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Thunderbird:Testing:Antivirus Related Performance Issues

548 bytes added, 12:32, 12 February 2015
Solutions for Antivirus Software: Added a Nortons entry.
* Problem: "expanding or collapsing items (subfolders, accounts) in the Folders display often locks up TB completely and the progam goes into Not responding state. OS is Windows Vista Home Premium SP2"
* Solution: Upgrade to Version 9: "Bullguard asked me to upgrade from Version 8 to the beta version of Verion 9 of their product. This does seem to have resolved the issue. I am now running with their Spamfilter 9.0 enabled and (fingers crossed) everything seems OK."
== Norton Security ==
To quote the Nortons support article "The email scanning feature in your Norton product cannot scan emails from the accounts that are configured for SSL. Email scanning can only scan emails from the accounts that are configured for POP3 and SMTP" [ Source page here] This would mean that IMAP mail accounts are also not scanned, regardless of the connection security.
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