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1,195 bytes added, 06:25, 22 August 2014
=== connect() ===
; Description
: The method is used to re-connect to the remote GATT server after the connection has been dropped. If the remote GATT server is not in range, the re-connection will be triggered once the server is back in range.
; Parameter
: ''aAutoConnect''
:: Whether to directly connect to the remote device (false) or to automatically connect as soon as the remote device becomes available (true).
; Return
: A Promise to indicate whether the operation is resolved or rejected. If the Promise is resolved, it returns a [[B2G/Bluetooth/WebBluetooth-v2/BluetoothGatt#BluetoothGatt|BluetoothGatt]] object whose connectionState is connected. The promise is rejected if 1) the device is not of type le or dual, 2) creation of [[B2G/Bluetooth/WebBluetooth-v2/BluetoothGatt#BluetoothGatt#BluetoothGatt|BluetoothGatt]] object fails, or 2) connection to remote LE device fails.
; Sample
var autoConnect = false;
device.connectGatt(autoConnect).then { function onResolve(gatt) {
// gatt.connectionState is connected.
console.log("Resolved with gatt. Connection state:", gatt.connectionState);
}, function onReject(aReason) {
console.log("Rejected with this reason: " + aReason);
=== disconnect() ===

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