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Other examples of translation problems
==Gender dependance==
In italian articles, numerations and adjectives are gender dependent.This causes problems with calendar (and other apps. maybe) since it isn't possible now to change the gender of a word dependig on the term it relates to.
Here are some exaples:

The first day of the month -> Il primo giorno del mese<br>
The first week of the month -> La prima settimana del mese<br>
The first day of the week -> Il primo giorno della settimana<br>
The third monday of the month -> Il terzo lunedì del mese<br>
The third sunday of the month -> La terza domenica del mese

Every friday -> Tutti i venerdì<br>
Every sunday -> Tutte le domeniche

The first day -> Il primo giorno<br>
The first days -> I primi giorni<br>
The first week -> La prima settimana<br>
The first weeks -> Le prime settimane

A good day -> Un buon giorno<br>
A good week -> Una buona settimana<br>
Some good days -> [Alcuni|Dei] buoni giorni<br>
Somme good weeks -> [Alcune|Delle] buone settimane

1 day -> 1 giorno<br>
2 days -> 2 giorni<br>
1 week -> 1 settimana<br>
2 weeks -> 2 settimane

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