Releases/Firefox 36.0.1/BuildNotes

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Build 1


Set up whatsnew page on release-cdntest

The whatsnew page for this release should only be shown for users coming from versions prior to 36.0. We'll need an extra rule in Balrog to accommodate this. This was done a little differently than the documentation shows because the automatically generated release blob already had the whatsnew page enabled. What I did was:

  • Create a new release called Firefox-36.0.1-build2-no-whatsnew, which is the same as the original blob but without "actions" or "openURL" in it.
  • Create a new rule with the following values:
    • product: Firefox
    • channel: release-cdntest
    • priority: 91
    • backgroundRate: 100
    • version: >=36.0
    • mapping: Firefox-36.0.1-build2-no-whatsnew

We'll need to create a similar rule for the "release" channel just before we ship.

Apply throttling / ship to release channel

  • Before triggering the "update shipping" builder, created a rule to handle whatsnew pages for the release channel. Same as above, except channel = "release".
  • Triggered "update shipping" builder as usual
  • Updated the main Firefox release channel rule to set background rate to 100% and remove comment about updates being shut off.


Build 1


Retrigger source tagging

en-US tagging failed before it pushed anything. Retriggered the job, but that didn't end up kicking downstream builders. Due to the way these schedulers work, I guess these aren't re-runnable. We decided to do a build2 instead of trying to kick it along by hand.

Build 2
