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Fennec (Firefox for iOS) 2.0 Test Plan


This is a tracking document that outlines the test strategy that Mozilla QA will follow regarding a thorough test pass of Fennec for iOS releases. It will follow the general plan on steps and process that QA will take to accomplish a "sign off" to the release strategy. Mozilla QA strives to uphold quality software, and a successful pass corresponds to no blocking issues, 'Green'-colored test pass on test cases in both execution and automation, and a thorough bug verification window of all Blocking bugs and Critical bugs.

Bug tracking

Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Assigned to
1162174 -- [meta] Make sure third-party password managers show up as Action Extensions RESOLVED James Hugman [:jhugman] [@jhugman]
1164067 -- Find-in-page RESOLVED Brian Nicholson (:bnicholson)
1191058 -- [meta] Performance issues with tiles on top-sites panel (about:home) RESOLVED Stephan Leroux [:sleroux]
1210103 -- [meta] Firefox Password management RESOLVED Stephan Leroux [:sleroux]
1210124 -- [meta] Request Desktop Site RESOLVED
1212037 -- Create infrastructure for automated screenshots RESOLVED Emily Toop (:fluffyemily)

6 Total; 0 Open (0%); 6 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Areas Covered



Any major feature item will have a test plan and a tester who owns that area.

Feature QA Owner Tracking Bug Documentation/Test Plan Feature Health
Exposing "Request Desktop Site" and "Find in Page" through the "Share" menu Catalin Suciu bug 1232807 [ON TRACK]
Find In Page Catalin Suciu bug 1164067 Test Plan [ON TRACK]
Messaging when clearing synced data Catalin Suciu bug 1225224
Firefox Password management Teodora Vermesan bug 1210103 Test Plan [AT RISK]
Use 3D touch for quick access menu from app icon Catalin Suciu bug 1211202 Test Plan [ON TRACK]
Setup Continuous Integration bug 1212018
Spotlight Integration Teodora Vermesan bug 1221608 Test Plan [ON TRACK]
'Open In' Firefox bug 1210130
Integrate with Adjust for Retention Tracking bug 1232188
Open a new tab when new version is detected Catalin Suciu bug 1239722
Improve discoverability of new features in the app with SUMO content

Web Compatibility Tests


The Web Compatibility Tests focuses on regression and compatibility with popular websites. For Fennec on iOS we are using WKWebView (WebKit) so comparative testing against Safari will be of value. Any problems discovered in the browser should be reproducible in Safari.

Test Framework
  • Top Sites - coverage of a few popular sites that drives most user traffic

Test results here

Bug Verifications


Verifying fixed bugs in Buzilla gives us additional testing on specific bugs that were fixed.

Planning & Scheduling

To prioritize and narrow the list of bugs, QA will focus primarily on Fennec bugs that represent highest severity.


Verified bugs here

Collecting Feedback

Our main goal here is to make sure we document and test the feedback channels.

Reporting tools