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Labs/Ubiquity/Ubiquity 0.1 User Tutorial

84 bytes added, 21:57, 19 August 2008
added two screenshots
You're used to telling Firefox <i>where you want to go</i> by typing <b>Web addresses</b> into the URL bar...
[Picture Here]
With Ubiquity installed, you'll be able to tell Firefox <i>what you want it to do</i> by typing <b>commands</b> into a new Ubiquity input box.
[Picture Herehere]
Ubiquity commands can do nearly anything. Ubiquity comes with a set of built-in commands that make common Web tasks faster and easier. But these commands are just the beginning: anyone can create new commands and share them. In fact, one of our major goals is to make it as easy to create a Ubiquity command as it is to create a web page.
Once you hit the appropriate key-combo, you'll be presented with a transparent black box, with a blinking text cursor, in the upper-left of your browser.
[Picture Here]
You give Ubiquity a command by typing something in here and then hitting the Enter key. For the sake of brevity, we'll call this "issuing" a command. For the rest of this tutorial, when we say to "issue 'XYZ'", we mean "hit alt-space (or ctrl-space) to bring up the Ubiquity box, type XYZ, then hit Enter (or Return)."

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