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Meeting details

Discussed topics

  • "At MozCamp the IT team has provided support for local communities on Foundation's servers. What do we want to move on these servers?" / "La MozCamp, echipa de TI și-a oferit sprijinul pentru găzduirea serviciilor comunităților locale pe serverele fundației. Ce mutăm pe aceste servere?"
    • The creative team from Mozilla explained at MozCamp that there is a proposed theme for sites :­irefox/brand/website/
    • the movement of the hosting and domain under Mozilla is in progress
    • there is an open bug for creation of a Mozilla list for community under Mailman
    • Action Item discuss whether is wanted or not to move to Mozilla mailing list
  • "Which will be the theme, content and development of the new Mozilla Romania community site?" / "Tema, conținutul și dezvoltarea noului sait al comunității Mozilla România?"
    • menus: the existent structure with focus on Contribute
    • the creative team from Mozilla explained at MozCamp that there is a proposed theme for sites :­irefox/brand/website/
    • content fresh news, first place where opinions and Mozilla decision to be available for ROmania
    • Action Item creates a site version with the proposed theme from creative team
  • "What is the role of each communication channel, when using each (IRC, social networking groups, forums, blogs, Google discussion group) and which are the applicable rules?" / "Care este rolul fiecărui canal de comunicare, când se folosește fiecare din acestea(IRC, grupuri pe rețele de socializare, forum, blog, grupul de discuții Google) și regulile aplicabile?"
    • IRC : free, directly, in same time (online) chat
    • social network groups : reach out the media and fans of Mozilla through specific channels
    • forums : -
    • blogs : detailed news, posts about Mozilla, reach out to media
    • google group : free offline chat, debate, archives
    • Action Item
  • Are there any rules for all these channel from Mozilla? If so, which are those?
  • "What does social media promotion means in Mozilla Romania community?" / "Ce presupune promovarea în social media a comunității Mozilla România?"
    • aboved discussed
  • Postponed due to time and absence:
  • "What are our objectives in the next 6 months?" /"Care sunt obiectivele noastre pe următoarele 6 luni?"
  • "Distribution of tasks: what would be the areas of activity?" / "Distribuirea sarcinilor: care ar fi domeniile de activitate?"
  • "What should be the responsibilities of leader ?" /"Care trebuie să fie responsabilitățile liderului ?"