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5,761 bytes added, 19:24, 16 July 2008
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== About Fennec == "Fennec" is the code name of the effort to build a mobile version of Firefox. Fennec is half of the Mozilla mobile effort to enable mobile phones with Mozilla software - for the other half, see [[Embedding]]. Here are some key project pages: * [[Mobile/FennecVision|Fennec vision statement]]* [ Fennec version 1 requirements]* [[Mobile/FennecRequirementsUser Experience |Fennec version user experience]] Still have questions? See our [[Mobile/FAQ|FAQ]] for Mobile. If you're interested in what we'll be working on over the next 6 months or so, please see the [[Mobile/Roadmap|Roadmap]]. === Goals === The overall goals for Mobile Firefox are:* provide Mozilla’s standards-based open-source browser engine, optimized for mobile, that can be embedded by device manufacturers and others;* a full-featured mobile browser including support for XUL-based add-ons, delivering on Firefox’s key principles of ease-of-use, security and accessibility;* grow the Mozilla community in the mobile space;* provide tools and documentation to help developers develop, debug and deploy web applications;* do all of this work in the shared Mozilla source repositories so all platforms, desktop and mobile, benefit each other For more background on our goals please see [[Mobile/Background|these blog posts]]. == Learn More == === Monthly Newsletters ===Mozilla publishes a monthly newsletter called "about:mobile" that's dedicated to what's going on with Mobile in the Mozilla Project. [ Sign up to get the newsletter via email] or follow the newsletter posts in the [ Mozilla Developer News weblog].   === Weekly Meetings ===There will be a meeting each week to discuss the general status of Mobile.Please use [irc:// #mobile], [] or [] for communication Meeting Details: * Monday @ 9:00AM PST* +1 650-903-0800 (US/Intl) x91 conf# 314 * +1 800 707 2533 (US) pin 369 conf# 314* [irc:// #mobile] for backchannel* Agenda and notes can be found [[Mobile/Notes|here]] === Fennec Status Meeting ===This meeting is intended to be a quick status meeting on active and upcoming work for Fennec. * Friday @ 11:00AM PST* +1 650-903-0800 (US/Intl) x91 conf# 314 * +1 requirements800 707 2533 (US) pin 369 conf# 314* [irc:// #mobile] for backchannel  == Technical Details, Documents, & Designs == === Requirements === === Features ===This is the first draft of a [[Mobile/FeatureList|feature list]].  === Supported Platforms & APIs ===We have the stated goal of supporting Windows Mobile and Linux devices. Support for other Platforms may be added in the future. We will also support several embedders who are using mozilla technology, and will keep track of that [[Mobile/Platforms |here]]. [[Mobile/DeviceAPIs | Proposed Device + Location APIs]] === Performance === Performance, memory consumption and on-device footprint are crucial to both embedders and Fennec. * [[Mobile/Performance |Performance/Memory issues]]** [[Mobile/StartupOptimization | Startup optimization]]** [[Mobile/XULOptimization | XUL optimization]]** [[Mobile/MemoryOptimization | Memory optimization]]** [[Mobile/Profiling | Profiling]]* * [[Mobile/MemoryReduction | Memory reduction]]  [ Current blocking 1.9+ performance issues]  === UI ===[[Mobile/UI/Designs/NonTouchScreen | Designs for Non-touch-screen Phones]][[Mobile/UI/Designs/TouchScreen | Designs for Touch-screen Phones]] == Building/Running Fennec ==[[Mobile/Build | Ports, build instructions, platform support]]  == Testing Fennec== Our [[Mobile:TestPage|first test page]], post interesting urls here.<br>Running [[Mobile/ReleasesFennec_Mochitest|ReleasesMochitests on Fennec]]  === Bugs ===[ Current mobile bugs]

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