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In the spirit of a similar page on MDC, this page details the various "branches" and when they were made. In the case of hg, the date is when the new repository was created.

Name Description Notes
mozilla-central Trunk development on Firefox 130 and Gecko 2.0.
mozilla-beta Branch development on Firefox 129 and Gecko 2.0.
mozilla-aurora Branch development on Firefox 54 and Gecko 2.0.
mozilla-esr60 Branch development on Firefox ESR 60 and Gecko 2.0. How To: Releases/Set_Up_ESR_Branch
mozilla-1.9.2 Branch development on Firefox 3.6 and Gecko 1.9.2. branch date: 2009-08-13
mozilla-1.9.1 Branch development on Firefox 3.5 and Gecko 1.9.1. branch date: 2008-12-01
HEAD (on CVS) Branch development on Firefox 3.0 and Gecko 1.9.0. branch date: 2008-06-01 (kinda; didn't really "branch", development moved to hg)