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18 bytes added, 12:06, 18 November 2014
Milestones: formatting
=== Q2 2015 (beta testing) ===
'''Deliverable: Be content complete. ''' <br>
---> Do usability testing. Content is ready for localization. Test "Module 2: Teach and Lead in the Open" and expand testing of Module 1. Rough versions of all web properties are ready.
=== Q3 2015 (release to market) ===
'''Deliverable: Be market ready. ''' <br>
---> Campaign. Web properties well marketed. Module remixes ready for testing in different contexts (e.g. library, at home). Module 3: Webmaker for Mobile also ready. Monitor and cultivate community leaders.
=== Q4 2015 (release party) ===
'''Deliverable: Be reflective and celebratory. ''' <br>
---> Recognition of local leaders at Mozfest. Ship physical packaging of clubs.
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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