Fx21] Menu Optimisation

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
768083 Custom Menu, stage 2 -- RESOLVED
769239 Manage down our menu list -- RESOLVED

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 2 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Media: Software Decoder

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
784019 playback aborts on Android with: 'Timed out waiting for output buffers: 0/1 -- RESOLVED
785441 Gecko assertion failures when using Stagefright decoding: "ScaleYCbCrToRGB565 source image unpadded?" -- RESOLVED
786071 Stagefright software decoder fails with OMX_ErrorUnderflow when trying to play 720p or 1080p videos P1 RESOLVED
786112 Stagefright software decoder shows blank page for 720p and 1080p videos P1 RESOLVED
786117 Stagefright software decoder crashes playing Bloomberg video P1 VERIFIED
787226 [meta] Blockers for shipping Android ICS/JB software decoding support (Software Platform Decoders) for H.264/AAC/MP3 video/audio playback -- RESOLVED
787319 [meta] crash in nsMediaPluginHost::CreateDecoder @ on Sony devices with Adreno 220/225 GPUs or devices with PowerVR SGX 531 GPU running ICS -- RESOLVED
802620 crash in mozilla::FileBlockCache::Read @ on devices with Mali-400 MP GPU running ICS -- RESOLVED
802629 crash in OmxDecoder::ReadAudio @ with Samsung GT-I9300 or P6000 series running ICS P3 RESOLVED
802795 Mixed video playback results on all channels (H.264) on the Samsung Galaxy Note -- RESOLVED
803794 crash in nsMediaPluginHost::CreateDecoder @ on Sony devices with Adreno 220/225 GPUs running ICS -- RESOLVED
804768 crash in nsMediaPluginHost::CreateDecoder @ on devices with smdk4x12/mt6577/mt6575 hw running ICS and above -- RESOLVED
817478 Fix root cause of crash in nsMediaPluginHost::CreateDecoder @ on Sony devices with Adreno 220/225 GPUs running ICS -- RESOLVED

13 Total; 0 Open (0%); 12 Resolved (92.31%); 1 Verified (7.69%);

Media: Hardware Decoder

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
785340 crash in OmxDecoder::ReadAudio -- RESOLVED
786103 Stagefright: Galaxy S III hardware decoder video is green (OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar) P1 RESOLVED
802827 Crash in nsMediaPluginHost::DestroyDecoder @ on devices with NVIDIA Tegra/Tegra 3 GPUs P5 RESOLVED
803394 Implement color conversion routine used by Sony Ericsson devices to enable hardware acceleration on Android -- RESOLVED
808375 crash in nsMediaPluginHost::DestroyDecoder @ on Samsung devices with smdk4210/smdk4x12 hw running ICS and above P3 RESOLVED
808378 crash in nsMediaPluginHost::CreateDecoder @ on devices with rk<n>board HW and Mali-400 MP GPU running JB -- RESOLVED
812881 crash in nsMediaPluginHost::DestroyDecoder @, mainly on Samsung Galaxy SIII, with qcom/samsunggolden/espresso/espresso10 hw running JB -- RESOLVED

7 Total; 0 Open (0%); 7 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Marketing Campaign ID Tracking

  • Internal feature

[Landed and Testable- No Promo in Fx17] Web Apps Support

  • Web Apps Support is in but will only be promo'd for Fx18 Aurora (status will be revisited before November merge)
Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
738545 Provide opt-in installation of Marketplace Application upon loading of Firefox for Android at a common Firefox for Android location (about:home?) P1 RESOLVED
741621 Mozilla Marketplace activity should open for marketplace URLs P1 VERIFIED
766094 Disable telemetry prompt on chrome-less application launch P1 VERIFIED
766260 Default icon for Webapps pointing to invalid icons P1 VERIFIED
766275 Default context menu for webapps P1 VERIFIED
766389 Add snippet on home screen to advertise the Marketplace P1 VERIFIED
766802 Clicking target=blank links in a web app should load those links in the browser P1 VERIFIED
766808 Cannot launch apps with icons using a relative url P1 VERIFIED
769840 Change the maximum number of apps allowed to be installed in firefox for android to some larger number P1 VERIFIED
771915 Show the origin of the page in the chrome of the app when it is different from webapp's origin P1 VERIFIED
772162 Disable webapps support on FF 15 P1 VERIFIED
774216 B2G can't launch app since it's seen as an XP_UNIX by WebappOSUtils.jsm -- VERIFIED
777427 BrowserApp should handle its menu items -- VERIFIED
779490 Unable to install an application with unicode characters (UTF-8) within the name P1 VERIFIED
781060 All apps should use the same webapp database P1 VERIFIED
781061 System Notifications are broken in webapps P1 VERIFIED
785496 Marketplace app installs 4 shortcuts on dekstop P1 VERIFIED
786058 Disable webapps support on FF 16 P1 VERIFIED
786826 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor.apply at org.mozilla.gecko.WebAppAllocator.findAndAllocateIndex( on Froyo P1 RESOLVED
787188 Hold off on about:home marketplace promo for now P1 RESOLVED
791246 No toast notification on URL home-screen shortcut creation -- RESOLVED
791612 "other origin" bar persists after pressing Back button to return to same-origin page P1 VERIFIED
793750 After starting up the Marketplace app through FF Android in Open with app, then returning to FF Android and reaccessing on a new tab, nothing happens P1 VERIFIED
798826 crash in gfxFT2FontList::FindFonts @ mozilla::scache::StartupCache::WaitOnWriteThread -- VERIFIED
799221 Turn off the marketplace as an app for now -- VERIFIED

25 Total; 0 Open (0%); 4 Resolved (16%); 21 Verified (84%);

[Landed] New Updater

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
786380 Write new Android service-based updater -- VERIFIED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 1 Verified (100%);

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
692827 Reduce steps required to update Aurora/Nightly P4 RESOLVED
714739 Update dialog not shown if Fennec hasn't been run for a longer time P4 RESOLVED
723365 Already in-progress app-update is not shown in notification bar after Fennec restarts after force quit P3 RESOLVED
750077 updater doesn't prompt again after update download is cancelled -- RESOLVED
774432 Investigate auto-download of Nightly/Aurora updates when using WiFi P2 RESOLVED
786380 Write new Android service-based updater -- VERIFIED
791475 Android updater notification should provide more information like progress -- RESOLVED
792992 Can't override query URL for update service -- RESOLVED
802364 Android service-based updater lacks of logging preferences -- RESOLVED
802396 Android Service-based updater downloads wrong architecture update package for ARMv6. -- RESOLVED

10 Total; 0 Open (0%); 9 Resolved (90%); 1 Verified (10%);

Recent Uplifts

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
785333 Keep track of display-item data with merged frames -- RESOLVED
785536 Add MPAPI GetPref so platform decoders can query about:config prefs P3 RESOLVED
786672 Position: fixed elements seem to be broken in Nightly -- VERIFIED

3 Total; 0 Open (0%); 2 Resolved (66.67%); 1 Verified (33.33%);

Follow On Fixes

Tablet Usability

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
649371 implement support for ClipData in Android clipboard P5 RESOLVED
685490 Implement selected state on all elements on tabs pane in tablet mode -- RESOLVED
713402 Tablets Only: Top Sites, Bookmarks and History tabs are completely missing P3 VERIFIED
716095 [tablet] Add a max width to door hangers P3 VERIFIED
716218 Clicking on "Settings -> About" occasionally crashes Aurora and Nightly P2 RESOLVED
725288 "Tap to Play" setting in Honeycomb not useful P4 RESOLVED
730775 Grey bar underneath the awesomebar on tablets -- RESOLVED
739355 [TABLET] Title Bar -- RESOLVED
739407 [TABLET] Tabs Menu -- VERIFIED
739412 [TABLET] Overflow menu -- VERIFIED
758345 Google searches done through tablet and using the search-plugin only, go to non-optimized tablet site -- RESOLVED
760196 "Find in page" menu item missing in tablets -- VERIFIED
763851 Forward button missing in tablet UI -- VERIFIED
765580 Back button should not close the tab tray in tablet mode -- RESOLVED
765805 [tablet] Don't close the tabs sidebar panel when switching or adding tabs -- VERIFIED
765941 [tablet] Thumbnail doesn't update after following a links to an HTTP redirect -- VERIFIED
773240 [TABLET] Text input field boundary remains present after switching tabs on Honeycomb -- RESOLVED
773242 [TABLET] VKB is not dismissed when switching tabs -- RESOLVED
939778 Spinning favicon after installing new search engine -- RESOLVED
952778 does not support Firefox for Android P5 RESOLVED
963249 Regression: Menu difference on tablets between about:home and content -- RESOLVED
970365 [tablet] - Missing dividers in custom menu Sony Xperia Tablet Z in about:home -- RESOLVED
971660 [tablet] - Settings menu options are not staying highlighted -- RESOLVED
971910 Odd placeholder-looking text in tablet Synced Tabs tray -- RESOLVED
1050743 music store doesn't redirect to mobile version -- RESOLVED
1053009 [tablet] in portrait mode doesn't adjust the content -- RESOLVED

26 Total; 0 Open (0%); 18 Resolved (69.23%); 8 Verified (30.77%);


Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
777639 Download Manager page is not updated after clearing private data -- VERIFIED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 1 Verified (100%);
