Releases/Firefox 3.5.2/Test Plan

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Firefox 3.5.2 Test Plan

Description of Release

This will likely be a chem-spill release which will address critical bugs in Firefox, to be disclosed at Black Hat.

Specific Plan for 3.5.2

We need to verify bug fixes. In addition we will go through the usual checks for our maintenance releases: smoketests, basic functional tests, l10n spot checks, and updates checks.


Given the chemspill nature of this release, we will have an accelerated schedule. TBD

  • Code Freeze: Week of 7/27
  • QA Starts Verifications: Week of 7/27
  • Builds Start: Week of 7/27
  • QA Cycle: Week of 7/27
    • Smoketests: Half day - 3 people
    • BFTs: One full day - 3 people
    • l10n: Half day - 3 people
    • Updates checks betatest: Half day - 3 people
    • Updates Beta(?): Week of 7/27, half day - 3 people


  • Verifications: Everyone who can help (tchung, juanb, ...)
  • Smoketests: 3 people (ashughes, tester2, ...)
  • BFTs: 3 people (ashughes, Tyler Downer, tester3, ...)
  • l10n checks: 3 people (tchung, tchung, tchung)
  • Updates checks: 3 people (ashughes, tchung, ...)


We'll have links to the builds as they become available.

Test Results

  • Verifications: 64 out 85 bug fixes verified
    • Most security and critical ones have been verified. Of the remainder ones, we have tried to verify or asked reporter/dev to help us verify. Most of the bug fixes have been looked at and at least commented on.
  • Smoketests and BFTs: PASS
  • l10n Spot Checks: PASS
  • Updates: Pass (betatest, releasetest)

Bugs to Verify


  1. Focus on critical and security bugs first.
  2. Starting 3.5.2 we will mark bug as verified adding the keyword verified1.9.1, leaving the status1.9.1 flag to .2-fixed