SeaMonkey:Release Process:2.4b2
Build Harness
Tracking bug filed as bug 686048
Build Engineer
Justin Wood
Signed-off Revisions
- releases/comm-beta
- fe74f461b4b8
- releases/mozilla-beta
- dom-inspector
- chatzilla
- 144f0c279a3b
- venkman
- ec1bad774125
L10n revisions according to opt-ins as taken from the sign-off tool (and pushed ship-it)
- Have to do the same s/mac/mac64/ work as in SeaMonkey 2.1b2. Will have to look into an easier way for that
- Made sure all build machines have clean release directories.
- jumphost sh
- Windows relclean.bat
- Updated build/buildbot-configs 3ecba5cb9cc6 for l10n and configs
- Updated and reconfigured buildmaster
- Kicked off with the following command:
buildbot sendchange --username=Callek --master=localhost:9010 --branch=releases/comm-beta -c "SeaMonkey 2.4b2build1" doit
- Tagging failed due to hg server issues, re-kicked
- Had to modify our relbranch prefix locally on master, so we don't get errors on branching.
- Failed again, Resorted to doing it manually, locally, so I don't have to fight tons of times. Reverted to the first-round relbranch since the majority of successful ones were with that.
- Did manual for mozilla-beta and venkman, and created a script which I ran, based on l10n revs, and used seabld key to push those tags (since I personally don't have a l10n bit yet)
- Set skip_tag in configs, updated and reconfigured buildmaster
- Kicked off with the following command:
buildbot sendchange --username=Callek --master=localhost:9010 --branch=releases/comm-beta -c "SeaMonkey 2.4b2build1" doit
- all builds succeeded normally
- L10n repacks failed for fr and sk, fr because of still having a custom help file that they removed in their extra, sk due to adding a cZ string that wasn't actually used in what we built. Reverted both tags to an earlier rev followed by a rebuild of the repacks:
- These repacks finished fine
Fake tr locale
Not Needed for this build
- Our mac builds (non en-US) uploaded to mac64/ so I had to move them over to mac/ on stage, for both updates and builds.
- Logged onto and ran
sh ~/
- which moves all mac64 files/directories to mac, and removes the mac64 dir.
- Logged onto and ran
- We have no signing infrastructure for SeaMonkey right now, so I faked the signing step that is usually done after completion of builds and L10n repacks and before the update generation.
- Logged onto and ran
sh ~/
Updates and Verification
- _l10n_verify and updates started automatically, triggered by the fake-signing.
- L10n verification is mostly useless, since we have lots of expected changed strings.
- Update and Update verification were both good.
Copy Language Packs
as documented in 2.0b1 notes to move the langpacks into the directory we want them in for release.
as documented in 2.0b1 notes to move the Windows zips into the directory we want them in for release.
Create Checksums
as documented in 2.0.3 notes, created MD5SUMS and SHA1SUMS files containing all files we release - copying the README from last time and replacing the versions as needed, as well as doing the same for Linux x86_64.
Push To Mirrors
as documented in 2.0.3 notes to finally push the files to the public dir for mirrors to pick them up.
Final Verification
Used 'Force Build' to start the final_verification builder;
Push Updates to the beta Channel
On aus |/opt/aus2/snippets/staging/|:
~/bin/backupsnip Sea*2.4b1*build1 ~/bin/pushsnip Sea*2.4b1*build1
Push build to TrendMicro
I used the TrendMicro provided staging ftp directory to stage 2.1rc1 en-us win32 for them to scan, and be sure there are no false-positives.