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3,726 bytes added, 13:16, 10 February 2015
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= Discussion Topics =
* Team building. (3/13), 淡水農場
* P2p workshop last week -
* We will have new PTO system
* Component(Wifi/NFC/RTSP) backlog, make it meaningful.
== Dimi ==
* ''' Done & Working in Progress '''
# {{bug|1125041}} - Transceive function does not work on NFC_A tag. '''land'''
# {{bug|1089658}} - NFC: b2g crashes when trying to read MIFARE Classic tag. '''land'''
# GC in SpiderMonkey

* ''' Review & Feedbacks '''
# {{bug|884594}} - Support NFC Access Control for Secure Element Access. '''feedback'''

* ''' Pending '''

== Ethan ==
* ''' Done & Working in Progress '''
# {{Bug|1070944}} - [NetworkStats API] Separation of Browsing data from System data ('''ongoing''')
#* Part 1: MozNetworkStats WebIDL change ('''r+''')
#* Part 2: Implementation of saving statistics ('''r+''')
#* Part 3: Implementation of NetworkStatsDB and querying statistics ('''r?''')
#* Part 4: Add test cases ('''ongoing''')
# Study DOM tree (DOM study group).
# {{Bug|1120177}} - Support icc open channel functions based on android L

* ''' Review & Feedbacks '''

* ''' Pending '''
# {{Bug|1073081}} - Allow building with warnings-as-errors on B2G
# {{Bug|1102812}} - [NetworkStats] Improve the accuracy of network statistics
# {{Bug|1116085}} - [RTSP] Error of parsing PLAY response due to no matching URL ('''ongoing''')

== Henry ==
* ''' Bugs '''
# {{Bug|1053650}} - [B2G][MMS] Host Resolving with specified DNS in XMLHttpRequest
# {{Bug|1108957}} - Add per network interface dns queries and change dns cache; Needed for b2g
#* Under review
# {{Bug|1119853}} - WiFi Direct is flaky and requires device rebooting after first or second connection
# {{Bug|992772}} - [B2G][RIL][NetworkManager] ResolveHostName with the DNS of the specified NetworkInterface.
# {{Bug|1124507}} - [Wifi Direct] Some attributes of mozWifiP2pManager aren't properly initialized across connection

# {{Bug|1118272}} - Alarms API does not fire at the right time with mozPower.cpuSleepAllowed on

* ''' Review & Feedbacks '''

* ''' Study '''
# Discussion multi-screen with connected device team.
# Wifi Direct API refine
# Service Discovery API for privilege app

* ''' Pending '''

== Jonathan ==
* ''' Done & Working in Progress '''
** {{Bug|1117486}} - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][Video streaming]MS restart when play video streaming.
*** Couldn't reproduce, made another patch for partner to test.
* ''' Review & Feedbacks '''
* ''' Pending '''
** {{Bug|1115491}} - [dolphin][FFOS7715 v2.1][RTSP video] Video stuck while playing rtsp in browser ('''couldn't reproduce''')
** {{Bug|1118652}} - [FFOS7715 v2.1] [flame & dolphin][video] Playing some RTSP video, system crash. ('''couldn't reproduce''')
* ''' Studying '''
** Studying presentation API & Fennec, discuss with SC about what to do for the demo
** Made a small slides about W3C organization
** Preparing talk about WebIDL Binding

== Yoshi ==
** {{Bug|1104476}} - Enable MOZ_NFC on L. '''landed, b2g37?'''
** {{Bug|1127726}} - Cannot receive NDEF from another NFC Peer. '''landed, b2g37+'''
* ''' Review & Feedbacks '''
** {{Bug|879861}} - NFC Secure Element Support
** {{Bug|884594}} - Support NFC Access Control for Secure Element Access

* ''' Pending '''

== Wesley(EPM) ==
* Lead retrieval for MWC 2015: feasibility looks positive. ETA is late Feb, so in this case we aren't able to support most QA efforts.
* Scheduling a concall with NXP for tag reading/writing.

== Howie (EPM for Networking) ==
* To clean up backlog
** Everyone please review the list, change the tag from 'backlog' to '-' if you think a bug is unnecessary to solve
** We will review the final backlog list and select few of them as tracking + bug to fix in priority

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