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Security/Contextual Identity Project/Containers

358 bytes removed, 04:38, 31 July 2015
Description paragraph not accurate
Linux containers all share Individuals behave differently in the same kernel but world when they have are in different process/networking/filesystem namespacescontext. The way they act at work may differ from how they act with their family. Similarly, browser containers share the same [[Security/Contextual Identity Project/User Profiles|browser profile]] and process but users have different cookie/storage namespaces. When a user creates a new container, the contexts when they browser opens a new window that's visually different from the other ones and that window has a different appid [1]web. They may not want to leak their social network context with their work context. When that window The goal of this project is closed, all of the data related to allow users to separate these different contexts while browsing the container's main origin is retained, but the rest is cleared (e.gweb on Firefox. a Facebook container Each context will keep Facebook cookies to preserve the session, but it will clear all non-Facebook cookies to reduce tracking). [1] The AppID key is linked to have its own cookie jars, local storage, indexedDB, HTTP auth cache, HTTP data cache. It jar that is NOT linked with history, bookmarks or addonssegregated from other contexts.
==Benefit for users==
Canmove, confirm

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