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5 bytes added, 11:35, 18 November 2014
Milestones: m
=== Q4 2014 (pre-alpha) ===
Deliverable: Be scoped. <p>---> Initial commitment and calendar of club creator cohorts (alpha, beta, release to market). Requirements gathering and assemble assets.
* Oct 24 -26: Initial club creators conversations at Mozfest. First draft meta arc complete. Pitch doc v1 complete.
=== Q1 2015 (alpha testing) ===
Deliverable: Be feature complete. Complete <p>---> Janky versions of all features (content, tools and support) are ready. Test with first testscohort. Experienced club creators observe & mentor new ones.
* Jan 21: Fortnightly call with club creators as a group. Review first iteration of activities. * Feb 1: Next iteration of activities. Feedback from creators. * Mar Module 1: Activities ready for testing.
=== Q2 2015 (beta testing) ===
Deliverable: Be usablecontent complete. Preview / early access with next cohort<p>---> Do usability testing. Focus on usability Content is ready for localization. Next module is ready for testing.
* AprModule 2: Unpack learning from first test. Prepare for next iteration.
=== Q3 2015 (release to marketingmarket) ===
Deliverable: Be market ready. Go gold<p>---> Content is ready for localization. Do usability testing.
=== Q4 2015 (release party) ===
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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