From MozillaWiki
Standing Agenda
- Goals Recap
- Review currently active (P1) features against their established milestones, identify any blockers - Security/Roadmap + Privacy/Roadmap
- Review roadmap priorities to ensure they accurately reflect active projects and Mozilla's priorities
- Suggest additions or changes to roadmaps
- Detailed discussion of features or outstanding issues as time permits
- Additional Items
- Upcoming events, OOO/travel, etc.
Last week:
Q3 Goals
- Implement security model for basecamp
- Achieve go / no-go for Firefox sandboxing
- Deliver "final" Click to Play experience (address correctness and UX)
- Ship CSP compliant with W3C 1.0 spec (also helps B2G)
- Lead security/privacy dev community event or workshop
Meeting day ?
- Tuesday? Think on it.
- UX team member starting to focus on security - Larissa Co
- SOUPS followups (research study with sslight, contact people, research funding)
- PETS followups
- mozcamp europe
- gsoc - User Specified CSP Demo, infer policy
- sandboxing addons research