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5,768 bytes added, 11:44, 14 January 2015
Created page with "This page lists all the Google Summer of Code 2015 projects with confirmed mentors, and which have been approved by the SoC administrator. New suggestions can..."
This page lists all the [[SummerOfCode|Google Summer of Code]] 2015 projects with confirmed mentors, and which have been approved by the SoC administrator. New suggestions can be made on [[Community:SummerOfCode15:Brainstorming|the Brainstorming page]]. Do not edit this page yourself; contact Florian for edits.

'''Potential students''': you may choose from the list below, '''but you do not have to'''. Feel free to submit a proposal for your own idea. However, before you do so, see the [[Community:SummerOfCode15:Brainstorming|guidelines for good ideas]]. You can also discuss your ideas or application in the #introduction channel on IRC: irc:// . Your idea will have a significantly greater chance of being chosen if you can find an existing member of the Mozilla community who is willing to evaluate or mentor it. (You should name that person in your application.)

In addition to the specifically-named projects below, we have also tagged a number of bugs in Bugzilla with the keyword [ student-project]. However, as the idea of a "student project" is wider than just the Summer of Code, students looking through the list will need to decide whether any particular bug listed there is actually the right size and scope for Summer of Code.

==Application Advice==

You should do the following:

* Talk to the mentor. Contact details are on this page; if all you have is a nickname, get on [[IRC|IRC]] and try and contact them.
* Read the [ GSoC Student Guide] and follow its advice.
* Read [ How Not To Apply For Summer Of Code] and avoid doing the things listed there.
* Read our examples of good applications: [[SummerOfCode/SampleApplications/1|1]], [[SummerOfCode/SampleApplications/2|2]], [[SummerOfCode/SampleApplications/3|3]].
* Apply on [ the GSoC site] (note that we have an [[SummerOfCode/ApplicationTemplate|application template]]).
* It is entirely acceptable to apply for 2 or 3 projects, if more than one catches your eye; if the applications are high quality, that can improve your chances. However, more than 3 seems like spam.

Note that if a project suggests it would be helpful to know XUL (Mozilla's user interface description language), you may be able to get away with learning on the job. Don't be put off from applying if the project otherwise looks right for you.

Questions about individual projects are best addressed to the potential mentor of that project. These should be listed in the table below. If you want to contact a mentor and contact details are not here, ask people in the #introduction channel on IRC: irc:// If you have questions of any other sort, send mail to [, Florian and Patrick]. We will try and respond as soon as possible and get your questions directed to the right person. Please allow at least 48 hours for a reply.

== Firefox ==

{| class="standard-table" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"
! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Firefox OS / Boot2Gecko ==

{| class="standard-table" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"
! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Mozilla Platform (Gecko) ==

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! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Thunderbird ==

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! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Instantbird ==

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! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Calendar ==

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! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Bugzilla ==

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! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Accessibility ==

{| class="standard-table" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"
! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Automation & Tools ==

{| class="standard-table" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"
! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Rust ==

{| class="standard-table" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"
! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Servo ==

{| class="standard-table" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"
! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Localization ==

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! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Security ==

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! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Open(Art) ==

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! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

== Mozilla Science Lab ==

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! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments

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