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4 bytes added, 19:39, 17 July 2015
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Mozilla, together with partners and collaborators, are striving for universal web literacy with an approach called connected learning. Connected learning is based on research that people learn best if they can combine their personal passions with rigorous academic scaffolding and to make projects with friends, peers and educators. Open networks make this learning possible.
We unified our efforts in education in the Mozilla Learning Network. We serve our mission by teaching digital skills in local communities through interest-driven learning and making. Our goal is to help people become critical consumers, contributors and participants on the Web. If people experience the web as critical to their learning, work and social lives they will better understand their role in helping the Web remain open, accessible and a resource for all.
Mozilla Learning Networks will achieve this through :
''Creating Networks''- Hives - Supporting city-based communities where educators, organizations and learners are networked for greater impact. Fueling innovation in the larger mentor ecosystem.
''Convenings'' - MozFest- intensional events spread throughout our community and calendar giving the opportunity for in-person gatherings and focus to create, build and cultivate resources and strategy.
''Groups''- Clubs- help us cultivate deeper, local relationships and leadership. Clubs builds on our efforts to mobilize the community by offering more ongoing and sustainable experiences to teach web literacy skills in local contexts.
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