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Labs/Ubiquity/Ubiquity 0.1 User Tutorial

29 bytes added, 22:06, 19 August 2008
Welcome: Added a link to the developer tutorial
In this tutorial, we'll teach you how to use some of the most useful built-in commands. By the end of this tutorial you'll be able to perform a quick wikipedia, google, definition, and yelp search; add maps to your email; and translate a snippet of a web page, highlight a word, and then email it to a friend.
If you want to learn how to create your own commands, please see the <a href="xxx">[[Labs/Ubiquity/Ubiquity_0.1_Author_Tutorial|Developer Tutorial</a>]].
Ubiquity is still a work in progress, and we are eager to hear your suggestions for how it could be improved. If, when reading this tutorial, you think of a way that Ubiquity could be made easier to use, or an idea for its future development, we hope you'll take a moment to <a href="">share your thoughts with us</a>. By getting involved with Ubiquity while the project is still in its early stages, you have an opportunity to shape the direction of its growth.

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