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344 bytes added, 06:00, 22 August 2014
Event Handlers
=== onservicechanged ===
; Description
: A handler to trigger when GATT services on the remote LE device have been added, removed, or modified. Access to property [[B2G/Bluetooth/WebBluetooth-v2/BluetoothGatt#services|]] in this event handler would get the updated list. See BT4.1 3.G.2.5.2 and 3.G.7.1 for detailed information.
; Sample
var gatt = device.gatt;
gatt.onservicechanged = function onServiceChanged() {
console.log("Services on remote LE devices have been added, removed, or modified. Check the services list to ensure services in use still exist.");
=== onconnectionstatechanged ===
; Description
: A handler to trigger when GATT client has connected/disconnected to/from a remote GATT server.
; Sample
var gatt = device.gatt;
gatt.onconnectionstatechanged = function onConnectionStateChanged() {
console.log("Connection state changed to", gatt.connectionState);
== Methods ==

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