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Firefox OS/DeviceQA/2014-10-13WeeklyReport

2,042 bytes removed, 09:36, 24 October 2014
* Week W43 (10/20~10/24):
** MCTS testing on v2.0
| Alison
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Bugs verification
** Update DSDS gaia-ui-test case for bug 980757
** Study [SIMalliance] Open Mobile API Test Specification
** Test cases categorization for NFC
** Test cases categorization for Media (Ringtones part)
* Week W43 (10/20~10/24):
** Bugs verification
** Test cases categorization for Peripherals
** Predefined NFC Secure Element API test spec
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Visit outsourcing partner.
* Week W43 (10/20~10/24):
** Resolve the problems of outsourcing. (generate/upload builds, flashing...etc)
** Follow up the valid way of flashing Gaia/Gecko and backup/restore. (Bug 1050282, 1078710)
** Follow up the Card UI user story.
| Cynthia
** Test cases categorization for Productivity
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Cost Control test cases cleanupExploratory against v2.1** Verification of bugs** Write gaia-ui-Fixing SMS/STK test for cost control app.cases** Verify cost control and telemetry bugs.Reviewing smoke test case
* Week W43 (10/20~10/24):
|-|Askeing||* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):** Visit outsourcing partner.||Market customization testing* Week W43 (10/20~10/24):** Resolve the problems of outsourcing. (generate/upload builds, flashing...etc)Market customization test case fixing** Follow up the valid way of flashing Gaia/Gecko and backup/restore. (Bug 1050282, 1078710)** Follow up the Card UI user story.bash preparation badge design
** Test cases categorization for WiFi
** Verify bugs.
| Hubert
* '''Week W42 (10/13~10/17)'''
**QA outsource partner training (10/13 ~ 10/18)
* '''Week W43 (10/20~10/24)'''
**Follow up Woodduck tasks and issues
**Handle outsource tasks and issues
**Woodduck triage meeting
**Outsourcing weekly meeting
| Mike
* Q4 plan
* Check incoming request for flash tool
* download progress for flash tool
* Bug fix for in-testcase logging
* Evaluating test solution on mac mini
-- backlog --
* Followup live test run stream
* Datazilla integration
* Bug fix for in-testcase logging* Modify Modifying crash report patch based on review ||* Week W43 (10/20~10/24):
| ericShing
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Exploratory against v2Cost Control test cases cleanup.1** Verification of Verify cost control and telemetry bugs.** Fixing SMS/STK Practiced MarionetteJS test casescase writing.** Practiced Jenkins CI setup.** Built geolocation API demo.** Reviewing smoke test caseBuilt MozTrap helper addon.
* Week W43 (10/20~10/24):
** Market customization testingVerify cost control bugs.** Market customization test case fixingSupport Bug Bash on Fri.** Sharing on geolocation API.** Smoketest/RAT/TOFT triage for cost control cases.** Bug bash preparation badge designImprove MozTrap helper addon.
| William HsuTeri
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** [Device] Assist device related tests - Tako
**# Tako v2.1 Test Plan
**# Assign Tako's bugs to developers and stakeholders.
**# Executing Gaia UI test on Tako ES2 build (ETA: 10/14)
**# Executing smoketest on Tako ES2 build (ETA: 10/16)
**# Weekly meeting with partner (10/14)
** [Device] Assist device related tests - Flame
**# Gaia UI test on v2.0 Build
**# v2.0 Bug verification (verifyme) (Ref:
**# New Flame base image verification (v186?)
**# Answer flame inquiries
* Week W43 (10/20~10/24):
| Alison
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Bugs verification
** Update DSDS gaia-ui-test case for bug 980757
** Study [SIMalliance] Open Mobile API Test Specification
** Test cases categorization for NFC
** Test cases categorization for Media (Ringtones part)
* Week W43 (10/20~10/24):
** Bugs verification
** Test cases categorization for Peripherals
** Predefined NFC Secure Element API test spec
| Walter
*** Bug 1084179 - [MTBF][B2G][Stability][Camera] Camera App will be black with button visible
| Cynthia
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
**Take care of Flame KK v2.0 automation reports
**Provide Woodduck daily build
**Clarify and reproduce Woodduck issues
| Edward
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Productivity - Verify sprint 6 tickets
** Bugs verfification
** Write Marionette js auto scripts.
** Final confirm and trace status of blocking issues in v2.1
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Cost Control test cases cleanup.
** Verify cost control and telemetry bugs.
** Practiced MarionetteJS test case writing.
** Practiced Jenkins CI setup.
** Built geolocation API demo.
** Built MozTrap helper addon.
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Verify cost control bugs.
** Support Bug Bash on Fri.
** Sharing on geolocation API.
** Smoketest/RAT/TOFT triage for cost control cases.
** Improve MozTrap helper addon.
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Create app usage metric test cases.
** Automate test cases for actions on notification
** Review smoke tests for SP & OTA
** Verify bugs.
| Paul
* Follow up device/graphic issue
* Prepare Q3 retrospect demo
* Q4 plan
* Check incoming request for flash tool
* download progress for flash tool
* Bug fix for in-testcase logging
* Evaluating test solution on mac mini
-- backlog --
* Followup live test run stream
* Datazilla integration
* Modifying crash report patch based on review
| eric
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Exploratoy against v2.1
** Verification of bugs
** Fixing SMS/STK test cases
** Reviewing smoke test case
** Market customization testing
| Hubert
* '''Week W42 (10/13~10/17)'''
**QA outsource partner training (10/13 ~ 10/18)
* '''Week W43 (10/20~10/24)'''
**Follow up Woodduck tasks and issues
**Handle outsource tasks and issues
**Woodduck triage meeting
**Outsourcing weekly meeting
| William Hsu
** [Device] Assist device related tests - Dolphin
**# Answer flame's inquiries from Marvin (Marvin & Partners)
| Alison
* Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
** Bugs verification
** Update DSDS gaia-ui-test case for bug 980757
** Study [SIMalliance] Open Mobile API Test Specification
** Test cases categorization for NFC

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