Beta queries on Bugzilla
BETA (131)
- This is a draft, please help check and correct these queries - lizzard
When release management tracks a bug in Beta we are committed to follow through on it until it is resolved. Our goal is to land fixes in time to test them before the beta version of Firefox moves to the release channel. It's especially important to track regressions, topcrashes, critical and high priority security fixes, issues that will impact many users, and issues that affect new or highlighted features.
Tracked bugs
It's often useful to sort these by the last changed date, and go through the oldest first.
46 Total; 6 Open (13.04%); 23 Resolved (50%); 17 Verified (36.96%);
Tracking nominations
Bugs nominated (by anyone) for tracking. These need frequent triage. It's good to mark which versions are affected and unaffected. If you can't easily tell from the comments, ask for QA help.
Tracking nominations: (current query)
No results.
0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);