QA/Fennec/Play HLS
From MozillaWiki
- 1 Overview
- 2 Testing Summary
- 3 Testing details
- 3.1 Test Cases
- 3.2 Testing days
- 3.2.1 Date:05-09-2016
- 3.2.2 Date:07-09-2016
- 3.2.3 Date:08-09-2016
- 3.2.4 Date:03-10-2016
- 3.2.5 Date:22-06-2017
- 3.2.6 Date:03-07-2017
- 3.2.7 Date:06-07-2017
- 3.2.8 Date:31-07-2017
- 3.2.9 Date:22-11-2017
- 3.2.10 Date:23-11-2017
- 3.2.11 Date:27-11-2017
- 3.2.12 Date:5-12-2017
- 3.2.13 Date:20-12-2017
- 3.2.14 Date:25-01-2018
- 3.2.15 Date: 30-01-2018
- 4 Bug Work
- 5 Bug Work
- 6 Signoff
The purpose of this wiki is to serve as a general test plan for verifying that HLS video can be correctly played in any given condition.
Developer contact: X
QA: :Ninu
Overall Status
[LANDED] Nightly 56.0a1
[LANDED] Nightly 59.0a1
[LANDED] Beta 59: 1/23/2018
Testing Summary
Scope of testing
The testing will be focus on
- making the HLS video watching experience good
- making sure that the implementation of HLS video controls don't impact other video playing type
Testing will be performed on following devices:
- Phones
- From Android 4.4 to 7.1
- Tablet
- From Android 4.4 to 7.1
User stories
- As a user, I want to be able to play HLS videos without glitches and streaming problems, while the other app features are not impacted by a playing video.
Acceptance Criteria
Testing details
Test Cases
1. Go to and play the HLS video R: The video plays correctly and the audio is correctly played
1. Go to and play the HLS video in landscape/portrait R: The video plays correctly and the audio is correctly played 2. Change the device's orientation R: The video keeps playing and no interruptions or glitches are triggered
1. Go to and play the HLS video R: The video plays correctly and the audio is correctly played 2. Try the video-player media controls R: All buttons response is correctly applied in the video progress
1. Go to and play the HLS video R: The video plays correctly and the audio is correctly played 2. Close HLS video player and go to youtube, play a video R: Any other video player is not impacted by the HLS video player previous use
Pre-Condition: Make sure Auto-Play is ON 1. Go to and play the HLS video R: The video starts Auto-playing
Pre-Condition: Make sure Auto-Play is OFF 1. Go to and play the HLS video R: The video should not start Auto-playing
Testing days
- Exploratory testing with focus on the Aurora build and creating a test plan for the feature
- Functional testing with focus on both Aurora and Nightly builds
Logged issues:
- HLS video player overlaps other tabs once played - bug 1301043
- A misleading error is received before playing an HLS video - bug 1301053
- A HLS video cannot be played twice without reloading the whole page - bug 1301055
- Creating test cases and exploratory testing on both Aurora and Nightly builds
Logged issues:
- HLS videos automatically start playing when auto-play is OFF - bug 1301326
- Functional testing with focus on all: Beta Aurora and Nightly builds
Logged issues:
- Switching tabs will stop the HLS player - bug 1307074
- HLS Player breaks other video types in other tabs - bug 1307076
- Interrupting an HLS video with Task manager will lead to incorrect video resume - bug 1307078
- Exploratory testing with focus on links from duplicated bugs and GitHub issues with devices Asus ZenPad 8 (Android 6.0.1) and LG G4 (Android 5.1), build Nightly 56.0a1 from 2017/06/21
- New bugs found during testing
- bug 1375478 - HLS: "Full-screen" button not displayed in the right position
- bug 1375474 - Video doesn't play on
- TCs and exploratory testing with devices Asus ZenPad 8 (Android 6.0.1) on build Nightly 56.0a1 from 2017/07/03
- Prerequisite: "media.mediasource.enabled" set to false
- New bugs found during testing
- bug 1377873 - [Fennec][HLS] Issues when changing device orientation
- bug 1377891 - [Fennec][HLS] Issues with videos from
- TCs and exploratory testing for Mid-Nightly Signoff on latest Nightly build
- Prerequisite: "media.mediasource.enabled" set to false
- Pre-Beta SignOff: GREEN
- Exploratory testing and bug investigation on latest Nightly build (59.0a1-21/11/2017)
- bug 1307074 - Switching tabs will stop the HLS player
- bug 1307078 - Interrupting an HLS video with Task manager will lead to incorrect video resume
- bug 1308205 - While in landscape, HLS videos are played in FullScreen
- bug 1302729 - Media control notification is not displayed when HLS video is playing
- bug 1307076 - HLS Player breaks other video types in other tabs
- bug 1310899 - HLS VideoView prevents interacting with page, requires back button to close
- bug 1377891 - [Fennec][HLS] Issues with videos from
- Feature testing on Nightly 59:
- Huawei P9 Lite (Android 6.0):
- Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 (Android 4.4.2):
- Logged bug:
- bug 1420192 - Youtube and live videos don't work when auto-play is off
- Feature testing on Nightly 59:
- Google Pixel (Android 8.0):
- Huawei MediaPad M2 (Android 5.1.1):
- Feature testing on Nightly 59:
- Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (Android 5.0.1):
- Mid-Nigthly signoff: Green
- Pre-Beta signoff: Green
Feature full testing on Beta 59:
- Prestigio Grace X5 (Android 4.4.2)
- Huawei Nexus 6P (Android 8.0)
- HTC Desire 820 (Android 6.0.1)
Date: 30-01-2018
Feature full testing on Beta 59:
- LG G4 (Android 5.1)
- Samsung Galaxy S8 (Android 7.0)
Bug Work
Bug Work
- Meta bug
- bug 1345752 - (HLS_on_Fennec) [META][HLS] Make Gecko native support HLS on Fennec
48 Total; 0 Open (0%); 46 Resolved (95.83%); 2 Verified (4.17%);
Bug fixed
- All test cases should be executed
- All blockers, critical issues must be fixed and verified or have an agreed-upon timeline for being fixed
Nightly testing
- Done
Beta testing
- n/a