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Labs/Ubiquity/Ubiquity 0.1 User Tutorial

2,714 bytes added, 01:36, 19 August 2008
= Welcome =
Ubiquity is an exploration in three directions for bettering making the Web:a better, more humane, and more powerful place.
Ubiquity has three basic goals: # Connecting Enabling on-demand, user-generated mashups across the Web. In other words, allowing you to remix the web so it fits your needs, no matter what page you are on, or what they are doing. Ever need to map some house locations on Craigslist, or translate some text on a Web page? Those are you-generated mashups.# Letting you "converse" with languageyour browser. What does this mean? That means allowing Google let's you type what you want to find. Ubiquity lets you type whatyou want to do.# Making it as easy to extend the browser -- and the Web -- as it is to write a web page. By the end of this tutorial you's natural ll be able to perform a quick wikipedia, google, definition, and yelp search; add maps to your email; and translate a snippet of a web page, highlight a word, and then email it to a friend. This tutorial teaches you how to use Ubiquity, but not extend it. If youwrite web pages, you'll be able to make add features to Ubiquity. <a href="xxx">Learn how here</a>. == Starting Ubiquity == If you haven't already done so, <a href="">install Ubiquity</a>. Once you've done that, you can summon Ubiquity by tapping '''option-space''' on the Mac, or '''control-space''' if you are on a PC. As soon as you do so, you'll be presented with a transparent black box, with a blinking text cursor in the upper-left of your browser . This is an early prototype version of Ubiquity -- things are bound to change drastically in the future. If you have ideas as you go through this tutorial about directions Ubiquity should go, we'd love you to so get involved in anyway you can (thoughts and sketches are valued just as much as code). To help out, check out the <a href="xxx">participation section</a> of the Ubiquity Wiki. == How to Ubiq == To '''Ubiq''' means to do something with Ubiquity. In this section we'll cover searching. Let's start with Wikipedia. Say you want to know what a "babel fish" is. You simply Ubiq "wikipedia babel fish" and you'll get some summaries from Wikipedia which you click on to find out more. To be explicit, to Ubiq "wikipedia babel fish" you tap option-space and type "wikipedia babel fish". If you know that you wantto go directly to Wikipedia without dealing with search preview, just tap return and you'll immediately be brought to the Wikipedia page for Babel Fish. Now, Ubiquity is smart so you don't need to type "Wikipedia" all the way out. Instead, you can just type the first couple of letters: try Ubiq'ing "wi babel fish" to see what happens. For instance  Another command that starts with "w" is "weather". Try Ubiq'ing "map chicagoweather sf" to get call up a map of chicagoforecast for SF. Hit return to go to's full page. Of course, you could have just Ubiq'ed "we sf", or "we 94115" to get the same results.# UserDefining words is oft-generated mashupstaken action.# Making Ubiquity makes it easy to extend . Try, for instance selecting the following word: "aglet". Now Ubiq "define". Notice that Ubiquity defines the browser's functionalityselection. You could also Ubiq "def this" and Ubiquity will know what you mean== Emailing ==

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