Raindrop/Weekly Call/2009-11-10
From MozillaWiki
< Raindrop | Weekly Call
andy, clarkbw, davida, dmose, jrburke, markh
- 1/2 week more on Maple
- 2.5 weeks on Wattle
High-level, multi-milestone goals
- feeling of relief for users upon first-run experience
- dogfoodable (both for users & devs)
- cloudable
Feeling of Relief
- important characteristics
- easy to setup
- good defaults for notifications
- knobs for manual tweaking of less/more of various kinds
- people and relationships
- bryan to draft more detailed design thoughts when he's not sick
- markh, jrburke to consider roadmaps for back & front-ends to support that
Further Wattle discussion
- Friday