Screen Reader - Orca

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The scenario where a user is blind is matched to a Gnome environment that uses a standard keyboard, a screen reader, and a braille I/O device. This user cannot use a standard mouse setup. This user requires a keyboard for program navigation and interaction with a screen reader to parse applications and their widgets. They may also use a braille device as a display (in conjunction with a screen reader), as inferred above when checking braille+speech together.

  • For Solaris10/JDS3, we use Gnopernicus-speech to provide speech and braille assistance for blinds.
  • For Solaris Nevada/Vermillion, we will use Orca-speech to provide same services for blinds.

Set up

Launch Theme by two ways:

One way:

  • 1. Launch main menu->Preference->Assistive Technology Preferences
  • 2. Check "Enable assistive technologies"
  • 3. Click "Close and log out" button
  • 4. Log in
  • 5. Launch main menu->All Applications->Universal Access->Orca Screen Reader and Magnifier
  • 6. In "Orca Screen Reader and Magnifier" window, click "Preference" button
  • 7. In "Orca Preference" dialog, check "Speech"->"Enable speech" and "Braille"->"Enable braille monitor"
  • 8. Close the dialog after finishing configuration.

The other way:

  • 1. Type in terminal : $ orca
  • 2. There are several questions in the following, configure orca by answering these questions
  • 3. Log out and log in.

Test Aim

The emphasis of testing alternates between checking speech output, and checking both braille+speech output. The alternation is such that every 2nd build is checked for synthesized speech output, and every other build is checked for output in both speech+braille forms.

Tester Notes