=== Success Criteria ===
== Updates ==
=== 2014-11-28 ===
current state
* process: abstraction for handling processes in each operating system
** macos not yet supported
* memaccess: purely internal to masche, read memory bits from a process
** 19: Test Fails for Linux 32 bit binaries
** 20: on Linux: Permission Denied is being reported as a softerror instead of harderror
** 21: memaccess.WalkMemory doesn't respect the starting address parameter
* listlibs: functional for windows and linux, but buggy on linux
** no macos support right now
* memsearch: used to search inside the memory of a process
* to search memory:
# call Process to obtain a process handler
# call memsearch using the process handler
* to search libraries:
# call Process to obtain a process handler
# call listlist using the process handler
==== TODO ====
# finish refactoring of Process package
#* include modifying listlib and memsearch to take a Process as input
# fix bugs in linux implementation (19-22)
# OSX: need listlibs implementation
# Documentation
=== 2014-11-07 ===
* Testing on windows 32 bits and with 32 bit processes.. It works!
* Also tested with 32bits binaries in os x. Works!
* We should Always use 64 bit app if possible.
* Linux fixed parsing of mapped regions with whitespaces.
* Pato implemented the encoding detection algorithm, but it's ***SLOW***
* We have to talk about the scope of the project and deadlines.
** report deadline Dec 12th
** mozilla presentation tuesday Jan.5th
==== todo ====
* add warning in library init() to check if the lib is compiled for 32 bits and running on 64 bits OS
=== 2014-10-17 ===