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782 bytes added, 20:15, 5 October 2014
=== Pei ===
planned for this week:
*Get buy-ins from different groups to fund FFOS localization effort to support af, xh, and zu: marketing, marketplace, SUMO, Legal, and App curation* Work with Rubric, the agency to support the effort, on scoping work and task* Create template for l10n work should the effort be repeated for locales where there is lack of community support (pending FFOS product and SUMO content)* Review agenda items and provided input and supporting material for the Hindi l10n community meetup in late October (Umesh)* Work on change orders for Legal PO to cover additional work in Q4* Review Q4 legal roadmap; what must be covered and what could be omitted * Work with bn-BD community to encourage them to finish outstanding l10n work that should have been completed before FFOS launch.
done last week:

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