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Requires a short DB migration

Bug 814647

No downtime required.

  1. clean up old state - remove sp-admin01:~socorro/persistent/crontabbers.json and clear crontabber_state table ("update crontabber_state set state = '{}';")
  2. copy /etc/socorro/{crontabber.ini, common_database.ini, common_logging.ini} from stage admin box to prod admin box and customize common_database.ini
  3. ensure that automatic email is disabled/in test mode
  4. test that crontabber works manually - as socorro, run "/data/socorro/application/scripts/crons/"
  5. modify prod crontab to be
  6. enable nagios monitoring - "PYTHONPATH=/data/socorro/application:/data/socorro/thirdparty/ /data/socorro/application/socorro/cron/ --admin.conf=/etc/socorro/crontabber.ini --nagios" Bug 818736