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About the Team


  • Manager: Andrew Overholt (overholt)
  • Engineers: Ehsan Akhgari (ehsan), Anne van Kesteren (annevk), Josh Matthews (jdm), Ben Turner (bent), Boris Zbarsky (bz)
  • QA: Anthony Hughes (ashughes)

How to Contact Us


We do not generally hold team meetings at this time.

Getting Involved

See our Participate page to get a list of projects seeking volunteers.


This page documents the QA strategy for testing Mozilla's DOM implementation. Our primary objective is the continuous improvement of DOM quality through two-week sprints of open, transparent, and data-driven qualification processes.




Current Initiatives

  • improve work flow of incoming and outgoing bugs
  • improve test coverage in the web platform tests
  • improve test coverage of in-product features prior to shipping in a Firefox release
  • improving accessibility to participating in team activities



Triage is the process of going through a list of bugs to identify and prioritize bugs for testing.


Top Crashes

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
1405521 Crash in nsGlobalWindow::ClearDocumentDependentSlots: MOZ_CRASH(Unhandlable OOM while clearing document dependent slots.) P3 NEW
1435343 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging]. Shutdown problem in workers. P3 ASSIGNED
1694904 Crash in [@ mozilla::net::DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags] with reason DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags: Don't set flags after creation P2 ASSIGNED
1898399 Crash in [@ NewArrayBufferObject<T>] -- NEW
1904098 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::ClipboardItem::ItemEntry::RejectPendingPromises] P2 NEW

5 Total; 5 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
403999 alert() called from deeply nested js function is blank and cannot be closed P5 NEW
545302 High memory usage and crashes caused by getElementsByClassName() P5 NEW
569328 document.write DoS loop crash in [@ operator new(unsigned int) | jArray<unsigned short, int>::jArray<unsigned short, int>(int) ] [@ mozalloc_abort(char const* const) | mozalloc_handle_oom() | nsHtml5TreeBuilder::flushCharacters] -- REOPENED
597339 Crash [@ CDragOperation::UpdateTarget] -- REOPENED
634430 Out of memory control use, when the window contains 100 frames, then they refresh themselves. -- NEW
641105 Repeated location.reload() makes the "slow script" dialog ineffective (and starves GC/CC?) -- NEW
659333 Crash in tree builder nsHtml5TreeBuilder::accumulateCharacters with large `innerHTML` assignments -- UNCONFIRMED
704794 Crash [@ mozilla::dom::Link::LinkState ] (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 1 @ java.util.regex.Matcher.appendEvaluated( -- REOPENED
710160 crash nsContentList::PopulateSelf P5 NEW
741757 Reported Crash / vulnerability P5 REOPENED
749913 crash in nsINode::GetProperty -- NEW
794416 OOM Crash because user not given chance to stop runaway script. P5 UNCONFIRMED
823408 crash in nsAttrValue::~nsAttrValue() -- REOPENED
830679 Crash in SaveSubtreeState P3 NEW
864546 Crash in nsDocumentViewer::LoadComplete on with ASan build -- REOPENED
865284 Buffer overflow xul!mozilla::dom::Element::BindToTree -- NEW
880656 Near-null write in AtomImpl::AtomImpl() -- NEW
917765 Crash bug with excessive/multiple iframes -- NEW
949893 [@ mozilla::dom::DOMProxyHandler::EnsureExpandoObject] with shadow dom nodelist P5 NEW
992748 copy and paste leads to crash: Assertion failure: selection->GetAnchorFocusRange() && selection->GetAnchorFocusRange()->Collapsed() (Selection not collapsed after delete), at ../../../../editor/libeditor/base/nsEditor.cpp -- UNCONFIRMED
1045992 crash in mozilla::CycleCollectedJSRuntime::DeferredFinalize(nsISupports*) P5 NEW
1120107 Creating large blobs crashes the browser -- UNCONFIRMED
1143873 crash in shutdownhang | mozilla::EventDispatcher::Dispatch(nsISupports*, nsPresContext*, mozilla::WidgetEvent*, nsIDOMEvent*, nsEventStatus*, mozilla::EventDispatchingCallback*, nsCOMArray<mozilla::dom::EventTarget>*) -- NEW
1143973 Interface crashes and OOM with crafted Ajax -- NEW
1144813 crash in shutdownhang | mozilla::dom::CallbackObject::CallSetup::CallSetup(mozilla::dom::CallbackObject*, mozilla::ErrorResult&, mozilla::dom::CallbackObject::ExceptionHandling, JSCompartment*, bool) -- NEW
1192544 Nested XML <!ENTITY> definitions in XML/SVG attributes can cause crash due to OOM -- NEW
1204909 crash in TraceCallbackFunc::Trace(JS::Heap<T>*, char const*, void*) in nsJSArgArray -- NEW
1221357 Startup crash in nsHTMLDocument::StartDocumentLoad -- NEW
1227357 Firefox crash using window fatigue -- UNCONFIRMED
1238702 [e10s] Frequent dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/test_xslt.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::ContentProcessManager::GetTabContextByContentProcess(mozilla::dom::IdType<mozilla::dom::ContentParent> const &)] P5 NEW
1242910 Assertion failure: !win->IsDying(), at XPCJSRuntime.cpp:1443 -- NEW
1260757 crash in AssignJSString<T> P5 NEW
1277085 null pointer in nsHTMLEditRules::GetNodesForOperation -- NEW
1301712 Assertion failure: false (NS_SUCCEEDED(mActorTarget->Dispatch(destroyRunnable, nsIEventTarget::DISPATCH_NORMAL))), at dom/ipc/Blob.cpp:2239 P3 NEW
1313822 Crash in nsTimerImpl::Fire P3 REOPENED
1314549 Crash in nsAttributeTextNode::BindToTree P3 REOPENED
1314862 Mozilla Firefox 49.0.2 - crash-buffer some tools P3 NEW
1318269 Crash in mozilla::dom::Element::QueryInterface P3 REOPENED
1364138 Crash in mozilla::dom::Event::~Event P3 REOPENED
1389451 Crash in nsWrapperCache::GetWrapperPreserveColor P3 REOPENED
1394516 crash in [@ nsRange::UnregisterCommonAncestor] P4 NEW
1397642 Memory corruption issue - Access violation reading address P2 UNCONFIRMED
1405521 Crash in nsGlobalWindow::ClearDocumentDependentSlots: MOZ_CRASH(Unhandlable OOM while clearing document dependent slots.) P3 NEW
1416910 crash at null in [@ nsWebBrowserFind::GetFrameSelection] P3 NEW
1425732 Crash in mozilla::dom::Element::SetAttribute P3 NEW
1426165 Crash in mozilla::dom::FragmentOrElement::DestroyContent P3 NEW
1433689 Intermittent linux32-non-e10s dom/push/test/test_serviceworker_lifetime.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::FetchDriver::~FetchDriver] after Assertion failure: mResponseAvailableCalled, at FetchDriver.cpp:360 P3 NEW
1435343 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging]. Shutdown problem in workers. P3 ASSIGNED
1443084 Crash in _alldiv P2 NEW
1445438 IPC: crash [@Hdr] P2 NEW
1458106 Assertion failure: mDestroyCalled, at src/dom/base/nsFrameLoader.cpp:200 P3 NEW
1472262 Assertion failure: deltaToStep > Decimal(0) (stepBelow/stepAbove will be wrong), at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/html/HTMLInputElement.cpp:4915 P3 NEW
1473684 Crash in mozilla::dom::binding_detail::GenericMethod<T> P3 NEW
1478164 Assertion failure: mFlushState == eNotFlushing (Tried to run script while flushing.), at src/parser/html/nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor.cpp:729 P3 NEW
1483204 Crash in mozilla::dom::TimeoutManager::RunTimeout P3 NEW
1489764 crash near null [@ InsertChildToChildList] P3 NEW
1490469 crash near null in [@ mozilla::HTMLEditor::DoInsertHTMLWithContext] P2 NEW
1490485 crash near null in [@ mozilla::EditorBase::CanContainTag] P2 NEW
1509341 Crash in mozilla::CycleCollectedJSContext::CleanupIDBTransactions [from HTMLImageElement] P2 NEW
1513143 crash near null in [@ mozilla::dom::WindowGlobalParent::Init] P3 NEW
1518610 Crash in nsGlobalWindowInner::RunTimeoutHandler P3 NEW
1530838 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::UpdateReflectorGlobal] P3 NEW
1533603 Crash in [@ nsGlobalWindowOuter::GetPrincipalForPostMessage] P2 NEW
1547270 AddressSanitizer: SEGV in get near [@ mozilla::dom::FragmentOrElement::SetInnerHTMLInternal] P2 NEW
1549998 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::ContentChild::ProvideWindowCommon] P3 NEW
1563825 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::JSWindowActor::ReceiveRawMessage] P3 REOPENED
1585379 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::WebIDLGlobalNameHash::GetEntry] P1 NEW
1593228 Crash in [@ AssignJSString<T>] P3 NEW
1593425 Crash in [@ mozilla::EventTargetChainItem::GetEventTargetParent] P3 NEW
1602393 Crash in [@ AsyncShutdownTimeout | profile-before-change | ServiceWorkerRegistrar: Flushing data] P3 NEW
1608827 Assertion failure: ok (Failed to serialize nsIInputStream), at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/ipc/glue/IPCStreamUtils.cpp:535 P2 NEW
1609775 AddressSanitizer: SEGV /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/ipc/glue/MessageLink.cpp:151:5 in mozilla::ipc::ProcessLink::SendMessage(IPC::Message*) P3 NEW
1616846 AddressSanitizer: SEGV /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/base/nsINode.h:2050:34 in HasSlots P3 NEW
1629066 Intermittent **/cache-storage-reporting-shared-worker.https.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::DeadlockDetector<mozilla::BlockingResourceBase>::InTransitiveClosure(mozilla::DeadlockDetector<mozilla::BlockingResourceBase>::OrderingEntry const*, P2 NEW
1636664 stack overflow: Modified mutate-dl test crashes the tab after loading for a few seconds P3 NEW
1637572 Intermittent PROCESS-CRASH | Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ nsWindowRoot::GetOwnerGlobal() const] -- NEW
1638253 Intermittent /html/webappapis/scripting/processing-model-2/integration-with-the-javascript-job-queue/promise-job-entry.html | application crashed [@ nsWindow::LayerViewSupport::OnDetach(already_AddRefed<mozilla::Runnable>)::{lambda()#1}::operator()() cons -- NEW
1638752 Intermittent /eventsource/shared-worker/eventsource-onopen.htm | application crashed [@ <name omitted>] -- NEW
1639469 Intermittent /html/semantics/links/links-created-by-a-and-area-elements/target_blank_implicit_noopener.html | application crashed [@ nsWindow::LayerViewSupport::OnDetach(already_AddRefed<mozilla::Runnable>)::{lambda()#1}::operator()() const] -- NEW
1640237 Intermittent dom/html/test/test_multipleFilePicker.html | application crashed [@ js::DebugEnvironments::forwardLiveFrame] -- NEW
1640238 Intermittent dom/html/test/test_bug442801.html (finished) | application crashed [@ mozilla::Vector<unsigned char, 64ul, js::StringBufferAllocPolicy>::growStorageBy] after Return code: -132 -- NEW
1640320 Intermittent /referrer-policy/gen/top.meta/strict-origin/worker-classic.http.html | application crashed [@ 0x13b6d67b000a] -- NEW
1640342 Intermittent /editing/other/exec-command-with-text-editor.tentative.html | application crashed [@ js::BindingIter::init] -- NEW
1645666 Intermittent pid: 11732 | application crashed [@ CoreGraphics + 0x1a5cd] -- NEW
1645823 Intermittent dom/tests/browser/browser_noopener.js | application crashed [@ CrashReporter::TerminateHandler] -- NEW
1646616 Intermittent /html/browsers/the-window-object/window-open-noopener.html?_self | application crashed [@ JS_ForwardGetPropertyTo] -- NEW
1647457 Intermittent transform-3d/animate-preserve3d-parent.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::PromiseJobCallback::~PromiseJobCallback] -- NEW
1647667 Intermittent dom/security/test/general/test_same_site_cookies_toplevel_nav.html | application crashed [@ + 0x1cc48] -- NEW
1648063 Intermittent /webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audioworklet-interface/audioworkletprocessor-process-frozen-array.https.html | application crashed [@ RtlpHeapFindListLookupEntry + 0x127] -- NEW
1648221 AddressSanitizer: SEGV /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/dist/include/mozilla/RefPtr.h in mozilla::EffectCompositor::GetAnimationElementAndPseudoForFrame(nsIFrame const*) -- NEW
1648931 Intermittent dom/tests/mochitest/bugs/test_window_bar.html | application crashed [@ nsWindow::LayerViewSupport::OnDetach(already_AddRefed<mozilla::Runnable>)::{lambda()#1}::operator()() const] -- NEW
1649334 Intermittent dom/html/test/test_iframe_sandbox_popups.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::detail::RunnableFunction<nsWindow::LayerViewSupport::OnDetach(already_AddRefed<mozilla::Runnable>)::{lambda()#1}>::Run] -- NEW
1649454 Intermittent dom/html/test/test_iframe_sandbox_navigation2.html (finished) | application crashed [@ + 0x1cc48] | After application timed out after 370 seconds with no output -- NEW
1653375 Intermittent dom/tests/mochitest/bugs/test_window_bar.html (finished) | application crashed [@ mozilla::detail::MutexImpl::~MutexImpl] -- NEW
1653449 Intermittent /html/webappapis/scripting/processing-model-2/unhandled-promise-rejections/promise-rejection-events-onerror.html | application crashed [@ FinalizeArenas(JSFreeOp*, js::gc::Arena**, js::gc::SortedArenaList&, js::gc::AllocKind, js::SliceBudget& -- NEW
1655233 Intermittent PROCESS-CRASH | Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement::MediaControlKeyListener::InitMediaAgent] | After A content process crashed and MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_SHUTDOWN is set, shutting down -- NEW
1655511 AddressSanitizer: SEGV /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/docshell/shistory/ChildSHistory.cpp:74:13 in mozilla::dom::ChildSHistory::Index() P3 NEW
1656517 Assertion failure: false (MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE: Transition effect has unexpected shape), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/animation/CSSTransition.cpp:333 -- NEW
1656678 Intermittent /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/reporting/navigation-reporting/reporting-popup-same-origin.https.html | application crashed [@ xul.dll + 0x61d43] -- NEW
1657490 Intermittent /html/semantics/links/links-created-by-a-and-area-elements/target_blank_implicit_noopener.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::layers::LayerTransactionParent::RecvReleaseLayer] -- NEW
1658947 AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/dist/include/mozilla/ipc/ProtocolUtils.h:230:31 in Id -- NEW
1659180 Intermittent dom/base/test/test_audioNotificationSilent_audioFile.html (finished) | application crashed [@ nsRefPtrDeque<mozilla::AudioData>::RefPtrDeallocator::operator] -- NEW
1660348 Crash in [@ OOM | large | NS_ABORT_OOM | mozilla::dom::CharacterData::GetData] -- NEW
1660842 Intermittent TV dom/base/crashtests/1419902.html | application crashed [@ mozalloc_handle_oom] -- NEW
1662339 Intermittent /html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/track/track-element/track-cues-sorted-before-dispatch.html | application crashed [@ bool js::gc::TraceEdgeInternal<JS::Value>] -- NEW
1662596 Intermittent dom/tests/mochitest/bugs/test_window_bar.html | application crashed [@ + 0x1cc48] -- NEW
1663512 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::RemoteWorkerManager::GetRemoteType] P3 ASSIGNED
1666412 Intermittent /service-workers/service-worker/update-after-navigation-fetch-event.https.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo::ClearWhenIdle()::$_17::operator()(mozilla::MozPromise<bool, nsresult, true>::ResolveOrRejec -- ASSIGNED
1672436 Intermittent Last test finished | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::GamepadPlatformService::MonitoringState::~MonitoringState] -- NEW
1674324 Intermittent /html/canvas/element/path-objects/2d.path.beginPath.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::layers::CanvasTranslator::StartTranslation] -- NEW
1675158 Intermittent /referrer-policy/gen/srcdoc-inherit.meta/no-referrer/a-tag.http.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::net::nsSocketTransport::InitiateSocket] -- NEW
1679226 Intermittent Last test finished | application crashed [@ RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive + 0xf] after Last test finished | application terminated with exit code 1 -- NEW
1681039 Intermittent intl/lwbrk/crashtests/416721.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::PageTransitionEvent::AsPageTransitionEvent] -- NEW
1681553 Intermittent /gamepad/gamepad-default-feature-policy.https.sub.html | application crashed [@ virtual long __thiscall CIVIAudioFilter::DeliverOutSample + 0x2ee] -- NEW
1681734 Intermittent /gamepad/gamepad-default-feature-policy.https.sub.html | application crashed [@ RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive + 0x25] -- NEW
1686861 Intermittent /webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-setRemoteDescription-answer.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::DataChannelRegistry::Observe] | After Assertion failure: false -- NEW
1688585 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::(anonymous namespace)::PromiseNativeHandlerShim::RejectedCallback] -- ASSIGNED
1688807 Intermittent dom/system/tests/test_bug1197901.html | application crashed [@ + 0x8c66a] -- NEW
1691403 Crash in [@ nsContentUtils::FirePageShowEventForFrameLoaderSwap] P2 NEW
1693221 Intermittent /resource-timing/resource_reuse.sub.html | application crashed [@ + 0x8ab04] -- NEW
1694904 Crash in [@ mozilla::net::DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags] with reason DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags: Don't set flags after creation P2 ASSIGNED
1694931 Intermittent /clipboard-apis/detached-iframe/write-read-on-detached-iframe.https.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::MozPromise<mozilla::dom::(anonymous namespace)::NativeEntry, mozilla::CopyableErrorResult, false>::ThenValueBase::AssertIsDead] -- NEW
1695526 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::XULElement_Binding::Wrap] -- NEW
1697111 Permafailing /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/popup-redirect-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::DeadlockDetector<mozilla::BlockingResourceBase>::InTransitiveClosure(mozilla::DeadlockDetector<mozilla::BlockingResourceBase -- NEW
1698892 Intermittent dom/tests/mochitest/bugs/test_bug346659.html | application timed out after 370 seconds with no output -- NEW
1701092 Intermittent /html/canvas/element/path-objects/2d.path.bezierCurveTo.scaled.html | application crashed [@ guard_dispatch_icall_nop + 0xea3db] | After Canvas test: 2d.path.bezierCurveTo.scaled - assert_equals: Red channel of the pixel at (50, 25) expected -- NEW
1704987 Intermittent TV PROCESS-CRASH | Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ mozilla::EventListenerManager::AddEventListenerInternal(mozilla::dom::CallbackObjectHolder<mozilla::dom::EventListener, nsIDOMEventListener>, mozilla::EventMessage, -- NEW
1705662 Intermittent /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-embed-element/embed-network-error.sub.html | application crashed [@ + 0x8db67] -- NEW
1705796 Crash in [@ nsINode::AddMutationObserver] from nsAttributeTextNode::BindToTree P3 NEW
1706688 Intermittent /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/size.attributes.default.html | application crashed [@ + 0x8db67] -- NEW
1707356 Intermittent /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/iframe-network-error.sub.html | application crashed [@ + 0x8db67] -- NEW
1707524 Intermittent /resource-timing/resource_timing_TAO_cross_origin_redirect.html | application crashed [@ + 0x8ab04] -- NEW
1707812 Intermittent /html/browsers/origin/origin-keyed-agent-clusters/about-blank.https.sub.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::ScriptLoader::GetFetchedModule(nsIURI*, nsIGlobalObject*) const] | After Assertion failure: found, at /build... -- NEW
1709138 Consistent crash loading in TemporaryIPCBlobChild::AskForBlob() P3 NEW
1711734 Crash in [@ IPCError-browser | RecvCreateBrowsingContext Parent has different group object] -- REOPENED
1714833 Intermittent layout/base/tests/chrome/test_printpreview.xhtml | application crashed [@ nsGlobalWindowOuter::Print(nsIPrintSettings*, nsIWebProgressListener*, nsIDocShell*, nsGlobalWindowOuter::IsPreview, nsGlobalWindowOuter::IsForWindowDotPrint, std::__1: -- NEW
1716204 Intermittent /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/cross-origin-to-whom-part-2.window.html | application crashed [@ + 0x8db67] -- NEW
1716224 Intermittent /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/iframe_javascript_url_01.htm | application crashed [@ + 0x8db67] -- NEW
1719138 Crash in [@ OOM | large | NS_ABORT_OOM | nsTArray_base<T>::EnsureCapacity<T> | mozilla::dom::Gamepad::Gamepad] P3 REOPENED
1721717 Intermittent /content-security-policy/reporting/report-clips-sample.https.html , report-cross-origin-no-cookies.sub.html | application crashed [@ + 0x430f1] -- NEW
1724350 Intermittent /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/popup-coop-by-sw.https.html?5-last | application crashed [@ 0x1f25c6090d0] -- NEW
1724447 Perma /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/popup-coop-by-sw.https.html?X-Y | application crashed [@ mozilla::DeadlockDetector<mozilla::BlockingResourceBase>::InTransitiveClosure(mozilla::DeadlockDetector<mozilla::BlockingResourceBase>::Ordering -- NEW
1728217 Intermittent /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-embed-element/embed-change-src.html | application crashed [@ {virtual override thunk({offset(-216)}, nsNativeBasicThemeGTK::GetMinimumWidgetSize(nsPresContext*, nsIFrame*, mozilla::StyleAppearance, mozilla -- NEW
1730036 Crash in [@ mozilla::ipc::PrincipalToPrincipalInfo] P3 NEW
1730489 Intermittent /pointerevents/pointerlock/pointerevent_pointerlock_after_pointercapture.html | application crashed [@ + 0x430f1] -- NEW
1731411 Intermittent /pointerevents/pointerlock/pointerevent_pointerlock_supercedes_capture.html | application crashed [@ + 0x430f1] -- NEW
1735793 Crash in [@ xpc::CompartmentOriginInfo::IsSameOrigin] -- NEW
1736122 Intermittent TV dom/promise/tests/test_webassembly_compile.html | application crashed [@ js::wasm::CodeTier::initialize] -- NEW
1738393 Intermittent [Tier 2] Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ mozilla::RemoteLazyInputStreamChild::ForgetStream(class mozilla::RemoteLazyInputStream *) + 0x78e] -- NEW
1743572 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::FragmentOrElement::cycleCollection::CanSkipReal] P3 NEW
1744688 Intermittent glterrain | application crashed [@ NS_CycleCollectorSuspect3] -- NEW
1744909 Intermittent toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/webidl-api/test_ext_webidl_api_request_handler.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::ToJSValue] -- NEW
1745937 Intermittent TV docshell/test/mochitest/test_bug1742865.html | application crashed [@ nsPresContext::SetDynamicToolbarMaxHeight] -- NEW
1747219 Intermittent [tier 2] browser/components/contextualidentity/test/browser/browser_forgetAPI_EME_forgetThisSite.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::detail::MutexImpl::lock] | after application terminated with exit code 1 -- NEW
1747382 Intermittent dom/midi/tests/test_midi_permission_prompt.html | application crashed [@ core::ptr::drop_in_place<midir_impl::MidirWrapper>] -- NEW
1747446 Intermittent TV dom/midi/tests/test_midi_permission_gated.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::StaticRefPtr<mozilla::dom::MIDIPlatformService>::operator->() const] -- NEW
1747448 Intermittent TV Last test finished | application crashed [@ midir_impl_shutdown] -- NEW
1747518 Intermittent browser/components/contextualidentity/test/browser/browser_eme.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::detail::MutexImpl::lock] -- NEW
1750355 Intermittent docshell/test/unit/test_browsing_context_structured_clone.js | application crashed [@ strstr + 0x37] -- NEW
1752867 Intermittent TV-fis docshell/test/navigation/test_blockBFCache.html | application crashed [@ __epoll_pwait + 0xa] | after docshell/test/navigation/test_blockBFCache.html | application timed out after 370 seconds with no output -- NEW
1752900 Intermittent [TV] dom/tests/mochitest/bugs/test_bug1171215.html | application crashed [@ nsPresContext::SetDynamicToolbarMaxHeight] -- NEW
1754400 port.postMessage crashes with large payloads | crash in [@ mozilla::ipc::PortLink::SendMessage | IPC_Message_Name=PMessagePort::Msg_PostMessages] P2 NEW
1755163 Intermittent /html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/open-features-is-popup-condition.html?single-"XX" | application crashed [@ mozalloc_handle_oom] -- NEW
1757747 Crash in [@ IPCError-browser | RecvRequestPayment nsIPaymentRequestService::RequestPayment failed] P3 NEW
1760000 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::Document::EnumerateSubDocuments] -- NEW
1760947 Intermittent [tier 2] /html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/open-features-is-popup-condition.html?single-X | application crashed [@ + 0x6995011] -- NEW
1761208 startup Crash in [@ mozilla::net::LoadInfo::SetReservedClientInfo] on Amazon P3 NEW
1761980 Intermittent /html/browsers/windows/iframe-cross-origin-scaled-print.sub.html | application crashed [@ + 0x3d5ce52] -- NEW
1762287 Intermittent /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-video-element/resize-during-playback.html | application crashed [@ + 0x78b2] | After webm video - assert_equals: Expected playing event, but got error event instead " -- NEW
1765069 Intermittent /html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/open-features-is-popup-condition.html?single-1 | application crashed [@ mozalloc_handle_oom] -- NEW
1767793 Crash in [@ nsContentSecurityManager::CheckChannel] -- NEW
1768893 Intermittent TV-nofis dom/origin-trials/tests/test_meta_simple.html | application crashed [@ __epoll_pwait + 0xa] | after dom/origin-trials/tests/test_meta_simple.html | application timed out after 370 seconds with no output -- NEW
1770998 Crash in [@ nsFrameLoader::PropagateIsUnderHiddenEmbedderElement] -- NEW
1776464 Intermittent application crashed [@ AssertActivityIsLegal] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1778238 Intermittent [tier 2] /html/browsers/the-window-object/open-close/open-features-is-popup-condition.html?single-X | application crashed [@ + 0x38fc733] | [unhandlable oom] -- NEW
1778244 Intermittent [tier 2] /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-unsafe-none-to-same-origin.https.html?X-X | application crashed [@ + 0x53df8fc] -- NEW
1778476 Crash in [@ mozilla::PresShell::ElementStateChanged] P3 NEW
1778904 Intermittent /html/browsers/the-window-object/open-close/open-features-is-popup-condition.html?single-2 | application crashed [@ mozalloc_handle_oom] -- NEW
1779301 Intermittent Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::RemoteWorkerChild::TransitionStateToRunning] -- NEW
1779595 Intermittent /html/browsers/the-window-object/open-close/open-features-is-popup-condition.html?single-X | application crashed [@ + 0x686d0d0] | Failed creating SwComposite thread -- NEW
1780795 Intermittent /html/browsers/the-window-object/open-close/open-features-is-popup-condition.html?single-2 | application crashed [@ + 0x68c9d90] -- NEW
1782501 Crash in [@ nsMutationReceiver::ContentAppended] -- NEW
1784390 Intermittent dom/tests/mochitest/general/test_toggling_performance_navigation_timing.html | application crashed [@ nsContentUtils::ShouldResistFingerprinting] -- NEW
1785955 Intermittent /html/webappapis/dynamic-markup-insertion/document-write/047.html | application crashed [@ nsXPTCStubBase::Release] -- NEW
1789182 Intermittent dom/fs/test/xpcshell/test_fileSystemDirectoryHandle.js | application crashed [@ Checker::StartWriteOp] -- NEW
1792294 Intermittent dom/webauthn/tests/test_webauthn_loopback.html | application crashed [@ MOZ_Crash] P2 NEW
1792605 Intermittent /content-security-policy/wasm-unsafe-eval/postMessage-wasm-module.html | application crashed [@ JSContext::runtime] -- NEW
1793552 Intermittent toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/webidl-api/test_ext_webidl_api_request_handler.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::binding_danger::TErrorResult<mozilla::binding_danger::AssertAndSuppressCleanupPolicy>::AssertReportedOrSuppressed -- NEW
1793952 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::syncedcontext::Transaction<T>::Commit | mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext::SetCurrentInnerWindowId ] -- NEW
1794993 Intermittent Assertion failure: GetCaretMode() != CaretMode::None, at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/layout/base/AccessibleCaretManager.cpp:509 P5 REOPENED
1797661 Intermittent [tier 2] /html/browsers/the-window-object/open-close/open-features-is-popup-condition.html?single-1 | application crashed [@ MOZ_Crash] -- NEW
1800558 Crash in [@ nsDocShell::InternalLoad] -- NEW
1801586 Android crash in [@ nsDocShell::MaybeCreateInitialClientSource] P2 NEW
1801884 Crash in [@ RefPtr<T>::get | RefPtr<T>::operator nsIGlobalObject* | mozilla::dom::Promise::MaybeSomething<T>] -- NEW
1802873 Intermittent /preload/link-header-preload.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::PreloaderBase::NotifyOpen] -- NEW
1803074 Intermittent docshell/test/unit/test_URIFixup.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::storage::Service::Observe] -- NEW
1805498 Intermittent dom/tests/mochitest/general/test_img_mutations.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::net::HttpAsyncAborter<mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel>::HandleAsyncAbort] -- NEW
1805613 Intermittent Main app process exited normally application crashed [@ __pthread_cond_wait] after [Parent 1500, IPC I/O Parent] WARNING: Process X hanging at shutdown; attempting crash report (fatal error) P2 ASSIGNED
1805617 Intermittent /html/browsers/the-window-object/open-close/open-features-is-popup-condition.html?single-2 | application crashed [@ MOZ_Crash] -- NEW
1810573 Crash in [@ js::ContextChecks::fail]: Hit MOZ_CRASH(*** Compartment mismatch 10bbbb550 vs. 10c7e1160 at argument 0) in JS_GetArrayBufferViewBuffer via mozilla::dom::ReadableStreamBYOBReader::Read P2 NEW
1814490 Crash in [@ mozilla::NullPrincipal::Create] MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(uri->SchemeIs(NS_NULLPRINCIPAL_SCHEME)) P5 NEW
1814974 Intermittent Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::CallbackObjectHolder<mozilla::dom::EventListener, nsIDOMEventListener>::GetISupports() const] -- NEW
1816417 Crash in [@ mozilla::ipc::NodeChannel::SendMessage | IPC_Message_Name=PContent::Msg_GetFilesResponse] P3 NEW
1820003 Crash in [@ nsINode::HasSlots] from nsRange::CloneContents -- NEW
1824058 Intermittent <test-name> | application crashed [@ nsINode::GetBoolFlag] -- NEW
1824143 Crash in [@ RaiseFailFastException | FailFastWithHR] with mozilla::widget::TSFTextStore::RequestLock(unsigned long, HRESULT*) on the stack -- NEW
1825838 Crash in [@ nsFrameLoader::SetOwnerContent] -- NEW
1826272 Crash in [@ mozilla::TextInputListener::SettingValue] -- NEW
1827613 Intermittent /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-img-element/document-destroyed-crash.html | application crashed [@ + 0x0000000002427bf8] -- NEW
1829019 Intermittent /resource-timing/SO-XO-SO-redirect-chain-tao.https.html | application crashed [@ AppleIntelKBLGraphicsGLDriver + 0x0000000000066b04] -- NEW
1831297 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::syncedcontext::Transaction<T>::Commit | mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext::SetHasSiblings ] (when loading browser.xhtml in a tab) -- NEW
1831432 Crash in [@ nsFrameLoader::EnsureBrowsingContextAttached] -- NEW
1832539 Intermittent /html/obsolete/requirements-for-implementations/the-marquee-element-0/marquee-loop.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::StyleGenericTrackSize<mozilla::StyleLengthPercentageUnion>::~StyleGenericTrackSize] -- NEW
1832561 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::AnimationTimeline::Tick] -- NEW
1833837 Intermittent /html/browsers/windows/iframe-cross-origin-print.sub.html | application crashed [@ MOZ_Crash] | crash reason: MozPromise::ThenValue created from 'RecvProcessPage' destroyed without being either disconnected, resolved, or rejected (dispatchRv: -- REOPENED
1840568 Crash in [@ mozilla::widget::TSFTextStore::SelectionForTSF] P3 ASSIGNED
1843361 Crash in [@ mozilla::EditorBase::InitializeSelection] P3 ASSIGNED
1843369 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::TimeoutManager::RescheduleTimeout] -- NEW
1845198 Crash in [@ mozilla::ContentCache::AssertIfInvalid] P3 NEW
1845418 Intermittent application crashed [@ core::ptr::read] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1847142 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::ImageTracker::SetLockingState] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1847227 Intermittent application crashed [@ js::InternalBarrierMethods<js::BaseShape*, void>::isMarkable] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1848569 Intermittent application crashed [@ style::gecko_string_cache::WeakAtom::get_hash] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1851627 Intermittent application crashed [@ CallQueryInterface<nsISupports, nsWrapperCache>] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1853249 Intermittent application crashed [@ Foundation + 0x0000000000035f2d] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1856672 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::TypedArray_base<T>::ProcessFixedData<T>] -- ASSIGNED
1857231 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget>::operator bool] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1857744 Intermittent [tier 2] application crashed [@ AttrArray::GetAttr] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1862346 Crash in [@ mozilla::Maybe<T>::isSome | mozilla::dom::workerinternals::loader::ScriptLoaderRunnable::IsCancelled] P3 NEW
1862368 Intermittent application crashed [@ MOZ_Crash] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1862369 Intermittent application crashed [@ arena_run_reg_dalloc] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1862374 Intermittent application crashed [@ JS::Zone::clearKeptObjects] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1863052 Null deref crash in [@ mozilla::dom::BrowserParent::GetOwnerElement] from AppWindow::GetPrimaryRemoteTabSize() -- NEW
1863177 Crash in [@ nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor::MoveOpsFrom] due to failure in MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mFlushState == eNotFlushing) (Ops added to mOpQueue during tree op execution.) -- NEW
1863238 Crash in [@ nsHtml5Parser::Parse] -- NEW
1863274 Crash in [@ mozilla::BasePrincipal::IsSystemPrincipal] -- NEW
1865059 Intermittent application crashed [@ operator bool] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1865060 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsTArray_base<nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator, nsTArray_RelocateUsingMemutils>::MoveInit<nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1865443 Crash in [@ mozilla::WeakPtr<T>::operator bool] from nsContentUtils::FirePageHideEventForFrameLoaderSwap -- NEW
1865664 Crash in [@ stackoverflow | hzwebauthn.dll | _tailMerge_hid.dll | hzwebauthn.dll] (VMware .dll) P3 NEW
1866037 Intermittent application crashed [@ __futex_abstimed_wait_common64] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1869325 Startup Crash in [@ nsContentList::PopulateSelf] via mozilla::dom::Document::DoNotifyPossibleTitleChange | mozilla::dom::Document::GetTitle -- NEW
1869542 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsXPCWrappedJS::Unlink] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1869616 Intermittent application crashed [@ <.plt ELF section in>] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1869920 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::CycleCollectedJSContext::ProcessStableStateQueue] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1869921 Intermittent application crashed [@ std::swap<mozilla::Variant<nsTimerImpl::UnknownCallback, nsCOMPtr<nsITimerCallback>, nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver>, nsTimerImpl::FuncCallback, nsTimerImpl::ClosureCallback> >] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1870082 Intermittent application crashed [@ + 0x00000000000aa0d0] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1870183 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::HTMLDivElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects] -- NEW
1870247 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::BlockingResourceBase::ResourceChainFront] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1870268 Intermittent application crashed [@ __pthread_getspecific@GLIBC_2.2.5] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1870379 Crash in [@ mozilla::detail::InvalidArrayIndex_CRASH | nsTArray_Impl<T>::ElementAt | nsTArray_Impl<T>::operator[] | mozilla::dom::Gamepad::SetButton] P3 NEW
1870607 Intermittent application crashed [@ arena_t::FindFreeBitInMask] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1870878 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::TaskController::HasMainThreadPendingTasks] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1870943 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsTHashtable<nsBaseHashtableET<nsDepCharHashKey, mozilla::UniquePtr<BloatEntry, mozilla::DefaultDelete<BloatEntry> > > >::GetEntry] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1870990 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::net::ChannelEventQueue::RunOrEnqueue] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1871170 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::detail::EntrySlot<js::HeapPtr<JSObject*> const>::clear] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1871469 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsTArray_base<nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator, nsTArray_RelocateUsingMemutils>::Length] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1872008 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::DeadlockDetector<mozilla::BlockingResourceBase>::CheckAcquisition] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1872160 Intermittent application crashed [@ dataSegmentsContain] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1872330 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::BlockingResourceBase::Acquire] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1872384 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::TaskController::ExecuteNextTaskOnlyMainThreadInternal] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1872386 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsID::Equals] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1872529 Intermittent application crashed [@ + 0x0000000000019a35] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1872852 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozPoisonValue] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1872853 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::detail::WrappingMultiplyHelper<unsigned int>::compute] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1873098 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsPropertyTable::GetPropertyListFor] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1873254 Intermittent application crashed [@ + 0x0000000000000b74] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1873306 Intermittent application crashed [@ js::CurrentThreadCanAccessRuntime] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1873426 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsTSubstring<char>::AssertValid] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1873428 Intermittent application crashed [@ ~RefPtr] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1873449 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::ipc::CancelCPOWs] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1873451 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable>::nsCOMPtr] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1874025 Intermittent application crashed [@ js::CurrentThreadIsPerformingGC] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1874655 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::ProgressEvent_Binding::Wrap] P2 NEW
1875226 Intermittent application crashed [@ operator--] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1875251 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::detail::BaseAutoLock<mozilla::Mutex&>::~BaseAutoLock] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1876078 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::detail::ThreadLocalNativeStorage<bool>::get] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1876505 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::BlockingResourceBase::Release] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1876651 Crash in [@ nsISHEntry::GetWindowState] from nsDocShell::RestoreFromHistory() on Android -- NEW
1877547 Intermittent MOZ_ASSERT(!mOwningThread) (destroying a still-owned lock!) [@ mozilla::OffTheBooksMutex::~OffTheBooksMutex] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1878392 Intermittent application crashed [@ PR_Unlock] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1878675 Intermittent application crashed [@ __memcpy_avx_unaligned_erms] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1879014 Intermittent application crashed [@ NS_LogCtor] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1879436 Crash in [@ nsGlobalWindowInner::ThawInternal] from DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_IsInBFCache>) -- NEW
1880768 Crash in [@ nsWrapperCache::ClearWrapper] -- NEW
1880910 Intermittent application crashed [@ MaybePageAlloc] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1881433 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsTimer::Cancel] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1881936 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::WebIDLGlobalNameHash::ResolveForSystemGlobal] -- ASSIGNED
1882082 Crash in [@ OOM | large | nsTArray_Impl<T>::AppendElementInternal | nsTArray<T>::AppendElement | nsAttrValue::ParseAtomArray ] -- NEW
1883756 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::Maybe<std::queue<nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable>, std::deque<nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable>, std::allocator<nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> > > > >::isSome] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1884047 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::syncedcontext::Transaction<T>::Commit | mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext::SetExplicitActive] -- NEW
1884815 Crash in [@ mozilla::ipc::PortLink::SendMessage | IPC_Message_Name=PContent::Msg_NotifyVisited] -- NEW
1885147 Intermittent already mutably borrowed [@ RustMozCrash] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1885462 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::Selection::SelectFrames] -- NEW
1888306 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::Element_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects] -- NEW
1888800 Crash in [@ nsINode::IsMaybeSelected] -- NEW
1889287 Intermittent application crashed [@ + 0x0000000000466fdd] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1892600 Crash in [@ CEditSessionBase::CEditSessionBase] -- ASSIGNED
1893384 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsTArray<nsTString<char> >::nsTArray<nsTString<char> >] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1893888 Intermittent application crashed [@ PLDHashTable::~PLDHashTable] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1896447 Crash in [@ mozilla::ipc::PortLink::SendMessage | IPC_Message_Name=PContent::Msg_GetFilesResponse] -- NEW
1896568 Intermittent [tier 2] application crashed [@ mozilla::MozPromise<bool, nsresult, 1>::ThenValueBase::AssertIsDead] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1897255 crash near null in [@ nsINode::Length] -- ASSIGNED
1898079 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::ContentProcessManager::UnregisterRemoteFrame] -- NEW
1898399 Crash in [@ NewArrayBufferObject<T>] -- NEW
1900506 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::CrossShadowBoundaryRange::ContentRemoved] -- NEW
1901812 Intermittent already immutably borrowed [@ RustMozCrash] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1904098 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::ClipboardItem::ItemEntry::RejectPendingPromises] P2 NEW
1904215 Intermittent application crashed [@ realizeClassWithoutSwift] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1905002 Intermittent application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::XMLHttpRequestWorker::SetResponseToNetworkError] | single tracking bug -- NEW
1905103 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::IOUtils::EventQueue::EventQueue] -- NEW
1905337 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::WorkerPrivate::RunLoopNeverRan] -- ASSIGNED

312 Total; 312 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
1243998 Leak with accessibility, document.fonts, and geolocation prompt in background P5 NEW
1249882 Selecting text from pages does not allow you to select multiple lines (Nightly for Android) P5 UNCONFIRMED
1257189 Control shift right arrow selects way too much, even invisibly selecting following blank lines and into following <div> elements -- NEW
1417308 Navigation timing responseStart reported wrong P3 NEW
1419263 element.value = '' does not change the value P3 UNCONFIRMED
1461336 Hangs with Wasm WebGL game P3 NEW
1471405 Back button doesn't work with Firefox 61 with Google Container addon P2 UNCONFIRMED
1473566 Intermittent Copy-using-keyboard-shortcut failure P3 NEW
1860296 Cursor jumps to wrong place when inserting text into text area -- NEW
1868598 Intermittent TV docshell/test/mochitest/test_bug1747033.html | Test timed out. - P5 REOPENED
1905103 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::IOUtils::EventQueue::EventQueue] -- NEW

11 Total; 11 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Recent Reports

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
1900485 service worker verification -- UNCONFIRMED
1901385 Selecting a button is ignored -- UNCONFIRMED
1901689 `iframe` with another `iframe` inside returns a different `activeElement` when it lose a focus clickin on a non focusable element -- UNCONFIRMED
1902235 [WebAuthn] macOS Firefox 127 still asks to touch a security key with password twice -- UNCONFIRMED
1903371 X and Y buttons are inverted on game pads in Firefox -- UNCONFIRMED
1903717 Implement default-policy support for Trusted Types P3 UNCONFIRMED
1904057 error event doesn't fire for link elements with rel="preload" P2 UNCONFIRMED
1904161 Implement EditContext -- UNCONFIRMED
1904195 Height of document greater than the sum of the scroll value and window inner height -- UNCONFIRMED
1904252 Mouseleave is fired on document when opening context menu -- UNCONFIRMED
1904255 Wrong DOMRect is returned for the current caret position in a contenteditable div -- UNCONFIRMED
1905036 Firefox does not provide resource timing entries for requests that violate CSP rules -- UNCONFIRMED
1905486 FileReader errors with "Node was not found" after history.pushState() -- UNCONFIRMED
1905492 authenticatorMakeCredential response with epAtt rejected -- UNCONFIRMED
1905499 navigator.credentials.create(pubkey) fails on localhost -- UNCONFIRMED
1905508 Feature request: Provide “Copy link” option in context menu of HTML heading elements with ID attributes -- UNCONFIRMED
1905759 ResourceTiming and NavigationTiming nextHopProtocol should be empty for cached resources -- UNCONFIRMED
1905845 [WCAG, a11y] Custom color settings overwrite `fill` attributes of SVG elements -- UNCONFIRMED
1906040 Security Error: Content at http://localhost:xxxx/ may not load data from blob:http://localhost:xxxx/... when assigning blob url of MediaSource -- UNCONFIRMED

19 Total; 19 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Stale Reports

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
89923 click to cancel menu counts toward double click -- UNCONFIRMED
147898 joining/splitting lines doesn't work correctly P5 UNCONFIRMED
178721 [Customized xmodmap] Assignning keysymbols with numerics is not respected P3 UNCONFIRMED
179318 Plain Text Editor has apparent blank lines when inserting text. P5 UNCONFIRMED
182448 Disabled/grayed-out menu items still highlight when alt shortcut key is pressed and fail with no feedback -- UNCONFIRMED
202411 Formatting Text Color [Format][Color] - shortcuts for Last color and OK don't work -- UNCONFIRMED
203875 Composer changes MultiLengths of "*" to "1*" P5 UNCONFIRMED
204912 Add ability to snap to links (magnetic links) -- UNCONFIRMED
219388 can't cancel text hilighting from onmousemove P5 UNCONFIRMED
221489 can't stop event bubbling when using function keys, browser keep on doing normal behavior P5 UNCONFIRMED
221655 Copy-paste from spreadsheet to composer reduces font P5 UNCONFIRMED
221815 Disable all drag related functions prefs option such as dragdrop and highlight (for touchscreen apps) P5 UNCONFIRMED
222017 Composer mangled the contents of the iframe element P5 UNCONFIRMED
224970 "onresize" inline HTML event doesn't function on FRAME P3 UNCONFIRMED
229986 Brief Sound Played When Pressing Assigned Back Button (Back One Button Function) On Mouse -- UNCONFIRMED
230427 Drag-and-dropping multi-word text into the tab bar returns silently P5 UNCONFIRMED
235827 [midas] composers's absolute positioning feature also enabled in midas P5 UNCONFIRMED
236105 Midas - no text entry in inserted <div> element P5 UNCONFIRMED
236110 Editor: Midas - relative DIV are immovable P5 UNCONFIRMED
236111 Editor: Midas - Relative DIV elements get no sizeing border P5 UNCONFIRMED
236113 Midas - it is difficult to get the focus to go to the element with designMode="on" P5 UNCONFIRMED
236180 Editor: Midas - cannot create, or move, elements which have a sizing widget to the very top left P5 UNCONFIRMED
236183 Editor: Midas - undo does not remove tables or layers P5 UNCONFIRMED
236547 Cannot attach events to IFRAME if it is created with createElement function -- UNCONFIRMED
238008 Disabling contextMenu should also not fire onMouseDown Events P5 UNCONFIRMED
238255 Editor: Midas - it is not possible to join table rows and cells P5 UNCONFIRMED
238256 Editor: Midas - it would be very nice to be able to edit an element -- UNCONFIRMED
238516 Editor: Midas - cannot underline <a> tags P5 UNCONFIRMED
241867 Find-as-you-type active even though focus is on location bar while loading page -- UNCONFIRMED
242763 eventPhase property of event object was "2"(Target Phase) even though Bubble Phase when object is the target object of event P5 UNCONFIRMED
242989 Accel+key while menu activated should inactivate menu -- UNCONFIRMED
244166 Windows remain in forground when losing focus -- UNCONFIRMED
247064 Editor: MIDAS - inserted HTML gets munged very badly P5 UNCONFIRMED
247613 RFE: need an API for clearing the clipboard P5 UNCONFIRMED
249909 Italics command doesn't recognize emphasis P5 UNCONFIRMED
250647 ? site targeting links and form submissions into a frameset created by another site, might have broken something P5 UNCONFIRMED
251538 Clicking on areas outside form select component on page regitered click in the component -- UNCONFIRMED
252249 onmouseover event-handler is not executed and mouse pointer style is not updated -- UNCONFIRMED
252453 Rearrange table columns and rows easily P5 UNCONFIRMED
259163 Try to open file using JS with an invalid hex coded drive gives infinite loop P5 UNCONFIRMED
259529 Submitted form doesn't use best charset from accept-charset -- UNCONFIRMED
265591 window.close can close the wrong window P5 UNCONFIRMED
273783 In pretty-printed XML `doc tree', copying selection copies +/- collapsers instead of source (anonymous content, selection, copying) P5 UNCONFIRMED
276618 Mouse movement causes page navigation -- UNCONFIRMED
278618 "alert()" should be skipped when circumventing context menu disabling P5 UNCONFIRMED
279314 click event occurs in certain cases when it shouldn't P5 UNCONFIRMED
281612 methods of nsEditActionListener interface aren't called in some cases P5 UNCONFIRMED
281758 Selection is changed at the wrong time P5 UNCONFIRMED
281908 editor cursor problem -- UNCONFIRMED
285635 Hard coded body and html prevent metadata gathering from drag and drop P5 UNCONFIRMED
288488 Arrow keys should scroll exactly one line regardless of font size. -- UNCONFIRMED
289165 onmouseout() generates onmouseover() when onmouseover() is not set P5 UNCONFIRMED
293771 Placing form fields inside a designMode (midas) area behaves strangely. P5 UNCONFIRMED
293845 If XULElement key has got keycode="VK_F3", then it event "command" doesn't handle -- UNCONFIRMED
294910 the drop-down box in a <select> tag isn't treated as a child of the tag's parents wrt :hover -- UNCONFIRMED
295323 drag and drop of URL wants to open P5 UNCONFIRMED
297134 Using setTimeout workaround for select() in onBlur event causes bizarre behaviour if Firefox loses and regains focus P5 UNCONFIRMED
301538 cannot dispatch "command" event (event data stored as code) P5 UNCONFIRMED
301746 Session history entries should implement property bag -- UNCONFIRMED
304703 window.onselect does not work P5 UNCONFIRMED
305396 [Plaintext] Can't drag if the rootElement has white-space: pre; P5 UNCONFIRMED
305399 image drag should provide data for real mime type P5 UNCONFIRMED
306455 [midas] Midas improperly collapses <p>'s together corrupting anchor tags P5 UNCONFIRMED
306517 mouseup fails to fire when part of a table is selected P5 UNCONFIRMED
308302 Action of ctrl+up/down in message compose window -- UNCONFIRMED
311337 when using location.replace history is doing strange things -- UNCONFIRMED
311665 Keyboard Shortcuts displayed incorrectly when using a non-qwerty keyboard layout -- UNCONFIRMED
312051 when FF cache exceed previously set up volume limit 'copy' option stops to work P5 UNCONFIRMED
314087 Focus() to input field scrolls document to top P5 UNCONFIRMED
314101 can't customize Find text: key bindings -- UNCONFIRMED
314694 Pasting of copied text to a plain text edit box should not have whitespaces preserved if the text is not preformatted P5 UNCONFIRMED
314870 possibly incorrect value of ctrlKey of a keydown event when pressing control key P5 UNCONFIRMED
317727 Webpage Forces a first window overtop of a second window, including the preferences window, if "raise or lower windows" is enabled in javascript settings. P5 UNCONFIRMED
317757 onchange, onblur do not detect Shift key -- UNCONFIRMED
318516 Sporadic and random line breaks appearing when in text editors within firefox page P5 UNCONFIRMED
318538 <a> tag hover state not shown when mouse 'lands' on an <a> tag -- UNCONFIRMED
318615 Click and drag on empty portion of DIV - events don't fire P5 UNCONFIRMED
321188 nsWindowSH::GlobalResolve constructor->Install failed P5 UNCONFIRMED
321221 alert("...") doesn't block <meta http-equiv="refresh" ..> P5 UNCONFIRMED
322115 Drag and Drop aswell as Cut and Paste dysfunctional. JS error. P5 UNCONFIRMED
322158 Cannot set the text of a script element with javascript. Worked before I upgraded to 1.5 P5 UNCONFIRMED
322205 [MIDAS]hitting space when editing text inside a paragraph adds an unwanted BR tag P5 UNCONFIRMED
322490 Setting self.location.href during javascript keypress event has strange behavior. -- UNCONFIRMED
323055 <button> reload page when not in <form> -- UNCONFIRMED
323597 [MIDAS] Drag & drop anything (image, text, anything) at the beginning of any element-> the image is lost, disappears P5 UNCONFIRMED
323727 Focusing hidden fields/elements should raise a warning P5 UNCONFIRMED
323922 Using Back button on Google gives search results out of sync with search strings -- UNCONFIRMED
325622 Unknown protocol dialog should show full URL -- UNCONFIRMED
326026 Using overflow seems to somehow sandbox events (and change reaction area?) -- UNCONFIRMED
326072 onClick="history.back();" doesn't work right -- UNCONFIRMED
326665 window.close does not work in chrome P5 UNCONFIRMED
329547 mouse events not generated for embed tag inside an object tag P5 UNCONFIRMED
331572 Line breaks submitted as &#10; instead of <LF> -- UNCONFIRMED
332424 Setting control's selection before first focus makes it visible P5 UNCONFIRMED
332435 Can't set reverse selection in textarea with js P5 UNCONFIRMED
332482 tooltip has anchor -- UNCONFIRMED
332561 Multiple problems with using onkeydown to restrict input -- UNCONFIRMED
332984 Not possible to stopPropagation for on dblclick if you remove target from dom on command -- UNCONFIRMED
333471 Editor collapses selection immediately after 'createLink', leading to faulty caret positioning on arrowkey. P5 UNCONFIRMED
334052 Multiple iframes where HTML is written in JavaScript causes error in Firefox 1.5 P5 UNCONFIRMED
335358 Assertion in nsEditor::IsPreformatted P5 UNCONFIRMED
335567 Alternate Content To OBJECT should not participate in HTTP POST -- UNCONFIRMED
335664 firefox glitch with some special 'drawing' i use P5 UNCONFIRMED
335936 Synthesized tab does not move focus -- UNCONFIRMED
336139 Incorrect behaviour when submitting form under designMode -- UNCONFIRMED
337172 Can't cancel ctrl+tab on keydown P5 UNCONFIRMED
337965 Ctrl key doesn't fire keydown (and keyup) event P5 UNCONFIRMED
339078 iframe "onload" does not work (firefox 1.5) P5 UNCONFIRMED
339573 TAB key focuses the next field in HTML form onChange event even if return value for the event was false P5 UNCONFIRMED
339799 Shifting the focus results in orphaned menus P5 UNCONFIRMED
339860 Request an Option to Make the Default Response to the 'Unresponsive Script' Dialog 'Continue' Instead of 'Stop Script' P3 UNCONFIRMED
340158 Multiple SUBMITs performed when Submit Button "pushed" with Spacebar P5 UNCONFIRMED
340591 When I receibe the form it's not delimited at all. With MS mail I get a CR/LF after every line. -- UNCONFIRMED
342264 JavaScript changing of DOM object link colors P5 UNCONFIRMED
342561 Text input field change detected with asymmetrical checkpoints (before focus and before blur) P5 UNCONFIRMED
343464 Feature Request: script timeout when using long scripts. P5 UNCONFIRMED
343591 Poor DOM-to-text conversion for tables (e.g. pasting into Notepad) P5 UNCONFIRMED
345208 Frame page causes my javascript menu to fail P5 UNCONFIRMED
345604 Assertions when trying to use events P5 UNCONFIRMED
346860 Dragging an object from a div with position absolute and overlow auto doesn't propagate events P5 UNCONFIRMED
347357 <editor> does not propagate scroll events P5 UNCONFIRMED
348682 Table cells should have resize handles P5 UNCONFIRMED
348847 After using select all & delete, there is no empty paragraph in editor P5 UNCONFIRMED
350850 onload handler fires with DOM manipulation, but without reloading P5 UNCONFIRMED
350953 <Return> doesn't break a blockquote in Midas P5 UNCONFIRMED
351689 meta refresh with Url=//rpsv/... tries to go to a server named "rpsv" instead of the "rpsv" directory on the same server -- UNCONFIRMED
351895 Copy selected text on web page has no option to exclude 'alt' text. P5 UNCONFIRMED
351934 The button's event property is undefined under FF2.0 and TB2.0 P5 UNCONFIRMED
352057 JavaScript onFocus event does not work correct when changing location.href link with an anchor -- UNCONFIRMED
352471 JavaScript exception is not thrown when the script tag is appended to a container instead of document. P5 UNCONFIRMED
353199 row widths affected by inclusion of fo:table-header-group ?? P5 UNCONFIRMED
353290 Size of list numbers or bullets isn't changed after command FontSize in DHTML editor P5 UNCONFIRMED
353305 First triggered event skips listener P5 UNCONFIRMED
353363 If css overflow value is not 'visible', then child's offsetLeft(js) and offsetTop(js) are wrong. P5 UNCONFIRMED
354495 objects in a document inside iframe are not accessible right after the frame is moved using DOM methods P5 UNCONFIRMED
355228 In designMode firefox replaces newlines with <br> tags in <pre> elements P5 UNCONFIRMED
355229 Leave some room when scrolling to named anchors -- UNCONFIRMED
355321 '<iframe src="javascript: foo(11)"></iframe>' results in "foo is not defined" (even though it is defined above the iframe) -- UNCONFIRMED
356288 pasting long unbroken text resets editors to "top of form". P5 UNCONFIRMED
356598 HTML format get modified while using textContent P5 UNCONFIRMED
357379 opener.focus() doesn't focus the tab that opened the actual one P5 UNCONFIRMED
358503 JavaScript Pop-up function doesn't work with to 0 and the whole window keeps "flashing" P5 UNCONFIRMED
359216 "Save as text" saves html code P5 UNCONFIRMED
359455 Nested Forms in ASP.NET work properly P5 UNCONFIRMED
360687 possibility to select/mark text in one column of a table in the browser P5 UNCONFIRMED
360875 Mouseout event triggered for parent when mouseover on autocomplete drop down P5 UNCONFIRMED
360877 many uses of mouseover event showing alert results in too much recursion -- UNCONFIRMED
362168 form data isn't submitted if <input type="image" ... /> is nested inside a <tfoot> table element -- UNCONFIRMED
362303 window.opener property erased after posting from a popup P5 UNCONFIRMED
362681 calling focus within window.onfocus broken. -- UNCONFIRMED
363099 onFocus Javascript command is interfering with drop down boxes P5 UNCONFIRMED
363215 A floating div created in JavaScript doesn't move when it has to P5 UNCONFIRMED
363397 Removing row with removeChild precludes form submission if row contains input of type image -- UNCONFIRMED
364081 Window opened with alwaysLowered=yes feature does not stay lowered P5 UNCONFIRMED
364228 Provide means to define word boundaries for Next/Previous word functions P5 UNCONFIRMED
364503 I can't send a message with the form : aspnetForm -- UNCONFIRMED
365900 wrong focusNode/anchorNode for focused elements inside table P5 UNCONFIRMED
366423 The "View HTML Source" check box doesn't work on the Mozilla midas demo page (importNode gives: Exception... "Access to property denied") P5 UNCONFIRMED
367093 CF_HTML Clipboard format copied from FF contains modified HREF Urls -- UNCONFIRMED
368102 clipboard commandupdater event not fired when document lives inside <browser/> -- UNCONFIRMED
369373 When clicking the Back or Forward button on this AJAX website nothing happens -- UNCONFIRMED
369502 Firefox and tidy add line breaks within code blocks P5 UNCONFIRMED
369661 Improved Smoothscroll using keydown/keyup events -- UNCONFIRMED
370322 Remove All Text Styles should also remove paragraph formatting (strip <h1> etc.) P5 UNCONFIRMED
371768 Caret does not appear initially when using Midas editor pre-loaded with stylesheet P5 UNCONFIRMED
372205 Add docs or links to docs for DOM IDLs P5 UNCONFIRMED
372296 Forms with file inputs that have hidden inputs after submit buttons failing on HTTPS POST with large file size -- UNCONFIRMED
372670 onkeydown for modifiers is only fired every second time P5 UNCONFIRMED
372955 [Midas] Cursor jumps when ending header tag. P5 UNCONFIRMED
373776 Scrolling does not correctly fire repeated DOM events but only seems to fire a 'start' and 'end' event P5 UNCONFIRMED
374511 [Midas] Adding a blockquote to the bottom of a document traps cursor P5 UNCONFIRMED
375692 Javascript: Large Objects Reverse Key/Value Relationship P5 UNCONFIRMED
375848 Context menu disappears sporadically on mouseup -- UNCONFIRMED
376390 pre-filled values in forms that contain special unicode characters are not always send exactly on submit -- UNCONFIRMED
377533 Firefox does not support run-time javascript file handling. P5 UNCONFIRMED
377798 strange Back button behavior with dynamic frames -- UNCONFIRMED
377916 Handles in designmode not staying with image when image is moved/removed while highlighted P5 UNCONFIRMED
379095 mouseout event in embedded (X)HTML document fails to fire P5 UNCONFIRMED
381173 text reverses when deleting linebreak with div inside span P5 UNCONFIRMED
381350 address bar keyword search does not work properly when used with @ symbol -- UNCONFIRMED
381623 In preformatted HTML text (tag <pre>) drag-and-drop renders newlines as whitespaces P5 UNCONFIRMED
381958 select element should lose focus if mouse is not over element when option list is removed -- UNCONFIRMED
382032 Firefox tranforms null characters to U+FFFD (Unicode "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER") when posting forms -- UNCONFIRMED
382735 mouseOver & mouseUp from/to option elements within select generate spurious events with bad relatedTargets -- UNCONFIRMED
382771 Spellchecker shouldn't require whitespace after block elements to delimit words P5 UNCONFIRMED
383864 CSS formatting ignored when copying and pasting prestyled elements like lists and tables P5 UNCONFIRMED
384141 Text styling is not maintained when starting a list P5 UNCONFIRMED
384557 Line breaks in textarea's defaultValue are handled differently from those in value P5 UNCONFIRMED
385115 Need a way to determine overflowing width/height for elements P5 UNCONFIRMED
386173 Feature: add a command to disable abspos ui in Midas P5 UNCONFIRMED
387456 a question about get element's offsetLeft in Javascript P5 UNCONFIRMED
387927 Event handlers don't fire in form fields when the id matches the function name P5 UNCONFIRMED
388415 document.evaluate throws error if context is an empty text node. P5 UNCONFIRMED
389007 FF throws "Component returned failure" exception when submiting dynamically created form in JavaScript P5 UNCONFIRMED
389510 Dynamic form elements not in order when submitting to a CGI script -- UNCONFIRMED
393083 Forms submitted quickly posts some fields blank -- UNCONFIRMED
397351 layerX/layerY wrong when mouse is over scrollbar -- UNCONFIRMED
399426 Error object has wrong line number info if script is loaded dynamically P5 UNCONFIRMED
401616 Don't post a select element updated with ajax-updater -- UNCONFIRMED
401634 [midas] Can't edit inside an OL or UL tag. P5 UNCONFIRMED
401800 Midas - Unable to justify divs P5 UNCONFIRMED
402656 ImageDocument should behave like netError instead of being hard coded -- UNCONFIRMED
402702 broken handing onkeyup when you type text too fast in input P5 UNCONFIRMED
405890 When getting a DOM element's href property, and when the href contains a space, the space is URLencoded as %20 P5 UNCONFIRMED
407880 error console should throw up a warning when pre-dom1 javascript element fetching is used P5 UNCONFIRMED
408809 select code feature selectCode() appends white spaces to beginning of line. P5 UNCONFIRMED
409198 No events when setting menulist value with JS P5 UNCONFIRMED
409710 Lost events in Drag&Drop -- UNCONFIRMED
411031 LayerX/Y properties are incorrectly calculated when a event is manually dispatched (initmouseevent) P5 UNCONFIRMED
416301 Dragging links to input form field from email (thunderbird) makes duplicate link P5 UNCONFIRMED
416772 Pasting contents destroys text formatting on Mac OS X P5 UNCONFIRMED
417277 Bad handling of backstack when pressing a second link before the first link had loaded -- UNCONFIRMED
417412 Impossible to place caret between two centered tables P5 UNCONFIRMED
417474 Popups are not placed in the correct location P5 UNCONFIRMED
421297 New restriction on setting element Style properties P5 UNCONFIRMED
422057 Javascript event target locked after changing underlying node P5 UNCONFIRMED
422295 CSS :focus{overflow:hidden} breaks click event handling on input elements P5 UNCONFIRMED
425069 Dragging image out of x64 Firefox window transposes 1px from left to right of image P5 UNCONFIRMED
425545 Defaults not set from preferences in Page Colors and Backgrounds dialog P5 UNCONFIRMED
426070 Preformat font in mail message wrongly shown as variable width P5 UNCONFIRMED
427016 Screenshot paste feature in libeditor can reveal current windows user name P5 UNCONFIRMED
428140 Changing focus onpaste in contentEditable node is very broken P5 UNCONFIRMED
429997 onscroll event is not sent often enough in fx3 P5 UNCONFIRMED
430967 dump() is fully buffered P5 UNCONFIRMED
433119 When maximising the Firefox window, content is not always resized to fit -- UNCONFIRMED
433356 FF 3 sends a mouseup event when using selecting using a select control; FF2 doesn't. P5 UNCONFIRMED
433669 HTML Editor: formatted text at line ends jumps to next formatted piece of text -- UNCONFIRMED
434475 the Indent command splits a paragraph in 2 elements after several indents P5 UNCONFIRMED
435709 Inline tags are replaced by <span> tags with certain editing actions. P5 UNCONFIRMED
438374 Table with <p> tags adds unnecessary newlines to clipboard, impossible to parse! -- UNCONFIRMED
439942 Images (etc) with invalid ssl certificates don't trigger a cert dialog -- UNCONFIRMED
439966 Gecko forgets fonts when entering bulleted list P5 UNCONFIRMED
440659 onclick event for a input button is lost -- UNCONFIRMED
441088 nsIWebProgressListener events dispatched in inconsistent order: LIFO in nsDocLoader, and FIFO in tabbrowser -- UNCONFIRMED
441447 Firefox 3 loses focus on WordPress 2.5.1 Post text box, typing apostrophe launches Quick Find. P5 UNCONFIRMED
441535 Rating article generates: Error: 551 Can't parse multipart request -- UNCONFIRMED
442673 event.rangeOffset on mouse events is returned when the cursor is not over text but in the vicinity of the text -- UNCONFIRMED
443938 image thumbnail (thumb) generated when dragging an image can be a few pixels away from mouse cursor P5 UNCONFIRMED
444008 browser.triple_click_selects_paragraph should be false on Linux -- UNCONFIRMED
444721 File drag using application/x-moz-file-promise doesn't work P5 UNCONFIRMED
445844 Javascript event (function) not working as expected P5 UNCONFIRMED
446111 Mistake javascript and scroll P5 UNCONFIRMED
447769 No built-in way to retrieve information about what events a DOM node listens to P5 UNCONFIRMED
448683 Translation of copied HTML formatted text incorrectly adds line breaks for all tags P5 UNCONFIRMED
449016 setTimeout should guarantee that the function is never called early (late is ok) P5 UNCONFIRMED
451440 nsIDOMWindowUtils::sendKeyEvent isn't the same as pressing the key P5 UNCONFIRMED
451755 Are mouse out event's always triggered? P5 UNCONFIRMED
451839 Closing large html file that does DOM manipulation at startup is very slow - closing errors out with "unresponsive script P5 UNCONFIRMED
452582 <img> changes are saved into @style instead of @width and @height P5 UNCONFIRMED
453709 Ajax Call: Huge Memory Spike when requesting large data set, sometimes resulting in an empty responseText P5 UNCONFIRMED
454373 queryCommandState (' bold / italic ') when styleWithCss is true does not return true when selection is collapsed on a BR tag inside a tag with style="font-weight: bold/font-style: italic" -- UNCONFIRMED
454552 execCommand inserthtml into paragraph tag P5 UNCONFIRMED
455002 Accessing Javascript variables between iframes with Signed Javascript scripts P5 UNCONFIRMED
456378 provide an xpcom api to add user(agent) stylesheets to documents -- UNCONFIRMED
457853 DOMMouseScroll multiple fires P5 UNCONFIRMED
457998 DOM focus() and blur() tests fail. P5 UNCONFIRMED
459523 checkbox does submit name and value if checked and a click submits the form -- UNCONFIRMED
459771 Break paragraph bugs in contenteditable P5 UNCONFIRMED
459793 Add pref to override password masking character. P5 UNCONFIRMED
461477 Save Page As saves wrong HREFs for IFRAMEs P5 UNCONFIRMED
461792 Menu shortcuts are still triggered when trying to enter characters by hex code on Windows (hold Alt, hit +, type hex value, release Alt) -- UNCONFIRMED
462146 using keyboard to move in text may move in the wrong way when selection exists -- UNCONFIRMED
462452 Selection expands in wrong direction when contenteditable, RTL element contains LTR characters P5 UNCONFIRMED
462508 nsPrimitiveHelpers::CreateDataFromPrimitive will fail to return a string for most nsISupportsCString P5 UNCONFIRMED
463908 DOM Load throws Security Error 1000 from an extension P5 UNCONFIRMED
466652 table with caption, cell border and collapsed rows moves upwards while editing caption in midas / designMode P5 UNCONFIRMED
468028 When Backspace/Delete/Cut Joins Blocks, Resulting Block Has Attributes from Last Selected Block P5 UNCONFIRMED
468605 Multiple windows can have the same name P5 UNCONFIRMED
469178 XBL binding no longer works if the xpcnativewrappers security mechanism is disabled for an extension P5 UNCONFIRMED
469917 "ASSERTION: nsJSURI not thread-safe" (released through nsInputStreamTransport and nsJSThunk destructors) P5 UNCONFIRMED
470372 DOMNodeInserted event doesn't fire on DIV where event listener was added to a DOM element accessible via window.content P5 UNCONFIRMED
470651 System Services (interapplication communication on Mac OS X): services to support images in Mozilla applications -- UNCONFIRMED
470968 Permission denied to get property XULElement.popupOpen on input focus P5 UNCONFIRMED
471283 Mac OS X accesskey modifier (Ctrl) robs functionality from plugins and JavaScript -- UNCONFIRMED
471436 Firefox address bar dropdown is pressed - at-spi keyboard listeners do not work -- UNCONFIRMED
471972 LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE and LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_HISTORY combination leads to ignoring both -- UNCONFIRMED
471975 Impossible to get range during an onmousedown event P5 UNCONFIRMED
472065 Firefox does a double postback -- UNCONFIRMED
473533 Non-ascii characters are not recognized by server on postback P5 UNCONFIRMED
475648 Javascript returns wrong values for screen.width and screen.height (1920x1200) P5 UNCONFIRMED
476446 Buggy behaviour with submit button and timeouts -- UNCONFIRMED
476519 After clicking an input image the form cannot be submitted via script P5 UNCONFIRMED
476633 nsIFile retrieved from drag and drop improperly urlencodes file name when it's already encoded P5 UNCONFIRMED
479664 some pages with a div set to 'display:table-row' have wrong client width for that div P5 UNCONFIRMED
480184 Editor undo for whole content replacement should restore selection range P5 UNCONFIRMED
480718 In nsIPromptService methods there are no accesskeys for some buttons. -- UNCONFIRMED
483194 Location of the parent window cannot be changed from Javascript P5 UNCONFIRMED
483386 javascript:window.close() not closing window P5 UNCONFIRMED
484510 Overriding or setting the drag image using setDragImage shouldn't be translucent for elements P5 UNCONFIRMED
484570 key wrong binded for '=' under javascript event P5 UNCONFIRMED
484969 Drag and Drop of elements with "src" or "href" attribute is broken in designmode P5 UNCONFIRMED
485456 with browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing = false, raw/direct image zoom state assumptions incorrect. P5 UNCONFIRMED
485975 contenteditable DIV within absolutely positioned DIV has table-editing handles in wrong location P5 UNCONFIRMED
485993 Drag and drop doesn't work from Netscape 7.2 P5 UNCONFIRMED
486067 setting window.opener to null does not hide MessageEvent.origin P5 UNCONFIRMED
488677 Could not cancel certain keystrokes in keydown (ctrl+f4,ctrl+tab). Keystroke handled directly by browser. -- UNCONFIRMED
489016 Ctrl+F5 does not reload child frames -- UNCONFIRMED
489104 xpathResult "looks like" as an Array P5 UNCONFIRMED
489917 The keyup event for the control key isn't always sent at the end of a run of ctrl-tab keypresses -- UNCONFIRMED
491012 When adding text fields using DHTML, everytime a new text field is added the value of the other dynamically added text fields is empty P5 UNCONFIRMED
492147 copying markup with <span style="display:block"> leads to loss of line breaks (block) when pasting as plain text -- UNCONFIRMED
492551 offsetLeft and offsetTop of a position:absolute element is off by the offsetParent's border. P5 UNCONFIRMED
493416 onclick event not triggered - text input - after onfocus value change -- UNCONFIRMED
498453 Selection of text on 3D-Cube (CSS-effects) breaks. P5 UNCONFIRMED
500087 Cannot decrease indent for a bullet point - bullet icon is lost in the process P5 UNCONFIRMED
502177 nsIDocumentEncoder : Wrong serialization with fixupNode P5 UNCONFIRMED
502930 Status bar gives forward site, after back button push. -- UNCONFIRMED
503158 Drag & Drop: Drop event P5 UNCONFIRMED
503836 Cursor shows on a wrong position after press enter key in editable region P5 UNCONFIRMED
505914 Selecting a future Day doesn't switch the info on the page and mouse over pop-ups of programs does not work P5 UNCONFIRMED
506368 document.queryCommandValue('enableObjectResizing') throws an exception P5 UNCONFIRMED
507308 Cannot exit list when <li> contains <br>. P5 UNCONFIRMED
507968 Drop event's screen coordinates are incorrect when dropped on a browser in a stack P5 UNCONFIRMED
510486 Assert on dragging empty th onto tab P5 UNCONFIRMED
511523 Pressing enter to break out of a list twice and typing in a new line causes text to appear in the previous line P5 UNCONFIRMED
511586 Cut and paste doesn't handle spaces correctly. P5 UNCONFIRMED
514831 Missing newline in text/plain and text/uri-list causes ROX-Filer to reject DnD with error dialog P5 UNCONFIRMED
515129 Absolutely positioned elements set background-color when contenteditable is true P5 UNCONFIRMED
515145 contentWindow.document not immediately available in a programmatically created iframe P5 UNCONFIRMED
516774 Invalid onclick event handler execution order when BODY is involved. P5 UNCONFIRMED
517855 execCommand(bold | italic | underline | hilitecolor | fontname) does not change the already applied formatting when styleWithCss is true and the selection contains a HTML comment P5 UNCONFIRMED
520001 range.surroundContents throws 0x805c0001 if a <span> is in the range. P5 UNCONFIRMED
520481 Cut and paste does not work SOHOLAUNCH page editor using Vista x64 P5 UNCONFIRMED
520760 Text cursor improperly shown before images in designMode P5 UNCONFIRMED
521568 JavaScript history object reloads all frames when history.go(0) is used in one of the frames -- UNCONFIRMED
521876 Deleting a range that crosses into a <blockquote> removes additional child nodes of the <blockquote> P5 UNCONFIRMED
522415 Suport for HP 3d driveguard in orientation API P5 UNCONFIRMED
524043 Onmouseover and onmouse after deletion and recreation do not work -- UNCONFIRMED
524329 docshell.allowJavascript does not disable JavaScript in inline event handlers -- UNCONFIRMED
524360 Pressing of escape key will auto - reinput the value which has been modified during onkeyup event P5 UNCONFIRMED
524386 More information about HTTP requests, allowed from JS. P5 UNCONFIRMED
527582 window.onscroll event handler does not register the correct value of a global variable if variable changed just before and after window.scrollBy is called. -- UNCONFIRMED
527618 when remote XMLHttpRequest success callback tries to update hash via location.href, current session history entry is replaced ("Back" skips the entry) -- UNCONFIRMED
528078 MIDAS Rich Text Editor, backspace before the first char removes all empty lines in text P5 UNCONFIRMED
528296 Tab-selectable elements should be limited by on-screen visibility -- UNCONFIRMED
528468 Timeouts firing in between script blocks if a large script block exists P5 UNCONFIRMED
529219 document.mouseup event is not fired when designMode is on and selected text is dropped -- UNCONFIRMED
529370 Unable to copy INS and DEL formatting tags P5 UNCONFIRMED
529395 Can't move through each row with Down arrow if table has heading P5 UNCONFIRMED
529577 Not possible to control the mouse cursor shape during a drag&drop operation P5 UNCONFIRMED
529954 Unstoppable page load responds to server after stop button pressed -- UNCONFIRMED
529955 Copy paste of table results in nested <tr> which causes table border to disappear. P5 UNCONFIRMED
530054 Iframe with fields (input type, textarea) doesn't fire onchange/onblur events and not recovery values. P5 UNCONFIRMED
530309 Keyboard and touchpad lock-up when moving bookmark -- UNCONFIRMED
531159 No documentation on _moz_resizing/_moz_abspos or how to disable it P5 UNCONFIRMED
532579 Drag and drop of content in contenteditable fails in XHTML P5 UNCONFIRMED
534049 Unable to disconnect USB storage after uploading from it -- UNCONFIRMED
536201 Midas: innerHTML of content editable is encoding special characters in anchor href P5 UNCONFIRMED
537506 Can't switch off bidi in form input P5 UNCONFIRMED
537619 consistency of onBlur and onFocus events (+multitab browsing) -- UNCONFIRMED
538565 Scripts allowed to disable highlighting P5 UNCONFIRMED
538934 Password manager should fill in password for read only username -- UNCONFIRMED
541675 scrolling with mouse wheel scrolls too many lines -- UNCONFIRMED
542049 RTL problem in tables with contenteditable/designMode P5 UNCONFIRMED
542423 Edit>Undo will not undo a form reset -- UNCONFIRMED
542430 cannot access['otherFrame'] from inside a child iframe if both iframes have the same origin P5 UNCONFIRMED
542456 curosr in contentEditable iframe will move to beginning in a special case P5 UNCONFIRMED
544879 No auto-scroll when cursor location is outside of a viewable input field P5 UNCONFIRMED
544923 window.close() should work for browser windows created from the command line P5 UNCONFIRMED
546187 Websites can hijack text copying P5 UNCONFIRMED
546276 listbox scrolling not working when slider is above another listbox -- UNCONFIRMED
546562 Cannot remove p/paragraph separation within a table cell of contentEditable P5 UNCONFIRMED
547145 <textarea> input form cursor doesnt render well -- UNCONFIRMED
547925 onchange attribute in the select element does not fire when option is selected P5 UNCONFIRMED
549917 javascript insertText to a textarea will make the textarea scroll it content to top -- UNCONFIRMED
550607 dragged images don't work if dragged from out of div P5 UNCONFIRMED
552634 an empty page is displayed, instead of the real content -- UNCONFIRMED
552695 DOM Range getClientRects returns questionable position inside wrapped text P5 UNCONFIRMED
554886 In designMode, the DEL key is not working properly at the end of paragraphs followed by an empty paragraph P5 UNCONFIRMED
554971 Creating thumbnails of local images using file API consumes enormous amounts of memory P5 UNCONFIRMED
555400 Ctrl-u in input text field triggers accesskey instead of clearing the field -- UNCONFIRMED
555865 Hidden field with a value 0 does not submit sometimes -- UNCONFIRMED
556959 The 2 settings under layout.word_select do not work together properly. P5 UNCONFIRMED
557178 modal dialogs are not modal -- UNCONFIRMED
563978 JavaScript/JSON parser can create DOM elements such as img tags resulting in extraneous GET requests P5 UNCONFIRMED
564021 Javascript preferences should have an option to disable binding to scroll events -- UNCONFIRMED
564744 XMLHttpRequest request cancelled (with status of 0 and no response text) if file downloading window pops up meanwhile -- UNCONFIRMED
565185 Caret dissapears in a contenteditable=true div with nested mathml formula in it P5 UNCONFIRMED
567343 [Drag and Drop] Dragstart does not fire in textarea / Prevent DaD is then impossible P5 UNCONFIRMED
568050 DOMContentLoaded: firing before document loaded, upon user action P5 UNCONFIRMED
568133 "Select All" then "Copy" should select and copy not just page text, but also textbox content P5 UNCONFIRMED
569190 startContainer returns parent node when double click is used to highlight a link P5 UNCONFIRMED
570139 document.execCommand insertImage adds image to page, not to editable div P5 UNCONFIRMED
575703 Focus event does not fire on the bubble phase using FF3.6+ P5 UNCONFIRMED
576431 line breaks from HTML source appear in selection (when pasted) for application/xhtml+xml P5 UNCONFIRMED
576595 Page Load event fires twice if any asp:image object does not have a specified img src P5 UNCONFIRMED
576706 If download manager pops-up while repositioning a tab, Firefox locks up P5 UNCONFIRMED
577534 Dragging two or more tools from Komodo onto a textarea freezes Firefox -- UNCONFIRMED
577578 Bad handling of domain names entered in the location box both if it is entered in /etc/hosts file or is completely unreslved -- UNCONFIRMED
579925 crash-stats pages seem to break out of their iframe when they finish processing as part of a redirect -- UNCONFIRMED
581306 ContentEditable: wrong focus when loading page with paragraphs P5 UNCONFIRMED
582118 Recent pages back arrow does not work after opening 15-20 e-mails in gmail and signing out -- UNCONFIRMED
582260 Assertion Failed - While trying to drag and drop item on the browser to the bookmark area P5 UNCONFIRMED
585251 "The connection has timed out" "Unable to connect" pages do not preserve history -- UNCONFIRMED
587536 There should allowVideos and allowAudios in the docshell to allow developers stop loading such resources P5 UNCONFIRMED
589516 Benchmark fails to work under trunk P5 UNCONFIRMED
590716 Styles trying to set text-decoration don't work on anchors inside <body contenteditable="true"> P5 UNCONFIRMED
592221 Resize event not fired when scrollbar appears -- UNCONFIRMED
592538 image maps: tabulator navigation to area links does not work for object image maps and when there is wrapper around <area> -- UNCONFIRMED
593682 Keyboard navigation does not work after hiding active iframe (display:none) -- UNCONFIRMED
595874 When dragging a element inside a contenteditable div ondrag and ondragend are not called. -- UNCONFIRMED
596143 element.dispatchEvent() doesn't synthesize navigation keys P5 UNCONFIRMED
597406 can't select text from floating div P5 UNCONFIRMED
597823 Add an option to save the input language separately for each tab -- UNCONFIRMED
598566 no Browser status bar progress shown when using XMLHttpRequest to upload/download files P5 UNCONFIRMED
599317 ContentEditable: partially selected paragraphs are removed on DEL or CTRL-X P5 UNCONFIRMED
599642 enable DOMActivate for all focusable elements P5 UNCONFIRMED
601240 Content-Type invalid for file input (multipart/form-data). It is quoted. -- UNCONFIRMED
603200 make accesskey works on all activable elements and keyboard click simulation with enter button -- UNCONFIRMED
603881 deleting the entire content of contenteditable div containing an empty div as child is deleting even the empty div. -- UNCONFIRMED
606795 SaveAs-Dialog hasn't focus after opening in FF -- UNCONFIRMED
609224 Improper keyboard handling of html <select> element. -- UNCONFIRMED
616346 document selection range is destroyed when an iframe is hidden and shown again (designMode on) P5 UNCONFIRMED
616674 Slow localStorage access (read/write) P5 UNCONFIRMED
616805 non-modal slow script handling feature ("don't ask me again") for unresponsive script P5 UNCONFIRMED
618264 In a content editable page right clicking within a div highlights all content within the div P5 UNCONFIRMED
618815 XMLHttpRequest renders ajax response in page, and the request GET in the address bar P5 UNCONFIRMED
620625 mousemove events are not fired while dragging resizer P5 UNCONFIRMED
620650 If there is big HTML with nested tables and many rows writing in contenteditable freezes browser. P5 UNCONFIRMED
621836 has no effect--file is never transferred and readyStatus=1 P5 UNCONFIRMED
626613 'onload' event for images is fired when loading begins, and not when it's finished P5 UNCONFIRMED
628013 enhancement request for ticks or scale with line number in tab for long window displays -- UNCONFIRMED
628481 onBlur event is not fired when the DOM of the input text is moved on mousedown event. (only 3.6.x - 4.0b9) -- UNCONFIRMED
630524 Firefox throws Exception for the insertorderedlist command if <div contenteditable="true"> is within a table! P5 UNCONFIRMED
630806 e.dataTransfer.files is corrupted on simultaneous drops -- UNCONFIRMED
632898 Can't access the first navigator window from AddonManager getAddonByID callback right after browser upgrade/downgrade P5 UNCONFIRMED
634566 Incorrectly follows last meta refresh directive P5 UNCONFIRMED
634816 Images in Table - Handle Issue P5 UNCONFIRMED
635616 provide an event to detect caret position / selection changes P5 UNCONFIRMED
635832 Reduce string copying from nsHTMLSharedElement::GetHref P5 UNCONFIRMED
636923 Page loses focus after closing info bar -- UNCONFIRMED
637319 Fire load event for inline scripts P5 UNCONFIRMED
639579 Selecting text by double-clicking includes leading whitespace characters if there's more than 2 whitespaces separated by tags -- UNCONFIRMED
641287 FileReader onloadend is not displaying read status for a huge file. P5 UNCONFIRMED
642402 Characters not being typed if synchronous XHR on onkeyup -- UNCONFIRMED
644934 NULL in POST values -- UNCONFIRMED
645097 KeyboardEvent.constants.DOM_VK_ENTER is 14, not 13 P5 UNCONFIRMED
645575 Make HTML pages accessible by line number so e.g. autorefresh won't lose my place -- UNCONFIRMED
646109 'Select All' broken in XHTML if html is not the root element P5 UNCONFIRMED
647093 A sequence of window.status messages in user javascript only displays last message. -- UNCONFIRMED
647237 Iframe source leaks to other iframes -- UNCONFIRMED
650740 Firefox does not show full view of an element P5 UNCONFIRMED
654740 Benchmark - Failure to give focus to anchors, not triggering event listeners P5 UNCONFIRMED
655518 Dragging fails permanently after dragging a folder from the Bookmarks Toolbar Items widget P5 UNCONFIRMED
657265 Input goes to wrong element if focus changes during keypress P5 UNCONFIRMED
658199 Window resizer does not fire any mouseup/command events -- UNCONFIRMED
658343 link destination modifier keys not applied on mouse-up -- UNCONFIRMED
658497 XMLHttpRequest throws 'syntax error' when loading entity-files P5 UNCONFIRMED
659009 Stored Reference to sessionStorage not equal to window.sessionStorage, throws Security errors NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR P5 UNCONFIRMED
659333 Crash in tree builder nsHtml5TreeBuilder::accumulateCharacters with large `innerHTML` assignments -- UNCONFIRMED
662169 Should set Accept header to object/@type when fetching remote object P5 UNCONFIRMED
663027 Suggestions for mistyped TLDs -- UNCONFIRMED
663753 The "onunload" javascript event fires during the initial loading of the page, when a charset is specified with the Content-Type meta tag P5 UNCONFIRMED
669071 createElement freezes browser, utilizes 100% CPU and sucks up memory fast P5 UNCONFIRMED
670322 event.PageX gives wrong results when page is zoomed in/out P5 UNCONFIRMED
670824 [GTK][Zawgyi2009 Burmese keyboard] Burmese characters are not composed correctly P3 UNCONFIRMED
671561 Elements "input", "textarea": control-dragging a text to copy it can't copy it just before itself nor just after itself. P3 UNCONFIRMED
672019 JavaScript alert dialog hides frames P5 UNCONFIRMED
673379 event.keyCode returns wrong code on United Kingdom keyboard P3 UNCONFIRMED
674292 Drop support for UIEvent.layerX and UIEvent.layerY P5 UNCONFIRMED
674625 Rich Text Editor Modifies Hyperlink To Be Relative With Wrong Number Of ../ P5 UNCONFIRMED
675491 When an input value is remembered, its direction should be remembered too P5 UNCONFIRMED
676478 unable to match requested format -- UNCONFIRMED
679625 Infinite wait cursor when activating a window -- UNCONFIRMED
681586 Greek accented capital vowels show up as non-accented in editor -- UNCONFIRMED
681618 Consistent font size control over all message text P5 UNCONFIRMED
684478 Expose current (OS level) input language through DOM P5 UNCONFIRMED
686226 ampersand in subject results in truncated .eml file P5 UNCONFIRMED
686264 incorrect href value in html within content-editable with source having absolute uri pointing to host and page having base attribute set P5 UNCONFIRMED
687327 declaring cache.manifest dynamically MUST raise INVALID_STATE_ERR P5 UNCONFIRMED
687406 File Browser Dialog Mis-labeled -- UNCONFIRMED
688133 erroneous calls to onStateChange ProgressListener -- UNCONFIRMED
689991 Data flavors from drags of text from the address bar are all text flavors, whereas previous versions included link flavors. -- UNCONFIRMED
691276 When dropping a file onto the first of a group of file upload form-elements (input type="file"), the file shows in the element it was dropped on (correct) AND in the next one! -- UNCONFIRMED
692754 Combination of script with async flag and alert function stops the rendering of the page P5 UNCONFIRMED
694839 IMG.complete must return false (not HTML5 compliant) P5 UNCONFIRMED
694940 script.async=false does not mantain order execution P5 UNCONFIRMED
696571 Less than half selection extends left-range outside of selection across nodes P5 UNCONFIRMED
696589 Text area : triple click on a line : select the whole line, including the return -- UNCONFIRMED
696885 DOMContentLoaded attached on appcontent, fires for an orphaned doc, already replaced in the dom tree P5 UNCONFIRMED
697114 BR tags appended P5 UNCONFIRMED
701648 Onresize event should fire on CSS-enabled resize P5 UNCONFIRMED
702380 Provide interface to allow control of do-not-track signal on a per-site basis P5 UNCONFIRMED
703212 If FF is configured to Open New Window in a Tab, window.status of new Window opened in Tab overrides window.status of original Tab -- UNCONFIRMED
705076 mouse drag event lost when changing focus between 2 Firefox windows only -- UNCONFIRMED
706770 let setAttributeNS() only set the attribute value (not its prefix) P5 UNCONFIRMED
707885 Hidden form elements shouldn't validate -- UNCONFIRMED
711712 Animated Image API P5 UNCONFIRMED
711821 Range.createContextualFragment sets wrong namespace when context is an SVG node P5 UNCONFIRMED
718911 window.find() doesn't respect white-spaces when searching inside pre elements P5 UNCONFIRMED
721038 Conteneditable: double clicking, then pressing an arrow makes caret go wild P5 UNCONFIRMED
721335 dataTransfer.dropEffect is always indicates "none" on dragend after dropped into a CustomTreeView P5 UNCONFIRMED
721521 drag and drop doesn't work for a link without an href P5 UNCONFIRMED
723463 execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, null) is not equivalent to execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false) P5 UNCONFIRMED
725149 Setting position:relative on td can cause out-of-sequence dragenter events -- UNCONFIRMED
725623 can't receive messages sent by postMessage() from bootstrap extension P5 UNCONFIRMED
726330 perpetual loading state accompanied by tabbrowser.xml errors -- UNCONFIRMED
727382 Sometimes when I press certain punctuation keys the wrong character is displayed (keyboard layout mode switched) -- UNCONFIRMED
727397 Can execute JavaScript (via JS from the opener) in a tab that is displaying a modal prompt P5 UNCONFIRMED
728151 Dynamically created iframe contents don't stay if script that creates iframe is dynamically created without src P5 UNCONFIRMED
729023 Triggering contextual error message for inputs P5 UNCONFIRMED
730259 javascript focus event, when listener is attached to a link (html:a), fires twice when user clicks on that link -- UNCONFIRMED
731941 alt+e on keydown only fires the alt keydown P5 UNCONFIRMED
731982 Clicking button before alert from onchange appears does not show alert from the button's onclick -- UNCONFIRMED
732358 Selection range.startOffset value too large; out of possible "range" P5 UNCONFIRMED
732694 KeyEvent for tab key not work P5 UNCONFIRMED
733835 When typing into a contentEditable span when selection is after &nbsp; &nbsp; is deleted if a space precedes span. P5 UNCONFIRMED
734353 lack option to disable taskbar blink P5 UNCONFIRMED
735323 POST request replaced by GET -- UNCONFIRMED
738105 DOM 3 Event, mousedown and mouseup default actions P5 UNCONFIRMED
740012 dispatched keyboard events are not working P5 UNCONFIRMED
742264 Submitting form with a target name that exist in other windows cause problem -- UNCONFIRMED
742654 Registering a Protocol and Content handler is not implementing the schemes(http/https) as different origins P5 UNCONFIRMED
743874 mousemove not fired when dragging image in SVG P5 UNCONFIRMED
746997 The option "Warn me when web sites try to redirect or reload the page" causes a blank page in some website -- UNCONFIRMED
751491 Selecting math symbols in a textarea obscures lines above and below P5 UNCONFIRMED
753536 Focusing page after focusing the Location Bar doesn't refocus any frames you previously had focused P5 UNCONFIRMED
754607 Problem with onmouseup event P5 UNCONFIRMED
754651 magnification is activated randomly with most CTRL+<key> -- UNCONFIRMED
757478 HTML content copying twice. P5 UNCONFIRMED
757913 worker with timeout modal box P5 UNCONFIRMED
758004 WebSocket callbacks can trigger while alert() is displayed, breaking execution order of my code and causing corruption. P5 UNCONFIRMED
760006 Drag-and-drop may be used to inject content across domains P5 UNCONFIRMED
760249 [KDE] The file picker dialog is displayed underneath the browser window when attempting to add an attachment to yahoo mail -- UNCONFIRMED
763383 execCommand("delete") doesn´t remove empty span-elements P5 UNCONFIRMED
765660 The 'selected items/text' color is changed if the contrast is arbitrarily deemed to be insufficient. P5 UNCONFIRMED
771241 The :active pseudo class is turned off by event.preventDefault() for the mouseover event (for an absolutely positioned element nested within another absolutely positioned element) P5 UNCONFIRMED
771411 Chrome-initiated keyup events propagated to content -- UNCONFIRMED
771926 DOMUserData not copied during clone operation for element attributes P5 UNCONFIRMED
772852 Firefox 13.0.1 on Windows 7 ignores the NumLock setting on the numeric keypad -- UNCONFIRMED
773212 Middle button past url don't work unless you have http/https in the url -- UNCONFIRMED
773575 Left and right mouse buttons single click only -- UNCONFIRMED
773681 Right-click occasionally generates left-click event.button -- UNCONFIRMED
774600 xmlhttprequest gets completed handler when navigating away from page P5 UNCONFIRMED
776631 Document in design mode loses focus when arrow keys, home, page down, page up and tab are pressed P5 UNCONFIRMED
778505 can't use blob because of An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable P5 UNCONFIRMED
778548 CORS preflight fails with Basic Authentication P5 UNCONFIRMED
780103 copy to excel table with td.div P5 UNCONFIRMED
780526 Event listener isn't called on drag an element P5 UNCONFIRMED
782095 Can not copy text from the middle of the reference -- UNCONFIRMED
783783 triple click selects to end of document if 'paragraph' wraps at column break P5 UNCONFIRMED
783942 [Great Idea] Using ImageData as image or URL.createObjectURL(ctx.createImageData(width,height)) P5 UNCONFIRMED
785179 localStorage from previous day cannot be updated P5 UNCONFIRMED
785243 script execution order is incorrect if a script contains a sync xhr call P5 UNCONFIRMED
785773 Element overlapping another prevents text selection despite having display:none set onmousedown P5 UNCONFIRMED
786657 CSV mime type change -- UNCONFIRMED
786942 Getting a DOM Window from nsIRequest using nsILoadContext.associatedWindow no longer works after updating from FF12.0 to FF14.0 P5 UNCONFIRMED
787305 nslSelection.collapse causes error when contenteditable container not active P5 UNCONFIRMED
787771 select elements do not work in contenteditable regions -- UNCONFIRMED
787843 applicationCache.update() throws SecurityError instead of InvalidStateError when cache is not primed P5 UNCONFIRMED
788184 Opening multiple modal dialogs blocks and causes console errors P5 UNCONFIRMED
789426 Firefox 15.0.x: input aof German special signs (äöü) fires ajax request -- UNCONFIRMED
789779 window.onerror only catches some JavaScript 'too much recursion' exceptions P5 UNCONFIRMED
790068 back button history does not always update when using window.history.go -- UNCONFIRMED
791080 Reload after Undo Close for POST'd content results in GET P5 UNCONFIRMED
792523 Hung browser: Firefox not setting SELECT option elements text with leading spaces P5 UNCONFIRMED
793431 Ajax XMLHttpRequest can only send/receive a max of 4096 size P5 UNCONFIRMED
793495 dragleave event fired after dragend and without a previous dragenter P5 UNCONFIRMED
794416 OOM Crash because user not given chance to stop runaway script. P5 UNCONFIRMED
795469 line edit and text edit widgets behave inconsistently with those of usual GUI applications and even the rest of Firefox P5 UNCONFIRMED
798766 Javascript mousemove event only fires sporadically on ubuntu 12.04. P5 UNCONFIRMED
798833 editor widget partly editable even when set to readonly (eEditorDisabledMask) P5 UNCONFIRMED
800033 Compile failures in object has no attribute 'isEnum' P5 UNCONFIRMED
802993 'readystate' doen not work correctly P5 UNCONFIRMED
803590 Rename onRefreshAttempted() to onRedirectAttempted() and make it handle all the redirection -- UNCONFIRMED
803950 matchMedia addListener event can not be triggered every time by width be change over the condition . -- UNCONFIRMED
804889 Any html elements having `src` attribute should support `defer`(async load), NOT only the <script> P5 UNCONFIRMED
805563 Firefox will continuely sending key press event when doing some key press operation inside drop down list when using XIM P5 UNCONFIRMED
807298 element.dispatchEvent returns false instead of true P5 UNCONFIRMED
812677 Include changes to text direction in undo history of text area P5 UNCONFIRMED
813040 getSelection().addRange() moves current caret to next line at the end of a line P5 UNCONFIRMED
813846 hiliteColor doesnt hilite all ranges just the first one -- UNCONFIRMED
816437 spacebar triggers click event on wrong element P5 UNCONFIRMED
818185 Onkeydown/up fire wrong values for some keys under Windows P5 UNCONFIRMED
818515 document.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).cloneContents() differs when .contentEditable = true/false P5 UNCONFIRMED
821800 Two Alt+Left Arrow clicks required to Go Back One Page (something a page does adds to history subtly) -- UNCONFIRMED
821975 CSS :hover is inconsistent while Javascript constantly changes a .style value -- UNCONFIRMED
825444 Copying-pasting selection of RSS feed entries to clipboard loses formatting info when pasted into a text processor (Microsoft Word 2003 or LibreOffice Writer) [XML] P5 UNCONFIRMED
827709 Text selection prevents the CSS 'pointer-events' rule being applied. P5 UNCONFIRMED
832729 tabbrowser progress listener no longer fires STATE_STOP on async requests -- UNCONFIRMED
836879 Get message (email) URL from JavaScript drop event P5 UNCONFIRMED
837080 System hang for ≈1 min when drag n drop on Firefox with Ubuntu 12.x P5 UNCONFIRMED
837482 zoom hotkeys not working correctly -- UNCONFIRMED
839816 Make next-tick mechanisms like postMessage faster P5 UNCONFIRMED
840333 Mouse scrolling "by page" doesn't work in dialogs, for example the cookie list (big delta is limited to page on webpages, not elsewhere) -- UNCONFIRMED
841694 In contenteditable :focus is not behaving properly P5 UNCONFIRMED
841749 Can't escape BLOCKQUOTE element in contenteditable P5 UNCONFIRMED
843554 Firefox checkbox change\click event order is non-standard P5 UNCONFIRMED
844368 Focus outline not triggered after find is closed -- UNCONFIRMED
846431 Cursor selecting object higher or lower than where cursor is placed in Gmail -- UNCONFIRMED
848410 Firefox ESR 17.0.3 is not properly encoding selectlist option values. P5 UNCONFIRMED
850178 Mouse scroll break sync ajax request P5 UNCONFIRMED
851786 http://example/index.html is treated differently, depending on left click or middle click. -- UNCONFIRMED
852845 FF 19 Javascript Engine stalls when the mouse is moved over Mac OSX Dock P5 UNCONFIRMED
854100 Firefox is laggy when wiping the background on P5 UNCONFIRMED
854260 Right clicking sometimes immediately "clicks" context menu item -- UNCONFIRMED
855397 Create anchored text of pasted url when using rich editor like IE. P5 UNCONFIRMED
855542 Error: NS_NOINTERFACE: Component returned failure code: 0x80004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE) [nsIWebProgress.DOMWindow] P5 UNCONFIRMED
855737 Button disabled still disabled after reload page P5 UNCONFIRMED
858344 NamedNodeMap constructor no longer exposed to web content P5 UNCONFIRMED
859832 localstorage doesn't work in jar:file:/// documents P5 UNCONFIRMED
860298 Image followed by a comment tag in contenteditable div causes IP naviagation to get stuck on right cursor moves past an image. P5 UNCONFIRMED
862891 Text selection becomes invisible (as if canceled) after changing background/highlight color P5 UNCONFIRMED
863840 Clear recent history in a normal window deletes DOM storage in a private window P5 UNCONFIRMED
868425 Fix timer handling so that midi.js operates smoothly P5 UNCONFIRMED
868846 can't just copy text wanted without getting more -- UNCONFIRMED
873752 On google maps cusor and text selection is invisible P5 UNCONFIRMED
873874 Modified mousedown events blocked, polluted, or misreported P5 UNCONFIRMED
874022 dragleave not fired for removed elements P5 UNCONFIRMED
874766 does not page down when space bar key is pressed -- UNCONFIRMED
877080 using accesskey generates content in <input> or <textarea> fields -- UNCONFIRMED
877185 onclick _trackEvent not working -- UNCONFIRMED
877935 Wrong ctrl+backspace and ctrl+delete behaviour P5 UNCONFIRMED
878024 Pageup/down scroll not compatible with standard win key remapping -- UNCONFIRMED
880971 Keys with modifiers works only on simplest Windows’ keyboard layouts -- UNCONFIRMED
881032 Add payment in is nt working P5 UNCONFIRMED
882609 drag and drop of a link to the content editable div is not pasting the content set through datatransfer.setData() P5 UNCONFIRMED
884106 List elements duplicated on a paste from MS Word into a contenteditable element P5 UNCONFIRMED
884790 Blur event not fired on a previously active element when a different element is clicked after location bar is clicked P5 UNCONFIRMED
884883 preventDefault() on swipe event should prevent scrolling but doesn't P5 UNCONFIRMED
886268 Focus is pushed to link on click P5 UNCONFIRMED
887660 x in img.onclick refers to img.x rather than window.x P5 UNCONFIRMED
889075 getComputedStyle does not give correct styles that needs to be applied with removal of :hover pseudo-class on mouseout event in mouseout event -- UNCONFIRMED
890094 mouseout not emitted when element moved in dom P5 UNCONFIRMED
890461 midasdemo: deleting a table row with colspan not working P5 UNCONFIRMED
890505 The capability of listing event listeners on an element in order to be able to unbind them P5 UNCONFIRMED
895510 execCommand("createLink") with no selection does not insert a text -- UNCONFIRMED
895678 Calling alert() inside a document's focus event leads to a confirmation dialog being shown P5 UNCONFIRMED
897860 calling removeEventListener during listener execution shall not remove it from the list P5 UNCONFIRMED
897938 Contenteditable Span lost style if last character is a whitespace P5 UNCONFIRMED
898736 Extension written in XUL can't move window (window.moveTo) to other screen on Linux P5 UNCONFIRMED
898850 Drag and drop between tabs is only possible if the data format set via DataTransfer.setData() is "text", "url", or "text/x-moz-url" P5 UNCONFIRMED
898856 FileHandle API: getFile() returns invalid files P5 UNCONFIRMED
899626 accesskey shortcut clashes with change keyboard language shortcut -- UNCONFIRMED
900644 `Document.execCommand` does not work with clicking button without managing `Selection` because clicking button moves `Selection` outside the editing host P5 UNCONFIRMED
900787 When scanning for after-a-deadkey expansions, Windows' kbd driver is left in unknown state -- UNCONFIRMED
901342 XMLHttpRequest fails to send files when authentication is required P5 UNCONFIRMED
902147 XUL alert causes drag-n-drop of message to fail -- UNCONFIRMED
905056 dropEffect is always NONE for cross-app drag -- UNCONFIRMED
906393 getData() in drag-and-drop event handler does not return empty string when drag data store is in protected mode. P5 UNCONFIRMED
906411 user event.dataTransfer.clearData in ondragend doesn't allow modifications -- UNCONFIRMED
906415 Drag data store mode is wrong in dragover and dragend event P5 UNCONFIRMED
906417 Firefox does not check illegal URIs in drag-and-drop getData(). P5 UNCONFIRMED
906419 drag div P5 UNCONFIRMED
906562 Dragging Shortcut into Network Location crashes Explorer P5 UNCONFIRMED
908233 document.elementFromPoint does not behave as expected P5 UNCONFIRMED
909679 Spaces in URIs get converted to %2520 -- UNCONFIRMED
911205 Content of nested contenteditable element is destroyed when deleting in outer contenteditable P5 UNCONFIRMED
913596 CSP violation reports do not authenticate with NTLM P4 UNCONFIRMED
915603 Firefox ignores click on Continue button with Mixed Active Content block on GET form submit -- UNCONFIRMED
919631 drageenter and dragleave are not fired in balanced pairs. P5 UNCONFIRMED
923774 "beforeunload" triggered on documents before "close" on browser window P5 UNCONFIRMED
923829 Page loaded but never appears in address completion neither in History -- UNCONFIRMED
924197 Scrolling within pop-out list box moves both page and list inside box. -- UNCONFIRMED
925875 Copy and Pasting text from Word in to a Gmail email -- UNCONFIRMED
925906 MozSwipeGesture event no longer fires when no browser back history P5 UNCONFIRMED
925936 execCommand with ("formatBlock", "<BLOCKQUOTE>") compounds rather than toggles. P5 UNCONFIRMED
926164 Editor deletes blank before inserted block element when converting to text P5 UNCONFIRMED
926230 Editor does not style blanks at end of line P5 UNCONFIRMED
926762 Firefox permits arbitrarily large numbers of javascript redirects. -- UNCONFIRMED
929707 Copy table datas - sometimes added a space to end of each cell (Chrome and IE do not do that) P5 UNCONFIRMED
929890 HTMLMediaElement.preload returns the empty string instead of e.g. "preload" P5 UNCONFIRMED
929899 iframe onload does not fire when the tcp connection reset by server -- UNCONFIRMED
929902 HTML 5 notifications getting truncated in firefox P5 UNCONFIRMED
931400 Selection Color overriding text of parent line P5 UNCONFIRMED
932897 Focus method should dispatch associated focus event synchronously P5 UNCONFIRMED
933174 firefox image zoom not working (image displayed in a tab zooms out instead of in on clicking) -- UNCONFIRMED
934285 mousewheel scroll_amount is not consistent across sites -- UNCONFIRMED
936776 chrome-document-global-created not fired when calling loadURI() after swapDocShell() with uninitialized browser P5 UNCONFIRMED
936903 Proposal of path-based blob-url and API: bindObject and onrequest -- UNCONFIRMED
939517 <script> highlighted but not copied P5 UNCONFIRMED
940282 View Source doesn't flag invalid character as error P5 UNCONFIRMED
941414 onLocationChange handler not firing -- UNCONFIRMED
942138 xhr2 responseType='document' fails on local pages P5 UNCONFIRMED
944414 xul <browser> element should not care for x-frame-options -- UNCONFIRMED
947614 Do the way back when drag-and-drop operation is aborted -- UNCONFIRMED
950005 Drag-selecting list items in <select multiple> also selects hidden options P5 UNCONFIRMED
950484 Hit testing issue on -- UNCONFIRMED
951805 Alert does not block UI thread execution P5 UNCONFIRMED
952749 shift-numpad-ins stopped working in 2.23 -- UNCONFIRMED
952986 Animation events not fired on disabled form element -- UNCONFIRMED
953066 iframes may trigger mousemove event just *after* becoming invisible P5 UNCONFIRMED
957046 Pasting long words of code into a textarea fields line breaks are inserted within a 'word'. P5 UNCONFIRMED
957724 getSelection().toString() is inconsistent with its ranges -- UNCONFIRMED
959044 Rich-text editing: before inserting a list, Enter key inserts <br>. After a list, Enter inserts <p>. P5 UNCONFIRMED
960875 Optionally limit possible browser size to increments of some number P5 UNCONFIRMED
961708 Transiction to select from options list fire an event but not a event.FromElement P5 UNCONFIRMED
961985 contenteditable, then selected the whole paragraph and part of the next paragraph pressing backspace misbehave -- UNCONFIRMED
962990 input onblur weird problem P5 UNCONFIRMED
964381 div with overflow hidden emits onclick event when it is no needed. -- UNCONFIRMED
964619 forelast search string restored in google search -- UNCONFIRMED
967221 Firefox onDrag Event is missing correct position values P3 UNCONFIRMED
968142 Unconventional normalization form for uploaded filename on OSX -- UNCONFIRMED
968518 Caret randomly jumps to beginning of line while typing in contenteditable element -- UNCONFIRMED
968700 High memory usage due to FCKEditor P5 UNCONFIRMED
970902 Anchor element shown when parent has focus does not work -- UNCONFIRMED
972883 Navigation Timing values sometimes out of order on -- UNCONFIRMED
973168 if keydown and keyup listener, if type two keys real fast togather, keydown doent fire P5 UNCONFIRMED
973813 [Sora][Broswer] progress element do not work P5 UNCONFIRMED
974974 New Firefox menu buttons do not trigger command events P5 UNCONFIRMED
976428 cannot do pointer-events none on panel -- UNCONFIRMED
977691 Cursor becomes (almost) irreversibly disabled when a JS popup box pops while dragging -- UNCONFIRMED
978431 Implement "Using CSS Selectors as Fragment Identifiers" -- UNCONFIRMED
980863 Hidden input value gets saved/restore on refresh P5 UNCONFIRMED
982092 Drag and Drop no longer functions properly P5 UNCONFIRMED
982184 HTTP request for Webworker script omits referer header P5 UNCONFIRMED
983041 contenteditable html paste breaks content P5 UNCONFIRMED
983792 Tab and arrow keys are not working -- UNCONFIRMED
986083 'Close Window' keyboard shortcut broken after 'Bookmark All Tabs...' on Mac OS X -- UNCONFIRMED
989764 Possibility to freeze drag-and-drop function on Firefox and an external program P5 UNCONFIRMED
992676 onerror handler doesn't give access to event object P5 UNCONFIRMED
992703 User Interface Event Types and their inheritance P5 UNCONFIRMED
992748 copy and paste leads to crash: Assertion failure: selection->GetAnchorFocusRange() && selection->GetAnchorFocusRange()->Collapsed() (Selection not collapsed after delete), at ../../../../editor/libeditor/base/nsEditor.cpp -- UNCONFIRMED
993155 canvas does not respond to disabling or styling selections P5 UNCONFIRMED
994693 Selected range and clipboard content do not match P5 UNCONFIRMED
996612 Problems enumerating properties of window.location P5 UNCONFIRMED
997749 Typing fails in an contentEditable div with a :before style applied P5 UNCONFIRMED
999481 Navigating back/fwd using the keyboard (Alt+Numpad Arrows) inserts a diamond/spade character into focused inputs (including the address bar) -- UNCONFIRMED
999619 Disabling contenteditable while focussed breaks badly -- UNCONFIRMED
999886 Unable to get the HTTP status code for the page itself from JavaScript P5 UNCONFIRMED
1001085 Selecting text in an overflowing "input text"-field does not work in every case P5 UNCONFIRMED
1001610 getSelection should be null after tabbing out of a selection P5 UNCONFIRMED
1004186 Selecting inline code-lines on GitHub not working in every case P5 UNCONFIRMED
1004895 mouseup does not trigger a click event on the current item P5 UNCONFIRMED
1005680 Login Form on my UH project -- UNCONFIRMED
1005947 onresize event is fired twice P5 UNCONFIRMED
1006163 Number spinners not affecting scrollWidth properties for input[type="number"] P5 UNCONFIRMED
1006325 Modify input placeholder by javascript will fire mouseover event P5 UNCONFIRMED
1009629 Call location.reload in onreadystatechange cancels user navigation -- UNCONFIRMED
1010988 Pressing CTRL and clicking on a Element with CSS "display: table" selects all P5 UNCONFIRMED
1011860 select: cancelling onkeydown doesn't cancel arrow button clicks P5 UNCONFIRMED
1012818 Consider moving focus to <input type=number> when a user clicks on one of its spin buttons P3 UNCONFIRMED
1013302 400 Errors should not be stored in session history -- UNCONFIRMED
1013528 Pressing The Escape Key in the system file browser also fires the main window's keyup event P5 UNCONFIRMED
1014004 is text node in click event after hiding parent in mouseup event P5 UNCONFIRMED
1019079 302'd Images in conjuction with load events and CSS transitions do not act properly P5 UNCONFIRMED
1019630 preventDefault not working with select/option tags for mouse/keyboard events -- UNCONFIRMED
1020990 FileReader does not fire progress event at 100% P5 UNCONFIRMED
1022351 url bar don't switch to search when i am using VPN -- UNCONFIRMED
1025582 CORS request intermittently fails after refreshing page rapidly -- UNCONFIRMED
1027219 Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2's facebutton mappings are off as are the axes, the d-pad is unmapped. P5 UNCONFIRMED
1028117 Selection changes when highlighted text is updated P5 UNCONFIRMED
1030720 Input loses focus after changing type attribute -- UNCONFIRMED
1030784 Button elements unclickable with `visibility:hidden`, even when children are `visibility:visible` -- UNCONFIRMED
1035579 sendAsyncMessage callback -- UNCONFIRMED
1037055 contenteditable fails in HTML documents auto-generated for images and PDFs P5 UNCONFIRMED
1037134 clicking on a contenteditable image changes its zindex P5 UNCONFIRMED
1037941 Selection of text in <label> interferes with focusing the labeled control P5 UNCONFIRMED
1039194 CIG_Agent_Submission: System is displaying "Save Location" instead of "Create Location" P5 UNCONFIRMED
1043046 Image load in unload handler delays subsequent window.load event -- UNCONFIRMED
1045253 Cannot focus ContentEditable in different domain during Click event if MouseDown was canceled -- UNCONFIRMED
1045635 `blur` that happens because of a mouse click is sent to the element that is inserted and focused during `mousedown` that is fired for the same click P5 UNCONFIRMED
1047846 Delayed iFrame Request Fails P5 UNCONFIRMED
1048930 Anchor, Area & Link elements should be selected by :enabled CSS Selector when 'href' attribute is set P5 UNCONFIRMED
1049785 Paste in contentEditable div from xclip removes newlines P5 UNCONFIRMED
1052783 no hashchange event when going back to first history entry of a page created by document.write -- UNCONFIRMED
1061866 [contenteditable] data tags are stripped when pasting into a contenteditable element P5 UNCONFIRMED
1062403 [HTML5] Color input doesn't fire change event when needed P5 UNCONFIRMED
1064119 window.alert() incorrectly transfers focus onto the alert dialogue -- UNCONFIRMED
1068430 window.scroll to a number outside the signed 32-bit integer range has odd behavior P5 UNCONFIRMED
1068578 mozAlarm.add fails if third optional argument is omitted P5 UNCONFIRMED
1071554 Accesskey should be ignored for elements with "pointer-events: none" -- UNCONFIRMED
1073858 button hover status is not correct when ALT+TAB swith the page back -- UNCONFIRMED
1074737 Cannot select the table content in a contentEditable container P5 UNCONFIRMED
1075901 Firefox gets confused about cursoring in a contenteditable element after the selection is changed programatically P5 UNCONFIRMED
1076956 generated content on <button> does not pass through mouse events -- UNCONFIRMED
1077089 EventSource in JS can be flooded and Firefox totally freezes P5 UNCONFIRMED
1077411 Combining Accents do not work with KeyboardEvent on Linux P5 UNCONFIRMED
1079547 HTML foster-parenting algorithm no longer requires foster parents to be elements P5 UNCONFIRMED
1080548 Cursor incorrectly steps in the fieldset (WYSIWYG mode) P5 UNCONFIRMED
1081487 textarea: selected text truncated if it does not end with a newline P5 UNCONFIRMED
1084610 Gamepad API gamepadconnected event always shows buttons as not pressed, even when they are pressed down when the controller is connected P5 UNCONFIRMED
1085020 setDragImage with data: url image doesn't work immediately / first time P5 UNCONFIRMED
1086940 Firefox history state defect when a double click ad loads around the same time as a pushState is called (Mac only) -- UNCONFIRMED
1088194 contenteditable div - input box formatting problems P5 UNCONFIRMED
1089683 input type="email" allows cyrillic in username part of username@email.tld P5 UNCONFIRMED
1090912 middle click on svg is not fired -- UNCONFIRMED
1097732 Drag-and-Drop event handler not called for object-tags P5 UNCONFIRMED
1098223 Notification API close to fire too early P5 UNCONFIRMED
1098981 [GTK] Firefox is missing characters in fast-typing applications P3 UNCONFIRMED
1100281 Dominos pizza tracker does not work correctly. -- UNCONFIRMED
1101296 onbeforeunload and Back button P5 UNCONFIRMED
1101456 Implement similar feature like "Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors" in Chrome -- UNCONFIRMED
1103323 Websites using sync XHR onbeforeunload hang the browser when closing the tab -- UNCONFIRMED
1103707 How do we get the device native pixel density? P5 UNCONFIRMED
1105260 Double-clicking on text after an empty element selects combining characters and low surrogates before the element P5 UNCONFIRMED
1105277 layout.word_select.ignore_at P5 UNCONFIRMED
1105692 Drag and Drop image into uploading box does not release image handle after the upload is completed P5 UNCONFIRMED
1106253 "Unresponsive Script" dialog should bring owning window to the front over fullscreen video / other windows to allow interaction -- UNCONFIRMED
1107985 WheelEvent constructor doesn't set mozMovementX/Y, layerX/Y and mozInputSource P5 UNCONFIRMED
1108543 Broken references via window.frames P5 UNCONFIRMED
1111510 Resize event not fired if switching to another tab after resizing browser window P5 UNCONFIRMED
1120107 Creating large blobs crashes the browser -- UNCONFIRMED
1120199 Save page does not work correctly if there is a broken <script src> or <link href> P5 UNCONFIRMED
1120892 Consider removing or standardizing navigator.oscpu P5 UNCONFIRMED
1124322 Abusive javascript promise not stopped on close -- UNCONFIRMED
1124775 Drag and Drop dataTransfer.types contains Files when there are none P5 UNCONFIRMED
1125726 Drop event not always triggered in OSX P5 UNCONFIRMED
1126220 DOMSubtreeModified event handler 100% CPU usage P5 UNCONFIRMED
1129730 Ui.key.chromeAccess=0 is not respected -- UNCONFIRMED
1131785 Event.timeStamp measures microseconds, should be milliseconds P5 UNCONFIRMED
1131848 parseFragment local links from local pages P5 UNCONFIRMED
1133388 Firefox locks up when parsing invalid HTML containing <button><i class="fa fa-reply" /></button> P5 UNCONFIRMED
1133522 Promise.resolve and Promise.reject should throw if Type(this) is not Object P5 UNCONFIRMED
1134444 Underline color doesn't change when color CSS attribute is set in ::-moz-selection P5 UNCONFIRMED
1138028 click on absolute element inside focusable element does not focus focusable element unless it has a CSS position -- UNCONFIRMED
1140079 double click selection on word containing apostrophe, only selects part of the word. -- UNCONFIRMED
1140689 execCommand: The backColor property is not working. P5 UNCONFIRMED
1140795 Up and down keys broken in contenteditable with -moz-column P5 UNCONFIRMED
1142151 Allow drag and drop <video> to save the file -- UNCONFIRMED
1144121 Emit event after enabling input P5 UNCONFIRMED
1145709 Blur and focus events caused by global hotkeys in X11 -- UNCONFIRMED
1147485 document.execCommand('insertOrderedList') in foreignObject generates invalid document structure P5 UNCONFIRMED
1149076 is not set correctly in contentEditable P5 UNCONFIRMED
1149491 window.getSelection() gives high rangeCounts -- UNCONFIRMED
1154909 checkbox input event not firing -- UNCONFIRMED
1155157 Keyboard stops responding in Firefox after a while of use since upgrade to 37.0.1 -- UNCONFIRMED
1155933 Absolutely positioned children of contentEditable elements get a 'draggable' UI P5 UNCONFIRMED
1156286 window.getSelection returns the wrong object in a contentEditable label P5 UNCONFIRMED
1156979 Page content moves when trying to mark text on zoomed page to copy it P5 UNCONFIRMED
1157585 Consider refactoring DocShell: give it control over which CookieService, AuthProvider and CacheService to give to HttpHandler -- UNCONFIRMED
1158245 Command w does not work to close windows or tabs -- UNCONFIRMED
1158555 Selection API is inconsistent with chrome and ie in some languages P5 UNCONFIRMED
1158662 Forward slash hotkey ("/") does not always work on pages that are fully loaded. -- UNCONFIRMED
1158721 Make Ctrl+W to close video fullscreen consistent -- UNCONFIRMED
1158841 Bookmark removal hotkey broken -- UNCONFIRMED
1159214 In contenteditable elements, -moz-user-select:none elements are copied instead of moved on drag/drop P5 UNCONFIRMED
1164665 Support for events on desktop multi-touch trackpads -- UNCONFIRMED
1164960 Excessive cpu usage (100%) opening Google Map -- UNCONFIRMED
1165199 mozbrowsererror is not sent for |unknownProtocolFound| in mochitest -- UNCONFIRMED
1165756 Text selection cursor type P5 UNCONFIRMED
1165914 Storage and "ask me every-time" -- UNCONFIRMED
1168781 WebCrypto callbacks occur during synchronous XHR P3 UNCONFIRMED
1169148 removeDelayedFrameScript() does not work with global Message Manager -- UNCONFIRMED
1169388 Text inputs prevent access keys from bubbling -- UNCONFIRMED
1170275 Copy event doesn't fire in certain conditions P5 UNCONFIRMED
1170580 click events not delivered with trivial CSS class change P4 UNCONFIRMED
1171093 Right-clicking on link brings up context-menu AND opens link P5 UNCONFIRMED
1173223 Maven warnings when building parser P5 UNCONFIRMED
1173474 eBay search results loses the scroll position when press the Back Button P3 UNCONFIRMED
1173716 alert() spins the event loop, which can cause other alert() calls to happen and cover up the older alert P3 UNCONFIRMED
1174447 Excessive CPU usage, High memory usage + Memory Leak at -- UNCONFIRMED
1175351 Inserting element into a container that has display: table cause scroll event to be fired on contained textarea P5 UNCONFIRMED
1175495 HTML5 Contenteditable: cursor becomes invisible at left of img inside link -- UNCONFIRMED
1176644 Keydown events need additional context when bubbled up through frame boundaries -- UNCONFIRMED
1176764 Do not change cursor position when input type changes P5 UNCONFIRMED
1176801 gamma and beta in orientation events are reported wrong in landscape orientation P3 UNCONFIRMED
1178209 LocalStorage is not always available -- UNCONFIRMED
1178676 Selection.selectAllChildren() throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE exception if called in mousedown handler and current selection is in a contenteditable -- UNCONFIRMED
1178681 Selection.selectAllChildren() can select detached nodes P5 UNCONFIRMED
1181082 "browser.fixup.dns_first_for_single_words" should be set to true for Firefox ESR -- UNCONFIRMED
1181414 InputMethod: Introduce new API to identify a hardware keyboard -- UNCONFIRMED
1181658 Descendant elements become non-interactable after scrolling container passes a certain point. -- UNCONFIRMED
1183479 link to another site's mid-page without anchor -- UNCONFIRMED
1183634 FireFox 39.0 select menus do not open with keyboard input (spacebar or enter) -- UNCONFIRMED
1184896 keydown and blur event listeners with alert executed without waiting for the alert confirm -- UNCONFIRMED
1185323 Clicking "see more" in Disqus lifts focus from the page -- UNCONFIRMED
1186953 sendMouseEvent aIgnoreRootScrollFrame doesn't work as described -- UNCONFIRMED
1187292 scroll bar not at right-most pixel of maximized window -- UNCONFIRMED
1187449 <a> elements are being clicked when they should not (after switching tabs) -- UNCONFIRMED
1187543 <a> elements are being dragged when they should not (after switching tabs) -- UNCONFIRMED
1187833 Swipe gesture to navigate in history doesn't work any more -- UNCONFIRMED
1187855 Hover issue in show all downloads link -- UNCONFIRMED
1187971 OS:Fedora. Page is always_scrolled_down the 1st time you scroll with mouse wheel after refocus of Firefox window (AND also DOMMouseScroll reports wrong scroll amount in event.detail. See comment 1) -- UNCONFIRMED
1188227 Javascript objects are not the same for different mouse events on Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu 39.0 -- UNCONFIRMED
1190043 dom.enable_user_timing preference is not honored P5 UNCONFIRMED
1190941 Cannot edit text in textareas inside contenteditable=true -- UNCONFIRMED
1192366 event.storageArea === localStorage is sometimes false even when the event matches the storage area -- UNCONFIRMED
1192657 throbber shown for ajax P5 UNCONFIRMED
1192789 :hover event triggers on other elements when input select field is open P5 UNCONFIRMED
1193517 contentEditable container tag reappear when removed with "removeChild" reappears on first character inserted -- UNCONFIRMED
1195035 bad interpretation of SPI_SETDRAGWIDTH and SPI_SETDRAGHEIGHT. Tabs cannot be moved if parameters set to 0 P5 UNCONFIRMED
1195457 Embed element with tabindex="0" breaks sequential focus navigation -- UNCONFIRMED
1197860 Dimensions label is displayed incorrectly when image is resized inside contenteditable element with rtl="true" P5 UNCONFIRMED
1198600 The behaviour of the arrow keys in right-to-left languages is confusing -- UNCONFIRMED
1199214 Clicked Link Does Not Activate Until Mouse Moved -- UNCONFIRMED
1200506 ibus-mozc receives stale cursor coordinates when implicitly committing text w/o return key P4 UNCONFIRMED
1201957 copy content from table, included input button is replaced with newline P5 UNCONFIRMED
1201971 Back button slow (also forward button) -- UNCONFIRMED
1202305 Shift+LeftClick opens a blank page -- UNCONFIRMED
1202350 Page title not updated in certain page reload cases -- UNCONFIRMED
1202866 Feature request: output stream for blobs for larger generated files than ram -- UNCONFIRMED
1203035 Pasting HTML into contentEditable produces plain text P5 UNCONFIRMED
1203095 ondrop: XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent message undefined when dropping blocked file P5 UNCONFIRMED
1203368 ondragstart cursor title or image P5 UNCONFIRMED
1204782 unload event is not bubbles up to XUL -- UNCONFIRMED
1205853 Can't select text on archgon website P5 UNCONFIRMED
1206765 Drag&drop to FF returns "Firefox can't find the server at <weird/unknown URL>" P5 UNCONFIRMED
1210025 Consider moving <input>'s validation message position from borders of border-box to borders of content-box P5 UNCONFIRMED
1210568 With contentEditable, setting cursor position with range/selection fails P5 UNCONFIRMED
1213792 Interface objects have an own "toString" property. -- UNCONFIRMED
1214368 Swipes and pinches should not be translated into wheel and zoom events on Windows/Surface P5 UNCONFIRMED
1215171 Ability to listen for javascript warnings, similar to window.onerror event handler -- UNCONFIRMED
1216741 scroll-behavior: smooth does not work on elements inside a scrolling="no" iframe -- UNCONFIRMED
1220143 .focus() in onkeydown handler causes a click event on a link when pressing the Enter key P3 UNCONFIRMED
1220167 document.querySelector(':target') fails to select :target element before page load P5 UNCONFIRMED
1220817 If setSelectionRange is called on a textarea with display:none, an NS_ERROR_FAILURE is thrown P5 UNCONFIRMED
1221047 Version 41.0.2 on Win requires Access-Control-Allow-Origin for the same domain. -- UNCONFIRMED
1221255 Make Attr.nodeValue and Attr.textContent directly alias for Attr.value -- UNCONFIRMED
1221757 number input value property is not updating when entering number and period P5 UNCONFIRMED
1222469 Mouse-scrolling should be better -- UNCONFIRMED
1223299 [GTK][Debian][ibus][pinyin] Backspace doesn't work using any other input method beside US keyboard on some site P3 UNCONFIRMED
1223357 getSelection().getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer differs when added after/before element -- UNCONFIRMED
1223414 [Enhancement] Expose modern 'wheel' event parameters P5 UNCONFIRMED
1223457 Synchronous AJAX requests break event processing P5 UNCONFIRMED
1224487 use ajax async false (sync XHR) on focusout event. click button not response. -- UNCONFIRMED
1224919 Change line & indentation of nsParser's base classes P5 UNCONFIRMED
1225211 Timeout fire before the “click” event loop is complete -- UNCONFIRMED
1225878 onprogress event not fired correctly P5 UNCONFIRMED
1226835 Focusing on iframe fails in certain event listeners P5 UNCONFIRMED
1227357 Firefox crash using window fatigue -- UNCONFIRMED
1228063 links are dragged instead of being clicked when clicked quickly and hovering mouse away -- UNCONFIRMED
1228232 handled dragend event repeats indefinitely -- UNCONFIRMED
1228669 Lost click event if :focus selector adds :after element P5 UNCONFIRMED
1228730 Memory leak on P5 UNCONFIRMED
1229309 After Ajax call, Firefox receives the correct response in HTML but shows nothing P5 UNCONFIRMED
1229966 Parsing of contents of <script> ends mid file (presumably) due to markdown code ticks in comment making it appear unterminated. P5 UNCONFIRMED
1230387 Disabled/hidden/no-display element's access key blocks identical access key -- UNCONFIRMED
1230472 Input events are lost after running for some time P5 UNCONFIRMED
1230825 Command + N opens a new tab instead of a new window -- UNCONFIRMED
1231221 Incorrect button parameter in mouse events for middle button -- UNCONFIRMED
1231595 On forms, in text fields in RTL direction cursor looks like Hebrew direction but the selected language is English -- UNCONFIRMED
1235445 Successive calls to window.performance.measure do not record measurements -- UNCONFIRMED
1236202 Web pages are able to prevent finishing of <textarea> resizing in unusual way -- UNCONFIRMED
1237047 Canceling drag-n-drop with Escape key still allows click action on mouseup -- UNCONFIRMED
1237062 Deleting line break after block image inside contenteditable P5 UNCONFIRMED
1237226 target attribute is ignored with an anchor with download attribute even if the download is overridden by explicit Content-Disposition from the server -- UNCONFIRMED
1237563 Line-break using "&NewLine;" in contentEditable does not move cursor to new line P5 UNCONFIRMED
1237708 Firefox misses characters in fast, automated typing from YubiKey -- UNCONFIRMED
1237990 Feature: Webpage ZIP as alternative to PDF P5 UNCONFIRMED
1238662 Improve XPathResult and NodeIterator by providing Symbol.iterator implementation for them -- UNCONFIRMED
1240259 audio ogg file has type 'video/ogg' instead of 'audio/ogg' in several scenarios P3 UNCONFIRMED
1240553 document.execCommand insertHTML loses the startContainer instance P5 UNCONFIRMED
1240621 Cursor in input field stays at the same absolute position when chars are added in middle P5 UNCONFIRMED
1242470 tab switching keyboard shortcut doesn't respect ui.key.accelkey -- UNCONFIRMED
1243909 LINUX disaster scrolling -- UNCONFIRMED
1244543 Do not allow any site to disable the mouse cursor -- UNCONFIRMED
1244669 justify isn't working when a pararaph has line-returns [contenteditable, execCommand] P5 UNCONFIRMED
1245292 Onclick event via keyboard does not set event.shiftKey to true -- UNCONFIRMED
1245920 Cursor nav loop in contenteditable with mixed rtl and ltr text P5 UNCONFIRMED
1246519 document.queryCommandValue doesn't reflect the change after executing backColor [contenteditable, execCommand] -- UNCONFIRMED
1246587 Error: Argument 1 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads of URL.createObjectURL -- UNCONFIRMED
1247233 nesting of <span style="..."> [document.execCommand, contenteditable] P5 UNCONFIRMED
1249573 HTML comments interrupt the normal interpretation of word divisions as evidenced by double-clicking the second word P5 UNCONFIRMED
1249882 Selecting text from pages does not allow you to select multiple lines (Nightly for Android) P5 UNCONFIRMED
1250099 Basic functions/object are missed from iframe contentWindow when accessing from content script. -- UNCONFIRMED
1250240 Numbered list in contenteditable element does not auto number when inserting a "\n" P5 UNCONFIRMED
1250972 history.replaceState is slow on large pages -- UNCONFIRMED
1251121 EventSource (Server Sent Event) doesn't retry if the server is down during the first attempt to connect P3 UNCONFIRMED
1251156 I am refreshing page(F5) when my Rest requests are in progress and waiting for Server Response, status in the the console is displaying as Aborted and application getting redirected to the domain. -- UNCONFIRMED
1251513 window.parent() return the current window it self repeatedly -- UNCONFIRMED
1251996 inserting an image in a link makes the link disappear [contenteditable, execCommand] P5 UNCONFIRMED
1252016 Parsing error with big json files on Firefox -- UNCONFIRMED
1254116 Google search suggestion gets selected at mouse pointer -- UNCONFIRMED
1256047 Firefox allow site to change parent window -- UNCONFIRMED
1257437 allow separate pop-up windows to be turned into tabs P5 UNCONFIRMED
1258485 with contenteditable empty anchor tags deleted when deleting other text in a paragraph P5 UNCONFIRMED
1261572 Cart on does not work P3 UNCONFIRMED
1261645 MouseEvent.offsetX and offsetY give seemingly incorrect values for transformed element P5 UNCONFIRMED
1264119 Add Attr.nodeName as alias -- UNCONFIRMED
1267006 setRangeText doesn't preserve selection after Undo -- UNCONFIRMED
1268280 clientLeft/clientTop return 0 on window.document.documentElement with actual border -- UNCONFIRMED
1268599 touch screen drag and scroll on linux does not work even with gtk3 in ubuntu 16.04 -- UNCONFIRMED
1270654 FF/Windows: Pressing middle button on element accidentally switches to scroll mode -- UNCONFIRMED
1271520 Range.createContextualFragment() for document and document fragment as start node should not throw P3 UNCONFIRMED
1272328 Autofocus doesn't work in iframe after navigation P5 UNCONFIRMED
1272404 Firefox 46.0.1 does not send JSON POST requests correctly webseal -- UNCONFIRMED
1272438 contenteditable fontSize changes create nested font tags that ruin line spacing P5 UNCONFIRMED
1272510 Firefox triggers blur event after focusing window -- UNCONFIRMED
1273168 Impossible to go to Administrative Tools and load photos on XenForo forum P3 UNCONFIRMED
1274607 UnbindFromTree is extremely slow with deep DOM trees, leads to aborted shutdown P5 UNCONFIRMED
1276100 While a load operation is in progress, hover effects continue to work but middle-clicks don't -- UNCONFIRMED
1276366 Remove support for chrome -> chrome window leaks P3 UNCONFIRMED
1276527 Make websites request access to the clipboard -- UNCONFIRMED
1277812 Copy and pasting article to contenteditable area breaks article formtting P5 UNCONFIRMED
1277966 setting scrollTop to values larger than 2^31-1 (max signed 32-bit int) leads to overflow P5 UNCONFIRMED
1288188 Allow to stop DOM redrawing after initial page load P5 UNCONFIRMED
1290009 handle <del> like <strike> for execCommand, like it was done for strong/b, and em/i P5 UNCONFIRMED
1292897 title of form input takes precedent over custom validity text P5 UNCONFIRMED
1295123 Middle click does not register intermittently P3 UNCONFIRMED
1296572 Firefox UI slows down considerably after use due to DOM storage P3 UNCONFIRMED
1297359 xslt history.pushState P5 UNCONFIRMED
1298706 Copied text (that is enclosed in <kbd></kbd> tag in HTML) via doubleclicking has leading whitespace in this site -- UNCONFIRMED
1298745 Line break at no-break space (NBSP) P5 UNCONFIRMED
1301255 Unselected text remains highlighted P5 UNCONFIRMED
1302919 opening a save as download dialog with javascript code to download a file created P3 UNCONFIRMED
1306301 Calling setSelectionRange() on a Textarea element doesn't reset the saved cursor position P5 UNCONFIRMED
1307471 text cursor color does not always reflect active color -- UNCONFIRMED
1308614 Web NFC support P3 UNCONFIRMED
1309682 "Progressive" loading of pages no longer works P3 UNCONFIRMED
1312029 Trying to read a dropped folder in Firefox should trigger an error but it doesn't in the 32bit version P5 UNCONFIRMED
1312385 Probable issues with window.opener P3 UNCONFIRMED
1312490 location.href returns URL of domain on error pages P3 UNCONFIRMED
1313419 Key Events give “0” for many X11-defined keys P3 UNCONFIRMED
1315047 copy and paste creates extra line feeds P5 UNCONFIRMED
1315664 Drag and Drop API: Wrong MIME type ("application/x-moz-file") while dragging in file from Explorer/Finder in the "dragover" Event P3 UNCONFIRMED
1315881 compositionend/compositionstart should not be fired for partial-commit P5 UNCONFIRMED
1317960 Unity WebGL consuming too much memory, causing 'Out of memory' error P3 UNCONFIRMED
1319766 Shortcut issue reader mode with another keyboard layout (french bépo (dvorak)) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1321305 Show a modal warning, when a window wants to manipulate its opener P5 UNCONFIRMED
1322127 Cannot paste PrintScreens in Outlook Web App 2013 P3 UNCONFIRMED
1322533 busy loop of inserting elements that fire load events that insert more elements hangs/crashes Firefox (no slow script dialog) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1323744 The setSelectionRange method called on focus event does not work every even try -- UNCONFIRMED
1323985 Double-click multi-line string selects only the line, not whole string -- UNCONFIRMED
1324748 Drag'n'drop of text from other applications fails in Linux -- UNCONFIRMED
1324907 getSelection().toString() incorrectly converts non-break space to normal space -- UNCONFIRMED
1325708 history.pushState is not working when I add a character into url(address bar) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1326184 Crash at [@ OOM | large | NS_ABORT_OOM | nsAString_internal::Replace ] P3 UNCONFIRMED
1326905 Triple-click selects all text in section (several lines) in some cases -- UNCONFIRMED
1327025 Mousemove events don't fire if I press left mouse button on the page and move mouse above iframe P5 UNCONFIRMED
1327803 <wbr> elements that turn into real line breaks should work fine with line selection (triple-click) and word selection (doubleclick) P5 UNCONFIRMED
1327867 Mouse position isn't respected during text selection P5 UNCONFIRMED
1327892 Single click selects all next paragraph (in some cases) -- UNCONFIRMED
1327920 [contenteditable] element doesn't cancel inner text selection on RightClick or MiddleClick outside P5 UNCONFIRMED
1330153 WindowObjectReference.focus() has no action P3 UNCONFIRMED
1330291 Double click is not working on dropdownlist P3 UNCONFIRMED
1330784 OsTicket 1.10 and Firefox Issue since a year P3 UNCONFIRMED
1333812 In "Warning: Unresponsive script" prompt title, mention that Mozilla Firefox is the issuing process P3 UNCONFIRMED
1334983 Space typed on the beginning of inline element inside contenteditable is inserted outside it. P5 UNCONFIRMED
1335338 FF does not accept user input without prefix in <input type="url" /> P5 UNCONFIRMED
1336720 warn user about invisible content when copying to clipboard P3 UNCONFIRMED
1337471 Received keyup event from press system hotkey, it triggers the page action P5 UNCONFIRMED
1337774 history.pushState does not read cookies from same origin P3 UNCONFIRMED
1338056 firefox returns cached response but doesn't tell me that's a cached response P3 UNCONFIRMED
1338097 Warning of internal getElementById-call triggered by <label> shows up in console P3 UNCONFIRMED
1338535 submitanyway attribute (like readonly) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1338937 Extra characters inserted when typing just after waking up from sleep mode P3 UNCONFIRMED
1340846 Ctrl Backspace and Ctrl arrow keys don't deleted properly in HTML editor on Windows P5 UNCONFIRMED
1343234 High memory usage and OOM after 2 hours of streaming youtube P5 UNCONFIRMED
1343331 Firefox prioritizes web socket events over location changes P2 UNCONFIRMED
1344540 Multi second hangs P3 UNCONFIRMED
1345492 Very strange problem in recent version of Firefox with the drag and drop P5 UNCONFIRMED
1345886 CSP: Include a script sample of the offending script also for event-handlers P3 UNCONFIRMED
1346228 Alert blocks keyup event P3 UNCONFIRMED
1348277 onchange event is not fired going through <select> and when ESC key is clicked P3 UNCONFIRMED
1349264 DOMContentLoaded Incorrect Order on Session Restore P3 UNCONFIRMED
1352852 "dragstart" requires setting dataTransfer P2 UNCONFIRMED
1354503 FF v53 having problem to get file list via user filesystem api P3 UNCONFIRMED
1355122 Tweetdeck opens new tab of user when clicking the spyglass P5 UNCONFIRMED
1356490 Remove DeviceLightEvent P3 UNCONFIRMED
1356914 different behaviour with different versions on contenteditable div problem P5 UNCONFIRMED
1358106 SVG foreignObject doesn't display images with inlined styles when CSP is enabled P3 UNCONFIRMED
1358195 URLs dragged out of Firefox appear as text to some applications -- UNCONFIRMED
1358491 input box event trigger not firing correctly P3 UNCONFIRMED
1358953 Downloading a large blob hangs on macOS P3 UNCONFIRMED
1360755 Keystrokes on <datalist> fire keyboard events on associated <input> P3 UNCONFIRMED
1360942 selected text invalid input to osx service P5 UNCONFIRMED
1361012 div content editable , cursor caret appear in wrong position if image is resized P5 UNCONFIRMED
1361300 Intermediate drag events stops being fired on Linux P3 UNCONFIRMED
1361852 Unable to drag any webpage content, sometimes -- UNCONFIRMED
1362086 document-element-inserted does not fire on iframes without src P3 UNCONFIRMED
1362752 DoS – GNU/Linux – Moderate / High P3 UNCONFIRMED
1362824 A blob created from a fetch response does not correctly get type set P3 UNCONFIRMED
1363935 Overriding arrow keys breaks Caret Browsing P3 UNCONFIRMED
1363936 Can't select text on NYTimes articles -- UNCONFIRMED
1363964 focusout not fired when activeElement is focused P5 UNCONFIRMED
1364112 Impossible to remove selected cell's outline P3 UNCONFIRMED
1365239 Why firefox is not reporting active mixed content loaded by <link> tag? P3 UNCONFIRMED
1365436 Javascript page reload code works under Google Chrome but not Firefox P3 UNCONFIRMED
1365461 Ctrl+F5 (reload without cache) sends "If-None-Match" on XHR P3 UNCONFIRMED
1366177 Fix bogus error for unclosed elements in <template> P3 UNCONFIRMED
1368800 "Select All" code does not select code box any longer. -- UNCONFIRMED
1368921 Script without `crossorigin` attribute reports errors to window.onerror P3 UNCONFIRMED
1368924 CSP: Add warning if <meta> CSP is ignored for whatever reason P3 UNCONFIRMED
1370512 TouchDisplay not detected P3 UNCONFIRMED
1370836 Memory leak while sending jpeg-streams over websocket using FireFox with e10s P3 UNCONFIRMED
1371808 On Windows 10, XMLHttpRequest onprogress is not regularly fired for small files P3 UNCONFIRMED
1372552 Consider not observing mutations in nsContentList when it is dirty P3 UNCONFIRMED
1373903 Problem playing videos P3 UNCONFIRMED
1375821 securityerror dom exception: blocked frame xx from accessing yy doesn't point at offending line or script P5 UNCONFIRMED
1376064 Multiple versions of the same page showing in the Back buttons P3 UNCONFIRMED
1376074 Add ability to send binary data using native messaging P3 UNCONFIRMED
1377665 When the browser is running slowly, clicking on a link and then holding down Ctrl executes a Ctrl+click P3 UNCONFIRMED
1381492 Event.timeStamp resolution should have a minimum of 5 microseconds P3 UNCONFIRMED
1381688 Middle-clicking randomly refuses to start scrolling P3 UNCONFIRMED
1383372 Firefox ignores certain combinations of X11 Drag-and-Drop mimetypes P5 UNCONFIRMED
1385958 JS - files drag-n-drop not working properly with e10s P3 UNCONFIRMED
1390212 Parent element won't get focus when child with fixed position is clicked P2 UNCONFIRMED
1390234 Add telemetry for alert/confirm/prompt usage P2 UNCONFIRMED
1390490 "middle" or command-clicking on link opens new "pop up" window, instead of opening link in new tab P5 UNCONFIRMED
1390648 "Connection is Not Secure" message appears even for P3 UNCONFIRMED
1391886 backface-visibility, rotate and TAB key P3 UNCONFIRMED
1392208 XMLHttpRequest onerror isn't called when uploading a file P2 UNCONFIRMED
1392249 popup window navigates to another domain but JavaScript from the original domain continues executing P3 UNCONFIRMED
1394703 Copy from elements with user-select: none P3 UNCONFIRMED
1395395 Coursera: Ctrl+<arrow> does not work properly in the text box. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1396396 Page is not refreshed after form submission P5 UNCONFIRMED
1396427 Trying to select text with touch screen on Linux causes touch event to get "stuck" P3 UNCONFIRMED
1397255 unload event didn't fire when close browser P3 UNCONFIRMED
1397709 Force refresh not propogated into data <object> or <embed> (perma caching) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1397781 mouse scroll wheel not working on second display to 'left' of 'primary monitor' unless firefox window is positioned on the upper part of the screen or maximized P3 UNCONFIRMED
1398360 Weird complete PC freeze, reboot required showing alert() in a loop P3 UNCONFIRMED
1398724 adding a whitespace-only span to the end of a contenteditable only succeeds on second try P3 UNCONFIRMED
1401222 Key events re-queued out of order if focus changes on keydown P2 UNCONFIRMED
1401966 Hasnt keycode of ~ key on keydown in russian language P5 UNCONFIRMED
1402266 sendKeyEvent and sendMouseEventToWindow will not deliver the event when the Firefox lost focus in xpcom extensions P5 UNCONFIRMED
1402276 clientX/clientY inconsistent between the same website loaded in non-e10s and e10s enabled Firefox P3 UNCONFIRMED
1403541 Dynamically set files property on input type="file" P3 UNCONFIRMED
1404215 unable to read window content through javascript when opening an JSON file P2 UNCONFIRMED
1404419 Setting sometimes scrolls long page slightly up P5 UNCONFIRMED
1404425 On error, XMLHttpRequest returns status !== 0 and response !== null P3 UNCONFIRMED
1404675 innerText should ignore "invisible" break when serializing HTML fragment P3 UNCONFIRMED
1405000 Noscript tags containing HTTP link / resource on https pages trip the mixed content blocker even when JS is enabled and noscript content is unused P3 UNCONFIRMED
1405003 Applications run outside sandbox P3 UNCONFIRMED
1405336 Memory useage doesn't clear with browser refresh P2 UNCONFIRMED
1406718 Cannot copy iframe text by using contentDocument.execCommand("copy") P3 UNCONFIRMED
1407155 Mouse Wheel scroll incresse Volume instead of scroll down P3 UNCONFIRMED
1408712 Links dragged from file system to browser not loading properly in Linux Mint/FF56.0 P3 UNCONFIRMED
1409984 Does't show last Dom state on history back P3 UNCONFIRMED
1411864 pressing the ESC or ENTER key on window.prompt triggers keyup P2 UNCONFIRMED
1412828 Simple cross-origin request via fetch API fails on 307 redirect P3 UNCONFIRMED
1413806 image fetch fails when charset is utf8 P3 UNCONFIRMED
1414123 Firefox shows loading state when XHR request is loading in background P3 UNCONFIRMED
1414884 Up and down arrows don't work in <p> elements nested in flexbox <div> P3 UNCONFIRMED
1415497 Mouse scrolling + Cmd key lead to unwanted zoom control P3 UNCONFIRMED
1416453 Selecting text loads it into Firefox's private PRIMARY selection but sometimes does not update Wayland's PRIMARY selection P3 UNCONFIRMED
1416553 Feature request: Implement support for 'NextPage' response header P3 UNCONFIRMED
1416694 cannot entirely select multi-line hebrew text P3 UNCONFIRMED
1417012 Cursor disappears between images with scale transform inside contenteditable P5 UNCONFIRMED
1417116 Changing the direction of a textarea doesn't work on a Mac P5 UNCONFIRMED
1417169 Text selection has a non standard behavior on macOS P3 UNCONFIRMED
1417338 fetch sets wrong Content-Type header on redirects P3 UNCONFIRMED
1417353 Control-Z key looses history on textareas P5 UNCONFIRMED
1417535 getSelection() returns wrong anchorNode/anchorOffset when selection contains nested different contenteditable context P3 UNCONFIRMED
1417729 In a text field, option-arrow jumps over punctuation, but only when moving to the right P3 UNCONFIRMED
1417770 Firefox text selection does not anchor properly P5 UNCONFIRMED
1417773 Firefox insertion point indicator does not reset properly after cursor motion P5 UNCONFIRMED
1418279 No "Parse HTML" data in the "Performance" tab of dev tools -- UNCONFIRMED
1418460 Using Escape to exit full screen out of a single Youtube video exits both full screen Youtube videos. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1418809 Dragging and dropping of scaled elements is awkward P5 UNCONFIRMED
1419124 When input direction switched, Punctuation Symbols not switching around P3 UNCONFIRMED
1419263 element.value = '' does not change the value P3 UNCONFIRMED
1419396 backwards button should work differently P3 UNCONFIRMED
1420147 Page Down/Up key not work in contenteditable body which size is only one page P5 UNCONFIRMED
1420244 execCommand('copy') model broken due to clipboardWrite requirement for > 1MB data P2 UNCONFIRMED
1420445 Pointerlock limited, movement rapid and unpredictable P2 UNCONFIRMED
1420629 jquery mouse.over problems P3 UNCONFIRMED
1421555 Validity State's badInput is not getting set for partially filled date P3 UNCONFIRMED
1421558 Blur event is not fired when date is cleared using clear button for input type date P3 UNCONFIRMED
1421590 IFrame loading aborted or reset if external script is contained P3 UNCONFIRMED
1421858 Delay in drag and drop of files (html, images) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1422017 Selection node object anchorOffset and anchorNode properties do not return expected results P3 UNCONFIRMED
1424842 Send an (change) event when the user cancels the file (webkitdirectory) selection (upload) window. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1425481 when in youtube video in fullscreen move and move back browser stays in fullscreen mode but scrollbars are missing P3 UNCONFIRMED
1425546 Ctrl+W shouldn't close window/tab without warning when in textarea P3 UNCONFIRMED
1425661 Copy pasting from OpenOffice/LibreOffice to Thunderbird overrides unchecked option "Use Paragraph format instead of Body Text by default" P3 UNCONFIRMED
1427254 FF do not scroll to anchor P3 UNCONFIRMED
1427644 DragLeave Event Not Consistently Triggered -- UNCONFIRMED
1427984 Firefox seems to leak keypress to current tab when switching tab with Alt+N P3 UNCONFIRMED
1428073 Outdent list with leading DOM whitespace/linebreak inserts bogus <br> P3 UNCONFIRMED
1430542 Implement all of “Get rid of secondary insertion mode” change to HTML parsing algorithm P3 UNCONFIRMED
1430812 Doubleclick event is handled differently from other browser P3 UNCONFIRMED
1430999 Service Workers can navigate uncontrolled clients P5 UNCONFIRMED
1431012 Expose touch events on a trackpad as events to the web app P5 UNCONFIRMED
1431225 getScreenshot error: Error: page-thumbnail:error Screenshots.jsm:61 P5 UNCONFIRMED
1431424 accesskey with space or accent P3 UNCONFIRMED
1431708 setTimeout loop in web worker causing memory leak P5 UNCONFIRMED
1432030 Inaccurate mouseover/out regions for SVG elements with sizes < 1 P3 UNCONFIRMED
1432132 A misplaced caret in contenteditable element with ::before pseudo-element which pointer-events are disabled P3 UNCONFIRMED
1433262 Focused element does not change if tab keydown event hides active element P2 UNCONFIRMED
1434135 terrible animation performance P3 UNCONFIRMED
1434231 Long time interval between mousemove events P2 UNCONFIRMED
1434967 Error event of <object> triggered for unsuccessful requests P3 UNCONFIRMED
1435948 s-pen strange events P3 UNCONFIRMED
1436017 fetch() a relative chrome: url results in error "x is not a valid URL" P3 UNCONFIRMED
1436592 [wpt-sync] PR 9431 - Constraint fixes P3 UNCONFIRMED
1437026 [wpt-sync] PR 9440 - [html/editing/focus] New test for inserting element with autofocus P3 UNCONFIRMED
1437053 [wpt-sync] PR 9320 - Add some tests for no-cors and navigate requests for Blob URLs. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1437460 Cursor sometimes jumps to wrong line on backspace P3 UNCONFIRMED
1437521 Only the last listener is triggered when multiple listeners are added to navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition P3 UNCONFIRMED
1438358 Cannot use the backspace key to delete text on the text editors P5 UNCONFIRMED
1438409 Firefox won't load page properly when in background P3 UNCONFIRMED
1438552 Add ability to change caps of text using Shift+F3. P5 UNCONFIRMED
1439710 object-position and animations P3 UNCONFIRMED
1442108 File drag and drop from KDE Dolphin is broken P4 UNCONFIRMED
1442956 The input does not clear the selection range when onblur. P5 UNCONFIRMED
1443146 Dragged ghost position when CSS translate on container P5 UNCONFIRMED
1445655 Blocked network request in embedded iframe P5 UNCONFIRMED
1446852 Click registers at a different spot on page than user intent P3 UNCONFIRMED
1448442 Add a small delay for mouseup of context menu-opening mousedown selecting a menu item P5 UNCONFIRMED
1449070 Allow mathematical expressions in image sizes P3 UNCONFIRMED
1454195 SELECT2 function is not available correctly on modal use P3 UNCONFIRMED
1454279 Anchor element's "download" attribute should trigger downloading for not-same-origin links P5 UNCONFIRMED
1456230 Pages can block navigation by reloading on 'beforeunload' P3 UNCONFIRMED
1458709 bypasses container isolation P3 UNCONFIRMED
1459434 Set "dom.min_background_timeout_value" based on performance P3 UNCONFIRMED
1463064 Misleading error message "Constructor HTMLElement requires 'new'" P3 UNCONFIRMED
1464739 Implement isHistoryNavigation attribute on Request P3 UNCONFIRMED
1464941 Gamepad API does not register analog stick inputs on JoyCons P3 UNCONFIRMED
1466338 `window.outerHeight` reports wrong value if executed in newly opened tab in minimized window P3 UNCONFIRMED
1466417 Copy/paste in contenteditable span pastes the element itself instead of content P3 UNCONFIRMED
1468193 Firefox Navigation / back button P3 UNCONFIRMED
1468567 URL is not always clickable. Sometimes clickable after page reload P3 UNCONFIRMED
1468825 document.elementsFromPoint skips children inside of button element P3 UNCONFIRMED
1469282 Implement DedicatedWorker.requestAnimationFrame P3 UNCONFIRMED
1469349 [Fetch] Post response with 302 results in NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource P3 UNCONFIRMED
1469422 User gesture is not propagated via window or channel messaging P3 UNCONFIRMED
1469541 When on Submitting a <form> a 204 is sent in acknowledgement the Javascript interpreter hangs... P3 UNCONFIRMED
1469805 Feature Request: Add support for U2F over CCID for smart cards P3 UNCONFIRMED
1470775 HTML <input> accept Attribute seems to have no effect P5 UNCONFIRMED
1471212 by using Scroll or ScrollBy with the behavior smooth to the top of the webpage, you are unable to scroll down again by js P3 UNCONFIRMED
1471608 An iframe embedded within an iframe never fires the load event P3 UNCONFIRMED
1475551 On GNU+Linux some pages "steal" the alt+1 hotkey so the Firefox hotkey alt+1 to switch tabs doesn't work anymore P5 UNCONFIRMED
1475622 selection rect for \n is at end of old line but should be at start of new line P3 UNCONFIRMED
1476915 caret position in textareas not updated immediately on ctrl-arrows P3 UNCONFIRMED
1478326 requestAnimationFrame anomaly when calling P3 UNCONFIRMED
1478710 Firefox should warn when adding an object with no handleEvent function as an EventListener from JavaScript P3 UNCONFIRMED
1479308 DirectInput D-Pad not working but other buttons work P3 UNCONFIRMED
1480330 keyboard focus gets trapped at "Tenant Location" field P3 UNCONFIRMED
1482053 trunk/editor/libeditor/EditorDOMPoint.h: 2 * pointless asserts P3 UNCONFIRMED
1482743 [Enhancement] Block exit popups P3 UNCONFIRMED
1484620 xhr to local file using a relative url behaves differently on ubuntu and windows P3 UNCONFIRMED
1488357 localstorage setitem errors P2 UNCONFIRMED
1489800 SW installation failure: Service worker event waitUntil() was passed a promise that rejected with 'InvalidStateError: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable' P3 UNCONFIRMED
1490484 After updating, opening links from another program or drag and drop is broken P5 UNCONFIRMED
1490665 Come up with a permissions system for users to allow websites to override browser shortcuts P3 UNCONFIRMED
1490987 mousedown+move event in defaultprevented mode still selects content P3 UNCONFIRMED
1491707 Scrolling gets stuck on some pages and divs P2 UNCONFIRMED
1493530 Boston globe ePaper freezes on surface pro 2017 P2 UNCONFIRMED
1494251 cursor position is moved to the text head unexpectedly with ibus-unikey P5 UNCONFIRMED
1494609 assignedNodes({flatten: true}) and flattening assigned nodes in spec does not fallback correctly P3 UNCONFIRMED
1498203 Caret disappears after consecutive clicks on contenteditable P5 UNCONFIRMED
1499376 Numbers in numbered list not the same color as the list P3 UNCONFIRMED
1501593 Give meaningful error log when service worker installation fails installation on non supported protocols P5 UNCONFIRMED
1502711 [TSF][IMM?] IME is closed when URL bar gets focus P3 UNCONFIRMED
1504633 `selection.anchorNode` incorrectly returns outer div node, should return text node P3 UNCONFIRMED
1504779 Hard to select full line of bidi text P3 UNCONFIRMED
1509259 customized keyboard some keys ignored P3 UNCONFIRMED
1509641 Increase the granularity of the undo stack P5 UNCONFIRMED
1510041 Keyboard shortcut CMD-V won’t paste in websites on Mac P3 UNCONFIRMED
1511642 Event handler assigned to template content is reset when fragment is appended to DOM P3 UNCONFIRMED
1513124 window.print() can throw NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE (instead of just doing nothing) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1513968 Implement duplicate attribute flag on script elements P3 UNCONFIRMED
1514004 Unreserve Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl+w P3 UNCONFIRMED
1514030 Apparent service worker activation failure P3 UNCONFIRMED
1514499 Serialize the children of void elements as the empty string P3 UNCONFIRMED
1514723 high memory usage when importing a large amount of files on Google Photos P3 UNCONFIRMED
1515267 execCommand('bold') behavior is different from Blink P3 UNCONFIRMED
1516328 setxkbmap causes firefox to lose focus from the url bar and text-boxes while typing P5 UNCONFIRMED
1518705 Assigning uint into signed int in nsIDocument::UpdateStyleSheets could potentially cause correctness issues (for more than INT_MAX stylesheets) P5 UNCONFIRMED
1519820 Page content is cleared on "Stop loading this page (Esc)" P3 UNCONFIRMED
1521217 page scrolling when frame-like structures are present P3 UNCONFIRMED
1521821 Redo does not work after paste and undo P3 UNCONFIRMED
1522492 When multiple cells in the table are selected, the selection is wrong P3 UNCONFIRMED
1523213 FF still tries to render PDF from 403 response instead of showing response error P3 UNCONFIRMED
1523418 unpredictable link-following behaviour when pointer-events set to 'none', seems to depend on image size P3 UNCONFIRMED
1525020 On Windows 10, losing the mouse cursor when I get a Firefox error page of any kind P3 UNCONFIRMED
1527685 [TSF] Hang in Firefox when switching IME if the Firefox instance runs several days P3 UNCONFIRMED
1529671 Combobox selection controlled by javascript does not interact with up/down arrow keys properly P3 UNCONFIRMED
1529850 Gamepads have to be physically reconnected every page P3 UNCONFIRMED
1529880 Invalid style-src CSP violation reported P5 UNCONFIRMED
1530921 Selection object renders invalid positions on elements attributed with usereditable P3 UNCONFIRMED
1531661 escape keypress from other window passed to a JIRA v7.2.6 web pag P3 UNCONFIRMED
1531965 Middle-click scroll not working over elements with shadowDOM when scroll overflow is used P2 UNCONFIRMED
1532392 Dragging old items instead of interaction with the new page P5 UNCONFIRMED
1532555 Window.onunload sync ajax request for last tab P3 UNCONFIRMED
1535849 Copying contents of elements marked `white-space: pre` inside lists results in extra whitespace P3 UNCONFIRMED
1538374 decimal IP addresses combined with usernames should trigger search P3 UNCONFIRMED
1538570 [Firefox 66] ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit HTMLEditor does not accept a period character (.) in many cases P3 UNCONFIRMED
1539105 execCommand('copy') was denied when pressed ESC P3 UNCONFIRMED
1539712 Right click on a highlighted word automatically selects context menu entry. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1540448 Save Bookmark Name Input Doesn't Position Insert Mark on Mouse Click P3 UNCONFIRMED
1540640 Download via ReadableStream : cancel is called on pause P3 UNCONFIRMED
1541053 <INPUT> value gets cleared on blur or "type" change. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1541790 Losing or overriding history of the currently browsing site P5 UNCONFIRMED
1542161 Drag and drop of LI leaves blank LI in Designmode P3 UNCONFIRMED
1543196 using disabled="true" enables document.oncontextmenu behavior P3 UNCONFIRMED
1543318 Denial of service - web workers and postMessage() P3 UNCONFIRMED
1543441 Make sure plain text (such as URL bar URL) is exported to the clipboard only as plain text P5 UNCONFIRMED
1544179 Dragging mouse anywhere sometimes drags up media from a previous page P3 UNCONFIRMED
1544313 fetch/response/body stream buffers data when Content-Type is not set P3 UNCONFIRMED
1545527 Extend createObjectURL to support canvas P5 UNCONFIRMED
1546524 layout.word_select.stop_at_punctuation should not apply to the address bar P5 UNCONFIRMED
1547556 Support flagging a temporary redirect has occurred in xmlhttprequest P3 UNCONFIRMED
1549295 Tooltip does not get disappear while doing horizontal scrolling as browser does not fire mouseLeave event P2 UNCONFIRMED
1550873 CascadingDropDown causing infinite refresh P2 UNCONFIRMED
1551415 Images showing as framed which have no src attribute present P3 UNCONFIRMED
1553329 vertical block text selection P3 UNCONFIRMED
1553366 glitch when cursor changes from zoom-in to pointer P3 UNCONFIRMED
1553549 display contents elements can't get focus P3 UNCONFIRMED
1553733 xen default virtual keyboard crashes in Gamepad code -- UNCONFIRMED
1554491 Can't access prototype of objects that were received from an iframe exported object P3 UNCONFIRMED
1555630 CSP error event do not trigger inside html blob with illegal url in style P3 UNCONFIRMED
1556143 When dragging a tab into another window, an afterimage will sometimes stay behind that can only be resolved by restarting the computer. P5 UNCONFIRMED
1557634 Intermittent fail on https://web-platform.test:8443/service-workers/service-worker/ready.https.html P2 UNCONFIRMED
1558012 Loading a saved website from HTML document reliably crashes Firefox Dev 68.0b8 P3 UNCONFIRMED
1558467 [FirstPartyIsolation] <iframe> inside WebExtension page (moz-extension://) does not have access to login and other settings P3 UNCONFIRMED
1558936 U2F causes all windows to demand attention, even after auth -- UNCONFIRMED
1559996 Link rel=prefetch may fire onload without sending network request. P2 UNCONFIRMED
1561243 event.dataTransfer is null at getData() while dropping the even after dataTransfer.setData is implemented P5 UNCONFIRMED
1562620 Windows 1903 U2F prompt closes extension popup (browserAction) window -- UNCONFIRMED
1562908 Provide content security policy hash and CSP header value in error message P3 UNCONFIRMED
1563012 [W64] Firefox 69.0 beta (32-bit) quits after repeating loading long (HTTP) URL in iframe P3 UNCONFIRMED
1563030 Custom URL schemes are being rate limited P3 UNCONFIRMED
1563200 macOS focus event not triggered on mousedown P5 UNCONFIRMED
1563972 [TSF] Suggest window does not appear when typing ChangJie P3 UNCONFIRMED
1564115 Spell checker keeps turning off -- UNCONFIRMED
1565736 Sometimes modifier keys do not work properly in Linux P3 UNCONFIRMED
1565950 file: scheme with #target goes to wrong spot in 2nd window or tab P3 UNCONFIRMED
1566231 [fission] buffer overflow detected - resource:///modules/ContentMetaHandler.jsm, line 162: NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE: P3 UNCONFIRMED
1567857 Navigation items in right-click context menu hidden when text is selected in page (text selection not cleared on (some?) right / context menu clicks, unlike in Chrome) -- UNCONFIRMED
1568221 cannot open files with specific cyrillic symbols in the filename P3 UNCONFIRMED
1568934 don't accept clicks immediately after a page shifts -- UNCONFIRMED
1572369 jpg Image embedded in an html page do not use orientation tag when images opened as image do P3 UNCONFIRMED
1575164 memory leak while Web worker continuously post data through ajax P2 UNCONFIRMED
1575412 Change <input type="email"> spec to accept non-ASCII before the @ in email addresses P3 UNCONFIRMED
1575437 Test for "iframe navigations are not observable by the parent, even after history navigations by the parent" fails in Firefox Nightly P3 UNCONFIRMED
1576725 Consider requiring user action for window.print P3 UNCONFIRMED
1577009 I can't select multiple text with ctrl on some sites P3 UNCONFIRMED
1577127 Javascript event.repeat always set to false on Oracle Linux 7 P3 UNCONFIRMED
1577852 Middle-clicking on deviantArt navigates current tab in Firefox but not Chrome with flipping "beacon.enabled" to false P3 UNCONFIRMED
1581225 Suggestion - FOUC:, Priority Hints - Cache Fonts (Works on Google Chrome) -- UNCONFIRMED
1582420 Back button loses history push state changes when previously on page P3 UNCONFIRMED
1582446 Embedded SharePoint Visio Disappears when navigating to a new tab and back. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1582622 Number input cannot correctly valid number P3 UNCONFIRMED
1582651 Stop the double-click on a word to select the space P4 UNCONFIRMED
1583480 PointerEvent.pointerId does not persist on Wacom tablet with Windows Ink disabled P3 UNCONFIRMED
1583519 PointerEvents implementation has too many errors with stylus input P3 UNCONFIRMED
1583551 Slowness with Firefox ESR 60 P3 UNCONFIRMED
1583729 Scroll wheel stops working after window is closed P3 UNCONFIRMED
1583815 Unhandled Promise rejection "AbortError: The operation was aborted." when using AbortController.abort API to abort an in-progress fetch call P3 UNCONFIRMED
1584526 Mouse Events Broken With Stylus (Win 10) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1584725 Can't login to gmail with hardware token - Firefox "hangs" -- UNCONFIRMED
1585261 If Content-Type is set to value other, HTML code is executed in Firefox, but treated as plain text in Chrome -- UNCONFIRMED
1585417 Allow to add exceptions to spoofSource network user pref P5 UNCONFIRMED
1586033 contenteditable: range startOffset and endOffset have incorrect values after paste P3 UNCONFIRMED
1586158 Parse ShareTarget data in web app manifest -- UNCONFIRMED
1586174 It's so easy to manage a website notification on Chrome. I wish it was same in Firefox too. -- UNCONFIRMED
1587358 Error when issuing "browser:purge-session-history" when browser.privatebrowsing.autostart = true P2 UNCONFIRMED
1587745 Events not fired for 1px elements P3 UNCONFIRMED
1587752 Optimize same-process MessageChannel / MessagePort usage - MessagePort.postMessage transferList has no performance benefit P3 UNCONFIRMED
1589098 Carriage return replaced with newline in paste dataTransfer content outside headless mode P3 UNCONFIRMED
1590992 incorrect mouse cursor after release of capture P3 UNCONFIRMED
1591603 iframe continues to execute after main page reload P3 UNCONFIRMED
1592200 HTML - Combo Boxes: Change Behaviour of Jump Menus so that Focus isn't Automatically Moved to assist Screen Reader Users -- UNCONFIRMED
1592340 HTMLImageElement decode/onload callbacks fired when image has not been decoded/loaded P3 UNCONFIRMED
1592409 68 ESR introduced a change in the way tabbing between fields acts, causing it to not move to the next line in a grid of fields. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1593004 Track-pad click fails to initiate selectstart P2 UNCONFIRMED
1593213 Missing code value for Redo, New, Close, Reply, Fw, Send and Save -- UNCONFIRMED
1593232 Help key doesn't send a keydown P3 UNCONFIRMED
1593588 unable to input from keyboard in searchbar sometimes P3 UNCONFIRMED
1594633 Streaming upload support P3 UNCONFIRMED
1595272 open javascript dialogs at mouse position -- UNCONFIRMED
1595746 Firefox, when pressing Space or Enter and creating a new button and focusing it, issues a click event on it P2 UNCONFIRMED
1595818 Feature to add an immutable default browser paste button on a JavaScript element (div) -- UNCONFIRMED
1597059 leaks ad iframes P3 UNCONFIRMED
1597374 redux-presist not updating local storage a browser -- UNCONFIRMED
1597617 R-Go Tools' USB keyboard lags in Firefox; fine on other software P3 UNCONFIRMED
1597837 Suggestion: Increase priority of "fetch" requests, to prevent pauses when playing music or Spotify Web Player -- UNCONFIRMED
1598300 HTML search input field submission failure P3 UNCONFIRMED
1599021 Dead key leads to illegal KeyboardEvent.key value P3 UNCONFIRMED
1599681 Textarea Memory Corruption Vulnerability P3 UNCONFIRMED
1599871 user-select:none on html element causes click to select all contenteditable text P3 UNCONFIRMED
1599975 window.history keep track of internal redirection URLs P3 UNCONFIRMED
1600303 Cursor blinks at a constant interval, not regarding input -- UNCONFIRMED
1602034 Typing 3 numbers separated by . into address bar auto fills to IP address with 0 in 3rd octet P5 UNCONFIRMED
1602292 Content disappears from contenteditable under certain circumstances P3 UNCONFIRMED
1602542 do not show geolocation permission prompt without user interaction -- UNCONFIRMED
1604077 Firefox Hangs Repeatedly Loading Some Sites -- UNCONFIRMED
1604321 Can't drag and drop files in SharePoint P3 UNCONFIRMED
1605606 Support for multiple tabs drag and drop to web-extension P5 UNCONFIRMED
1605719 Cache issue while developing P4 UNCONFIRMED
1606500 Cannot override browser.sessionhistory.max_entries P5 UNCONFIRMED
1606533 Shadow DOM breaks contextmenu P5 UNCONFIRMED
1608938 pointerout/pointerleave events are not fired for pens P2 UNCONFIRMED
1609691 Geolocation doesn't remember denial of access to location. P2 UNCONFIRMED
1610747 privacy.resistFingerprinting set to true breaks P3 UNCONFIRMED
1612727 can not request full screen on browserAction before user clicked the page P3 UNCONFIRMED
1613191 Ghost image of dragged link appears 20cm to the right, not under the cursor P3 UNCONFIRMED
1614057 Selection’s isCollapsed is set to false for a selection with multiple collapsed ranges P2 UNCONFIRMED
1614248 memory leak. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1614288 onpaste event and pasting of pdf file is working inconsistently when compared to chrome. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1614804 Disable navigator.onLine and online events with about:config -- UNCONFIRMED
1615717 Give webpage info that a Linux middle click copy occurred from the OS -- UNCONFIRMED
1615890 innerText doesn't return some characters which textContent does return P3 UNCONFIRMED
1616037 sorting a table of bugs in bugzilla takes seconds -- UNCONFIRMED
1617441 Output bfcache log messages to DevTools' console P3 UNCONFIRMED
1618248 Fullscreen blocked when triggered by keyboard shortcut P3 UNCONFIRMED
1618821 window.onUnload event not getting triggerd ( XMLHttpRequest not working ) and no debug options are not available for the unload,beforeunload P3 UNCONFIRMED
1621874 Web Platform Test for CSP in SharedWorkers is flaky P3 UNCONFIRMED
1623948 Exiting a fullscreen video occasionally freezes Firefox and the OS on "Intel HD Graphics" P5 UNCONFIRMED
1624106 Keeping key pressed in gmail causes "WebContent"-Process to sping at 100% cpu -- UNCONFIRMED
1624285 Firefox 74.0 infinite loop when loading slb ASPX web pages P3 UNCONFIRMED
1625057 Firefox includes trailing space when selecting text via click and drag P2 UNCONFIRMED
1626317 SF Chronicle site requires multiple "back" presses to return P3 UNCONFIRMED
1626466 Ads, prevent pop-up opening: -- UNCONFIRMED
1626595 FileReader silently stops inside a ServiceWorker P2 UNCONFIRMED
1627592 Highlighted text does not delete when pressing backspace if control is pressed down (irregular behavior compared to Windows/other programs) -- UNCONFIRMED
1629055 Set cookie to secure on http environment by javascript for local development actually effect but cannot read. -- UNCONFIRMED
1629149 Add gopher to registerProtocolHandler safelisted schemes -- UNCONFIRMED
1629382 Show calendar when tabbing into input type="date" via keyboard -- UNCONFIRMED
1629455 New window can edit window.opener.location to mask a phishing attack P5 UNCONFIRMED
1629676 [GTK] ibus candidate window is in wrong position P3 UNCONFIRMED
1629970 Graphic inserted into window of same size, resizes graphic and leaves black border. P5 UNCONFIRMED
1630076 After clicking on a div with a Wacom pen (emulated as mouse), the visjs library becomes buggy P3 UNCONFIRMED
1630487 Identifies the input type password field as dirty, even though it is not changed. P5 UNCONFIRMED
1631432 xhtml vs. html: MutationObserver handler skips added nodes in xhtml but not in html P3 UNCONFIRMED
1631446 Safelist dat, dweb, ipfs, ipns, and ssb schemes for registerProtocolHandler() P3 UNCONFIRMED
1632107 Window.Open is Returning WindowProxy before Window is Ready for Focus P3 UNCONFIRMED
1632108 Display page source from cache -- UNCONFIRMED
1632565 When selection direction is 'none', Firefox doesn't infer selection direction from next pressed arrow key P3 UNCONFIRMED
1632612 keydown event for alt+d, ctrl+f etc. is leaked to document listener P5 UNCONFIRMED
1634273 execCommand('copy') denied despite being called in keydown event handler (non-printable characters) -- UNCONFIRMED
1634308 input date does not display using dateformat specified in the OS -- UNCONFIRMED
1635236 Pops up are being blocked P4 UNCONFIRMED
1635272 Support for protocol handlers from Web App Manifest -- UNCONFIRMED
1635524 pushsubscriptionchange event doesn't have oldSubscription/newSubscription P3 UNCONFIRMED
1638186 After navigating back, DOM changes (eg. jQuery tooltips) trigger jump to top of page P3 UNCONFIRMED
1638588 Weather Underground log in not working with 76.0.1 P3 UNCONFIRMED
1638590 Cursor is dragging link after pressing on link switching tab and back -- UNCONFIRMED
1638810 crash when texting into the location bar of a new tab P3 UNCONFIRMED
1639016 Add `did` to registerProtocolHandler safelisted schemes -- UNCONFIRMED
1639096 Maybe to verbose warning about the usage of script-dynamic by included remote sites P3 UNCONFIRMED
1639930 Cannot navigate back to previous page when using window.location.assign in Google Maps Geocoder geocode callback P3 UNCONFIRMED
1640873 Mouseenter not fired when mouse entered into element when page still loading (switching tabs) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1640965 user-select: all includes indentation/spaces for description details (dd) element P3 UNCONFIRMED
1642459 xmlHttpRequest is hanging up the page when sending files larger then 10mb in a single request. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1643303 - The site does not work -- UNCONFIRMED
1643405 User scripts don't run on pages with a caching service worker -- UNCONFIRMED
1643996 Drag and Drop - mime type missing for any file inside a dropped folder -- UNCONFIRMED
1644020 When I use FileReader to read image and then try to inspect that DOM element, browser stop responding or slows down a lot. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1644769 Dragging PNG to Google Slides opens the PNG in the tab, instead of adding to slide -- UNCONFIRMED
1644970 Pop-up blocker is over-aggressive -- UNCONFIRMED
1645364 Error and warning messages have inconsistent quoting of URLs et al. -- UNCONFIRMED
1646265 download speed very slow if blob size greater than 1MB -- UNCONFIRMED
1646674 If textContent is set on mousedown element is not focused P3 UNCONFIRMED
1646783 Support serviceWorkerRegistration.showNotification/Notification `action` option P3 UNCONFIRMED
1647711 mousedown/mouseup preventDefault() doesn't block click P5 UNCONFIRMED
1648380 Weired result when useing contenteditable and cut&paste on <a>-element -- UNCONFIRMED
1650619 Ghost windows after browsing Reddit P3 UNCONFIRMED
1650716 serviceWorker.oncontrollerchange doesn't fire in iframe P3 UNCONFIRMED
1652303 location API causing frequent system-wide disconnects (event when not used anymore) -- UNCONFIRMED
1652680 audio-only webm File has type 'video/webm' instead of 'audio/webm' P3 UNCONFIRMED
1653678 Content Security Policy directive "sandbox" does not support value "allow-downloads" P3 UNCONFIRMED
1654421 Some CSS buttons on the site are broken since a recent patch on Firefox 80 Nightly build. P5 UNCONFIRMED
1655654 On youtube when playing video, after closing an ad, key commands for playback don't work, when `accessibility.typeaheadfind=true` -- UNCONFIRMED
1655713 Firefox does not support document.execCommand("indent") on code-tags with contenteditable="true" -- UNCONFIRMED
1656172 Page does not load with -url command line option and fetch-EventListener P5 UNCONFIRMED
1657340 Fast keyboard entry causes character loss in the typed characters (QR code scanner as keyboard) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1657503 installing and waiting states are always null on serviceWorker registration update() P3 UNCONFIRMED
1657738 calls create windows with read-only location/address bar in recent Firefox P2 UNCONFIRMED
1658315 <input type="radio">/<input type="checkbox"> do not block the default action of parent links P3 UNCONFIRMED
1658511 enter on input type text can trigger link P3 UNCONFIRMED
1659503 cross-origin XHR sent LOAD_ANONYMOUS stays anonymous when redirected to same-origin, doesn't send authorization header P3 UNCONFIRMED
1661767 Switch back from Fullscreen (F11) does not work when streaming MJPEG P5 UNCONFIRMED
1662100 Copy/Paste doesn't work on Azure SSH -- UNCONFIRMED
1662165 has the power to freeze the entire Firefox UI -- UNCONFIRMED
1662968 CTRL-Click Text Un-selection P5 UNCONFIRMED
1664779 document.requestStorageAccess() may not be called in a sandboxed iframe without allow-storage-access-by-user-activation in its sandbox attribute when the iFrame has the attribute value required P3 UNCONFIRMED
1665075 Test failed: wpt/resource-timing/buffer-full-add-then-clear -- UNCONFIRMED
1665362 firefox check invalid checkbox when uses same name P3 UNCONFIRMED
1665883 Request blocked and console errors P3 UNCONFIRMED
1667720 Prototype navigator.canShareType() method -- UNCONFIRMED
1667782 Passed URI to the scheme launched application is decoded. -- UNCONFIRMED
1668416 Forward and back buttons lose context P3 UNCONFIRMED
1670200 Drag image to other app from blob url doesn't work -- UNCONFIRMED
1670383 Split dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled pref to each clibpard event P5 UNCONFIRMED
1670447 deprecate randomDataOnCanvasExtract P3 UNCONFIRMED
1671272 bfcache entries aren't evicted based on the values of Cache-Control and Pragma headers P5 UNCONFIRMED
1671828 about:serviceworkers needs unregister all -- UNCONFIRMED
1673218 XP-Pen Star G640S doesn't work on Windows without dom.w3c_pointer_events.dispatch_by_pointer_messages P3 UNCONFIRMED
1673319 Facebook page too many memmory -- UNCONFIRMED
1674491 Firefox Touch Compression not working under Wayland P3 UNCONFIRMED
1674544 Pressing enter on an empty line for content-editable div with whitespace: pre-wrap does not result in the addition of a newline P3 UNCONFIRMED
1675833 Firefox Developer Edition doesn't recognize Control, Alt and Shift keyboard events P3 UNCONFIRMED
1676028 privacy.resistFingerprinting breaks the import of images from the clipboard P5 UNCONFIRMED
1676302 Keyboard not work some times P3 UNCONFIRMED
1677386 document.referrer inside an iframe doesn't work -- UNCONFIRMED
1681345 javascript Fetch() does not seem to be fully working to reroute browser P3 UNCONFIRMED
1681447 window.location.replace is an anti-feature P5 UNCONFIRMED
1681825 Efficient low frequency animations -- UNCONFIRMED
1682093 C-O key combination moves cursor backward instead of Return key behavior on Mac OS P3 UNCONFIRMED
1682112 Sometimes cursor doesn't change between pointer and default in Firefox UI and in pages P3 UNCONFIRMED
1682276 layout.word_select.stop_at_punctuation does not respect punctuation on the right of the word P5 UNCONFIRMED
1683974 hover div contenteditable left click P3 UNCONFIRMED
1684355 pointerup event not fired in certain situations when mouse buttons are released outside of the window P3 UNCONFIRMED
1685725 Windows 10 swipe-to-scroll does not work with Huion tablet devices -- UNCONFIRMED
1687028 Heisenbug--Gmail loses focus on input element -- UNCONFIRMED
1687163 The Copy command does not copy the whole text P3 UNCONFIRMED
1687193 Strobing on -- UNCONFIRMED
1687369 Extra mouse clicks in Firefox, no similar behavior in other apps -- UNCONFIRMED
1688167 Cannot escape from show picture view in new tab P3 UNCONFIRMED
1688662 Client has been destroyed Error after Service Worker Installation P2 UNCONFIRMED
1689133 Can't disable HTTPS Only Mode from the TLS security warning page P3 UNCONFIRMED
1689309 Sourcecode view is not updated P3 UNCONFIRMED
1690639 Scrolling mouse wheel over number text field spinner will both spin it and scroll page -- UNCONFIRMED
1691917 Cloning of picture with multiple sources cause flicker -- UNCONFIRMED
1692033 Click fired on wrong element in touch compared to mouse P3 UNCONFIRMED
1694789 input type date, time, color (maybe password) need accessible value mapped -- UNCONFIRMED
1695174 NS_ERROR_FAILURE after updating to Firefox Developer Edition 87.0 Beta 3 (20210225185804) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1695192 Appended module script runs too early P3 UNCONFIRMED
1695427 no audio outputdevice P3 UNCONFIRMED
1695899 Don't link to the XHR spec in the console warning for sync XHR P5 UNCONFIRMED
1696318 Web manifest selection should honor link element's attributes -- UNCONFIRMED
1696419 Firefox autocompletes hidden form inputs after location.reload() P3 UNCONFIRMED
1696502 Bootstrap 3 object disappears in firefox -- UNCONFIRMED
1696684 XMLHttpRequest with partial content returns zero bytes response P3 UNCONFIRMED
1696835 Service worker with empty fetch in Firefox is much slower than in Chromium -- UNCONFIRMED
1696973 HTTPS-only mode should indicate when it has upgraded insecure content somehow P3 UNCONFIRMED
1699959 paste into text area is hidden P3 UNCONFIRMED
1703297 COOP same-origin blocks BFCache P3 UNCONFIRMED
1704419 Nintendo Switch gamepad support -- UNCONFIRMED
1705555 [Wacom Intuos 3 6x8] pointerEvent.pointerType = "touch" instead of "pen" on Windows P3 UNCONFIRMED
1705586 When Subresource integrity check fails for one resources Firefox claims that "None of the "sha384" hashes in the integrity attribute match the content of the subresource." P3 UNCONFIRMED
1705892 [Wacom Intuos 3 6x8] pointerEvent.pointerType = "mouse" instead of "pen" on Linux P3 UNCONFIRMED
1706954 Confluence editor jumps to the top on toolbar use P3 UNCONFIRMED
1709761 Drop PaymentAddress and related events from Payment Request -- UNCONFIRMED
1711352 Differential behavior happend when new a EventSource with an empty URL compared with other browsers -- UNCONFIRMED
1714985 MouseEvent.constructor misses checking if the param value is non-infinite or not P3 UNCONFIRMED
1715231 Firefox downloads image with larger size than defined in srcset -- UNCONFIRMED
1715427 Response.blob() promise is rejected when the request URL is revoked after fetch P2 UNCONFIRMED
1716313 Response.constructor misses checking if init["statusText"] matches the reason-phrase token production or not P5 UNCONFIRMED
1716586 HTTPS-Only Mode: https timeout with multiple simultaneous connections P3 UNCONFIRMED
1716645 Popup from unexpectedly closes when moving mouse cursor P3 UNCONFIRMED
1717410 from my site, I click on a link to Google Photos, I click on the arrow "previous page" : it does not work and stay on Google Photos. It works with Chrome. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1717793 When "Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in all windows" is enabled this mode appears to stop the download of a Proxy Auto-Configuration file from a HTTP only web server that is hosted on a on a corporate intranet P3 UNCONFIRMED
1717831 When passing a non-ASCII string to `atob`, error should be more explicit P3 UNCONFIRMED
1719286 MouseEvent on <select> does not always recognize that the control key is down P3 UNCONFIRMED
1720077 Option to disable change to fullscreen from Javascript P5 UNCONFIRMED
1721122 Uncontrollable memory usage grow -- UNCONFIRMED
1722949 resistfingerprinting option P3 UNCONFIRMED
1723051 XHR HEAD caches result P3 UNCONFIRMED
1723357 Form Resubmission Dialog is not shown -- UNCONFIRMED
1723480 Contenteditable with a table inside - FF adds a BR tag in empty TD cells and the BR remains even after text is added to the cell with Javascript P3 UNCONFIRMED
1723644 Middle mouse scroll state (scroll icon) is retained across tabs when a tab closes P3 UNCONFIRMED
1725876 Can't click, page down, or inspect anywhere on P2 UNCONFIRMED
1726492 Typing text causes flash with fcitx4/fcitx5 P3 UNCONFIRMED
1726676 Firefox's dialog/pop-up letting through click events P3 UNCONFIRMED
1727775 [android] RFP userAgent vs Desktop Mode P5 UNCONFIRMED
1727964 `HTMLElement.blur()` can not cancel all the focus in sub tree P3 UNCONFIRMED
1731075 window.onload and window.onbeforeunload not working -- UNCONFIRMED
1732878 Support for multiple pens on touchscreen -- UNCONFIRMED
1733044 [navigation timing] Navigation Timing should not export connection timing when cross-origin redirects occur -- UNCONFIRMED
1733115 Blur callbacks should not be called on refresh -- UNCONFIRMED
1733151 input type number doesn't localize the number if trailing decimal zero is present P3 UNCONFIRMED
1733700 Mouse pointer instability with css cursor (esp. over Remote Desktop) -- UNCONFIRMED
1733755 413 status code ignored when using XMLHttpRequest P3 UNCONFIRMED
1735590 Script doesn't run if it's reinserted passing the "type" attribute preparation check after previously failing the "type" preparation check -- UNCONFIRMED
1735994 Implicit reference to `/favicon.ico` should be allowed regardless of CSP header P3 UNCONFIRMED
1736182 Input and search fields can lose focus while users are typing into them -- UNCONFIRMED
1736388 Allow for different lazy loading policies on responsive image sources. -- UNCONFIRMED
1736594 The "5" numpad key has bad key value -- UNCONFIRMED
1737402 Context menu shortcuts not working when switching Windows language -- UNCONFIRMED
1737882 Async module script element without previous script element blocks DOM parsing -- UNCONFIRMED
1738215 Differing CSP behavior for synthetic Response from service works in Firefox and Chrome P3 UNCONFIRMED
1739487 In Google Keep, in auto-fill/work-suggestion, the suggested word is appended to the initial typed characters (i.e.- "charcharacters" -- UNCONFIRMED
1740573 Treat GamePad input as a user gesture so users can enter fullscreen mode by a controller -- UNCONFIRMED
1741231 Element inside disabled button should be able to fire event if button's parent is listening event -- UNCONFIRMED
1741845 Status code is 0, all response headers are empty for an XHR (or JQuery ajax) that has HTTP status code 408 P2 UNCONFIRMED
1743078 geolocation doesn't support data json anymore -- UNCONFIRMED
1743689 Keyboard focus not restored for back fragment navigations -- UNCONFIRMED
1744078 KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey prevents Audio Autoplay unlock? (also other modifier keys) -- UNCONFIRMED
1745201 When reloading a local file, the browser throws a domexception -- UNCONFIRMED
1746926 Firefox considers just unselected node when window.getSelection() is called -- UNCONFIRMED
1747081 Dragging file attachment from Thunderbird to Firefox file input breaks the form P3 UNCONFIRMED
1747681 GamepadHapticActuator with DualSense not work -- UNCONFIRMED
1747759 When turning off the network connection, reload the page shows two other buttons during loading -- UNCONFIRMED
1748239 Cursor disappears behind background of element with position:relative and background-color set -- UNCONFIRMED
1748591 sequential focus navigation starting point dependent on whitespace P3 UNCONFIRMED
1749031 user-select:all copies incorrectly with surrounding whitespace -- UNCONFIRMED
1749427 Decreasing value of input type time and max defined with JavaScript stepDown does not yield the expected value -- UNCONFIRMED
1750898 When there is a table in the Web page, a single line of text, becomes multiple lines after being copied and pasted. -- UNCONFIRMED
1752290 input type=checkbox uses autocomplete, which does not conform to HTML standard P4 UNCONFIRMED
1752849 Data corruption because of cached inputs -- UNCONFIRMED
1753202 Clipboard.writeText reverses lines when pasting into PowerShell -- UNCONFIRMED
1754152 document.<formname>.submit doesn't work after innerhtml on table P5 UNCONFIRMED
1754505 intersectionObserver reports timestamp earlier than construction P3 UNCONFIRMED
1754997 The latest updated broke "Pen as mouse input" -- UNCONFIRMED
1755064 BroadcastChannel Storage Key: make webmessaging/broadcastchannel/cross-partition.https.tentative.html pass -- UNCONFIRMED
1755096 [UI Events-code] Keyboard event has event.code Backquote and IntlBackslash swapped on macOS with 102/105 ISO keyboard P3 UNCONFIRMED
1755178 readyState 3 fires many times per chunk P3 UNCONFIRMED
1755205 wayland: authenticator device dropdown does not render P3 UNCONFIRMED
1755435 Text selector is not shown when selecting by pen without touchscreen (e.g. Wacom Bamboo CTL-460) P3 UNCONFIRMED
1756191 Image load event is sometimes fired _after_ the image is painted instead of before -- UNCONFIRMED
1756416 input=range with high-precision step attribute yields invalid values -- UNCONFIRMED
1757306 Link headers not respected for image/media documents P5 UNCONFIRMED
1758041 After a log-in session, I get a time out message and cannot log in again, even if I log-out. Doesn't happen with Safari -- UNCONFIRMED
1758288 template containing img tag attempts to fetch src -- UNCONFIRMED
1759463 Request for fullscreen denied incorrectly on YouTube with accessibility.typeaheadfind -- UNCONFIRMED
1759480 Blocking of implicit form submission ignores type="date" and type="time" -- UNCONFIRMED
1759485 Email links or shortcuts that start firefox as default browser, will not load in 98.0.1 -- UNCONFIRMED
1759672 Can't focus on input when redirecting to page use iframe on firefox -- UNCONFIRMED
1760361 Empty export statement in Service Worker causes "an exception during script evaluation" -- UNCONFIRMED
1761080 Safelist 'notes' scheme -- UNCONFIRMED
1761904 Duplicate color display issue in custom color selection from color pallet -- UNCONFIRMED
1761941 Unusual cursor position/traveling at line end of multi line paragraph (content editable) -- UNCONFIRMED
1763361 it would be great if FF could autotranslate form field names for itself for autocompletion -- UNCONFIRMED
1764162 Occasionally, the `focus` event fails to fire when focusing a textarea in a cross-origin iframe P3 UNCONFIRMED
1764703 sourcemap NetworkError when source is retrieved from localhost alias P3 UNCONFIRMED
1764896 Access error if directory contains a file about which information cannot be obtained [no gtk] [getattr syscall denied] P3 UNCONFIRMED
1766973 Inconsistency of browser configuration across OS variants -- UNCONFIRMED
1768052 Flaky Security Error: Content at https://domain may not load data from blob:https//domain P3 UNCONFIRMED
1769549 Can't send drag and drop images from firefox to SMS in Apple messages -- UNCONFIRMED
1770693 Timestamp not added to filename when copy&paste images in localized versions P3 UNCONFIRMED
1770834 Feature request: add a notification for JS window.close() attempt -- UNCONFIRMED
1771588 When editing with contenteditable='true', <span> </span> (the space surrounded by span) disappears if the <ul> list is included, causing the words to merge into one -- UNCONFIRMED
1771648 privacy.resistfingerprinting breaks azure cloud shell P3 UNCONFIRMED
1771770 [MS Pinyin][Win] Chinese pinyin IME doesn't work in some text field -- UNCONFIRMED
1772712 Invalid axes and buttons for PS4 dualshock P3 UNCONFIRMED
1772749 [GTK][Fcitx] When I input korean characters followed by a space, the location of the character and the space is transposed -- UNCONFIRMED
1772785 Copying rich text from Firefox does not capture styling from style sheet -- UNCONFIRMED
1773934 can't `tab` key focus link on google search result page -- UNCONFIRMED
1774447 Implement COEP reflection -- UNCONFIRMED
1777192 User Preference Media Features Client Hints Headers -- UNCONFIRMED
1779213 When using audio/video input device Alt+D shortcut is swallowed by menu -- UNCONFIRMED
1779832 hover not reverted on pointerup with capture P3 UNCONFIRMED
1779871 Pen pressure doesn't work on Firefox Linux with official XP Pen drivers -- UNCONFIRMED
1779936 Javascript copy to clipboard requires mouse click to work -- UNCONFIRMED
1780183 lazy option: all following selects switches to "select > option[0]" after adding/removing a select in code and softreload P3 UNCONFIRMED
1782669 The hotkey to "Seek forward 1 frame when the video is paused" in YouTube doesn't work on Firefox for me. P3 UNCONFIRMED
1783225 links with rel=prefetch are not prefetched P3 UNCONFIRMED
1784404 Modifier keys (alt, shift, ctrl) do not trigger "keydown", "keyup" event -- UNCONFIRMED
1785782 caret placed in the middle of utf-8 smiley -- UNCONFIRMED
1787142 html attributes being assigned invalid equals and quotations -- UNCONFIRMED
1787292 Pointer Lock not cleared on tab closure -- UNCONFIRMED
1788153 Requesting geolocation before previous request has been handled interferes with accepting previous request -- UNCONFIRMED
1789252 EventSource prints error message in DevTools even though there is no error P3 UNCONFIRMED
1790044 window:beforeunload gets fired on form submit -- UNCONFIRMED
1792016 Focusout event related target not set appropriately on Mac builds? -- UNCONFIRMED
1792323 Synchronization problem between a WritableStream transferred to a web worker and messages exchange P3 UNCONFIRMED
1792434 Add duplex property to Request P2 UNCONFIRMED
1792508 Read clipboard get empty string when inside async function or callback after event loop -- UNCONFIRMED
1792581 Incorrect input value after form submit P3 UNCONFIRMED
1793429 ECDH SubtleCrypto.deriveBits does not correctly handle null length P3 UNCONFIRMED
1793545 Firefox doesn't seek to position of delayed anchor -- UNCONFIRMED
1793854 TPM not usable in Linux P3 UNCONFIRMED
1794478 Fragment identifer #top does not move focus to top. -- UNCONFIRMED
1795487 [Thunderbird] Events not delivered correctly when <editor> is inside <browser> P5 UNCONFIRMED
1795572 javascript open window dimensions are not honored when main window maximized P3 UNCONFIRMED
1795757 When keydown event registered the control key being down, mousemove will register once ctrlKey=false, then ctrlKey=true -- UNCONFIRMED
1796776 Undo in textarea or input type=text captures too much (mostly all text entered) -- UNCONFIRMED
1796902 geoclue2 doesn't work in snap version -- UNCONFIRMED
1796998 AbortSignal in ServiceWorker fetch results in network error P2 UNCONFIRMED
1797080 prevents traversing away -- UNCONFIRMED
1797282 pointermove movement{X and Y} are wrong -- UNCONFIRMED
1798442 upload of file should continue after wifi reconnection P2 UNCONFIRMED
1798682 'Go back one page' feature for gesture control is distractive & dangerous -- UNCONFIRMED
1800266 Intentional latency in URL.revokeObjectURL() freeing memory to deal with async propagation of load/navigation requests of Blob URLs P3 UNCONFIRMED
1801570 Changing image source to empty data url still renders old image -- UNCONFIRMED
1801935 Video orientation wrong when in full screen -- UNCONFIRMED
1802989 onCompositionEnd events don't follow the spec anymore -- UNCONFIRMED
1803916 text cursor becomes invisible after Ctrl-C -- UNCONFIRMED
1804149 Incorrect behavior when pressing the Option + Up/Down Arrow key combination inside a text field on macOS -- UNCONFIRMED
1804576 Label activation for labelable but not interactive content, e.g. output element, work differently than other browsers -- UNCONFIRMED
1804596 (Enhancement) Easy Way to Escape Trapped Focus -- UNCONFIRMED
1805110 Sometimes randomly, devicemotion events are not fired until first click P3 UNCONFIRMED
1805361 browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground causes crash when url loaded from other app -- UNCONFIRMED
1806238 On startup, the mouse pointer does not revert back from the busy icon -- UNCONFIRMED
1807803 Extra spaces are captured after copying text -- UNCONFIRMED
1808111 Inserting or pasting big images may put corner handles just out of reach (depending on initial scroll position of insertion point) -- UNCONFIRMED
1808112 Editor: Resizing an image from the top-right corner sometimes won't preserve aspect ratio -- UNCONFIRMED
1808868 backpressure support for fetch API P3 UNCONFIRMED
1809182 Resource timing: cross-origin IFrame fallback timing P2 UNCONFIRMED
1809226 Add navigationId to PerformanceEntry and subclasses -- UNCONFIRMED
1809404 In first repaint events innerWidth/innerHeight do not consider browser zoom -- UNCONFIRMED
1809501 Wrong name shown for Firefox from Microsoft Store on security key dialog P3 UNCONFIRMED
1811377 "Blocked Page" with no explanation in F12 console, probably related to 'COEP: require-corp' P2 UNCONFIRMED
1811562 Add more functionality to control-a selection -- UNCONFIRMED
1815025 HTML object (object tag) does not load properly when it is dynamically updated after an AJAX request -- UNCONFIRMED
1816320 [macOS] Invisible one-pixel border on the right hand side that breaks fitts law (can't click items in bottom right hand corner by moving mouse to the edge of the screen/display) -- UNCONFIRMED
1816586 Unwanted comma and period selection with Option + Shift + → on macOS -- UNCONFIRMED
1816862 Partial Test For `nsXHTMLContentSerializer::IsShorthandAttr(const nsAtom* aAttrName, const nsAtom* aElementName)` When `(aAttrName == nsGkAtoms::nowrap) && (aElementName == nsGkAtoms::td || aElementName == nsGkAtoms::th)` -- UNCONFIRMED
1816891 Favicon not loaded on pages with <meta refresh> to attachment -- UNCONFIRMED
1817090 [ibus] IME IMEFocusState::Blurred looses focus P3 UNCONFIRMED
1817154 Partial Test For `Element::InsertAdjacent(const nsAString& aWhere, nsINode* aNode, ErrorResult& aError)` When `!parent` -- UNCONFIRMED
1817447 BFCache is not working after back navigation in Google Search Results Page -- UNCONFIRMED
1817471 Text Zoom Only doesn't fire resize event -- UNCONFIRMED
1818025 Cursor stops being interactive in real-time -- UNCONFIRMED
1818940 <input type="date"> datepicker doesn't follow system "First day of week" -- UNCONFIRMED
1819339 FileSystemDirectoryReader.readEntries crash the browser when directory have too many entries -- UNCONFIRMED
1819596 After Firefox update, spaces in the WYSIWYG HTML Editor were replaced with &nbsp; -- UNCONFIRMED
1820030 Dynamically-inserted base URL influence image microtask -- UNCONFIRMED
1820088 webpage save missing pictures - incomplete "srcset" behaviour -- UNCONFIRMED
1820868 'Consume User Activation of Window' via WebDriver -- UNCONFIRMED
1821171 BroadcastChannel.postMessage() does not work from SharedWorker created with data url P3 UNCONFIRMED
1822714 [Pointer Events] Firefox macOS + Wacom stylus tiltY is inverted -- UNCONFIRMED
1823815 Firefox does not recognize line breaks in data URLs -- UNCONFIRMED
1823822 Pointer Events: stylus with finger wheel always reports tangentialPressure of 0 on Windows -- UNCONFIRMED
1823852 img loading="lazy" doesnt seem to work in shadowdom -- UNCONFIRMED
1823961 Make FileSystemHandles behave path-based -- UNCONFIRMED
1825949 Earlier pointerenter events have later timesTamp than later pointermove events. -- UNCONFIRMED
1826243 Unable to use Blob-compatible class with fetch -- UNCONFIRMED
1826911 HTMLDialogElement.prototype.showModal will sometimes focus an element with tabindex="-1" -- UNCONFIRMED
1827014 Service worker cache.addAll errors when resource paths have double underscores. -- UNCONFIRMED
1827165 Alt-tabbing forces Firefox into fullscreen -- UNCONFIRMED
1828045 Copying image from RTF Editor eg. (macOS Notes app) pastes the Object Replacement character instead in Firefox P2 UNCONFIRMED
1828448 <selectmenu-parts-structure.tentative.html> fails locally different than on Try -- UNCONFIRMED
1828853 back button not bypassing redirections -- UNCONFIRMED
1829401 Support locking the pointer with unadjustedMovement -- UNCONFIRMED
1829996 Implement BFCache interoperability for WebTransport -- UNCONFIRMED
1830702 firefox does not honor my gtk3 key theme -- UNCONFIRMED
1830889 using Firefox text boxes resets my xkbcomp -- UNCONFIRMED
1831193 Reload doesn't work on hung website -- UNCONFIRMED
1831798 youtube video fullscreen volume control / pausing -- UNCONFIRMED
1832869 Only restore dialog focus if focus is in the dialog -- UNCONFIRMED
1834390 text selection blocks mouse events -- UNCONFIRMED
1834884 Avoid caching local file resources P3 UNCONFIRMED
1835251 javascript form submit -- UNCONFIRMED
1836472 Microsoft IME does not switch to private mode if <input type="search"> has focus in the private window P2 UNCONFIRMED
1837271 Implement streams owning type -- UNCONFIRMED
1837401 Developer tools get stuck in resizing when using pen / pointer events -- UNCONFIRMED
1837427 firefox merges sequential <input> tags into one tag -- UNCONFIRMED
1838387 The space key won't insert a space character in a summary element inside an editable host element P2 UNCONFIRMED
1838805 In Moodle it is not possible to create a linked image with the ATTO editor. It is possible in Chrome, Edge, Safari. What is going on? Firefox is my default browser. Will I be forced to change? -- UNCONFIRMED
1839095 preventDefault on touchmove event fails if listener is registered within passive listener P2 UNCONFIRMED
1839254 togglePopover should return a boolean -- UNCONFIRMED
1839714 setTimeout with delay zero or undefined doesn't abide by callback queue order behaviour that all other timeouts do -- UNCONFIRMED

1709 Total; 1709 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Roadmap / Trello / Template
Feature Target Milestone Assignee Tracking Bug Development Testing
Screen Orientation API Firefox 40 (August 11, 2015) William Chen [:wchen] bug 1043102 IN PROGRESS
Service Workers Firefox 39 (June 30, 2015) Nikhil Marathe [:nsm] bug 903441 IN PROGRESS
IndexedDB/SQLite Performance Firefox 39 (June 30, 2015) Ben Turner [:bent] several DONE DONE
Picture Tag (use cases) Firefox 38 (May 12, 2015) John Schoenick [:johns] bug 870022 DONE DONE
BroadcastChannel API Firefox 38 (May 12, 2015) Andrea Marchesini [:baku] bug 966439 DONE DONE
IndexedDB in Workers Firefox 37 (March 31, 2015) Ben Turner [:bent] bug 701634 DONE DONE
Web Sockets in Workers Firefox 37 (March 31, 2015) Andrea Marchesini [:baku] bug 504553 DONE DONE