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816 bytes added, 16:12, 28 September 2014
=== Pascal ===
planned for this week:
* work* Transvision release with what we have ready in the backlog* Travel to Spain for the l10n event
done last week:
*Planned my trip to the open source minor languages gathering in Spain (, coordinated with Keko to also meet next Friday with local open source organizations* Transvision: Kept working on my Product class and the first new view using it (exposing the state of devtools l10n per locale)* Transvision: Improved installation process for linux/mac, now just launching the start script generates the configuration file + added a -remote option to so as to launch the app with an IP accesible from the host OS in case Transvision is ran into a VM* Meeting with Laura Thompson to inventory our tools and our data retention/privacy practices* Took a day off (was sick)
=== Pei ===

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