Releases/Firefox 60/Test Plan/Beta/5

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Firefox 60 Beta 5 Test Plan

Build information

Manual QA's recommendation for this build

Note: Recommendation based on results from manual testing.
60.0b5-build1 COMPLETED (100%) SHIP IT
  • No new issues uncovered during testing.
  • Known (old) bugs encountered are low-impact.

Manual testing summary

Bookmarks Customization
Windows 7 x64 Oana Botisan 64-bit HD Graphics 4600 GREEN GREEN
Windows 10 x32 Camelia Badau 32-bit Intel HD 2500 (32MB) GREEN GREEN
Mac OS X 10.11 Ciprian Georgiu 64-bit Intel Iris Pro GREEN GREEN
Ubuntu 14.04 x64 Timea Zsoldos 64-bit AMD RS780 GREEN GREEN

Features in Firefox 60

Detailed test results

New bugs

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Known bugs

High-impact bugs also encountered in previous builds

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Low-impact bugs also encountered in previous builds

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
428378 Synced tabs, bookmarks, and history entries don't have a favicon until the user re-visits that page again REOPENED
964821 Menubar is overlaid by window buttons RESOLVED WORKSFORME
972658 Undo 'restore defaults' does not restore toolbar visibility (bookmarks / menu toolbar ) NEW
1177382 Error is thrown by controller.jsm each time a URL is dragged onto the Bookmarks Toolbar RESOLVED FIXED
1209518 The pasted bookmark keeps the styling of a cut one VERIFIED FIXED
1249000 Using "load in sidebar" with bookmarks to about:reader URLs (pages in Reader mode) don't actually load in the sidebar RESOLVED WONTFIX
1253624 When you want to cut and paste a bookmark from Bookmarks Toolbar, it will remain selected RESOLVED DUPLICATE
1283299 Implement titlebar rendering on GTK 3.20+ ASSIGNED
1424274 [Intermitent] If a bookmarked is changed into a specific website the bookmark icon is not highlighted. NEW
1445939 [Linux] The item is not visible while drag and drop it to Overflow Menu (using dark theme) RESOLVED FIXED
1446905 [Linux] Toolbar button hover state and the pop-up menu should dismiss when click to another toolbar button with pop-up menu NEW
1446970 [Linux] Toolbar button hover state was cut off when first click on a pop-up menu button RESOLVED WORKSFORME

12 Total; 5 Open (41.67%); 6 Resolved (50%); 1 Verified (8.33%);

Bug fix verification

Note: {{{1}}}

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Status tags

  • [NOT STARTED] - {{mnotstarted}} - little or no work has started on this task
  • [ON TRACK] - {{mok}} - task is actively being worked on and those assigned feel comfortable and confident in the quality of the build.
  • [DONE] - {{mdone}} - task is completed and those assigned feel comfortable and confident in the quality of the build.
  • [AT RISK] - {{mrisk}}- blocking bug / high number of bugs / other confidence-shakers makes us feel not comfortable with the quality of the build.
  • [IN PROGRESS] - {{mprog}} - actively being tested on
  • [INVESTIGATION NEEDED] - {{minvest}} - more investigation needed