QA/Team Meeting/QA Team Meeting-2015-04-15

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Mozilla QA Meeting Wed 2015-04-15

# Every other Weds @ 1:30p Pacific Time - Mozilla HQ, Room: QA
# Vidyo:
# Phone:  +1 650 903 0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99456 (US/INTL)
#         +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99456 (US Toll Free)
#         +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 99456 (Canada)
# IRC:    irc://

Template available at:

Lead / Scribe

  • Lead: Matt Brandt (:mbrandt)
  • Scribe: Karl Thiessen (:kthiessen)
    • Scribe is responsible for:
      • adding the action items and takeaways to the current meeting's minutes
      • creating the agenda for the next meeting and carrying the action items and takeaways over to it
      • sending out a notice of the availability of that agenda along with the meeting invite
      • completing all of the above by the end of the week during which the meeting occurred

Actions From Last Week

  • [DONE] Stephen to check on and report back the process to add community-contributor nominations for attending work week in Whistler

Deadlines and Schedules

Next Merge: August 5, 2024 Next Release: August 6, 2024
Central: 130 Aurora: 54 Beta: 129 Release: 128

Other Notable Dates/Events (Read Only)

Discussion & Updates for Team

Lightning Talk


  • Goals for Q2
    • [marcia/mhoye] Primary goal is to get 100% of the daily incoming bugs to Firefox, Toolkit, and Core triaged.
    • We could track overall QA Community Goals here:
      • There are several parts to this including working on documentation
  • Whistler Work Week
    • Deadline this Friday, April 17. Email has been sent describing the nomination process for contributors. Volunteer invite criteria here.
  • Community Champions
    • Looking for feedback as to whether it makes sense to have a community discussion as the second half of this meeting
  • MDN Docs
    • marcia currently working on cleaning up/consolidating all the docs related to Bug Triage
  • QA Discourse Category
  • Testdays
  • Upcoming events
    • Possible event in LATAM in Q3 with l10n team
    • Possible event in EU in Q4 with l10n team
    • Please contact marcia if you are interested in helping to plan the QA involvement in events in these areas


New Contributor Spotlight

These are new contributors, if you see them around, say hello

Contributor Honor Roll

For those that went above and beyond this week, we salute you here.

Quarter Goals

Action Items and notes from the meeting

April 15, 2015 (2015-04-15 Wed)

Action items

Maja says more teatime!

[all QA] Use the goals page on the wiki to document your community goals.

[Stephen? Whoever owns the invite] Please update the invite with pointers to agenda and etherpad.


Volunteers to Whistler: talk to Marcia! We've only got two people on the list. List is in the link on the agenda.

[marcia] Community Goals for Q2: Have we done these? What are they? Do people besides Marcia have them? It may be challenging to meet overall community goals if we don't have many individual employees helping out.

[marcia, KaiRo] Softvision included in community efforts? Not explicitly; they are doing some bug triage and other things which may not be connected to community. Florin has been in touch with Marcia. Co-ordination still unclear.

[marcia] Training for community bug triage? How would we do this?

[mbrandt] What goals can we set to increase visibility for community training and other community tasks? For that matter, how can we see what the smaller QA groups are doing with community? WebQA is still working through Q2 goals; we want community to be a part of those. Community (templated) test plans are a priority.

[marcia] Community Champions-type discussion can be a half-hour adjunct to this meeting. Kairo and AaronMT concur.

[KaiRo] More of a push for quality is needed -- measurable metrics are going the wrong way, especially on Firefox Desktop.

[mbrandt] How would another half hour on community topics differ from what is already going on in this meeting? [marcia] Specific logistical details relating to individual events, as opposed to general status. Smaller initiatives that need specific details (contribute page, etc.)

[mbrandt] Consolidated QA voice is a big win. Let's discuss how we can make that happen.

[marcia] BuddyUp-type program around QA? [VP7] +1 for such Programs. There are Community Space which can be used. In India there is one.

[maja] Status updates are important! [KaiRo, mbrandt, justin +3] We need a place to do this, even if it's just every two weeks.

[mbrandt] Challenge: what can we do as a group in Whistler? Card games, hikes? Coding? Doc sprints? Let's use this time to our advantage. Brainstorming about how we want to use the rest of the year.

[mbrandt] Another challenge: Anticipate some chaos in Whistler. Don't let that deter us from doing good work together.

[KaiRo] Things will be closer together in Whistler than in Portland; that may help.

I will be helpful if the etherpad is followed in some format

like for QA [VP7]

[Syd] Please update the invite to include agenda and etherpad. (copied to action items.)

Travel / PTO (Read Only)

  • QA PTO Calendar (Google)
  • Anthony Hughes on vacation in the Philippines April 16-26


Kitten, fox, or other cute animal gif of the week:

Next Meeting's Lead/Scribe

  • Lead: maja_zf
  • Scribe: mbrandt