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558 bytes added, 19:57, 8 August 2005
Softoken Specific Parameters
'''configDir''' - Configuration Directory where NSS can store persistant state information (typically databases).
'''secmod''' - Name of the secmod database (default = secmod.db).
'''certPrefix''' - Prefix for both the cert and key database unless keyPrefix is specified.
'''keyPrefix''' - Prefix for the key database.
'''minPWLen''' - Minimum password length in bytes.
'''dbSlotDescription''' - Override the default value for the internal DB token to return as the slotDescription of the CK_SLOT_INFO structure with an internationalize string (UTF8). This value will be truncated at 32 bytes (no NULL).
'''FIPSSlotDescription''' - Override the default value for the internal FIPS token to return as the slotDescription of the CK_SLOT_INFO structure with an internationalize string (UTF8). This value will be truncated at 32 bytes (no NULL).
'''flags''' -comma separated list of flag values, parsed case-insensitive.
Valid flags are:
'''noModDB'''- don't open SECMOD.db and try to supply the strings. The MOD DB function is not through standard PKCS #11 interfaces. '''readOnly'''- All databases should be opened read only. '''noCertDB'''- Don't try to open a certificate database. '''noKeyDB'''- Don't try to open a key database. '''forceOpen'''- Don't fail to initialize the token if the databases could not be opened. '''passwordRequired'''- zero length passwords are not acceptable (valid only if there is a keyDB). '''optimizeSpace'''- allocate smaller hash tables and lock tables.When this flag is not specified, Softoken will allocate large tables to prevent lock contention.
'''tokens''' - configure tokens by hand. Typically this parameter would not be specified unless additional tokens

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